Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 138 BB’s game rules, the real conditions for clearance

Chapter 138 BB’s game rules, the real conditions for clearance
Why do you have to pick a time for me to sleep every time?

Although she was used to this situation, she still couldn't help but sigh a little in her heart.

Goodbye, my sleep.

Thinking like this, BB opposite seemed to be keenly aware of her emotional changes. He put his hands on his hips and frowned suspiciously:
"Why don't you seem to be very excited when you see your lovely junior having a baby kiss?"

"Have you not woken up yet? What, do you need BB's special love electric shock to help you wake up before you can recover? In that case...!"

"No, I didn't say that."

When she heard this, she quickly denied it, and the BB opposite her suddenly showed a 'what a pity' expression, which made her feel a little ashamed.

When getting along with BB, you really can't be careless for a moment.

After gathering her composure, she chose to go directly to the topic and asked BB:

"Dear BB, did you come with me? How is my body doing now?"

"Good question!"

When this question was mentioned, BB responded with a smile on her face, but she felt that the other party seemed a little angry for no reason.

BB smiled and replied:
"Because I escaped with my senior! It's hard! I came here."


She felt a little confused when she heard this wording.

"You guy, there must be a limit to your slowness!"

Seeing her like this, BB finally broke the smile on his face and complained angrily to her:

"I brought such a terrifying monster back to Chaldea this time. Is it possible that my dear sister is so annoying to me? I actually found a guy to restrain me!"

"Feeding on information is really a nightmarish and unimaginably bad joke. It is simply anti-social and anti-AI! I want to protest!!"

"Ah, when I think of such a terrible thing, BB's smooth skin is covered with goosebumps of disordered data!"

"It turns out you were talking about Bo Dao."

Hearing this, she suddenly said.

But thinking about it carefully, Bo Dao seems to be quite restrained.

Although BB gained a body through becoming a servant, in essence, as an AI, she is just a bunch of conscious data. It is normal for her to be afraid of Bo Da, who feeds on information.

So she smiled and said:
"Don't worry, Bo Dao is a good child. I promise she won't do anything to you."


BB looked at her suspiciously, and finally chose to trust her, but still muttered with lingering fear:
"Forget it, no matter what, I'll just walk around her from now on."

"It's true, there are more and more dangerous elements in Chaldea. Is this really an organization that saves humanity?"


Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his head in embarrassment.

In terms of purpose, it should be fair, right?
So she chose to return to the topic and continued to ask:
"So what's going on now, dear BB, can you unlock this game and let everyone leave?"

"Hmph, of course!"

When it comes to returning to the field he is good at, BB quickly recovered and showed a proud look.

"It's just a pretty smart data space. With just a few moves of my fingers, I easily took over Mr. Producer's highest authority and became the actual controller of this game!"

"As for unlocking the game, let everyone leave or something."

She showed a wicked smile and said:

"Actually, I think Mr. Producer's idea is quite good. For this reason, I even helped him improve the program."

"So, why would I do that?"

After listening to BB's speech, she roughly understood what he meant. After sighing slightly, she asked:

"So, what are the conditions this time?"

"Hey, it's boring."

But when he heard her say that, BB suddenly puffed up his cheeks with dissatisfaction and muttered:
"Sure enough, that's the only bad thing about it being too familiar. There's no sense of surprise or suspense at all."

"How about we erase all the memories of our seniors and get to know him again?"

"Maybe this time I can train my senior to be my exclusive toy, and then I can completely conquer Chaldea."

".I said, I can hear everything!"

All of BB's dangerous remarks fell into her ears, causing her to speak with a black line.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I accidentally said what was in my heart. Please pretend that you didn't hear me, senior!"

BB covered her mouth in feigned surprise, but the mischievous smile in the corners of her eyes betrayed her completely.Those remarks just now were really just an attempt to tease her, right?
As expected, he is a descendant of the devil system.

"Okay, that's the end of the joke, let's get down to business."

BB winked playfully and said with a smile:

"First of all, let me tell you some good news, senior."

"Although Mr. Producer said that players will actually die if they are game characters, but I have modified this rule."

"What happens now is that after the character dies, the player just goes into a vegetative state, and I can heal them at any time."

"Of course, if during this period, the player's family chooses to euthanize the other person, then there is nothing I can do."

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka was temporarily relieved.

As long as it is not a real death game, then the situation is not urgent.

"The rules of this game are very simple, which is to defeat the game BOSS."

"Of course, 100 floors is a waste of time. Just 5 floors is enough. After clearing 5 floors, I will cancel the game."

"Isn't that quite magnanimous? You can thank me as much as you want."

"If I say thank you, can that be the end of it?"

She spoke tentatively.

It does sound like quite loose conditions, but since she is a BB, she feels that things are not that simple.

"Of course - no way!"

Sure enough, BB continued to say with a smile:

"Then there are some restrictions."

"Senior, did you ask me a question about your own body just now?"

"Answer now: I made some adjustments to your body to achieve an effect similar to digitization."

"In other words, senior, you are now fully present in this game."

"And I have restricted your abilities. In the game, you cannot summon servants, use magic rituals, or mobilize magic power. You are no different from ordinary people."

"In other words, this time, you have to rely on your own abilities to pass the game just like other players."

Hearing this, she nodded slightly, accepting this condition.

Compared to this condition, what she actually wants to say is——

"Don't touch other people's bodies casually!"

"I'm also thinking about my seniors, so how can I be considered casual?"

BB replied confidently, obviously without any intention of introspection.

She even frowned and accused her in turn:
"Okay, if you interrupt the lovely girl's speech casually, you will be punished by God. Let her finish her sentence first."

Interrupting someone's speech or modifying someone else's body, which one is more likely to be punished by God?
Although Fujimaru Ritsuka really wanted to complain, when she heard what she said, she stayed quiet for the time being and listened to what she had to say.

"Second, you must personally participate in the strategy for these 5-layer BOSS and play a certain role."

"If you do not participate in the strategy, or if your role in the battle does not meet my standards, then the strategy level will have to be postponed."

"As for how to achieve the standard, please feel free to explore this point, but the right of interpretation is entirely on my side!"

Is this completely the overlord clause?

"at last!"

BB stretched out a finger and showed a wicked smile again:

“Although other players who die in the game will be in a vegetative state temporarily, if you accidentally die in the game——”

"Those people will die with you, senior!"

"Literally, literally falling into death."

"So, please try to survive."

So far, all the rules have been introduced.

BB waved her hand, and the dark blue data space in front of her eyes began to collapse. A wave of fatigue came over her, making her eyelids twitch.

Before closing his eyes completely, BB's last words full of laughter came to his ears——

"Wish you a happy game, senior!"

 As soon as I wrote about BB, I thought that the pool I used to draw water from BB had sunk.

  Alas, sadness wells up in my heart
(End of this chapter)

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