Chapter 188 Kayaba Akihiko
  February 2022, 11

For some unknown reason, I survived despite losing everything.

I don't understand what the other party is and where it comes from.

Is it really an AI as it says? Or is it the same existence as me?

In any case, the power shown by the other party is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that human beings can master today.

However, for me now, what should I do next?

February 2022, 11

Despite unknown changes, the game is still running normally as far as I can access it, and not many changes have occurred.

It's just that I can't understand why the other party continues to run this game, and what is its purpose?
  I decided to investigate as an ordinary player.

I don’t know if my actions will cause it to react or what the outcome will be. Anyway, I have nothing to lose.

February 2022, 11

The investigation has made some progress.

As the other party said, this game has been optimized by it. Although it is only a subtle difference, the world is now more vivid and more like a real world than what he created.

It would be better if it was made by me.

At the same time, the monster's desire to attack also became stronger.

I still can’t understand the other party’s motives for doing all this, including the new rules proposed by the other party. Does this mean anything to it?

He is so powerful that he can directly control the entire real world, but he is so contentedly imprisoned in the game. What is the reason?
  But I can already confirm that it is indeed a genuine and truly intelligent AI.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive until now.

In addition, despite experiencing so many changes, many players still choose to move forward and fight at the forefront of the game.

The peerless spear user [Ritsuka] and the shining rapier user [Asuna].

These are the two players I've heard the most about lately, and they're also two female players, which really surprises me.

I observed them from a distance for a while and found that they were indeed outstanding girls.

Among them, the rapier user is still a bit immature, but the spear user makes me a little surprised, and I even have a vague feeling that the opponent is hiding something, even I can't completely see through it.

Regardless, I sincerely hope they enjoy everything this world has to offer and congratulate them on their successful completion.

I have to continue to do my thing.

February 2022, 11

There is something wrong with the monster's state. It is not just a change in appearance and behavior, but a more fundamental change, giving people a chilling and sinister feeling. This is by no means a normal situation.

I decided to keep watching.

February 2022, 11

After completing the game and observing the birth and death of a large number of monsters, I found that the monsters occasionally showed some non-programmed behaviors and became more ferocious and violent at the same time, as if they had mutated.

At the same time, I found that the data of the monster seemed to be mixed with some unknown substances. It was not data or a program, but something that could not be analyzed.

Perhaps this is why the monster behaves strangely.

But I couldn't get any more information through observation, and I needed to do further research.

February 2022, 11

The first level has been cleared. Although it is slower than during the closed beta period, it has exceeded my expectations.

The leader of the attack team is [Titsuka]. I was a little surprised when I heard this name again. I didn't expect that the other party could do this. My research has stalled, and I cannot successfully analyze the mysterious substance in the monster's body.

I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but it seems like some substance entered my body.

February 2022, 11

February 2022, 11

I was alive again and slowly making sense of everything.

Ritsuka Fujimaru Ritsuka Chaldea.
  She is the primary target.

kill her.

No, what I need is knowledge.
  kill her.

No, it will be exposed
  kill her.

I need to think of a way.
  "Well, am I here?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka slowly opened his eyes and pushed himself up from the ground with some difficulty. The first thing he noticed was that his body seemed to be weaker than ever before.

Then, she looked around. The environment she was currently in was a spacious room with a sci-fi feel. The pure white tone looked very much like Chaldea, which was originally a research institute.

While observing the surrounding environment, memories from before the coma gradually came to mind.

Because I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, I went out for a walk. When I was about to return, I met Yui. Then, she suddenly passed out.
  "Hello, Miss Ritsuka."

Suddenly, a strange but somewhat familiar call came from behind. She suddenly turned her head and saw a thin, short-haired man in a white coat standing not far away from her and looking at her calmly. , with a somewhat indifferent expression.

Next to him was Yui, who had brought her here. She was silent at this moment, her expression dull like a lifeless puppet.

She glanced at Yui with some worry, then turned her gaze to the man and asked warily:
  "You are.?"

The man paid no attention to her vigilance and introduced himself in a calm tone:
  "My name is Kayaba Akihiko, and I'm the developer of this game."

Kayaba Akihiko? !
  On the afternoon of the first day of SAO's open beta, she had heard the other party's voice in the square of the initial town. No wonder she felt that the other party's voice was somewhat familiar.

However, hasn't the other party's authority been taken away by BB and become a completely ordinary player?
  What is the situation now?
  Where are they now?
  Is Yui controlled by the other party?
  Did BB notice the current situation? .
  Many thoughts flashed through her mind, but before she could speak, Kayaba Akihiko began to talk to himself, saying:
  "Before setting out to develop a fully stealth environment system, no, long before that, when I was a child, from the day I dreamed of that floating steel castle, I was creating this place, creating something that could transcend reality. A world of various constraints and laws, and this is my only desire.”

"So, Sword Art Online, the game was developed as the world I was looking forward to."

"But I still believe that there really is such a different world, and in that world there is a real, floating steel castle."

"And now, it seems that my dream may actually become a reality."

At this point, he finally paused and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was listening quietly in front of him, with a hint of hope in his calm expression.

"Miss Ritsuka, and the AI ​​who calls himself BB, are you visitors from another world?"


Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes widened in surprise, wondering why the other party knew their identities.

However, she still nodded and replied generously:
  "We do come from another world, but our world doesn't have any floating steel castles."

No, wait.

She hesitated a little after she finished speaking, feeling that what she said seemed a bit absolute.

I don’t know if the hanging gardens of Semiramis count. Although it is not a steel castle, it is indeed floating.

And even if Chaldea doesn't have one, she can't guarantee that there won't be floating steel castles elsewhere. After all, in the lunar world, there's no guarantee of this.

"So, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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