Chapter 121 Hui Yuan Ai’s shock

Now that he has decided to open a firm, just like Moriarty, various preparations for opening a store must be put on the agenda.

But before that, she still needs to do one thing first——

That is to visit Dr. Ali's house.

After Haibara Ai conveyed her reply to Dr. Ali, the other party quickly made a decision and set the time of the visit at five o'clock in the afternoon the next day.



"So, what are you doing here?"

Looking at Conan aside, Haihara Ai rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm here to come and play with the doctor, can't I?"

Conan pretended to know nothing and smiled innocently.

In fact, it was at school in the morning that he heard from Bo Dao that his family was going to visit the doctor's house this afternoon, so he came here specially.

He wanted to see if he could use this opportunity to find out some information about Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Of course, up to now, the possibility that 'Fujimaru Ritsuka is the enemy' has been basically eliminated.

What he is doing now is just investigation based on his interest and curiosity.

After all, until now, he still hasn't found out the details of the other party. This is simply a challenge to him as a famous detective.

And now there is another question before him——

That is, Haihara Ai, who was originally an ally, suddenly "betrayed" him.

Although her and Fujimaru Ritsuka's travel plans seemed to be interrupted due to some accidents, in the process, she obviously learned key information related to Fujimaru Ritsuka's identity, at least some important information.

However, at such a critical moment, this guy Haiyuan actually "betrayed" him and refused to disclose any information to him.

Damn it, this sinister woman who lives alone!
He also made some guesses:
Is it because the other party's identity is very special and cannot be disclosed casually? .

For example, Fujimaru Ritsuka's true identity is actually the daughter of a certain head of state.

It can't get any more outrageous than this, right?
However, there was no point in making such random guesses. He could only give it a try and come here to get some information.

At this moment, a pile of onions was thrust into his hand, interrupting his thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Hui Yuan Ai's voice came——

"Since you are so free, then help cut those onions."


Looking at the pile of onions in his hand, Conan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly showed an expression that was about to cry.

After cutting these onions, won’t all your tears dry up?
Then, he seemed to remember something again and asked Haiyuan Ai:

"Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you at school before. Haiyuan, you always seemed to be absent-minded when you went to school during the day."

"Did something happen?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about research."

She replied lightly.

To be precise, not only when she was in school, she was thinking about research all day today.

The object of study was the Kampo pills given to her by Fujimaru Ritsuka yesterday.

Since she and Dr. A Li have different research directions, for drug research, the research equipment in Dr. A Li's laboratory can only support her to conduct some simple research.

But even so, the experimental results before her eyes were enough to make her lose her mind.

Due to insufficient experimental equipment, she planned to conduct some simple experiments on mice to observe the approximate efficacy of the pills.

Then, she detected a result that she still can't believe -

Totally valid!

Not only does it totally work, it works amazingly!Such as trauma.

She made a wound on the back of the mouse, fed it some medicine, and set up several control groups to observe the situation in the next few days.

However, this morning she went to observe, and was shocked to find that the external injury of the white mouse that had taken the pill had actually healed!

Healed! ! !
You know, even a small wound of 1-2cm will take at least three to five days from scratching, scabbing and healing!

How could it be possible to get better so quickly? !

Not only the external injuries, but also the mice in the group with internal injuries. The speed of recovery from their injuries was astonishing, completely surpassing any wound medicine on the market.

As for the therapeutic effect on diseases, she did not carry out the experiment because she did not have the experimental conditions.

But even based on the experimental results shown so far, it is enough to make her, a scientist who studies drugs, feel doubtful about her life.

If the effect of this pill is exactly the same as what Fujimaru Ritsuka said, then wouldn't it mean that this may be one of the dreams of all their drug scientists -

Panacea! ?

Although she was very reluctant to accept this fact, when she thought about the secrets of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, she felt that it was not impossible.

Perhaps the pill itself given to her by Fujimaru Ritsuka also contains some kind of mysterious power?

After all, there are even beings like Bo Dao who can control time and parallel worlds in this world.

But thinking about it this way, a new idea came to her mind.
"Xiao Ai, is there anything else you want me to do?"

On the other side, Dr. Ali actively asked questions and planned her thoughts.

She came back to her senses and thought about the important things today. She temporarily suppressed her thoughts and directed Dr. A Li:
"Then please bring that pot over."

"Ok, no problem!"

Since the other party came to his home as a guest, Dr. Ali naturally wanted to cook and entertain them.

However, he doesn't know how to cook and usually goes out to eat or order takeout.

Therefore, in the end, Haibara Ai took over the cooking task and asked Dr. Ali to help her.

Now that we have another tool-man named Conan, it's better than nothing.

"Okay Kudo, don't be in a daze and get to work quickly."

Hui Yuan Ai ordered him unceremoniously.

"Yes Yes."

Conan could only sigh helplessly and consider himself unlucky.

However, you were obviously in a daze just now, right?
He cursed in his heart.

So the three of them worked hard for a long time. When the dishes were almost ready, the doorbell rang, and Fujimaru Ritsuka and others arrived as scheduled.


Dr. A Li didn't have time to change out of his apron and hurriedly ran over to open the door.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Moriarty and Hatao were standing at the door. When they saw Dr. Agasa coming to open the door, she greeted politely:
"You must be Dr. Agasa. I am Fujimaru Ritsuka. This is our first meeting. Please give me some advice."

"Nice to meet you."

Dr. Agasa looked at Moriarty and Boda who were standing aside, and said with a smile:

"There are also Butler James and little boy Bo Dao, right? Xiao Ai told me about you, please give me some advice."

"Please advise."

The two parties exchanged greetings, and then she handed the gift box in her hand to Dr. Ali and said with a smile:
"I heard from Xiao Ai that you like desserts, so I just bought some. I hope you don't mind."

"Haha, how could that be? You're so polite."

Dr. A Li took the gift and said with a smile:
"Anyway, that's it for the polite words. Let's talk after we come in first."

"That's disturbing."

(End of this chapter)

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