Chapter 250

"There was quite a big fuss last night."

The next day, Dr. Ali watched the news reports on TV and couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what the original intention of Noah's Ark is, what it claims is that it started a death game with the lives of fifty children as bets, and most of these children are the second and third generation descendants of political and economic figures. There is no doubt that It's a very bad incident.

More importantly, Noah's Ark is not a human being, but artificial intelligence. This is an unprecedented crime case in human society.

Once these two incidents were reported, they immediately caused an uproar in the whole society. From the official to the public, everyone joined the discussion, and the discussion was unprecedentedly intense.

In comparison, the report that the chairman of Sindora, a leading IT company, is a descendant of Jack the Ripper, did not arouse the slightest splash of public opinion in this huge wave.

Because in Sindora's expectation, after learning about this incident, his competitors would attack him. Now they are also in jail because of the bad influence of Noah's Ark, and they have no time to take care of themselves.

On the other side, Conan is pestering Haibara Ai endlessly. Needless to say, the purpose is naturally about Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Since Dr. Agasa was also there last night, Haibara Ai went back directly with him. He and Mao Lilan were also responsible for sending Yoshida Ayumi and the others home, so he did not have much chance to interact with Haibara Ai. comminicate.

So today, in order to prevent Haibara Ai from going out to find Fujimaru Ritsuka again, he came to Dr. Agasa's house early in the morning to block the door.

Looking at the entangled Conan in front of him, Haiyuan Ai sighed helplessly and said:

"You are such a persistent stalker. No wonder even Xiaolan finds you annoying."

"I said, this is not the same thing at all?!"

Conan retorted with a black line.

However, he did not let Hui Yuan Ai change the topic and continued to question:

"You obviously saw the performance of the little girl named Jack in the game yesterday, and her killing skills. Do you think it's normal?"

"I saw that child last night, and the scars on his face were indeed concerning."

Dr. A Li on the side couldn't help but interjected.

Last night, Noah's Ark almost completely cut off the connection between inside and outside the game. They could only see their general progress through the console, but could not see the detailed pictures, so they had no idea what was happening in the game.

Just now, Conan gave him a rough explanation of the situation in the game, which gave him a vague idea.

The scars on Jack's face looked very much like marks scratched by a knife blade. According to Conan, they were indeed very similar to injuries sustained while receiving assassin training.

"But Shinichi, I have a question."

Dr. A Li was a little confused and said:

"If that child is really a killer trained by Ritsuka's family since childhood, then their behavior should be more low-key, but isn't it a little conspicuous now?"

"Yes, this is also what I can't figure out."

Conan nodded, acknowledging the flaws in his current speculation, and then fixed his gaze on Haibara and lamented:

"That's why I came here to find answers."

"Sorry, no comment."

Facing Haiyuan Ai's plain but firm response, Conan frowned deeply and said in a deep voice:

"Haihara, do you really understand the current situation? Ritsuka has now met Dr. Agasa, and has become friends with Xiaolan and Sonoko. If something goes wrong with her, everyone will be involved!"

"Furthermore, if she has contact with the black organization."

"If she had anything to do with the Black Organization, we would all be doomed a long time ago."

Haihara Ai interrupted Conan's speech and said unceremoniously:

"Don't forget, you have already exposed yourself in front of Sister Ritsuka. It is not difficult for her to find out your true identity, Kudo Shinichi." "I"

Conan's face suddenly stiffened, and it was difficult to refute. This was indeed his own problem.

But in fact, last night, he recalled the contact with Fujimaru Ritsuka from the beginning to the present, and believed that the other party did not come to them deliberately and had no ill intentions, so he was able to remain calm now.


Hui Yuan Ai sighed again, helplessly spread his hands and said:

"Let me say it one last time, I promised Sister Ritsuka not to reveal her affairs to anyone. This is a promise that must be kept."

"But if you are really curious, you can ask her directly."

Last night, Fujimaru Ritsuka made it clear that she didn't mind letting Conan know her identity, so she conveyed this to Conan.

It's a pity that Conan doesn't believe it.

After hearing what she said, Conan scratched his head frantically as expected.

Of course he didn't believe this statement. In his opinion, it was as outrageous as saying, 'If you really want to know the true identity of the leader of the black organization, you can just ask Gin.'

Do you think he is a fool?

Seeing that he really couldn't persuade Haibara Ai, Conan turned his attention to Dr. Ali aside, hoping that the other party could help him persuade him.

If it was Dr. Ali, Haihara Ai would still be willing to listen.

However, who knew that Dr. Ali noticed his gaze, scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Actually, although I don't have much contact with Ritsuka, I think Ritsuka is a very good child. There is no need for you to worry too much, Shinichi."

Conan said speechlessly:

"Doctor, you are a scientist, why do you believe in feelings?"

Dr. A Li said with a smile:

"This sentence is a bit biased. For scientists, 'feeling' is also a very important thing."


Conan had nothing to say and was unable to complain.

Because Mao Lilan also saw Jack's abnormal situation in the game, after returning home, he once asked Xiao Lan what he thought of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

What he didn't expect was that the answers given by Mao Lilan and Dr. Ali were exactly the same.

Forget it about Haibara Ai, even Mao Lilan and Dr. Ari prefer Fujimaru Ritsuka. It is obvious that they barely understand her situation, right?


Conan was puzzled. Could it be that Fujimaru Ritsuka had some magical power?

In short, looking at Dr. Ali, who was looking at Haibara Ai in front of him, he suddenly felt defeated, and he felt like he was the enemy of the world when he woke up.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said:

Hum, even if I am the enemy of the whole world, I still want to find out the truth!

Just wait for me!



After returning from the press conference, the little ones in the nursery rhyme and other children's groups had a late night snack and then returned directly to Chaldea. She, Matthew and Moriarty were left alone in the room again.

They also went out early in the morning, but instead of hanging out with Matthew like before, they went out to do something serious——

buy a bigger house

 Hi, hi



(End of this chapter)

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