Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 117 Return to daily life and contract

Chapter 117 Return to Daily Life and Contract

"Little sorrow?"

In the afternoon, Dr. Ali, who was leisurely reading the newspaper at home, saw Haihara Ai walking in with her suitcase and said unexpectedly:

"Didn't you say you were going to travel with the Fujimaru family for three days? Why are you back now?"

Because we’ve been traveling for three days, and it’s been an incredible trip.

Of course, the truth could not be told to anyone, so she could only answer while dragging her luggage back to the room:

"Because sister Ritsuka and the others suddenly encountered something, the plan was cancelled."

"That's it. That's a pity. I obviously asked for leave from the school specifically."

Dr. A Li sighed regretfully.

But she wasn't completely lying, because Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others did have something to do, and it was something related to Hatae who came back with them.

But she didn't know exactly what to do.

Also, for an incredible alien creature like Bo Dao, you must be careful when dealing with matters related to her.

After all, being able to interfere with time and parallel worlds at will is indeed no different from a god in a sense.

She still feels a little weird.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and experienced it personally, she wouldn't have believed that such a bizarre existence existed in this world.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Ai."

Suddenly, Dr. Ali called her out, interrupting her thinking.

She asked suspiciously:

"What's the matter, Doctor?"

Dr. A Li said with a smile:

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought that I haven't seen the Ritsuka sister you mentioned."

"And since the other person takes care of you so much, why don't you just find a time to invite the other person to your home as a guest? What do you think?"

Hui Yuan Ai thought for a moment, nodded and said:
"I understand. I will discuss it with her next time I go to see Sister Ritsuka."

"Then trouble you."

Originally, Fujimaru Ritsuka had been passively involved in their affairs, and there was no need to stay away from each other. Kudo even wanted her to stay with Fujimaru Ritsuka to protect him.

But after this trip, with the abilities Fujimaru Ritsuka showed, at least from the arsenal she carried with her that was enough to launch a small war, she felt that protection was no longer necessary.

But at this moment, she suddenly remembered that during this practice, the other party seemed to be held hostage again.

This is the fifth time.

So she silently changed her view in her heart.

Although there is no protection, it is still necessary to pay attention to Fujimaru Ritsuka and the situation around her at all times, because the other party seems to be easily hijacked.

"Doctor, I'm going back to my room to rest. You don't need to call me until dinner."

"Okay, good afternoon, Xiao Ai."

"Well, good afternoon."

After returning to the room, she put her luggage next to her, then threw herself on the bed tiredly, buried her head in the soft pillow, and remained motionless, letting the thoughts in her mind spread freely.

Soon, everything that happened on Ridu Island came to her mind again, and finally settled on Bo Dao's introduction to her abilities.

Can the observed parallel world be transformed into reality?
Then there should be a parallel world where my sister survives
Thinking of this, she buried her head deeper.
At Fujimaru Ritsuka's home, she and Hatae were holding an important ceremony.

Make a contract.

Hatae was a little confused, but he still obediently stretched out his right hand, revealing the white and tender back of his right hand, which was close to the back of Fujimaru Ritsuka's right hand with the Command Seal engraved on it.

By the way, when summoning Moriarty to his side, one stroke of the command spell was consumed, and now it has been replenished.

Returning to the topic, the Command Seal where the backs of their hands were pressed against each other glowed slightly with red light.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable weak connection connected the two people together. It was invisible, but it seemed to have substance. ".That's good."

Withdrawing his hand, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled at Hatae.

Hatae stared at the back of her hand, feeling the connection established with Fujimaru Ritsuka. This feeling was wonderful, but for her, there was also an indescribable sense of security.

Originally this was a contract between the master and the servant.

But considering that Chaldea has more and more partners from her own camp who are not followers, and that she may encounter in the future, the magicians of Chaldea designed such a contract for her that can be signed with non-followers. contract.

After signing the contract, she can use magic power to provide some auxiliary abilities to the contractor.

However, this is only a temporary contract.

"As for the formal contract, we can only wait until you return to Chaldea with me."

She said to Bo Dao.

The formal contract is the real contract between the master and the servant. This can only be achieved by letting the other party return to Chaldea with her, put a layer of servant skin on himself through the heroic spirit summoning mechanism, and then be summoned by her.

Many of the followers in Chaldea now exist in this way, and she has long been familiar with it.

Hearing this, Bo Dao immediately asked with great interest:

"Chaldea? What is that place? When do we go back?"

She smiled and replied:
"Chaldea is an organization whose purpose is to save humanity, and it is also my true home. And there are many companions like us in Chaldea."

"As for when to go back, it may take some time."

Speaking of which, although the time on their side went back three days, the Chaldean side should not have been affected, right?

I don’t know what the current progress is.

However, she had great confidence in everyone in Chaldea, so she did not worry too much, but considered another issue.

"Haidao is indeed a Foreigner, right? Professor?"

"of course."

Moriarty smiled and answered in the affirmative, saying:

"The answer is already obvious."

Adventer job agency originally means outsiders, not local people, and also means people who are not of my race.

To put it simply, aliens, or people with certain elements and powers that are not from the earth, can also be included in this category.

As a high-dimensional organism, the characteristics of Boda are of course very obvious.

"Adventurer, what is that?"

Listening to the discussion between the two, Bo Dao asked curiously.

She explained:

"It's a job offer you'll get in Chaldea. It's similar to the character profession in the game."

"Is my job description Advent? Advent, Advent."

Bo Dao already knew the meaning of the game profession, and when she recited her job name, she showed a very happy smile and seemed very satisfied with the job name.

Then, she asked excitedly:
"Aren't you awesome, Adventer!?"

"Well, it's amazing."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and nodded.

This was not because she was trying to coax the other person. The servants of the Adventurer Job Agency were indeed very powerful, and the Bo Dao in front of her was no exception.

It can be said that the descendants have added another capable person.

After settling the contract matter, she and Moriarty took Bo Dao out to the supermarket to buy various daily necessities she needed.

During the next period of time, they will live together.

 Next chapter around five o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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