Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 123 Conan’s Exploration, Opening a Store

Chapter 123 Conan’s Exploration, Opening a Store

Overall, the first meeting between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Dr. Agasa was very pleasant.

After dinner, Dr. Agasa also took Fujimaru Ritsuka to visit his laboratory and showed some small inventions.

Moreover, Hatae, who is also a member of the Junior Detective Team, also received the exclusive equipment of the Junior Detective Team from Dr. Agasa——

The detective badge mainly consists of an ultra-small radio walkie-talkie and an ultra-small telecommunications transmitter;

A watch light whose adjustment knob emits a flashlight-like light from the dial.

This kind of high-tech toy, how could Bo Dao, who had just come out of the countryside, withstand the temptation, was captured in an instant and became close to Dr. Ali.

"Thank you, Dr. Ari!"

"Haha, it's okay, as long as you like it."

Dr. Ali, who always likes children, is also very happy about this.

Overall, this was a very successful party.

The same is true for Conan, who successfully obtained some new clues about Fujimaru Ritsuka.

So after Fujimaru Ritsuka and others left, he couldn't wait to check the information.


Sitting in the car, Conan muttered this word again.

"You've been thinking about it for so long, aren't you ready to give up?"

Beside him, Hui Yuan Ai teased him, then chuckled:
"Let me tell you, isn't it normal for a mysterious firm to be named 'Chaldea'? Doesn't it have any other profound meaning?"

"Not everyone is like you detectives who like to think about things all day long."


Hearing Haibara Ai's words, Conan reluctantly wanted to refute, but could not find any basis for refutation.

The word Chaldea comes from a people who settled in the Mesopotamia around 1000 AD, the Chaldeans.

In 626 BC, the Chaldeans destroyed the ancient Babylonian Kingdom and established the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom, also known as the Chaldean Kingdom.

After that, they successively conquered the east and west, destroyed the Assyrian Empire, which was in its greatest glory for a while, and almost unified the entire Mesopotamia.

Speaking of Chaldea, there are two widely circulated stories:

First, in 587 BC, the Chaldean Kingdom destroyed the Jewish Kingdom and destroyed a legendary temple in the Jewish Kingdom, the Temple of Solomon.

Solomon's Temple is a glorious temple built for the Jewish God Yahweh in Jerusalem during the reign of King Solomon, which took 7 years. It is known as the first temple in Jewish history.

Second, is the Chaldeans' extremely high attainments in astronomy and astrology.

The Chaldeans were the first to divide a month into four cycles, with seven days as a week, and they were named after seven star gods. This is the origin of "week".

Therefore, "Chaldean" has basically become synonymous with astrologers in Western cultural tradition.

In other words, it is a very reasonable choice for a firm that deals with mysterious events to be named Chaldea.

Could it be that he was really thinking in the wrong direction?

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but have some self-doubt.

However, looking at the joking look cast by Hui Yuan Ai, he could only retort harshly:

"Just wait, I will definitely find the clues hidden in it!"

"Then it's up to you."

Hui Yuan Ai shrugged and ignored him.

Even so, she knew that the mysterious institution where Fujimaru Ritsuka worked was named after Chaldea.

Humanity Survival Guarantee Agency, Phoenix Chaldea.

However, she had already investigated in advance and found no such organization as the so-called Human Resources Continuity Guarantee Agency.

However, I have discovered a lot of groups of fortune tellers who are not sure whether they are real or fake.

As for why it was named after Chaldea, she was actually a little curious.

Of course, she wouldn't tell Conan these things.So she ignored Conan who continued to think, and began to think of another thing——

The elixir given to her by Ritsuka Fujimaru.

No, to be precise, it cannot be called a panacea, but it has indeed shown amazing effects on internal and external injuries in front of her.

Another thing that concerned her was whether the medicine contained the blessing of mysterious power.

If it were a panacea created entirely by science, then she could only worship it, but if it was blessed with mysterious power——

So, can she rely on scientific research to deconstruct the mystery and reproduce its effects?
After this idea sprouted in her mind, it got out of hand.

After all, the panacea is the philosopher's stone among all groups of medical researchers, a dream drug that is extremely desired but out of reach.

"Conan, Xiao Ai, we are here."

At this time, Dr. Ali called them and stopped the car at the same time.

Several people got out of the car and looked at the familiar streets in front of them. Conan was also a little dumbfounded:

"It really is."

Tokyo, Mihua City, Mihua Town, 39-chome [-], this is their current street address.

On the second floor of the house to their left, [Maori Detective Agency] were clearly visible in large white letters on the glass window, and there was a prominent signboard next to it.

That's right, their location is next to the Moori Detective Agency opened by Kogoro Moori, and it is also where he currently stays.

But this was not their destination today.

Their target today is on their right, on the second floor directly opposite the Mori Detective Agency, a newly opened agency called [Chaldea Mystery Agency].

That is the office opened by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

A few days have passed since the other party had dinner at Dr. Ali's house.

But even so, for being able to open a store in just a few days, he didn't know whether to praise the other party for his amazing mobility or his strong money-making ability.

Of course, more likely it is both.

However, he really wanted to complain about Fujimaru Ritsuka’s location selection issue:

Not to mention it was opened near Xiaolan’s house, but why did it choose to be opened opposite a detective agency?

On the left is the detective agency, and on the right is the mystery agency. This strange picture is really confusing.

What is this, complementary advantages?

In addition, generally speaking, when a new store opens, a wreath will be placed outside the store.

On the one hand, it is to wish the new store good luck in business; on the other hand, it is also to tell people passing by that there is a new store here.

But today is obviously the first day that Fujimaru Ritsuka's office opens, but the streets outside the office are empty.

I'm afraid only the nearby residents who are familiar with this area and guests who are invited to visit will know that a new office has been opened here, right?
Do you really want to open a store seriously?

Sure enough, it’s just a play house for rich people, right?
In short, with all kinds of complaints in his heart, Conan followed Dr. Ali and Haibara Ai up to the second floor and came to the door of the office.

"excuse me."

The door was ajar at this time, and the three of them pushed the door open and entered.

"Conan, Dr. A Li, Xiao Ai, you are here!"

Seeing the three of them, Mao Lilan smiled and said hello.

"Sister Xiaolan!"

In the office, in addition to Fujimaru Ritsuka, Moriarty and Hatao, there are also Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko.

To his surprise, even Mouri Kogoro came.

On the other side, seeing the arrival of the three people, Fujimaru Ritsuka, the owner of the office, smiled and said:

"Welcome to [Chaldea Mystery Office]!"

(End of this chapter)

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