Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 159 Controversy and Controversy

Chapter 159 Controversy and Controversy


And dead players?

Hearing what he said, many players vaguely guessed who he was referring to, but they all chose to remain silent, so the atmosphere in the entire square became somewhat silent for a while.

"I'll tell you the truth, those guys I'm referring to are beta testers!"

Kibaou let out a sharp gaze, looked at all the players in the square, and said viciously:

"Those closed beta players immediately rushed out of the starting town from the moment this damn game started, abandoning more than 9000 new players who still didn't understand the situation, and monopolized the excellent leveling area and gained a lot of benefits. He only focused on getting stronger, and then kept pretending to be completely unaware."

"There must be some cunning guys in the square now. They hide their identities as beta testers and come here to join the BOSS guide."

"If I don't let these guys kneel down, spit out all the money and props in their hands and provide them for this battle, I really can't be in the same team with them and put my life in their hands!"


This statement of wanting to bite the closed beta player in the mouth is indeed fitting for the name Kibaou.Kirito listened to his speech in silence, and no one else in the square made a sound.

But at this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's voice suddenly came out——

"Mr. Kibaou, what you want to express is that the beta testers did not take care of new players, which led to the death of so many players, so you want them to apologize and compensate. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Kibaou nodded fiercely, but unexpectedly Fujimaru Ritsuka continued:

"If that's the case, I can say a few words for the closed beta players."

"Hey, Miss Ritsuka?!"

Hearing this, Kibaou turned around suddenly and looked at her in disbelief with his eyes widened in shock.

As we all know, one of the reasons why Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna are so popular is that they are both new players, and this is guaranteed by many players who have dealt with them.

Because of this, he couldn't believe that Fujimaru Ritsuka, a new player, would choose to speak for the closed beta players.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't care about Kibaou's reaction. Instead, he took out a booklet from his backpack, looked at the players in the square and said:
"This booklet called [Argo Strategy Manual] is sold for free at prop shops in every safe area. Everyone should have received it, right?"

All the players in the square nodded in response one after another. She looked at Kibaou again and said:

"Have you received it, Mr. Kibaou?"

Kibaou said in confusion:
"Of course I received it, so what?"

"As far as I know, a considerable part of the information in the manual was provided by closed beta players."


She looked at the players again and said loudly:

"Of course, not only closed beta players, but also many ordinary players fighting on the front lines are also providers of intelligence."

"Although it's a bit boastful to say this, my team and I are also one of the providers of information. I guess there are some players who have provided information at the scene, right?"

Some of the players nodded silently, and she continued:

"There may be some selfish ones among the closed beta players, but it doesn't mean that there aren't any closed beta players who can help new players."

"Crudely classifying all closed beta players as bad guys, ostracizing them, and creating antagonism between players, I think this is a biased concept."

"In addition, the reason why everyone is gathered here now is to clear this game and defeat the BOSS on the first floor. This requires everyone to work together."

“In this process, I think the power of closed beta players is indispensable.”

"That's my point of view."

Fujimaru Ritsuka's clear opinions that were diametrically opposed to Kibaou immediately aroused a discussion among the players in the square, and soon players who agreed with her views appeared one after another.

Compared with Kibaou's slightly emotional output of opinions, Fujimaru Ritsuka's remarks are indeed more reasonable and well-founded. As long as you think about it calmly, you can understand that Fujimaru Ritsuka's argument is undoubtedly more convincing.

Most of the players who can gather here today are top players who are fighting on the front line. They must have experienced some dangerous situations more or less. If they don't calm down, they may not be able to reach here.Therefore, the overall opinions of the players in the square quickly favored Fujimaru Ritsuka's side. Kirito in the corner couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka in the center with a look of gratitude.

On the other side, looking at the overwhelming unfavorable situation in front of him, Kibaou's face looked a little ugly.

And then, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes turned to him again, and the other party smiled and asked him:

"Mr. Kibaou, what do you think?"

"Well, since you said so, Miss Ritsuka, let's do this for now."

In the end, Kibaou chose to give in.

But before returning to his seat, he snorted hard and said viciously:
"But after the BOSS battle, I must figure this out!"

In any case, as Kibaou returned to his seat again, the atmosphere at the scene returned to its original state.

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"Then let's continue the meeting."

"The BOSS battle allows eight teams, that is, 48 ​​players to participate in the strategy together. With such a large number of players, there is no doubt that one player is needed as the commander-in-chief."

"Here, I would like to nominate myself for the position of commander-in-chief, and other players are welcome to actively compete."

The reason why she wanted to be the commander-in-chief was because of one of the customs clearance requirements that BB had made to her before——

In the battle against the BOSS, you must personally participate in it and play a certain role.

To what extent should it be considered as playing a certain role? This is a question she has been thinking about.

Is it necessary to cause maximum damage to the BOSS?

Or do you want to grab the final kill of the BOSS?

Even if Kirito, who is the protagonist in the original work, does this, it should look like this.

But she always felt something was wrong.

Although she is now playing the game as an ordinary player, fighting monsters personally, rushing to the forefront of the game, and her team found the BOSS room on the first floor.

But in the final analysis, these are not the most common and essential methods she uses -

She is a master!

From the perspective of the master, how to participate in the game and how to play its role?

Thinking of this, she thought she had found the real answer——

That is to lead the players participating in the BOSS battle to perfectly conquer the BOSS on the lower floor!

The premise for this is to first become the commander of the strategy team.

Back to topic.

After Fujimaru Ritsuka volunteered, the square was quiet for a while, but no other players came forward. It seemed that the result was decided.

Seeing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"If that's the case, then I will"

"Wait, I have objections!"

At this moment, an arrogant voice came from the edge of the square, interrupting Fujimaru Ritsuka's words.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw a rugged man wearing armor and carrying a big sword stood up and said to Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"I know you, and I know that you are very popular, but now is not the time to play house."

"Having a female player as the conductor is too childish and I can't agree with it!"

(End of this chapter)
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