Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 46 Saving Fushiguro Tsumiki

Chapter 46 Saving Fushiguro Tsumiki

After learning that the two rituals might be able to revive Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Megumi was no longer as calm as before and wanted to teleport everyone to the hospital.

When arriving at the hospital, the first thing that greets everyone is the lingering smell of disinfectant.

Fushiguro Tsumiki was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. Except for an unknown curse rune that only a conjurer could see on her forehead, her expression was as quiet as if she was just a sleeping beauty.

It's just that this sleep was too long for Fushiguro Megumi.

How long will you continue to sleep? It's almost time to wake up, sister.

But, can you wake up?

Megumi Fushiguro looked at the two rituals with some anxiety, bowed deeply and said:


Although the so-called abilities so far are only one-sided words from the other party, this was originally a precious hope that could be encountered but not sought. Even if it failed, it would just be standing still, and it would not get worse.

He was unwilling to let go of even a glimmer of hope.

However, the two men in front of him ignored his plea. Instead, they turned to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka next to them, waiting for instructions from the other party.

Everything in this world has nothing to do with her. The only one who cares about her, the only one who can make her take action, is Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Fujimaru Ritsuka said to the two rituals:
"Please, do your best."

"I understand."

The two men nodded slightly and walked up to Fushiguro Tsumiki's bedside to observe her.

Under the moonlight at night, the rainbow-colored pupils of the [Straight-Death Demonic Eye] become more and more dazzling, exuding the ultimate magical charm.

Gazing at those breathtakingly beautiful eyes, except for Fushiguro Megumi, who was focused on his sister's safety, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Gojo Satoru couldn't help but be attracted by its charm and were a little distracted.

Fushiguro Tsumiki's figure was completely reflected in the rainbow-colored pupils. Although it was just an observation, the conspicuous red mark on her forehead was really hard to ignore.

"found it."

After a while, the two men slowly drew out their swords. The cold moonlight reflected the blade of the sword, which was extremely cold.

Accompanied by the friction sound of the blade being unsheathed, Fushiguro Megumi stared closely at Fushiguro Tsumiki and the two rituals, and the anxiety in her heart reached its peak.

Can it work?
However, the process of removing the curse was far less intense or bumpy than he expected.

I saw the two rituals casually swinging the sword at Fushiguro Tsumiki, and slashed in the air. It looked like it was just a simple slash in the air.

Only she could see that her knife accurately cut the curse's death line!

The next second, in Fushiguro Megumi's shocked eyes, the curse mark on Fushiguro Megumi's forehead that could not be removed by all means began to slowly fade and eventually disappeared.

"Did you make it?!"


The two men responded, put away their swords, and returned to Fujimaru Ritsuka's side, as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's nothing."

Hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's thanks, Ryogi showed a gentle smile.

Megumi Fushiguro stared at Miki Fushiguro intently, not wanting to miss the slightest change that might occur in the other person.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, Fushiguro Tsumiki's eyelids trembled slightly.


The familiar voice that seemed to have been buried in his memory for many years came, making Fushiguro Megumi's eyes widen. In his nervous and excited expression, Fushiguro Miki, who had been unconscious for a long time, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes confused. Look at Fushiguro Megumi.

"Hui? Why do you seem to have grown so much? Hey, why am I lying on the hospital bed?"

The next moment she saw Megumi Fushiguro, Miki Fushiguro noticed her extremely weak voice and her body that was so stiff and weak that it seemed as if she didn't care about herself. ".Because you have been struck by some unknown curse and have been comatose in the hospital bed for a long time."

The initial excitement was quickly buried in her heart after hearing her sister's doubts. Fushiguro Megumi seemed to have returned to her normal state, answering the other party's questions calmly.


Fushiguro Tsumiki was stunned for a moment, obviously still a little confused about the current situation and Fushiguro Megumi's answer.

At this time, Gojo Satoru and Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at each other in unison, turned and left in a tacit agreement, exiting the room, leaving the next time and space for the two siblings to be alone.

"It really worked."

Sitting on the bench outside the ward, Gojo Satoru sighed.

But what made him even more emotional was the sword wielded by Liang Lili.

Although his [Six Eyes] could not see the so-called 'death line' mentioned by the opponent, the moment she slashed it with her sword, [Six Eyes] still successfully collected some kind of fluctuating residue.

But even if it was just a tiny bit of filth, the information and data it contained was quite astonishing to him.

Until now, his eyes were still swollen and painful, as if they were about to burst.

Fortunately no one noticed, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his students.

But corresponding to the pain, the gains are also unprecedentedly huge.

Although he still seems unable to digest these data, he has a hunch:
If he can fully understand this information, he may be able to go one step further, and it is not impossible to even go several steps further.

Then, when he thought that these data were just a trace of insignificance left behind by Ryo Ritsu's casual slash, his understanding of Ryo Ritsu and Fujimaru Ritsuka was further updated.

No matter how you look at it, the power of the two rituals is enough to destroy the world, right?
But such a terrifying young lady seems to be enamored of Fujimaru Ritsuka and is willing to let him drive her.

Oh, by the way, so does Jeanne d'Arc Alter.

Thinking of this, he looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, Fujimaru Ritsuka is just an ordinary young girl, but why does she have such great charm?

Is this guy a super succubus?

Suddenly, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt a chill and shivered uncontrollably.

Seeing Gojo Satoru looking at her for some reason, she asked suspiciously:

"I said, Teacher Gojo, were you thinking about something bad just now?"

"Ahaha, how could it be possible? You are my most proud student!"

Gojo Satoru scratched his head and laughed, changed the subject as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile:
"Anyway, Hui's sister was successfully revived this time. As Hui's teacher and guardian, I should once again thank you and Ms. Liang Li for your help. It was really a big help."

Fujimaru Ritsuka waved her hands and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter. I believe that if I get into trouble, Teacher Gojo will help me."

"Indeed, of course."

Gojo Satoru nodded matter-of-factly, then was stunned for a moment.

Speaking of which, did I help Fujimaru Ritsuka with anything?

Maybe not?

But it feels like I did something.

He patted his temples with both hands to clear away the messy thoughts in his mind, and smiled at Fujimaru Ritsuka:
"Anyway, I will continue to trouble you. As for the specific situation, please control it yourself."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded and said:
"Ok, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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