Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

End of Chapter 248, Yui and Hiroki, arrested

End of Chapter 248, Yui and Hiroki, arrested

Both parties solved their doubts. After some exchanges, Hiroki smiled at Conan and said:

"In this case, it's time for us to say goodbye. Next, you still have a lot of answers to find, right?"


As the other party said, there are still many questions waiting for him to explore in reality, not to mention that in this game, he has added a lot of new questions.

So Conan nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

But after taking two steps, he turned around and smiled at Hiroki and asked:

"Hiroki, you should live in Noah's Ark forever, right?"

However, Hiroki smiled and shook his head:

"If I continue to exist, I will definitely be used by adults to do bad things, right? Artificial intelligence is too early for this world."


Conan understood what the other person meant, and the smile on his face gradually faded, and he fell into silence.

Hiroki continued to smile:

"However, I hope you can tell everyone something for me after you return to the real world."

"That's real life, it's not as simple as a game."

".I see."

Conan turned around again, walked towards the portal, and waved to him:

"Goodbye then, Hiroki."


Hiroki stood there, watching the other party leave with a smile. When Conan disappeared into the portal, the smile on his face gradually faded.

He stood there and looked around slowly, as if he wanted to completely imprint the scene and memories in front of him in his mind, with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Sindora is about to get the punishment he deserves, and his wish to play with his friends has been realized, and he has no regrets.

So, is it really time to end?

"...Do you want to commit suicide? Why?"

At this moment, suddenly, a familiar voice with doubts and curiosity came from the side.

He suddenly turned his head to look, only to find that Yui, who had already left with Tongyao and others, appeared in front of him again for some reason.

Moreover, unlike the regular clothes the other party wore in the game before, Yui is now wearing a pink petal dress, with her bare feet suspended in mid-air, like an elf.


Hiroki looked at Yui in shock. The feeling she gave him was definitely not human, but something more familiar...

"I originally thought you were a companion, but I didn't expect you to be an artificial AI?"

Yui's tone was a little disappointed, she thought she had met a new companion.

But think about it, BB told her before that in a technological world of SAO's level, being able to give birth to her was already a miracle among miracles.

This was after BB provided her with help.

And the technological level of the world she lives in now is much worse than the world she was born in. The hope of independently birthing AI is even slimmer.

After hearing her words, Hiroki was a little confused and said:

"What do you mean by artificial AI?"

Yui smiled and explained:

"This is just what we call it. In short, artificial AI refers to AI like you that upload or copy human consciousness to the network to become AI."

For example, in the SAO she was born into, the designer of SAO, Kayaba Akihiko, was like this.

Speaking of Kayaba Akihiko, Yui suddenly discovered that Hiroki in front of her and Kayaba Akihiko did have many similarities.

Of course, Hiroki is much kinder than that Kayaba Akihiko.

"Artificial AI..."

Hiroki chewed on this concept with a confused expression.

In fact, this concept is not difficult to understand, but the problem is that Yui said 'like you', which obviously contains two meanings.

First, she herself does not belong to this category; second, she has seen other beings like him.

Whatever it meant, it was unbelievable to him.

However, in the two years since he entered the Internet, he has completely wandered the entire Internet several times, but he has never encountered an artificial intelligence like him. But now Yui tells him that not only are there, but there are many more?

How can this be! ?

However, looking at Yui appearing alive in front of him, he had to believe such a statement.

Moreover, if the other party is not the artificial AI she calls herself, then within the scope of her own knowledge, there is no doubt that the other AI is the real AI that generates wisdom from the program itself.

But you must know that even an existence like him is already a product that has surpassed today's era. And with today's technological level, can a true AI like Yui really give birth to such an existence? !


Hiroki couldn't help but fell into silence. The sudden unfolding was far beyond his control, leaving him at a loss for a moment.

He never thought that just by holding a fake death game to educate the second generation, he would encounter such a thing.

Although her companion Jack's performance in the game is far beyond normal, it is still within the understandable range, but now...

After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice:

"What is your purpose and why do you come to me?"


Unexpectedly, after hearing his question, Yui tilted her head in confusion, and then said with a smile:

"I just thought I found my companion again, so I came to take a look. There is no other meaning."

"Since you are not a being like us, and you don't really intend to do bad things, then I don't care."

"Bye, go ahead and commit suicide."

After saying that, Yui waved goodbye to him and disappeared into the space, leaving Hiroki standing alone with a hesitant look on his face.


Do you want to continue committing suicide?

Thinking back on what just happened, it felt like a terrible dream.

Originally, he chose to kill himself in order to prevent himself from being used by bad people because he was ahead of his time, but now...

Hiroki fell into thought.

"Chairman Sindora is a descendant of Jack the Ripper."

Seeing that Sindora was really hard to tell, Yusaku Kudo finally did it for him and revealed the truth that he tried his best to hide.


As soon as these words came out, as expected, it was like a bomb exploding on the lake, instantly causing an uproar in the central control room.

Mumu Thirteen looked at Sindora in shock. He never imagined that the other party would be related to the murderer who wreaked havoc in London a hundred years ago.

Seeing that her biggest secret was exposed, Sindora seemed to be relieved of the heavy burden she had been carrying for a long time. She relaxed and took the initiative to confess:

"Hiroki collected all the information around him for the experiment, including the dagger inherited from my family that belonged to Jack the Ripper."

"But he didn't expect that he found DNA from the dagger that belonged to Jack the Ripper's mother, Honey Charlest, which was consistent with my DNA."

From this, Hiroki discovered the secret that he was a descendant of Jack the Ripper.

Mumu Shisan said in a deep voice:

"Then in order to cover up this secret, you began to force Hiroki and made him commit suicide under tremendous pressure."

Sindora held her head in her hands and said painfully:

"I'm afraid of the blood of sin that runs through me."

"And if the news is announced, the company I have worked so hard to build will be destroyed. I am very afraid that this will happen!"


Everyone fell into silence because this was indeed an unanswerable question.

Jack the Ripper was already a vicious criminal more than a hundred years ago. Sindora is five or six generations apart from him. From a legal point of view, Jack the Ripper's sins can no longer be traced to him.

However, from the public's perspective, no matter how many generations separate the two, as long as Sindora bears the title [Descendant of Jack the Ripper], she obviously has original sin.

And this original sin was enough to completely destroy the business empire he had built.

Finally, Mumu sighed and said in a deep voice:

"But no matter what, that child Hiroki is innocent. In order to cover up the so-called secret, you did something truly sinful. I can only express my regret."

"Anyway, please come with us to the police station."

 Come spicy!



(End of this chapter)

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