Chapter 11 Interlude of Shopping

In the afternoon, after Kugizaki finished her exercise, he called her back to the dormitory as agreed, and the two of them headed to a nearby shopping street.

She mainly bought some daily necessities, although she had already purchased them before, in the Conan world.

Thinking that she had just carried out this wave of operations two days ago and now had to repeat it, she couldn't help but start to think about whether she should prepare a batch of daily necessities in advance and store them directly in the [Chen's Treasure House], so that she wouldn't have to transfer them every time. It would be so troublesome to go to the new world.

Kugizaki Wild Rose, who was traveling with her, kept buying various clothes, accessories, snacks, etc. along the way, looking like a shopping expert.

According to Kugizaki herself, she came to a high school because she hated the countryside where she grew up and longed for life in the big city of Tokyo.

Now that she has achieved her wish, she is fully enjoying her life in Tokyo. For her, being a conjurer is just a job and a means of making money, no different from any other job.

Influenced by Kugizaki Rose, she couldn't help but buy some snacks.

"What about you, why did you come to a high school?"

After talking about her own affairs, Kugizaki Wild Rose looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka curiously.

Because she made a deal with Gojo Satoru
This kind of thing should not be said.

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought for a while and said:

"Because when I was exorcising cursed spirits on the street, I was bumped into by Teacher Gojo. He came over and asked me, 'Do you want to come to a junior high school?', and I agreed."

"Hey, isn't this too casual?!"

Kugizaki Wild Rose was a little surprised. Seeing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka added:

"And I think it's good to be a spellcaster, as I can help people in need."


Kugizaki Rose stared at Fujimaru Ritsuka and suddenly sighed:

"So Ritsuka, you are a heroine."

Fujimaru Ritsuka denied with a smile:
"What? I'm just an ordinary person."

After a shopping trip, both of them gained a lot. Their hands were filled with shopping bags, attracting passers-by's attention.

Fortunately, both of them are in good physical condition. If it were an ordinary person, they might not be able to lift it, let alone keep lifting it back to school.

“If the knotweed guy”

If the knotweed guy is still there, you can ask him to help lift it.

Kugizaki Wild Rose sighed unconsciously, but her words stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, and she suddenly fell into silence.

After a long while, she looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, forced a smile and said:
"I'm sorry for ruining the rare atmosphere. Hisato Hiroyuki is our classmate in the same grade, but he died in a previous incident to exorcise a cursed spirit, so..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka knew about Hisuhito Kushiro, and also knew that he was not dead, but was secretly training under Gojo Satoru.

But this cannot be said to the outside world.

While imagining the joy and anger of her companions when Knotweed returned in the future, she first silently observed three seconds of silence for him.

Then, after thinking for a while, she decided to change the topic:
"If Wild Rose doesn't want to carry anything, you can leave it all here with me."

"Thank you, no need?"

Kugizaki Wild Rose was about to decline Fujimaru Ritsuka's proposal, but then the sight in front of her stunned her.

Fujimaru Ritsuka stretched out a hand and slowly disappeared into the air. At the same time, starting from Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand, ripples like water waves began to appear in a nearby space.

After a while, Fujimaru Ritsuka pulled out his hand from the unknown space, and the shopping bag in his hand had completely disappeared.

Kugizaki's eyes suddenly widened and she said in shock: "What is that?! So cool!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka put all the shopping bags in the other hand into the "Official Treasure House" and said with a smile:
"A space that can store items is my ability to, um, a spell tool."

"So, Wild Rose, do you want to put your things in?"

Kugizaki Wild Rose immediately changed her mind and said happily:
"Yes, please help!"
"Long time no see, my dear students~"

Gojo Satoru, who had not seen him for only a day, greeted him like this.

"Good morning, Gojo-sensei."

Fujimaru Ritsuka stood in front of Gojo Satoru and took what he was holding, which was her student ID card and student uniform that he brought for her.

On the right side of the student ID card is a large photo of her, with her name and grade written on the left side, as well as her current level of conjurer: level three.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the uniform in her hand again.

The night she met Gojo Satoru, she saw that the uniform he was wearing was pure black. However, if she looked closely under the sun, she could see that his uniform was not pure black, but closer to purple-black.

The uniforms worn by Megumi Fushiguro and Rosa Kugizaki are blue and black.

However, the style of the uniform given to her by Gojo Satoru is also very different from Kugisaki's uniform.

The upper body of Kugizaki's uniform consists of a long-sleeved jacket that exposes her waist, and the lower body consists of a high-waisted pleated skirt that just reaches her knees. She looks clean and dashing when wearing it.

The uniform in her hand is more like the traditional Tokyo JK uniform, which is a sailor suit and pleated skirt design. It is a bit like her [Memory of the Back of the Moon] dress, but the color is more monotonous.

"Why does my uniform look like this?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka cast doubtful eyes on Gojo Satoru, who smiled and said:

"Our school's uniforms can be modified as long as you request them, so I took the initiative to help you design them a little bit."

"How about it, it's not bad!"

Not to mention Gojo Satoru's unauthorized assertion, but there is indeed nothing wrong with his vision.

The youthful and lively temperament of the JK uniform matches well with Fujimaru Ritsuka himself, especially the pleated skirt that just reaches half of Fujimaru Ritsuka's thighs. The dark pleated skirt forms a perfect match with Fujimaru Ritsuka's white and smooth thighs. The strong visual contrast makes people unable to take their eyes away.

The contrast between her bright orange-red hair and the dark uniform is also very strong, which is impressive at first glance.

Seeing the effect after Fujimaru Ritsuka put it on, Gojo Satoru nodded with satisfaction and praised his taste.

“In addition, the bottom of the skirt is designed with safety pants, so you can exercise as much as you want without worrying about being exposed~!”

"Thank you, Gojo-sensei."

Although it was the modification made by the other party on his own initiative, for the sake of the good final result, Fujimaru Ritsuka thanked him, and succeeded in getting a hearty laugh from the other party.

"So, why did you call us here?"

Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Wild Rose stood aside, watching the interaction between the two as nothing happened to them. Fushiguro Megumi rubbed her hair a little irritably and said:
"If there is nothing else, please allow me to go back to the playground to exercise."

"The exchange meeting is coming soon. I don't want to fail miserably because of neglecting training. Teacher Gojo, you don't want us to lose to those people from Kyoto High School, right?"

"Of course, I believe you are the best."

Gojo Satoru raised a finger and said with a smile:

"However, there is indeed one more thing to do next."

"Next, let's take a look at Ritsuka's real technique."

"The real technique?"×2
(End of this chapter)

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