Chapter 41 Let’s start cleaning

"What does this mean? Is it familiar?"

Gojo Satoru scratched his hair and smiled helplessly.

However, he was more or less aware of this, so he threw himself into the trap.

There is no way but to admit it.

So he laughed and said:

"Then, it's time to get down to the real topic. When you invited me here, you didn't just plan to give me some messy science information, right?"

The Cave King didn't waste any time and went straight to the point:

"I need you to join me in doing a 'spring cleaning' here."

"Usually, I and several other servants are responsible for cleaning this place regularly, but they didn't come with us. Even for me, it's very difficult for me to deal with these things alone."

"Also, if it were in other worlds, we could ask Ritsuka to help, but not in this world."

He looked at the space in front of him and realized to Gojo:

"Your world is based on the power of mantra condensed from people's negative emotions, and this is where all negative energy gathers."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru half-closed his eyes and heard some clues.

"In other words, due to the special rules of our world, there will be some bad chemical reactions when Ritsuka comes in?"

The cave king nodded and said:

"This is her abandoned hole, an imaginary space that should not exist. Ritsuka has already understood the rules of our world. If she comes in, she will bring the rules of this world here, then"

"Will a super curse spirit be born?"

Gojo Satoru guessed.

Looking at the seemingly endless chaotic area in front of us, the power of the curse spirit born from it is simply unimaginable.

Even after seeing all of this, he suddenly felt that the current situation of Huzhang Youren and Liangmian Sunuo didn't seem to be a big deal, and it was nothing compared to the scene in front of him.

"That's just one of the possibilities."

The Cave King did not deny Gojo Satoru's guess and continued:

"Finally, there is one more thing to note."

"Originally, these residues and filth will turn into various enemies that Ritsuka has fought with, and many of them are quite difficult to deal with."

"It's just that now, for some reason that even I don't fully understand, after coming to this world, it suddenly became a lot calmer, and no monsters were produced for quite some time."

"And recently, a new monster has been born."

As if cooperating with the Cave King's words, at this moment, two dark figures suddenly emerged from the chaos.

These guys, like the spirit-based shadows summoned by Fujimaru Ritsuka, were all wrapped in thick black mist, making it difficult for people to see their true faces.

However, from some particularly striking features, Gojo Satoru recognized that one of the figures seemed to be the special cursed spirit that was killed by Fujimaru Ritsuka during the attack on the school.

In other words, are these two guys the two special-level curse spirits killed by Fujimaru Ritsuka?

The moment the two newly born monsters discovered Gojo Satoru and the Cave King, they attacked them without explanation, as if they were enemies rooted deep in their souls.

"Let me test the waters first."

After saying this, Gojo Satoru took the initiative to rush towards the two monsters and attack with his fists.

However, what he didn't expect was that the monster had no intention of evading his attack. It allowed his fist to come into close contact with his head, and was instantly dispersed!
Gojo Satoru frowned slightly. Facing the second monster, he did not take the initiative to attack again, but just dodged the opponent's attack.

After observing for a while, he came to some specific understanding.

These monsters seem to retain some of their original abilities, but they are quite superficial and can be regarded as weakened versions of their original forms.

In addition, they only have pure instincts of attack and destruction without intelligence, and are at best equivalent to babies with no power. It can be said that it is quite easy to eliminate them without any effort. "Is this really a literal cleaning? I thought there might be a fierce battle."

After discovering this, Gojo Satoru said with some disappointment.

Hearing this, the Cave King on the side sighed:
"The bliss of ignorance. You should be glad that this is really just a housecleaning and not the troublesome 'housecleaning' it was."

Gojo Satoru asked curiously:

"So what was 'spring cleaning' like in the past?"

".You don't want to know."

The Cave King was very secretive, looking like he didn't want to mention it, skipping the topic and said:

"Anyway, now that you have a basic understanding of the situation here, then-"

"Let's start the cleaning."

The words of the Cave King were like the starting gun on the playing field. The moment the words fell, the chaotic space that was originally calm suddenly became restless!
In Gojo Satoru's surprised eyes, monsters like the ones just now were born out of chaos. Almost in the blink of an eye, the originally empty chaotic space turned into a wave of monsters that could not be seen to the end, and it was like a wave of zombies. Generally rush towards him!

"This scene is really spectacular."

Gojo Satoru said these words with a smile, but his heart was not as relaxed as he appeared, because at this moment, he suddenly thought of another meaning of general cleaning——

Quite tiring physical work.
In the morning, Fujimaru Ritsuka, full of energy, came to the school playground and prepared to do morning exercises with everyone.

At this time, everyone on the playground was basically here. Seeing everyone, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and stepped forward to say hello:

"Good morning everyone~!"

"Good morning, Ritsuka."


"Good morning."


Responses came one after another. At this time, Kugizaki Wild Rose noticed that Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be in a somewhat unusual state today, and asked in surprise:
"Ritsuka, why do I feel that your appearance today is different from before? It must not be my imagination, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to Fujimaru Ritsuka and looked up and down. Seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little uncomfortable, they couldn't help but look at themselves.

"Is it because I'm not wearing clothes? Or is my hair a little messy? Is it because I didn't mark the shoelaces?"

"No, that's not the problem,"

After looking at it for a while, the panda rubbed his chin and said:
"How should I put it, it just gives people the feeling that Ritsuka, you seem to be in a better state today than usual."

"That's right! That's it!"

Kugizaki Wild Rose nodded quickly and agreed.

"What, it turns out that's what it is."

Fujimaru Ritsuka breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, then smiled and said:

"Maybe it's because I slept very comfortably last night. When I woke up today, I felt that I had a lot of energy today."

Hearing what Fujimaru Ritsuka said, Jeanne Alter on the side seemed a little happy for some reason.

"Indeed, adequate sleep is quite useful for the body's recovery."

"That's great. I woke up once in the middle of the night last night."

Everyone was chatting and warming up, and soon got into morning exercises.

After a while, Gojo Satoru appeared in people's sight, and his sleepy and listless look also attracted people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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