Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 100 The battle is over, doubts, and Bo Dao’s abnormality

Chapter 100 The battle is over, doubts, and Bo Dao’s abnormality

The fire coverage lasted for a full 2 ​​minutes before everyone slowly stopped shooting, but the firearms in their hands were still pointed at the area where Si Shou and others were vigilantly.

This time there was no such thing as smoke and no harm. After the dust slowly dispersed, the shadow team originally brought by Si Shou and Lee Zi had completely dissipated.

However, Four Hands is still alive.

"Are you still alive?!"

Seeing this, everyone showed shocked expressions.

"You're really tenacious, this guy."

Moriarty returned to Fujimaru Ritsuka and was a little surprised to see that the other party survived the fire coverage.

Then, he asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"Do you need me to take action next?"

She shook her head and said:
"No need for now, let's see what happens next."


So Moriarty stepped back and stood behind her. Suddenly, he complained faintly:

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't had much opportunity to perform until now. It's obviously hard to get here."

"Am I already laid off?"

"Didn't you already show it when we were at the B&B before? You're very good, Professor."

Fujimaru Ritsuka replied casually, still staring at the four hands on the field.

Although Yoshie survived the fire bombing, it can be seen from his current condition that he is not as invulnerable and invulnerable as Amidai Shinpei and the others remember.

At least it can be said with certainty that the attack they just carried out was effective.

Si Shou fell to the ground.

As if for complete defense, his original limbs disappeared and turned into a completely dark sphere.

But even so, under the fire bombardment just now, his fleshy ball body has turned into a pitted and broken appearance. The black material that was originally as hard as iron fell off like mud at this moment, revealing the human flesh underneath.

At the same time, the leech also fell out of the black mud on Sishou's abdomen. It seemed that he protected the other party by hiding her in his body.

"Are you OK?!"

Zhizi asked worriedly while lying next to him.

"Barely still alive."

He replied.

For him, the barrage like a torrential rain was indeed unbearable, but what really hit him hard was the unknown number of grenades thrown by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

On the other side, everyone's eyes suddenly froze when they saw the human limbs leaking out from under the black mud body of Four Hands.


In fact, they were not too surprised by this result.

Because in the previous battle with Four Hands, they found that their attacks could not cause damage to Four Hands' shadow, and only Four Hands maintained the alien appearance, unlike other shadows that maintained human form.

Therefore, they speculated at that time that the Four Hands might not be a shadow, but a person with some special ability.

And this person is most likely someone they all know.

Therefore, the other party deliberately maintained his alien appearance and even deliberately changed his voice, just not to let them guess his true identity.

Seeing that Si Shou's condition seemed to be extremely weak at this time, everyone slowly approached with weapons raised.

Looking at Sishou, Nanfang Rihe bluntly told him:

"It is indeed you, Yankiri Masato."

".Is this the only way to hide it?"

Hearing this, Four Hands, no, Yankiri Masato no longer hid, the black mud on his body squirmed, revealing a familiar face.

Yankiri Masato is the chief priest of the Hito Shrine on Hido Island, that is, the highest representative of the shrine.Amidai Shinpei was not a stranger to him, because he was his adoptive father, Shio and Mio's father, Xiaofune Allen's friend, and Xiaofushio's funeral was also hosted by him.

"Should I say long time no see, or should I say first meeting?"

Yankiri Masato made a joke and then asked:

"It's just that you said 'as expected'? Have you already guessed my true identity before?"

Netdai Shenping replied:
"After all, we already know that the Hirudo God enshrined in the Rito Shrine is Hatae, so how can you, as the palace minister of the Rito Shrine, not make people suspicious."

Yanqi Zhensha smiled and said:
"Is that so? That's true."

On the other side, Nanfang Rihe answered:
"Besides, you have a strong, disgusting smell that cannot be hidden by simply hiding in a turtle shell."

"The way you talk is still as sad as ever, Hizuru-chan."

Yankiri Masato joked in a relaxed tone, seemingly not caring about the injuries on his body.

As he spoke, the black mud on his body surged again, reorganizing into a shrunken body that clung to his body. Although his combat power was greatly reduced, it could at least allow him to stand up from the ground again.

Upon seeing this, everyone immediately raised their guns and pointed them at him vigilantly. Amidai Shinpei asked him:

"Mr. Yanqi, since you are also a human, why do you want to cooperate with the shadow?!"

"Because you still know too little."

Yankiri Masato did not answer his question directly, but smiled and said:
"However, I actually have quite a few questions to ask here, such as——"

"——Where did you get these weapons?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes turned cold.

These unknown places appeared in the hot weapons, which was the key reason for his defeat this time, and it was also the thing that he couldn't figure out the most.

Because such a large number of thermal weapons are simply not available to ordinary people, let alone appear on Ridu Island;

Moreover, netdai Shenping and others had never been equipped with these weapons before, unless they deliberately hid these weapons until now.

But this is extremely unlikely;
What's more, in the last reincarnation, he shot Shinpei Amidai in the gym with Nezu Ginjiro's sniper rifle, but they didn't have these weapons at that time.

But after going back in time, these thermal weapons seemed to appear in their hands out of thin air.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out!
This incomprehensible feeling, like an unknown terror appearing in front of him, made him very irritable and uneasy.

He glanced at everyone in front of him, and finally stopped at the three Fujimaru Ritsuka whom he had never seen before.

"Speaking of which, who are these people I have never seen before? Are they your newly recruited companions, Shinpei-kun? Or..."

". Could it be that they are the ones who provided the weapons??"

".I'm the one asking you now, right?"

Amidai Shinpei didn't answer his question, and his expression didn't change at all.

But, not everyone on the team is as calm as he is.

"It seems so."

Looking through the diamond-shaped window on the side, he couldn't help but show a shocked expression. Yankiri Masato realized that his guess was correct and laughed.

Then, he stared closely at Fujimaru Ritsuka and said:

"Can I take the liberty of asking, who are you?"

"Just think of it as satisfying a loser's curiosity before he dies, how about it?"

Of course, although I say this, on the one hand, it is indeed out of curiosity, but more importantly, it is to delay time, as long as I find a way to get the wave of rice

At this time, Bo Dao beside him suddenly murmured.

Yankiri Masato looked towards her, only to find that Hatae had burst into tears at some point, and stared blankly at Fujimaru Ritsuka opposite.

"Haidao, you...?"

Yankiri Masato was confused, but the next moment, under everyone's shocked eyes, Hatada suddenly left his side and rushed towards Fujimaru Ritsuka regardless!

 What day is it today? Everyone is so active in voting!
  Originally, I wanted to ask for a monthly ticket, but I couldn’t help it.
(End of this chapter)

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