Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 214 The situation in the hospital, the resurrection zombies are coming

Chapter 214 The situation in the hospital, the resurrection zombies are coming

At night, on the second floor of Ozaki Hospital, the inpatient ward, which had not been open for a long time due to lack of manpower, was now brightly lit.

The pale Muto Toru was lying on the hospital bed, and the vital sign monitor placed on the bedside showed his current physical data.

Since Toru Muto currently only showed symptoms of anemia and was a little weak, Ozaki Toshio did not perform any special treatment and just fed him a tube of glucose syrup.

Yuki Natsuno sat by the bed, looked at his friend worriedly, and asked Ozaki Toshio:

"Doctor Ozaki, is Archer okay?"

"At the moment, except for some physical weakness, everything is normal."

Ozaki Toshio could only answer like this.

Yuki Natsuno seemed to understand what he meant, and buried his head again and stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the room was a little quiet, so Ozaki Toshio finally took some time off and began to quietly observe the other people in the room.

His good friend Muroi Shizhin was holding a pen and writing and drawing in the small notebook he carried with him. He didn't need to guess at all to know that the content recorded on it must be related to the novel.

He quickly passed over the other person and turned his attention to Moriarty beside him.

Among Fujimaru Ritsuka's group, Moriarty gave him the most mysterious feeling, and he looked more like a professional who was good at handling mysterious events.

At this time, the other party was looking at a magazine that he took out from somewhere. He looked at the cover carefully and saw that it was an English magazine. It seemed to be called.

"Are you interested in math?"

Moriarty suddenly looked at Ozaki Toshio. He moved the magazine in his hand slightly and smiled:

"This is the latest issue of Journal of Mathematics. If you are interested, I would be happy to share it with you."


Ozaki Toshio was a little embarrassed when Moriarty discovered his peeping. After hearing what the other party said, he quickly shook his head and mocked himself:

"It and I are not very familiar with each other now, and we are not too cold."

He did learn a little mathematics when he was in college, but that was more than ten years ago.

"Really, that's really a pity."

Moriarty showed a look of regret, then returned to his own world and continued to flip through the mathematics journal in his hand.

Because he was discovered by the other party once, Ozaki Toshio did not dare to look at him again, so he quickly passed the other party and finally set his eyes on Haibara Ai.

He was very impressed by the little girl's performance just now, because he had never seen any child at this age who could pronounce the professional terms of normochromic normocytic anemia and blood loss anemia.

In fact, the other person didn't feel like a child at all.

But what he is more concerned about now is the cartoon sheep doll that Haiyuan Ai is holding in her arms. In addition to the sheep doll in her arms, there are two strangely dressed cartoon dolls of a man and a woman beside her.

The reason why he cares about these dolls is not because of their strange shapes, but because Muroi Shizunobu told him just now that these dolls were taken out by Fujimaru Ritsuka from a mysterious space and solemnly handed over to Haibara Ai.

And the other party also said that these three dolls can protect them.

Although he had already seen the magical abilities of the other party, looking at the three cartoon dolls in front of him, he still had some doubts in his heart.

If Haiyuan Ai knew what he was thinking, she would definitely reply to him:

Don’t question, believe first.

In short, Ozaki Toshio couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

What a strange group of guys.

However, there seems to be an exception——

That girl named Mashu.

Unlike the others, the girl named Mashu, like Moriarty, basically just stood quietly and obediently next to Fujimaru Ritsuka except for self-introduction.

But unlike Moriarty, no matter how he looked at her, she just seemed like a cute and well-behaved ordinary girl, with no way to connect with the mysterious events.

Of course, so did the original Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Now that the night was getting darker, he couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought that they and the three girls from Nanfang Rihe were wandering around.

"I said, are the three of them really okay?"

Hearing his question immediately attracted everyone's attention, Moriarty looked up again and answered with a smile:

"Don't worry, Ritsuka and Mashu don't have to worry at all, and since Ms. Hizuru is with them, she probably doesn't have to worry either."

Ozaki Toshio raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. After getting along with her for this period of time, he clearly understood that Nanfang Rihe was a very powerful woman.

In his impression, even if Minami Hikaru hadn't protected Fujimaru Ritsuka and the two, it shouldn't have reached the point where Minami Hikaru needed to be protected by the two of them.

"Are they two really strong?"

"of course."

Moriarty answered in the affirmative without thinking, and then smiled:

"Not only are they two very strong, but more importantly, they are staying together now."

"Let's put it this way, if they fight on their own, even though both of them are equally strong, they are equally easy to deal with as long as they find a way."

"But now that the two of them are together, I really can't think of any way to defeat them. I can only surrender obediently."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

After all, they don't know how strong Moriarty is as a reference system, so they naturally can't have a clear concept.

All in all, it sounds pretty strong.

Time passed, but there was still no movement on their side, because the entire night was the other party's time to act, and they had no way of knowing when the other party would appear.

After thinking about it, Ozaki Toshio was ready to discuss taking turns on duty, but at this moment, there was a strange noise outside the window.

!! ?

Everyone suddenly became energetic and looked in the direction of the window.

It was a small, harsh sound, like the friction of fingers sliding against a window.

But this is the second floor of the hospital?

At the same time, Tetsu Muto, who had been lying on the hospital bed and was not very conscious, suddenly sat up from the bed as if sleepwalking, then got out of bed, and walked towards the window with bare feet.

"Archer, what are you doing!?"

Yuki Natsuno reacted and quickly hugged Muto Toru to prevent him from moving forward. Ozaki Toshio also stepped forward to hold him down, completely blocking his movements.

"It looks like you're here?"

At this time, among everyone's nervous expressions, Moriarty chuckled, walked to the window, and opened the curtains covering the window.

The moment the curtains were opened, a pair of dark eyes mixed with scarlet eyes suddenly looked at him.

At this time, the other party's figure also appeared under the indoor lights. After seeing the other party's figure clearly, Muroi Shizun's pupils shrank, and even his breathing stopped briefly——

The figure lying unusually on the window was the recently deceased Megumi Shimizu!

The other party really turned into a resurrected corpse!

However, unlike the shocked people, Moriarty, who was looking at Shimizu Megumi, still kept a smile on his face and asked politely:

"Miss, do you really want to come in?"

Hearing Moriarty's question, a trace of surprise seemed to flash across the other person's face, but he quickly grinned, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and he asked with a faint smile:

"Can you open the window and let me in?"

"Of course, if you wish."

What everyone in the room didn't expect was that amidst the chuckles, Moriarty actually opened the window, stepped aside, and invited the other party in very gentlemanly!


At this time, Shimizu Megumi also let out a chilling laugh, and walked in from the window amidst the solemn expressions of everyone, and then——


I saw a black shadow suddenly flashing past, and Qingshui Hui's figure flew out at an extremely fast speed with a violent collision, and hit the open space outside the hospital hard.

Everyone took a closer look and saw the black doll brought by Fujimaru Ritsuka standing on the windowsill, waving weapons as if it had come alive. Then they stared at Shimizu Megumi lying on the ground and said viciously:

"No, come in!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at it dumbfounded.

"——The doll is talking!?"

(End of this chapter)

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