Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 44: There was almost a fight, but by 1 point

Chapter 44: There was almost a fight, but it was almost

"The guy who sparred with Gojo-sensei?"

"Two ceremonies?"

Hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugizaki Rose looked at each other.

They all recalled that when they visited Fujimaru Ritsuka's servant summoning ceremony that day, Gojo Satoru once said, "But I thought that what was summoned would be two rituals. What a pity." 'Such a sentiment.

Could it be that those two rituals were the woman in front of me?

The opponent that Gojo Satoru could care about must be very powerful, right?
On the other side, Liang Li looked at Gojo Satoru with some confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

Fujimaru Ritsuka explained for him:
"No, Teacher Gojo, although I summoned the Ritual Ritual before, to be precise, it should be Shiki, and the Ritual Ritual next to me is another person."

After hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's explanation, Ryo Rishi suddenly understood Gojo:

"So you've seen that child before and fought with her before? You were able to survive from her hands. It seems like you're quite powerful."

"Of course, I am the strongest after all."

Gojo Satoru accepted the compliments from Ryo Ryu without humility and said with a smile:
"But it's too reluctant to call it a battle. It's just a simple exchange of two moves. It's really not satisfying."

Then, he stared at the two ceremonies with interest and asked:
"According to Ritsuka, you and she should be about the same existence, right? In this case, your abilities should be similar, right?"

"No, there are many differences."

Liang Li said without hesitation:

"And in terms of ability, I'm stronger than that kid."

"Hahaha, really? That's great!"

Gojo Satoru laughed happily, his eyes shining with excitement.

So, he couldn't wait to send an invitation to the two ceremonies:

"So, do you want to fight with me?"


The students on the side held their breath and watched intently.

The person who can make Gojo Satoru take the initiative to challenge is definitely not an ordinary person. In other words, the next development may become the strongest and most intense battle scene in the magic world. Just thinking about it is exciting!

As an invitee, Liang Li tilted his head in confusion and said:
"Are you sure?"

"But you will die."

What a tough response!

Everyone couldn't help but marvel in their hearts. They didn't expect that this girl looked like a gentle and gentle big sister type, but was actually such a strong character? !

As the person involved, Gojo Satoru still kept a smile on his face and did not seem to be affected by the other party's words at all.

But the next moment-

"Then forget it."

What the students didn't expect was that after the other party said such cruel words, Gojo Satoru actually raised his hands and chose to surrender without hesitation.

He said with a playful smile:

"It would be a big loss if he died so carelessly."


Seeing this, everyone immediately booed in disappointment, and Zenyuan Maki even said bluntly:
"Teacher Gojo, do you know that it is the most embarrassing thing to provoke others and then give in first?"

“Salmon Salmon!”

"Ahaha, I can't help it, after all, I don't want to die!"

Gojo Satoru responded with a heartless smile. He seemed not to be affected by Zenyuan Maki's words at all. He was obviously extremely shameless.

However, no one thought that Gojo Satoru was really scared. Instead, it was more like an inexplicable act, just like before. "."

But what others couldn't see was that Gojo Satoru's six eyes, hidden under the eyepatch, did not smile at all and were watching the two ceremonies intently.

The moment the other party finished speaking, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

He will die.

This is a warning from his body and instincts.

There was no bluff in the other party's words, nor was it an arrogant provocation. It was just a straightforward statement, just like her plain tone.

Especially at the moment when he looked into each other's eyes, through those rainbow-colored pupils, he seemed to really see his own death.

There's something wrong with that eye.

"Are your eyes special too?"

Suddenly, Gojo Satoru asked.

Hearing this question, Liangli did not answer, but turned to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The [Death-Death Demonic Eye] is the most precious Rainbow-level Demonic Eye in her world. It is considered a treasure that only exists in myths, so it is very coveted by others.

The reason why she didn't answer immediately was because she was worried that there was a group of people in this world who coveted the power of the Demon Eye, and if she answered, it would cause trouble to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although she can kill them easily, she will feel irritated if there are flies around her all the time.

In addition, for her, [Death Eye] is more of a manifestation of her own ability, rather than the ability itself.

Even if her magic eyes were dug out, her power would still not be lost.

Of course, no one can take out her eyes.

Fujimaru Ritsuka understood the meaning of the two rituals. After showing her a smile, she realized to Gojo:

"Yes, but please allow me to keep the specific abilities a secret."

As she said this, she quietly made a gesture to Gojo Satoru from an angle that no one could see.

Gojo Satoru half-squinted his eyes, taking in all Fujimaru Ritsuka's little moves, and said with a smile:
"Is that so? Okay, then I won't ask. After all, I am a qualified teacher, so I naturally have to respect the privacy of my students."

Yet at the same time—

The two-faced Su Nuo in the body of Knotweed Hisahito looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and the two rituals with interest. At the moment when Gojo Satoru and the other party were confronting each other, he seemed to have caught a mysterious wave.

That feeling was like death.

Thinking of this, he looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with more and more interest.

"It's getting more and more interesting."
It was approaching noon, and the morning exercise was almost over. People who got a little rest couldn't help but cast their eyes on Fujimaru Ritsuka and the two servants she unexpectedly summoned.

As both Servants, they unconsciously compared her with Jeanne Alter when observing the two rituals, and soon discovered the differences in their personalities.

Although Jeanne Alter looks very beautiful, her first impression is more of an evil witch or a cold warrior. She does look like a shikigami.

The two ceremonies did not give people such an impression at all. If they did not explain it deliberately, they might really think that this was just a noble lady, an innocent eldest lady who was as ignorant of the world as a child.

In addition, this young lady’s attitude towards Fujimaru Ritsuka is obviously unusual!
Ryōri sat next to Fujimaru Ritsuka, quietly and intently watching Fujimaru Ritsuka exercise, as if she was the only one in the world.

When Fujimaru Ritsuka finished her exercise, she took meticulous care of her husband just like Yamato Nadeshiko. She took out a tissue to wipe Fujimaru Ritsuka's sweat and gave her warm water.

"Master, thank you for your hard work."

"Ah, thanks."

More importantly, Fujimaru Ritsuka seems to have long been accustomed to this extra-standard attentive service, and enjoys the other party's care as a matter of course, and does not think there is any problem at all.

No problem to blame!
The flames of gossip burning in everyone's hearts grew hotter and hotter, and subconsciously, they looked at Jeanne d'Arc Alter on the side.

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(End of this chapter)

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