Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 119 Hui Yuan Ai is full of energy

Chapter 119 Hui Yuan Ai is full of energy
"I am back!"

"Welcome back."

In the afternoon, when Hatae came home from school, after a brief exchange of greetings, Fujimaru Ritsuka saw Haibara Ai following closely behind her, so she smiled and said:
"Xiao Ai is here too, good afternoon."

"good afternoon."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded slightly, and then said his purpose:
"Sister Li Xiang, Dr. Ali wants to invite you to his home. Let me ask you if you are willing to accept the invitation and if you have time."

"of course."

Without thinking much, she agreed immediately.

Dr. A Li, the manufacturer of Conan's exclusive equipment, is one of the main culprits in turning science into a science. She is quite fond of and curious about this inventor of black technology who has a well-hidden secret.

"As for time, I can do it at any time now, just depend on Dr. A Li's arrangements."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded again and said:
"I understand. I will tell him when I get back."

After saying that, Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Hatae and asked with a smile:
"How did you feel about school today?"

"It's not bad, but the things taught are too simple."

Bo Dao thought for a while and said.

Although her personality and thinking are more like those of children, after all, she has lived on the earth for hundreds of years and absorbed a lot of people's information. To be honest, Bo Dao is actually quite smart.

But then, she put her hands on her hips and said proudly:

"And I made friends, and joined the [Youth Detective Team] like Xiao Ai!"

As for the friends she calls, of course they are the little guys in the Junior Detective Team.

Fujimaru Ritsuka also noticed the change in Hatada's name for Haibara Ai.

The two of them were not very familiar with each other before. They were even a little cold and had almost no communication.

After all, Haibara Ai shot Bo Dao in the head before. Although it did not cause any substantial damage, it was considered a conflict.

Judging from the current situation, the relationship between the two seems to have improved a lot in school.

Thinking of this, she smiled knowingly and said:

"That's great."



However, when Haiyuan Ai saw this, he sighed imperceptibly.

Different from Bo Dao's happiness, for her, today's experience at school was not too wonderful. It could even be said that she was on tenterhooks and exhausted physically and mentally.

Since she knew Bo Dao's nature very well, she had to pay a lot of attention when getting along with him to avoid the other party from doing anything out of the ordinary.

And in the process, she had to cover for the other party to prevent the troublesome Kudo from seeing anything.

That Kudo Shinichi guy is okay when he's a friend, but it's really troublesome when he's an enemy, especially his character who likes to get to the bottom of everything, which is really troublesome.

Today, she realized this deeply.

But it is precisely because of these things that the relationship between her and Bo Dao has become much more harmonious.

It was around four o'clock now, and it was not yet time for dinner. Bo Dao put down his schoolbag and was about to go back to his room. Suddenly he remembered something, and turned to invite Haihara Ai:

"Xiao Ai, do you want to play games together?"

Haiyuan Ai refused:
"Thank you, I don't need it."


Bo Dao didn't pay too much attention and ran back to his room with brisk steps.

Ever since Fujimaru Ritsuka eased into the game on Nitto Island, Hatae has been completely addicted to it recently, and there is a trend of getting out of hand.

However, considering that the other party was actually a high-dimensional creature and not a real underage girl, Fujimaru Ritsuka ignored her for the time being.

Of course, if the other party has a tendency to develop into a dead house, she can only forcefully intervene.

As for the current situation, it can only be said that earth civilization has once again achieved a cultural victory over aliens.

Seeing that Hatada had returned to the room, Haibara Ai came to Fujimaru Ritsuka and asked in a low voice with some worry:
"Sister Ritsuka, is this really okay?"

She understood what Hui Yuan Ai was talking about, smiled and comforted:
"Don't worry, Bo Dao and I have made an agreement, and she is not a bad child by nature. I believe her."

"But during this period, I might need to trouble you to take care of her more at school, okay?"

"It's ok."

Hui Yuan Ai agreed. In fact, she was already doing this.Although it is a bit troublesome, it is also a good choice for her to be able to help Ritsuka sister.

Although Haibara Ai agreed, Fujimaru Ritsuka would not just let Fang Bai help.

She thought for a while and took out a kraft paper medicine bag from the [Official Treasure House]. The first thing that caught her eye was the three characters [大黑円] in the middle.

This is Mahakala. To be precise, it is a Valentine's Day gift given to her by Mahakala's messengers. It is the gastrointestinal medicine given to her by Mahakala's messengers to treat abdominal pain.

Although it is a gastrointestinal medicine, not only abdominal pain, but also every disease and wound can be cured immediately. If it is simply used to treat abdominal pain, it will probably be condemned by those in the know as a waste of natural resources.

Although she does use it often to treat abdominal pain.

And because it was very useful, she specially requested a lot of packets of medicine from the Mahakala gods and stored them in the [Chen's Treasure House] for emergencies.

She handed the medicine bag to Haiyuan Ai and said with a smile:
"Please accept this as a small thank you gift from me."

"Thank you."

Haibara Ai understood Fujimaru Ritsuka's thoughts, so she did not choose to refuse. After taking the medicine package, she looked at it carefully.

On the head of the three characters [大黑熆], there is a pattern that looks like a lucky mallet, and below it is written "Miao Ling", no, it should be the word "Ling Miao";
On both sides of [Daheiyin], there is a row of text that reads "All difficulties will be eliminated, full of nourishment";
Daikoku Yen looks like Daikoku Tian.

Mahakala is one of the seven gods of good fortune, the god of luck and good luck, and is also considered to be the god of luck in charge of the canteen and kitchen.

Rats are generally believed to be His messengers.

Mahakala was originally a god in India. Later, it was spread from India to China, and then from China to Japan. She didn't know the more specific information.

Printed with the words [大黑熆] and the classic kraft paper packaging, it looks very much like the unscrupulous Kampo medicines promoted by some unscrupulous merchants.

As a scientist specializing in medicine, if she met someone selling this medicine to her on the road, she would not only refuse it sternly, but also scold him coldly.

But this was the medicine given to her by Fujimaru Ritsuka, and when she thought of the mysterious power possessed by the other party, she hesitated a little, so she asked:
"what is this?"

"This is a gastrointestinal medicine that can be used to treat abdominal pain."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"But not only for abdominal pain, you can also take it if you have any diseases or internal or external injuries. The effect is very good."

disease, internal and external injuries
What is the difference between this and a cure-all?
Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but complain silently in her heart.

It sounds more and more unreliable. Could it be that Sister Lixiang was deceived?
Forget it.

Anyway, she has nothing to do recently, so she has nothing to do, so she just happened to use it as material to study.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt motivated and couldn't wait to go back and start researching immediately.

"Then Sister Ritsuka, I will go back today."

"Well, okay, I'll give you a gift."

"Miss Ritsuka, why don't you let me deliver it?"

At this time, Moriarty took the initiative.

She glanced at Moriarty and felt that there was something strange about him, but after thinking about it she nodded and said:
"Then trouble you."

Haiyuan Ai also said:
"Excuse me, Mr. James."

Moriarty smiled and said:
"Haha, it doesn't matter. It's my honor to serve the lady."

Moriarty drove her to the door of Dr. Ali's house. After saying goodbye to him, she hurried home, borrowed Dr. Ali's research room, and started researching with great interest.

She wanted to see what ingredients were in this medicine, how dare it claim to cure all diseases?
 Recommend a friend’s book——

  The former treasure hunter came to another fantasy world due to an accident.

  There is endless wealth here, you can control the terrifying power, and enjoy the beauty that power brings.

  There are also endless dangers, terrifying sea monsters, which will lead to destruction if you are not careful.

  "Welcome to the Endless Sea, please enjoy your age of navigation."

  "Ding, Wind Spirit Moon Shadow is loading. After loading, Ocean World has unlocked a total of 63 modifiable items. I wish you a happy game."

  Although Qiao Yang is not familiar with navigation, it does not prevent him from knowing Fengling Yueying. How great is my Fengling Yueying Sect, and what a great disciple of Fengling Yueying!

  As long as you can ding ding ding, I dare to turn your world upside down. It's just a big voyage. Your father Qiao Yang is here!

  This book is also called "The Ocean Fantasy Adventure of the Great Disciple of Fengling"

  "Sea Monster?"If you can break my board, I lose! 》

  "I stand still and let you hit me. Do you think I will lose blood?" 》

(End of this chapter)

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