Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 226 New problem, the return of Chaldea

Chapter 226 New problem, the return of Chaldea

Homicide, robbery, theft, mystery.

Things that ordinary people may not encounter a few times in their lives, Fujimaru Ritsuka was fully arranged in three days.

After hearing her experience, everyone couldn't help but show expressions that were hard to explain.

Matthew couldn't help showing a look of pity and said:

"Senior, thank you for your hard work."

"Don't pity me, doesn't it make me more pitiful?!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka saw this and said with a black line:

"Besides, apart from the last mysterious incident, isn't it normal to encounter cases in this world?"

"For example, on the day you came, Matthew, didn't you encounter two cases in a row?"

"Ah, that seems to be true."

After being reminded by Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu realized belatedly that this was a world themed around detectives and crime.

On the other side of the projection, little Leonardo da Vinci in Chaldea was lost in thought.

"Leave aside ordinary cases, this kind of situation has not been found in previous [transfers], that is to say"

Her voice became quieter and quieter, until she was almost just mumbling.

After a while, her thoughts returned to reality, she looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and said with a smile:

"Well, let's do that for the time being. Maybe the data brought back by Master Tripitaka this time will allow me to make some new discoveries."

"Anyway, Master, I would like to ask you to pay more attention to the abnormal situation around you. Maybe this kind of vibration is coming from somewhere in the world?"

"Well, I see."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded, and the topic ended here. Finally, she asked casually:

"Is everyone else okay now?"

"Okay, probably."

Little Da Vinci winked playfully and said with a smile:

"At least so far there hasn't been any world-destroying crisis, so don't worry too much."

What you said makes people a little worried.

Although she wanted to complain like this, little Leonardo did not give her a chance to complain, and waved goodbye with a smile:

"Anyway, we will notify you if anything happens. During this period, just have fun with Matthew."

"Well, without further ado, I'm going to continue my research."

"okay, bye."

After the words fell, the communication device was turned off, and the projection of little Leonardo disappeared, leaving only the three people in the room.

[Transfer] constitution, the reason why he cannot return to Chaldea, mysterious powers and events that should not appear in the world of Conan, [shock] caused by unknown reasons.

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought about it carefully, but found that not only had not a single problem been solved so far, but there had been more and more problems.

Thinking of this, she sighed helplessly.

Forget it, take your time.

After ending the contact with little Leonardo da Vinci, it seemed that we had entered a period of relative peace, and we did not encounter any sudden emergencies.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally succeeded in taking Mashu to visit various attractions in Tokyo, and also bought a lot of specialties to bring to everyone in Chaldea when he went back.

Of course, they will inevitably encounter various cases, large and small, during their travels. Fortunately, they are very adaptable and are now used to strange things and can solve them quickly.

After just three days of leisurely and enjoyable play, the launch of the fully virtual reality game ‘Cocoon’ is about to come.

After a little discussion, Fujimaru Ritsuka decided to participate.

She didn't attend the press conference just to play games. After all, unlike SAO's large-scale open beta with 10,000 places, this 'Cocoon' game conference only gave out 50 test experience places.

These fifty places can only be obtained by young children who are high school students or below, and even though it is said that, in fact, most of the places are allocated to children of famous aristocrats, and it is not a random allocation.

The reason why she chose to attend was because Dr. Agasa, Ai Haibara, the Mori family, Sonoko Suzuki and other acquaintances she knew were attending the press conference, and of course everyone from Conan and the Young Detective Corps.

Therefore, this game conference is more like a gathering with friends for her.

Of course, where there is Conan, there will be cases. According to what she remembered, in addition to the mini version of SAO that Conan and the others experienced at this game conference, there was also a real-life murder case.

But this time there is Conan in the game, and there is the even more powerful Conan's father Kudo Yusaku outside the game, so nothing will happen to her. At most, she can try to stop the murderer before he kills him.

In short, if nothing else happened, attending the game conference this time should be just an ordinary party for her... That's how it should be.

But every time when I think there will be no accidents, some accidents often occur, such as now——

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu, who had just returned from outside today, had just arrived at the door of their home. Before they could open the door, they suddenly sensed a few familiar scents in their home.

There is no doubt that they are servants belonging to Chaldea, but why do so many of them suddenly come?


The two looked at each other and could see the confusion in each other's eyes, not knowing what was going on.

So with some surprise and confusion, Fujimaru Ritsuka opened the door, and sure enough he found several familiar figures looking around the living room curiously.

At the same time, the moment he heard the sound of the door opening, the other party immediately looked over here, and his eyes collided with Fujimaru Ritsuka's.

So the next moment, before she could say hello, the other party swarmed up and immediately surrounded her, cheering happily.

"Sister Ritsuka!"



Among them, a little girl with short white hair immediately jumped into her arms, rubbing her little head coquettishly like a cat.

"Jack, Bo Dao, nursery rhyme...?"

The servants who suddenly visited at this time were none other than the nursery rhyme of the Chaldean children's group, Jack, and the three little guys who had just joined the team: Bo Dao.

While she subconsciously stroked the head of little Jack in her arms, she asked them with some surprise and confusion:

"Why are you here? What happened over there in Chaldea?"

"No, it's not about Chaldea."

Nursery Rhyme shook her head first, and then replied with a smile:

"We are here this time for the sake of our new friends!"

"New friend?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously looked at Hatae, but she made a cross with her hands. At this time, Jack in her arms raised his head and replied:

"It's Ghost Yui!"

"It's not a ghost, it's AI."

This time there was no Christmas Joan, so the person who corrected her was replaced by Bo Dao.

After speaking, she murmured again:

"The name is pronounced correctly... it really is Santa Jeanne's name. Isn't it too difficult to remember?"

Through the three little guys talking to each other, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally understood. What they were talking about should be the AI ​​Yui who was finally brought back to Chaldea by BB in SAO.

So she continued to ask:

"What happened to Yui?"

"We wanted to take her to play with us, but..."

The nursery rhyme was explained to her.

As an AI that had just gained wisdom, Yui seemed to be classified as a child servant, so Tongyao quickly discovered the other person and successfully brought the other person into their team.

But at this time, they encountered a problem.

That is, Yui has just arrived in Chaldea, and Fujimaru Ritsuka has not yet been able to return, so the two of them have not signed a formal servant contract, so they cannot take her to play in many places.

Of course it wouldn't work if it went on like this, so after some discussion with the little guys, Nursery Rhyme made a very bold decision -

That is to use Hatae's ability to directly come to the Conan world to find Fujimaru Ritsuka and help Yui solve her identity problem.

So they can play together.

After the explanation, Nursery Rhyme couldn’t wait to urge:

"Master, quickly sign a contract with Yui!"

 Come spicy!



(End of this chapter)

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