Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 133 New situation and new people

Chapter 133 New situation and new people

"So, what's going on now?"

Looking at the sunny and bustling square in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression revealed a trace of speechlessness in a daze.

If she remembered correctly, she should have fallen asleep on Chaldea's bed not long ago, right?
Even if something really had to happen, couldn't we come during the day?
She really just wants to have a good sleep!

".never mind."

In the end, she sighed, chose to give up the meaningless venting, and began to observe the current situation.

First of all, as far as she is concerned, she can no longer return to Chaldea.

As for the world of Conan and the world of magic, they still had no impact and could be [transferred] at any time, which made her relieved.

Then there is the current environment.

Usually when this happens, it can be basically concluded that she has carried out [Transfer] again, but this time the situation is a little different.

Let’s not talk about the fantasy-style square she is currently in, and let’s not mention the clothes she is wearing that are almost the same as everyone else in the square. The question now is——

Along with bursts of light effects, people in similar clothes appeared in front of her out of thin air, showing expressions of excitement or surprise.

In addition, in the upper left corner of her field of vision, there was a green bar that followed her line of sight, and the Roman spelling of her name was displayed above the green bar.

Then, she followed the example of others around her and stretched her hand down in the air, and a suspended system menu appeared in front of her eyes.

This looks like it's in a game, right?

Or is it a different world very much like a game?

If it's the latter, that's fine, but if it's the former, then who is she now?
A conscious blob of data?
Illegal electronic ghost?
Where is her body?
Are you still lying on Chaldea's bed?

For a while, many doubts surged in her mind. While thinking, she moved her fingers gently and explored the system menu in front of her.

Personal information bar, backpack, skills, mailbox, friends, union, system settings, screen.
From this point of view, she should be in a virtual game now, not some other world.

Since it's a game, there should be an exit button, right?
Although she was thinking this way, she was not ready to use the escape button to leave the game.

Because she doesn't know what state she is currently in. If she is really just a bunch of data now, wouldn't she just hang up if she quit like this?


Looking at the system menu in front of her, she frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Because she rummaged through the menu two or three times and still couldn't find the escape key.

Could it be that the game manufacturer forgot to put the escape button up?
It sounds a bit nonsense.

However, the fact that she could not exit the game made the setting of a classic work appear in her mind——

'Although this is a game, it is no joke. '

Sword Art Online, SAO, Aincrad Chapter, Black Swordsman Kirito, Game of Death.
Being unable to exit is a normal phenomenon in the game. The only way to leave this world is to defeat the Demon King on the top 100 floors of "Aincrad" - that is, to achieve the "complete strategy".

Could it be said that this is...?


Suddenly, a cautious greeting came from the side, dragging her thoughts back to reality.

She looked up and followed the source of the sound, and saw a beautiful girl with long chestnut hair standing in front of her, looking at her with some restraint.

Although the other party took the initiative to call her, he acted a little embarrassed and said to her slightly nervously:
"I'm sorry to disturb you. It's just that I saw that you seemed to be standing there, looking a little troubled."

"I want to say, are you a new player playing the game for the first time?"
At this moment, the girl felt a little regretful and couldn't figure out why she had chosen to strike up a conversation with the other party just now.

Is it because the other person seems troubled?

But even so, she couldn't help much.

Is it because the other person looks like a new player playing the game for the first time?

Obviously she herself is not much better than the other person.

However, it is too late to regret now.

After stumbling to finish her words, she stood there nervously, thinking:
You might be scolded for being nosy, right?

In short, if you are scolded, apologize and leave quickly.

However, the abuse she imagined did not come. After being stunned for a moment, the other party showed a gentle smile and said:
"Thank you for your concern. I was thinking about other things just now. It is indeed my first time to play this game."

"Are you a veteran of this game?" The question that came immediately after the answer caught her off guard, and she quickly waved her hand in denial:
"No, no, no, actually it's my first time to play, I'm not a closed beta player."

"Feel sorry!"

"That's it."

The other party nodded thoughtfully and seemed to start thinking again, and the atmosphere between the two was silent again.


So, what to do now?
She stood there at a loss. Although she wanted to run away immediately, she felt it would be rude to run away like this.

Fortunately, the other party did not embarrass her for too long. After she came to her senses, the other party smiled apologetically:
"Sorry, I accidentally got distracted just now."

"It doesn't matter. If that's the case, then..."

She shook her head, ready to find an excuse to run away and end this awkward conversation.

But at this moment, the other party suddenly proposed with great interest:

"Since we are both new players, why not add a friend and form a team to play together?"


Facing the other party's proposal, she hesitated for a while.

Because the gaming helmet she used was not bought by herself, but belonged to her brother who was on a business trip.

And if nothing else goes wrong, she will have to prepare for the high school entrance examination and will not have time to continue playing this game in the future.

What's more, her mother won't allow her to play games. She went online secretly this time
However, looking at the sincere smile on the other person's face and recalling this wonderful encounter, she finally nodded slightly and replied with a smile:
"Okay, then please give me some advice."

Anyway, we only have this afternoon, so it’s okay to be a little willful, right?
Then, she asked with some confusion:
"But speaking of which, how do you add friends and form a team?"

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Actually, I don't know too well."

As soon as these words came out, the two looked at each other, and then smiled at each other.

Just two simple words of conversation made the distance between the two of them much closer instantly, just like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Anyway, let's explore it first."

With that said, fortunately, these two functions are relatively simple. The two quickly figured out the method and added each other as friends.

So there was an unfamiliar name in the originally empty friend list, and she tried to spell it out:
"Ritsuka? Is this your name?"

"um, yes."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and nodded, then looked at his friend list. The other person's name was also very simple——



The beautiful girl with long chestnut hair, Asuna, has just been released to the public beta and cannot exit the game.
Excluding extreme coincidences, there is only one possibility, right?
This time, she was transferred to the world of Sword Art Online, a death game called Sword Art Online.

 A friend’s book is very interesting and has just been put on the shelves. If you like Harry Potter fandom, you can check it out, but everyone may have read it.

  Anyway, here’s the introduction—

  In London in 1990, Harry was thrown into the garden at 13 Privet Drive by his cousin.

  In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumored in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil.

  "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?"

  "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins."

  As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labor contract.

  But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor.

  What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! !

  A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application.

  "I, Harry Potter, am going home for the holidays!"

(End of this chapter)

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