Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 177 Reaching the maze area, meeting and investigating

Chapter 177 Reaching the maze area, meeting and investigating
Of course, although they all believed that the situation of the [Legendary Hero] was a bit abnormal, they could not say for sure that the other party used any despicable means.

In SAO, in addition to the clearly marked tasks, there are many hidden tasks that will only be triggered after certain conditions are met.

And these tasks often have relatively generous rewards.

Therefore, perhaps the other party discovered and completed a hidden mission that could obtain a large amount of resources, and then used these resources to purchase and strengthen equipment.

Apart from this, they can't think of any other way to obtain a large amount of resources at the moment.

So the discussion could only end here. After saying goodbye to Team Agil, they moved on and went deep into the southern area of ​​the second level.

Although the endless terrain of the round table-shaped mountain range has not changed, it is different from the leisurely style of the northern area, which is more like a pasture. The southern flat area is completely covered by lush dense forests. The rocks of the mountains are also covered with vines and forests. The dense fog made the vision very bad.

But even so, you can still vaguely see the silhouette of the maze tower in the distance that runs straight through the sky and the earth and connects to the third floor.

Two huge curved shadows extend from both ends of the upper part of the maze tower. They are a pair of huge horns, corresponding to the theme of the second floor, which is dominated by cow-type monsters.

Continuing to move about a kilometer southeast, we came to the last safe point on the second level [Talan Village]. In front of Talan Village is the maze area.

Although the Agil team who returned to [Mamelo Village] should spread the news that the BOSS in the leveling area had been conquered, they still sent a message to Argo and asked her to help spread the news.

After entering the village, I first found and rented the two B&Bs with the best conditions as usual, then walked around the village, accepted all the tasks worth taking, and then entered a state of rest.

The three of them came to a restaurant in the village and prepared to enjoy today's dinner.

There is a special delicacy in Taran Village called [Talan Baozi].

Because they are called steamed buns, and the monsters on the second level are all cows, it is easy for people to think that they should be beef steamed buns or something like that.

But in fact, the fillings of the buns are custard sauce made from milk and sweet and sour fruits. The outer shell of the buns is also chewy, which is a complete dessert.

Of course, the taste is still very good. The milky aroma of the custard sauce goes well with the sweet and sour fruit. It is delicious whether it is hot out of the oven or after it has cooled down.

While the three of them were enjoying the food, Argo suddenly sent a message saying that she had arrived at [Talan Village].

After texting her their location, the four were soon reunited.

"Hmm. Well, it tastes really good!"

After swallowing the Taran buns that he was chewing, Argo's eyes lit up and he gave his praise without hesitation.

While eating the buns, she praised Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others with an exclamation tone:
"Although I seem to have said something similar before, I still have to say that the three of you are really amazing! It only took two days to advance to the maze area."

"If we continue at this pace, I'm afraid it will only take about a week to completely clear the second level this time, right?"

Kirito nodded in agreement and continued:

"The current advancement speed is indeed very fast, but it is more due to the delay on the first level for too long."

"Normally speaking, players only need to have an average level of about seven or eight to pass the second level."

Asuna put down her third-full glass of grape juice and continued:
"But SAO is not a normal game now. Of course, the higher the level, the safer it is, right?"

"That's true."

At this time, the average level of frontline players should be around level 12, and by the time the strategy starts, they should be able to reach an average level of level 13, which is quite enough.

And since they just defeated the BOSS in the leveling area, the three of them have reached level 14, and it should be difficult to improve next.

At this time, Argo added:
"But if you want to defeat the floor BOSS on this floor, the enhancement of equipment is more important than level."


Kirito sighed and nodded in agreement. According to the information during the closed beta period, the BOSS on this floor will have sword skills that exert a [Paralysis] effect on players. If they are hit, it will become very troublesome. To resist this negative effect, you need to strengthen your weapons and equipment. Improve patience.

As offensive players, the three of them are ordinary in strengthening their armor. Currently, they have only strengthened their armor to an average level of +3, but it is enough.

Especially the armor he is currently wearing is the LA reward [Midnight Coat] from the first floor BOSS, which is more than enough for the defense required by a one-handed sword user.

However, for tank players standing in the front row, the enhancement of armor may only be considered safe if it reaches an average level of +5.

Currently, Argo's strategy manual has not updated the content of the floor BOSS, but it can be expected that after the BOSS information is released, the business of blacksmith players should become very hot.

After chatting for a while, Argo looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had his hands on the table and had not spoken much since just now, and asked with a curious smile:

"What are you thinking about, Ritsuka? Why have you been so silent from just now? Is there something bothering you?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka just came back to his senses under the other party's question and shook his head subconsciously.

Seeing this, Asuna beside her immediately asked:
"You're not still thinking about the [Legendary Hero], are you?"

"Um okay. Yeah."

Seeing that Asuna said exactly what she was thinking, she could only nod and admit it.

Although it was certain that the players of [Legendary Hero] were not Chaldea's servants, the strange situation of the other party, coupled with the fact that they bore the names of so many acquaintances of hers, really made her unable to ignore them.

"[Legendary Heroes]? What happened to them?"

Hearing this name, Argo raised his eyebrows slightly. Seeing this, Kirito asked:
"Do you know them too?"

Just after he asked, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have asked a particularly idiotic question.

Sure enough, in response to his question, Argo rolled his eyes at him angrily and said:

"Are you questioning me as an intelligence dealer and [Argo the Mouse]'s professionalism?"

"Of course not, it was just a quick talk."

Kirito scratched his head awkwardly and laughed.

"[Legendary Braves], a team of players named after the legendary Braves. They only started to emerge on the second level and became active on the front line."

As if to prove his ability, Argo gave a general account of the situation of the [Legendary Hero], which was basically consistent with what they knew.

After finishing speaking, she then asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:
"So, what's their problem? Or are you having a conflict with them, Ritsuka?"

"Do you need help?"

"No, there was no conflict, it was other issues."

Fujimaru Tachika shook her head.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something and decided to relay to Argo what Agil had told them today and their speculations.

"...that's how it is."

After finishing speaking, she asked Argo:

"Argo, I'd like to ask you to help investigate them a little bit, can you?"

(End of this chapter)
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