Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 149 Kirito joins the team, their respective information

Chapter 149 Kirito joins the team, their respective information
After Argo left, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the other two began to do their own thing.

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled at Kirito:
"This time, you should be able to form a team with us, right?"

Kirito was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he nodded decisively and said with a smile:

"Of course, and I should be asking you to let me join the team."

According to his memory from the closed beta period, the next maze area has a total of twenty floors, and the BOSS [Kobold Lord] on the first floor is located in the highest twenty-floor area.

However, the entrance and exit of each level in the maze area are at different locations, and players need to explore by themselves, so it is called a maze.

And unlike the leveling areas in the wild, the monsters in the maze area will actively attack all players within sight, and there are also mechanisms and traps that do not exist in the wild.

Of course, in addition to this, there are also treasure chests in the maze, with a chance of obtaining rare props, materials and equipment.

However, whether it is a treasure chest or a Mimic disguised as a treasure chest can only be determined by the player carefully.

In short, it is certain that the maze area is undoubtedly more dangerous than the leveling area in the wild.

When leveling up monsters in the wild area, a lone player who can enjoy exclusive experience does have an advantage over other players who work together to farm monsters.

When exploring the dungeon, the efficiency and error tolerance of a single person are definitely not as good as those of a team of players who can support each other, especially now that SAO has become a death game.

Although he had information about the labyrinth during the closed beta period, his experience over the past two weeks had made him fully understand that relying too much on information from the closed beta period would only hasten his own death.

But he doesn’t want to die, and he doesn’t want to be surpassed by other players. Therefore, if a suitable team invites him to join, he will not stubbornly stick to the principle of being alone.

And the team of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna was obviously the best choice before him.

In addition, he is also looking forward to seeing the two people in the battle who can be named "Flash" and "Unparalleled" in the next battle.

It must be very beautiful, right?

he thought.

But before you start exploring the maze, there are a few things you need to do.

The first thing is to find a dormitory room.

[Torbana] is the town closest to the maze area. Other players will gradually move in and use this as a base to start exploring the maze area.

Although there is no shortage of accommodation rooms in the town, good rooms with good conditions are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fortunately, Kirito, as the fourth player to come to [Tolbana], can choose as much as he wants.

[Torbana] The most eye-catching scenery is the rows of huge windmill towers located in the valley, which look peaceful and beautiful.

The house that Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna rented was on the second floor of a farmhouse in the area above the windmill tower.

Looking out from the window of their room, they can have a panoramic view of the scenery in the valley.

In addition to the bathroom, the room also has unlimited milk for you to drink, but you can't take it out.

Such a superior room only costs 80 Coles a day, which is 40 Coles per person, which is a huge profit.

Kirito took the opportunity to rent the second floor of another farmhouse next to them. Although the view was not as good as theirs, the conditions were not bad either.

It was already afternoon when he arrived at [Tolbana]. After solving the housing problem, he checked the time in the system, which was 5:31 pm.

So he suggested:

"Since it's already this time, how about we eat first?"

"That, I said"

It's hard not to drool over the sumptuous dishes steaming in front of you at a restaurant in town.

However, while swallowing his saliva, Kirito asked hesitantly:

"Is it really okay to order such a luxurious meal?"

If he calculated correctly, the total price of the dishes in front of him seemed to be nearly 2000 kohl.Converted into the rent of their room, they can rent it for 25 days at a time, and they can also buy 10 bottles of recovery potions in the store!

While it’s definitely not a huge sum of money, it’s still a significant expense.

He also likes to reward himself with a delicious treat after returning to the safe zone after a day of slaying monsters, but he still spends more money on purchasing equipment, props, and strengthening equipment.

This extravagant meal costing 2000 kohl was indeed his first time.

Fujimaru Ritsuka laughed and said:
"We don't usually have such extravagance, but today I'm meeting you Kirito, so I thought of having a big meal to celebrate."

"Is that so? Thank you."

Kirito-kun was a little flattered when he heard this.

At this time, Asuna on the side glanced at her calmly, and after she responded with a 'begging for mercy' look, she didn't say anything.

In fact, Fujimaru Ritsuka had already set his sights on this feast, and it was just incidental to celebrate Kirito.

But as far as the results were concerned, there was nothing wrong with her saying that.

So the three of them began to feast, and they all showed happy expressions.

After filling his hungry stomach a little, Kirito seemed to remember something and said to the two of them:

"Since we are going to form a team to fight next, we'd better exchange personal information first."

"My current level is level 10. My current skills are [Enemy Search], [Concealment] and [Weapon Defense], and my weapon is [Tough Sword +4 (2S2D)]."

Level 10 is the maximum level at which benefits can be obtained normally on the first level. After level 10, the experience gained from killing monsters on the first level will be significantly reduced.

In fact, if SAO was still a normal game, only a team of players with an average level of 5 could start conquering the BOSS.

He had just reached level 10 not long ago, and his experience bar was still a long way from level 11. Therefore, if nothing else happened, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna should still be at level 10.

Otherwise, it would be a bit too evil.

In terms of skills, [Seek Enemy] and [Concealment] are must-learn skills for solo players. There is no other choice. [Weapon Defense] is to increase fault tolerance.

The reason there are only three skills is because he hasn't decided how to choose the fourth one yet, and these skills are enough for now.

As for the strengthening of weapons, after listening to his speech, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna once again showed his familiar doubtful expressions.

"2S2D, what is that?"

With such a long-lost expression, he couldn't help but smile and explain to them.

SAO's weapon enhancement system, enhancement parameters can be divided into five categories: sharpness (Sharpness), speed (Quickness), accuracy (Accuracy), weight (Heaviness) and durability (Durability).

As long as you entrust an NPC or a player with blacksmithing skills to submit the corresponding special enhancement materials, you can try performance enhancement at will. Like other games, there will be a certain failure rate.

After the enhancement is successful, words such as numbers +1 and +2 will appear after the weapon name, but the specific types of enhancements can only be seen by directly touching the weapon and opening the attribute window.

Therefore, in order to describe it when trading with players, the initial letters and numbers of the enhancement parameters will be used to represent the enhancement details of the weapon.

[Sword of Tenacity +4 (2S2D)], which means that his weapon has successfully strengthened its sharpness twice and durability twice.

"I see."

The two nodded suddenly, because they had not traded equipment with other players yet, so this was the first time they learned such knowledge.

Then, the two of them followed Kirito's example and began to introduce themselves.

Asuna said:

"My current level is level 10. The skills I chose are [Light Metal Equipment], [Mercedes], [Cooking] and [Weapon Defense], and the weapon is [Fenghua Sword +4 (2S2Q)]."

Fujimaru Tachika said:
"My current level is level 10. The skills I chose are [See Through], [Weapon Defense] and [Sword Throwing], and the weapon is [Toughened Spear +4 (4S)]."

(End of this chapter)
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