Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 212 Preparing for Action, Unexpected Situations

Chapter 212 Preparing for Action, Unexpected Situations

The method of directly digging the grave is really tough, but when it comes to Nanfang Rihe, people can only sigh, "As expected of her."

After all, when he was on Ridu Island, the opponent was also a ruthless character who could fight shadows with a shotgun and a sledgehammer.

Everyone sighed for a moment and then quickly got to the point.

At present, all the information has been handed over, and there is no doubt that the next step is the formal action stage.

It was already approaching dusk, and when the sun set and the moon rose, it would be time for the resurrected zombies to take action.

At that time, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others will also officially begin the investigation.

Previously, Ozaki Toshio and others were worried that the ability to resurrect zombies was too strong and that it might be dangerous for them to directly confront such monsters, so they did not dare to take action at night.

But this time Fujimaru Ritsuka and others arrived, and they could finally launch a counterattack.

However, looking at the setting sun on the horizon, Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile:

"Before that, why don't we have dinner first?"

Ozaki Toshio and others were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly came to their senses. Instead of blaming her for her loose attitude, they nodded and said:

"makes sense."

It took Fujimaru Ritsuka and others almost a whole day to get to this remote village from Tokyo, and the journey was tiring. According to normal circumstances, not to mention treating the other party warmly, they should at least let the other party have a good night's rest.

But now that another villager may die at any time, they can only hope that the other party can take action as soon as possible to completely solve the problem as soon as possible.

However, even though they were eager to solve the problem, they didn't even want to deny them dinner.

So Ozaki Toshio and Muroi Shizunobu looked at each other, and Muroi Shizunobu said:

"Then please let us treat you and show your kindness as landlords."

"But this is just a small village, there is no particularly luxurious hotel, so I can only treat you to a light meal. Please forgive me for this."

"how come."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was not polite and immediately smiled and said:

"That would be troublesome."

"Dr. Ozaki!"

But at this moment, nurse Ritsuko Kunhiro, who had just met Fujimaru Ritsuka and others in the hospital corridor, suddenly came to the backyard and called Ozaki Toshio.

Next to her were a young man with medium-long purple hair, and a middle-aged man with light brown hair who was also wearing a white coat and had an anxious look on his face.

In the midst of everyone's confused gazes, the middle-aged man said in a panic:

"Dr. Ozaki, my Archer seems to be suffering from that disease too!"

The panic was not fake. Working in the hospital, he knew even more clearly that so far, no one who had suffered from that mysterious disease had survived!


Ozaki Toshio's eyes narrowed and he suddenly became serious, saying to the middle-aged man:

"I'll be out for treatment right away. I'll go home with you and bring Archer here. Ritsuko, go and make an empty bed and arrange for hospitalization!"


So Ozaki Toshio immediately left with him, and Kunhiro Ritsuko returned to the house to tidy up the empty bed, leaving only the purple-haired boy standing there at a loss.

At this time, he saw Minami Hizuru, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others in the yard, so he calmed down a little, walked towards this side, came to Minami Hizuru and whispered:

"Ms. Hizuru, I have something to tell you. Can you come out and talk?"

Looking at the other party's expression, Nanfang Rihe probably guessed what the other party wanted to say, so he said:

"If it is information about the resurrected corpse, we can directly say that everyone present is an insider."


Hearing this, he hesitantly glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, especially the elementary school student Haibara Ai, and his heart was filled with hesitation.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth, chose to trust Nanfang Rihe, and said directly:

"I'm sure I saw it. The person who hurt Archer is Qingshui!" "Qingshui? Xiaohui?"

Hearing his words, Shizunobu Muroi frowned immediately, while Ritsuka Fujimaru and others were a little confused, not knowing who they were talking about.

Seeing this, Nanfang Rihe explained to them:

"Shimizu Megumi, the girl whose grave I dug up and found her body missing."

"But to be precise, we should call the other party the Resurrection Corpse now, right?"


The purple-haired boy in front of him is called Yuki Natsuno. He moved from the city to this village with his parents not long ago. He is also the crush of Shimizu Megumi who is now a resurrected corpse.

The first information about the resurrected corpse was obtained by Nanfang Hizuru from Yuki Natsuno.

According to Yuuki Natsuno, Shimizu Kei liked him very much during his lifetime, but his attitude towards him has always been disgusting and resistant.

This point has been confirmed by Nanfang Rihe from other villagers.

But what others didn't know was that Megumi Shimizu had a very morbid crush on him. When she was alive, she often liked to hide in the trees outside his bedroom window at night to spy on him.

Unlike the bright lights of the city, the rural woods at night are almost completely invisible in darkness.

Perhaps knowing this, the other party would peep unscrupulously?

However, Yuki Natsuno, who came to the countryside from the city, hated the pointing glances that the villagers in the village often cast at him, so he was very sensitive to this kind of prying eyes, which also made him suspicious of Shimizu Megumi's behavior. Know everything.

It was precisely because he understood her sick behavior that he felt disgusted with her, rather than what the other party thought he simply hated girls in the countryside.

Back to topic.

After Shimizu Megumi passed away, he could feel that the peeping eyes outside the bedroom also disappeared, and he finally no longer had to close the bedroom curtains.

But this kind of purity did not last long. Just a few days later, he once again felt the familiar line of sight from the bedroom window——

That was Megumi Shimizu's voyeuristic gaze.

But how could a dead man stand outside his window again?

This feeling filled him with fear and made him unable to sleep peacefully. Every time he mustered up the courage to lift the curtains and look out the window, all he could see was pitch black.

At this time, he met Nanfang Hihe who was investigating the abnormal situation.

After learning the identity of Nanfang Hizuru, he quickly revealed to her the problems he was currently encountering, which led to the speculation that "Shimizu Megumi has become a resurrected corpse", and eventually dug up her tomb. , confirmed that her guess was correct.

Yuki Natsuno has also become one of the few people in the outfield village who knows about the existence of resurrected corpses.

Although Megumi Shimizu, who had turned into a resurrected corpse, was just peeping in the dark as usual and did not actually attack him, but even so, he did not dare to sleep alone in his bedroom on the first floor, so he chose to come to his friend Muto Tetsu's family is staying temporarily.

There are five people in Tetsu Muto's family. In addition to himself and his parents, there is a younger brother and a younger sister.

After he moved in temporarily, there were six people in Muto Tetsu's family. In addition, Muto Tetsu's bedroom was on the second floor, so he thought that the other party would not dare to come to the door.

But he didn't expect that the resurrected corpse was more terrifying than he imagined.

Yuuki Natsuno looked at his hands and said with a look of guilt and unwillingness:

"At that time, I was unable to move as if being pressed into bed by a ghost. I could only watch Qing Shui bite Archer like a vampire, and then I quickly passed out."

"But when I woke up the next morning, I didn't find any obvious wounds on his body, so I just thought I had a nightmare."


 By the way, the anime is quite scary, so please watch with caution if you want to catch up on it.



(End of this chapter)

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