Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 110 The final intermission

Chapter 110 The final intermission

"Good morning, Xiao Ai, Bo Dao!"

"Sister Ritsuka, good morning."×2
Huihara Ai and Bo Dao responded at the same time, then glanced at each other and turned away indifferently.

Both parties felt that there was no need to argue with a child.

"Good morning, Professor!"

Hearing this, Moriarty smiled and said:
"It's already this time, I should say good afternoon, right?"

"Don't worry so much."

Fujimaru Ritsuka responded with a smile.

After the dispute was completely ended, everyone went home to rest. Bo Dao followed her back to the B&B and slept on the tatami together.

It was already very late when she said goodbye to everyone last night, so she had a rare sleep, and she slept soundly until almost noon before getting up.

Today is July 7rd, and there is still one day left before the Summer Festival.

Originally, their plan for today was to go fishing and swim at the beach. Although a series of incidents occurred last night, since they have been successfully resolved, today's plan remains unchanged.

After washing and dressing up, the four of them went out and walked down the stairs.

Before reaching the first floor, I heard noisy sounds coming from the lobby. When I went downstairs, I saw the shop owner chatting with other tourists staying in the B&B, looking like they were having a good time.

Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka and his entourage appear, the other party greeted him warmly:

"Hey, you got up really late today. Are you too tired from playing yesterday? Haha!"

Saying this, the other party nodded vaguely to Bo Dao to show respect for [Mother].


Seeing the shadow store manager in front of her, she nodded in response, but not as enthusiastically as yesterday.

Although she had the same memory and personality, the person in front of her was not the original store manager who was joking with her.

At the beginning, they discovered the identity of each other's shadow and killed each other.

But after going back in time, in order to investigate the gunshots from Shinpei Amidai and his friends, they ignored him and went straight to the school, allowing the shadow store manager to survive.

after tomorrow
However, after this incident, she suddenly remembered that they seemed to have eliminated a lot of shadows on the school grounds last night, and she didn't know if it would cause any trouble to the residents of the island.

While thinking this, I walked out of the B&B.

There is no need to eat in the B&B store today, not because the store manager has turned into a shadow, but because [Xiaozhou Western Food] has opened a store again.

As a restaurant loved by islanders on Ridu Island, although it was closed for a day yesterday to hold Xiaofushio's funeral, it is still very busy today.

The store of [Xiaozhou Western Food] has a transparent glass door, and today’s special set menu is posted on the wall next to it:
A.Pork cutlet set meal

B. Fried white fish meat

Fujimaru Ritsuka opened the door and saw that it was already full of people. He thought to himself, 'Oops, it can't be full, right?' '.

At the same time, when he heard the ringing of the doorbell, Amidai Shinpei, who was working as a waiter, looked at the door and subconsciously greeted:
"Welcome! Hey, Ritsuka, Mr. James?!"

Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka and Moriarty and others behind him, Amidro Shinpei screamed in surprise.

Xiaozhou Mio on the other side looked over in surprise and said:
"Ah, everyone is here!"

"Hey, good morning, Shinpei-kun."

"afternoon everyone."

"good afternoon."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said hello, and Moriarty and Haibara Ai also greeted each other one after another. Only Hatae turned his head away awkwardly and did not look at them.

Amidai Shinpei didn't pay attention to this, he just looked around to find their position.

"Two adults and two children"

"This way, this way!"

At this time, a vigorous call came, and the diamond-shaped window waved to them energetically.

There were also Diamond Tokiko and Southern Hizuru at their table. Although Southern Hizuru was sitting with the two brothers and sisters, they seemed a bit out of place. He was writing something there alone with a notebook.

She is a novelist in her daily life, and Netdai Shinpei is also a fan of her book.In addition, they did not see the figures of Nezu Ginjiro and Takashimura Tetsuya, nor did they see the shadow tide.

"The tide is there."

Haida pointed at Shinpei Amiyo's watch and prompted.

Since Shadow Ushio couldn't show up in the store, it turned into a watch and was worn on his arm by Shinpei Amidai.

The table next to Diamond Window and the others happened to be empty, so Fujimaru Ritsuka and four other people came here and sat down.

"Anything you want to eat?"

Amidai Shinpei came to their table to record, and Fujimaru Ritsuka thought for a while and asked:

"Any recommendations?"

"Well, in that case."

After a simple order, the self-made diamond-shaped window said to everyone with great interest:

"Speaking of which, police officer Tuocun is almost too busy today."

"Didn't we eliminate a large number of shadows in the school last night? Sure enough, there are many places saying that people are missing today."

Speaking of this, he said a little strangely:

"But speaking of it, we obviously made such a big fuss last night, but it seems like no one was discussing it today?"

Because I installed a [soundproof barrier].

Fujimaru Ritsuka said silently in his heart.

However, there is no need to publicize this kind of thing, because she actually used the [Druid's Staff] to arrange the barrier with one click, and it has nothing to do with her own magic level.

Of course, she actually mastered some very powerful magic, but she just didn't need to use it yet.

After a while, their food was brought to them by Xiao Zhou Mio, and the four of them began to eat.

"Really delicious!"

It is indeed a restaurant highly recommended by the islanders. It tastes really good. In front of the delicious food, Bo Dao also put aside his resentment and ate with relish.

During the meal, they learned that the Rhizome brothers and Amidai Shinpei and the others were going to the beach later, and it was a quiet beach that only the residents of the island knew about.

So Fujimaru Ritsuka gladly accepted the invitation and agreed to go with them, but she would have to wait until after the peak meal period and for Shinpei Amidai and Mio Kofune to finish.

However, during this waiting time, I saw Hatae looking confused for a while, then jumped out of his seat, came to the south and said to Hizuru:

"Hizuru, please come out, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, he didn't give her a chance to react and walked straight out.


Nanfang Rihe frowned, not knowing what she wanted to do, but finally closed the notebook in his hand and followed Bo Dao outside.

Everyone watched the two people leave the restaurant curiously, and the diamond-shaped window asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:
"Is it really okay to just leave the two of them alone?"

"it should be no problem?"

Although she didn't know what Bo Dao was going to do, she still gave him trust.

After a while, the door of the restaurant opened again, and Nanfang Rihe and Bo Dao walked in one after another.

However, in addition to the two of them, Nanfang Hizuru was followed by a little boy who somewhat resembled her.

Where did the little boy come from?Who is that?

Then, in the eyes of everyone's doubts and inquiries, the little boy followed Nanfang Rihe and stood in front of them. He scratched his head in embarrassment and introduced himself with a smile:
"Well, everyone."

"I am the younger brother of Sister Hizuru, Ryunosuke Minami. Please give me your advice."

".real or fake?!"

 Post it early, I have to go out to do errands soon, I’m afraid I’ll forget it

(End of this chapter)

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