Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 220 Kirigiri Sako’s plan, the whole story

Chapter 220 Kirigushiko’s plan, the whole story

Kiroshiki Sako is the daughter of a wealthy family. One day, a foreign guest came to her home, but no one expected that the guest was a vampire who sucked human blood and attacked her while he was a guest at her home. .

However, Kirigushiko did not really die. Instead, she was transformed into a vampire in the coffin. After being discovered and rescued by the tombkeeper, she was sent home.

Her parents soon discovered something was wrong with her, but they had no choice but to lock her in a remote place away from home and not let her go out. They sent a servant to bring her meals every day, which became her only food. source.

Later, Kirigushiko tried his best to escape from there, but found that his parents had moved away, so he began to wander all the way to find his family.

She searched like this for who knows how long. After realizing that all her parents and relatives might have died, she finally gave up the search.

At first, she didn't know how to increase her companions, so she hid in society and struggled to survive. It wasn't until she met Tatsumi that her life finally became simpler.

Tatsumi is also a vampire transformed from a human, but unlike beings like Kirigiri Sako, he is no different from a normal human in appearance. He can live in the sun and maintain his life by ingesting normal food. He does not have to eat food. Feeds on blood and has eternal life.

Without sucking blood, for a being like Tatsumi, he just cannot exert the full power of his body.

Tatsumi claims that he is a subspecies of vampire. Kiroshiki Sako believes that vampires and werewolves always appear in pairs in stories, so he calls existences like Tatsumi human wolves.

In addition to Tatsumi, the housekeeper Kurahashi Kaede is also a werewolf.

Later, she met Kirishiki Chizuru, Kirishiki Masashiro, Jiang Yuan, and Kurahashi Yoshie. Even so, they still had to hide in a remote corner of the world and close themselves off.

Therefore, Kirigushiko wanted to create a home for beings like them to survive, and even a society that belonged to them.

It was at this time that Kirishiki Sako accidentally read Muroi Shizunobu's novel.

The themes of Muroi Shizunobu's novels are all mythical stories of "people abandoned by God", which resonated strongly with her, who had been marginalized in human society for a long time and lived in an ignoble existence, and she came up with the idea of ​​meeting Shizunobu Muroi.

She learned about the existence of Waiba Village through Shizunobu Muroi's essays, and also found that this small closed village was an excellent place to carry out her plan, so she led everyone to move here and started to implement her plan at the same time——

That is to say, all the villagers in Waichang Village will be transformed into ghouls, and the village will be transformed into their first base for outward expansion.

This is the whole story before coming to the outfield village.

As for the situation in the outfield village during this period, it is also very simple.

The villagers who were constantly anemic and eventually died of acute heart failure were sucked blood to death by them.

Although they have to suck human blood for several days to cause death, they can give strong hints to the humans they have sucked blood from, so the sucked people will never reveal their existence and will actively cooperate with them.

Among these dead villagers, some died forever, and some successfully transformed into corpses, such as Shimizu Megumi they captured.

For these villagers who have been transformed into ghouls, they will use some means to get them to join the plan, and then attack more villagers, thus continuously growing the team of ghouls.

As for the villagers who resigned and moved out of the village investigated by Shizunobu Muroi, they have all been killed, and the houses they vacated after moving out became the base for these new ghouls to rest during the day.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will gradually kill all the villagers in Waichang Village, and while expanding their team, they will transform Waichang Village into their first stronghold.


After listening to the ins and outs of Tatsumi's explanation, everyone was digesting it silently, so the atmosphere in the room fell into a brief silence.

Ozaki Toshio was not as angry as before. He gradually calmed down, but the thoughts in his heart became more determined.

According to the other party, this is not just a simple murder, but has risen to a war for survival between two different species, ghouls and humans. But this does not mean that he understands the other party's behavior. On the contrary, since the other party chooses to launch a unilateral war, he will naturally have to bear the price of defeat.

The winner lives, the loser dies.

Southern Hizuru was focused on Kirigiri Sako's so-called plan. After thinking for a moment, she pushed up her glasses and said:

"For the ghouls, hiding in the shadows of human society, raising a group of humans as blood food, and controlling society from the dark is the best option, right?"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous to want to build a society dominated by ghouls?"

Now they have learned that in addition to having a nearly eternal lifespan and being able to give hints to blood-sucking humans in a short period of time, the corpse's physical abilities are almost the same as in life, and it also has very obvious shortcomings.

Therefore, from the perspective of the entire group, ghouls cannot compete with human society on the bright side. If they expose their existence in front of humans, the only outcome will be destruction.

On the contrary, the plan proposed by Southern Rizhe is indeed more feasible.

Especially for the wealthy and powerful people who are getting older, even if the probability of transforming into a ghoul is not 100%, and even if the ghoul has many flaws, the mere temptation of eternal life is enough to make them flock to it.

What's more, there are also super prizes like the human wolf.

After hearing Minami Hizuru's speech, Ozaki Toshio couldn't help but shuddered and said angrily:

"Hey, don't say anything creepy."

The terrifying thing about Nanfang Hizuru's speech is not only that her plan is feasible, but more importantly, there may actually be a ghoul that is already doing this.

It is chilling to think that their society is actually being secretly manipulated by monsters.

On the other side, Haibara Ai's eyes were looking back and forth at Tatsumi and Kurahashi Yoshie, and the emotions contained in them were very complicated.

Although Tatsumi said that human wolves are a subspecies of ghouls, from the actual situation, human wolves are simply perfect creatures that surpass ghouls.

Possess eternal life, strong resilience, can live in the sun, can eat normally, and have stronger physical abilities than normal humans

It is not an exaggeration to say that creatures like wolves are even more perfect humans.

The ghouls are more like the by-products of the failure of evolution in the process of human beings evolving into wolves.

Kirigushiko was still sobbing softly. At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka already understood that the "god" in her mouth did not refer to a certain person or organization, but the one who was a religious concept.

"Ghouls can only sustain life by sucking human blood. Are we not allowed to even survive?"

“Is it also wrong that we just want a place to stand that allows us to exist?”

"Are we, abandoned by God, really unable to seek salvation...?"

Kirigiri Sakaki cried out like this, but Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't sympathize with her.

She looked at Kirigiri Sako and spoke softly:

"Living on human blood does not mean that you need to take people's lives, but even so, you still chose to kill the villagers one by one. Why is this?"

As soon as these words came out, Kirigushiko's crying stopped abruptly.

 My dear brother, I’m celebrating New Year’s Day with my friends. I may have to take off these two days, so I’m sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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