Chapter 199 Bar, rendezvous

The most prosperous commercial street next to the Toto Iron Tower in Mika Town, the "35" bar is located in an inconspicuous basement in the bustling neighborhood.

This is a clear bar type bar. The interior decoration is very exquisite, no less than the high-end bars on the top floors of other buildings.

The melodious jazz music is playing in the store, coupled with the slightly dim lights, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night, illusion and reality.

Although it is in the liveliest neighborhood, perhaps because the location and entrance of the bar are too remote, or perhaps it is not yet time for guests to move around, the bar is very deserted at this time, with only two or three scattered tables of guests.

At the bar, after Moriarty, dressed as a bartender, hung up the phone, a cheerful male voice came from the side:

"Do you have anything to leave, store manager?"

The speaker was a handsome man dressed as a waiter, with light blond hair and wheat-colored skin.

Moriarty nodded and said with a smile:


"If nothing else happens, I won't be back today. I'll trouble you about the store for the time being, Amuro-kun."

"Yes, I understand. Store manager, please walk slowly."

Amuro smiled and nodded in agreement, then watched Moriarty leave.

After Moriarty completely disappeared from sight, his expression changed, and he looked at the direction in which the other party left, his eyes gradually becoming full of inquiry.



At this time, when he heard the call from the guest at the corner table, Toru Amuro put on his standard professional smile again, came to the guest who called him and said:

"My guest, do you need anything?"


Seeing his appearance, a sneer came from under the brim of the other person's black hat. It was difficult to see the other person's face clearly in the dim light, and only the somewhat conspicuous long silver hair could be seen.

"Then let me have a classic cocktail. By the way, the base drink is bourbon."

"Okay. What about this guest?"

Amuro Toru's expression didn't change. After nodding in agreement, he looked at another guest with a somewhat stout figure and asked with a smile.

"Um, I'd like a vodka tonic."

"OK, just a second."

After writing down the customer's needs, Toru Amuro returned to the bar and started mixing drinks. His movements were smooth and pleasing to the eye, and he saw that he was a veteran bartender who knew this skill well.

In the corner, Vodka looked at Toru Amuro performing at the bar, and asked Gin opposite:

"Brother, why do you think that guy came here to work as a waiter?"

"I don't know, and I don't care."

Gin crossed his legs, leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. After replying casually, he warned Vodka:

"Besides, I've taught you a long time ago, don't do unnecessary things and don't ask unnecessary questions."


Vodka felt a chill in his heart, and immediately closed his mouth, no longer delving into this topic.

They accidentally discovered this bar after a mission. After visiting it once, they found that it was unexpectedly good. Not only was the location and environment of the bar unobtrusive, the decoration style, music, etc. were very suitable for them, and the quality of the wine was also good. The bartending skills of both the bartender and the store manager are also outstanding.

Therefore, during this period, after the mission is over, they will come here to have a drink whenever they have the opportunity.

I just didn't expect that when I came this time, I would find that Bourbon, who was also a member of the organization, had become a waiter in this bar somehow and why.

But curiosity is curiosity, but Bourbon is different from them. The other party is the person in charge of intelligence within the organization, and is usually not under the jurisdiction of his eldest brother Gin. Therefore, outside of the mission, they do not have the right to interfere with the other party's actions or explore the other party's information. Condition.

On the other side, while Toru Amuro was mixing drinks, he was also thinking about gin and vodka.

Is it a coincidence? Or is there any purpose?

During this period, a series of criminal incidents occurred in Mihua Town.

Of course, this is not unusual for Yoneka Town. If it were just like this, it would not cause him, as an undercover agent sent by the Japanese police to the black organization, to be distracted from the task of investigating the black organization to pay attention to these things.

However, when the police were compiling the prisoners' confessions, they accidentally noticed that many recent prisoners had visited this bar before committing crimes.

Although this was true, because the bar had no connection to the crime, it didn't attract much attention.

But he accidentally discovered that gin and vodka also frequented this bar during this period, and almost coincided with the time of the above crime incident. So he immediately paid attention to the connection between the two.

He suspected that those seemingly ordinary cases might also be operated secretly by black organizations.

Therefore, while he asked the prisoners to be re-interrogated, hoping to find out their connection with the black organization, he personally entered the bar as a waiter to inquire about the situation.

But so far, nothing has been accomplished except to confirm that Gin and Vodka were indeed frequenting the bar during this time.

In addition, of course, as the owner of this bar, James also made him doubt whether the other party had any connection with the black organization.

Since the other party is a foreigner, they can get very little information. They can only find some basic information about the other party from the information submitted by the other party when opening a store, such as the other party's real name——

James Moriarty.

When he saw the other party's name on the file, Toru Amuro thought he had made a mistake, or that the other party was careless enough to put his nickname on it.

After all, as the famous villain in "Sherlock Holmes", it is impossible not to recognize him.

However, during this period of investigation, he discovered that the store manager was probably a fan of Moriarty. Perhaps because of this, he changed his name to the same name as his idol.

The most important thing is that he did not find any connection between the other party and the black organization, nor did he find any information related to it within the organization.

Maybe he really misunderstood the other party, and the other party was really just an ordinary bar manager.

In any case, while continuing to pay attention to Moriarty, he is currently focusing most of his energy on investigating gin and vodka.

However, the phone call Moriarty just answered and the content of the conversation also made him a little concerned.

Lift incense, Chaldea——

Maori Detective Agency.

"Speaking of which, the little girl named Bo Dao seems to have left with you. Didn't she come back?"

Mao Lilan asked curiously.

Fujimaru Ritsuka shook his head and said:

"No, she's staying there for now."

Speaking of Bo Dao, she was actually a little worried. She didn't know how he was doing in Chaldea now and whether he was used to life there.

Less than a day after bringing him to Chaldea, she left alone again. Thinking about it, she was quite sorry for him.

Mao Lilan heard this and said regretfully:

"Well, Conan and the others often talk about that little girl from Bo Dao."

Conan's eyes suddenly darkened and he quickly explained:

"I don't. It's Genta and Ayumi who I always talk about!"

Of course, he was indeed a little curious about Bo Dao.

Because he still hasn't figured out why Haihara Ai's attitude towards Bo Dao is so strange.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's cell phone rang. When she saw the name on the caller ID, she immediately stood up and said to Maori Ran:

"The professor is here to pick me up!"

"Sorry Xiaolan, I have to leave first. I'll see you next time."

"Well, it's okay, bye."

Mao Lilan waved indifferently and said goodbye to her with a smile. Conan also followed:

"Goodbye Sister Ritsuka.

"See you!"

So she said goodbye to Mao Lilan and others, and left the Mao Li Detective Agency. She quickly walked down the stairs and came to the street. At this time, a familiar black car was parked on the side of the road.

"Long time no see, Miss Ritsuka."

The driver's window rolled down, revealing Moriarty's elegant smile.

At the same time, the rear window also lowered, and Hui Yuarai happily waved to her and said:

"Sister Lixiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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