Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 19 The situation on the other side

Chapter 19 The situation on the other side
"Well done! This mission was completed successfully, thank you both for your hard work."

Itachi Kitaka praised the two of them unabashedly.

This mission went smoothly beyond imagination, and the results achieved were also very surprising.

To be honest, he actually didn't have too many expectations for the situation here at the beginning.

Because judging from the information they collected, Yoshino Junpei was just an ordinary high school student. There was a high probability that he had nothing to do with this incident and just happened to appear there.

The most important clue is from Nanami Kento. The unknown entity who blatantly left clues at the crime scene and has been secretly tempting them is probably the real culprit of the incident.

But now it seems that they all guessed wrong.

Yoshino Junpei is not an ordinary person. Not only does he have inspiration, but he also awakens his own magic. Judging from the reports of Hirohito Kibi and Ritsuka Fujimaru, it seems that he is not too weak.

This is indeed an unexpected harvest.

After receiving the compliment, Knotweed Hisahito scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile:

"This is all thanks to Ritsuka. If she hadn't discovered the existence of another ordinary person in time and decided to observe for a while, I don't know what would have happened."

"The same goes for Mr. Huzhang. Thanks to his timely intervention to save that uncle, otherwise it would have been another tragedy."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kozune Hisuhito complimented each other. Then, she looked at Yoshino Junpei, who was being escorted into the car by the relevant personnel not far away, and asked Ichichiyoshi:
"What will happen to him next?"

"In this case, it depends on his own situation."

Ichijie pushed up his glasses and explained to the two of them:
"First of all, he will definitely be interrogated and asked to confess the information he knows, and then a judgment will be made based on the situation. Generally, there will be several situations:
First, if he is the mastermind or one of the masterminds of the attack, there is no doubt that he will be executed;
Second, he did not directly participate in the case, but was only a facilitator in a certain link, so he will be punished accordingly according to the seriousness of his behavior;

Third, he is really just a conjurer who accidentally appeared there. Although it is unlikely, if this is the case, nothing will happen. "

"In addition, the attack he launched on ordinary people today will also be taken into consideration in the trial. However, because you stopped him in time and caused no losses or casualties, I can't say the specific situation."

"All in all, depending on the circumstances, he may even end up transferring to a junior high school and becoming your classmate."

"No way, is it real or fake?!"

Knotweed Hisahito said in shock.

"It's just possible."

Itachi Kitaka continued:
"You should also know that the number of spellcasters has always been in short supply, and those with the talent to become spellcasters are also very rare."

"Even if it is found after review that the problem with Junpei Yoshino is not serious, it is probably impossible for the higher-ups to let a wild magician who has awakened his magic skills return to the ordinary people. Then, it is natural for him to transfer to a high school. .”

"So it is."

Polygonum bud Hisahito was suddenly stunned. The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something. He covered his head with his hands and said in a panic:

"Doesn't that mean that I just beat up a classmate who hasn't transferred in yet?! Isn't this too unfriendly?!"

"Ji Zhi-san, you are thinking too far. I said, that is just a possibility."

Yi Jijie looked at the notebook in his hand and said:

"And I think that's very unlikely."

Fujimaru Ritsuka on the side listened silently to Ichiki Kitaka's introduction without speaking.

She knew that Yoshino Junpei had nothing to do with this case, and that this incident was indeed a complete coincidence.

It seems that Mr. Ichichi’s judgment is wrong again.

Back to the point.

So far, their mission here has been successfully completed. It is already dusk. The setting sun dyes the clouds on the horizon crimson, and the orange sunlight slowly lengthens their shadows.Knotweed Hisahito looked at the sunset on the horizon and suddenly sighed:
"I don't know what's going on with Nana Ming."

The situation on Nanami Kento's side is undoubtedly more dangerous than theirs. It's normal for Hisahito to be worried. Itachi Chiyue comforted him with a smile:
"Don't worry, Mr. Nanami is a very experienced first-level magician. There is no doubt about his strong strength and his ability to handle crises."

"Mr. Yizhi!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka became more and more troubled as he listened, so she quickly interrupted him and said cautiously:

"It's like setting a flag for the other party. I think it's better to say less, right?"

Knotweed Hisahito also nodded thoughtfully and said:

"What Ijichi-san said just now does sound like something like a death flag."

"No, I didn't mean...!"

Itachi Jiegao also realized that his discovery just now was indeed a bit subtle. Just when he wanted to defend himself, his cell phone rang.

"It's Mr. Nanami!"

"Mr. Nanami, it's me. Our mission has been accomplished. Eh? Yes, okay, we'll be there soon!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kozune Hisuhito stared closely at Ijichi Kitaka who answered the phone. After the other party put down the phone, he said to them:

"It's over with Mr. Nanami, let's go meet up."

"It's just a minor injury and has been healed."

Ieiri Glass said lazily.

Ieiri Shoko is a chestnut-haired intellectual beauty who always wears a white coat and has thick dark circles under her eyes.

She is a contemporary of Gojo Satoru, and the only conjurer in the conjuring world who can use [Reversal Technique] to treat others. Now, as a physician at the Tokyo Metropolitan Conjuring High School, she often deals with various patients and corpses, and her work is very busy. .

This time she was also here to treat Nanami Kento's injuries.


Hearing that Nanami Kento was safe and sound, Hirohito Kizune and Itachi Kitaka breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They had just seen Nanami Kento getting into the car holding his wound. They had been worried all the way, fearing that something would happen to him.

"I've been saying just now that I just suffered a small injury, it's not a big deal."

Regarding the two people's exaggerated reactions, Nanami Kento's calm tone as always revealed some helplessness.

However, there is also a hint of relief.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, turned to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka, took out the bracelet from the inner pocket of his clothes and gave it back to her.He had been covering his wound just now, making it difficult for him to move.

While handing over the hand rope, he thanked him seriously:
"Thank you for the hand strap, it's been a big help."

When he first took over the hand rope, he thought it was really just an ordinary hand rope.

But when he was fighting the enemy just now, this ordinary hand rope suddenly emitted powerful purifying power, directly injuring the opponent severely!
Only then did he discover to his surprise that this turned out to be a super-powerful magic tool!

It's just that he didn't feel any traces of magic power on it, which was a bit strange. It even gave him the feeling that the hand rope was not a magic tool, but some kind of unknown existence.

What exactly is that kind of power?

(End of this chapter)

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