Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 98: One Small Step for the Forbidden Army

Chapter 98 A small step for the Forbidden Army
There is no doubt that Zhao Kuangyin is an excellent politician, and excellent politicians have at least one basic skill: speaking beautifully.

As for whether it can be done beautifully, let’s talk about it later.

It is impossible for Zhao Kuangyin to completely fall out with Zhao Guangmei because of such a trivial matter. Considering the forbidden army represented by the trading bank, he is actually a little afraid to fall out with Zhao Guangmei. Zhao Guangmei talks lightly, especially in the recent period, he easily kills a person. The word "waste" is on the lips, but how can it be so easy for His Highness the King of Qin to do so?
If you really destroy him, you will be separated from the Forbidden Army.

Besides, for such an excellent brother, although he has been a little disobedient recently, he can only get by with beating him, so why should he be willing to destroy him?

Since he won't really be crippled, then even if he wants to beat him, he will definitely do it somewhere else, so why create tension?
So after eating, Zhao Kuangyin personally received Cao Bin, laughed and helped him up, saying: "Old Cao, Old Cao, I wanted to get close to you in the past, but you always kept away from me. Who would have thought that now I am an official?" Home, I want to be close to you, who would have thought that meeting again would be like this?"

"My lord, I want to kill someone who I want to bring to trial. It is a crime of ten thousand deaths. Now I have no other intention but to die quickly. It's just that Shi Hanqing has a cruel temperament. He often whips the nobles and robs the women of the people. Relying on the trust of His Highness the King of Qi, he often abuses his power for personal gain. The evidence is conclusive, and there has been a lot of controversy in the military. This time this person was imprisoned for review, and the military court has already made a public decision to judge his guilt and accuse him. Most of the witnesses were his colleagues and subordinates. If he were to be exonerated afterwards, wouldn't it make people panic? This man is really not enough to calm the army if he is not killed. We hope that the officials will be loyal and only punish him. , forgive your wife and children at home."

After saying that, he kept kowtowing.

This statement made Zhao Guangmei have to give him a big thumbs up in his heart.

Looking at her chatter, she was absolutely impeccable, so beautiful, and she didn't mention either her firm or herself during the whole process.

If these military generals in the early Song Dynasty have numerical values, this Cao Bin's political attribute must be at least 90 or above. Zhao Guangmei really did not teach these words, and he really did not ask the people to be killed. Zhao Guangmei had nothing to do with him in advance about the whole matter. There was no communication at all, but this thing was done, how could it be so beautiful?

It's so comfortable to have such a person as my subordinate, so comfortable.

Then he has done things so beautifully, how can Zhao Kuangyin not do things beautifully?
"Death penalty? What crime are you guilty of? This matter is all my fault for not thinking carefully. I almost made a big mistake and made it difficult for you. Trading firms have their own rules. You are right. Since they are soldiers, The collective opinion is that if I, as an official, interfere, even if I have never thought of shielding or forgiving him, it will eventually cause people to panic. If the results of the vote are not inviolable, the vote itself will still be inviolable. What's the point? Although you are disrespectful to your superiors, you are still righteous to your subordinates. How many people are there in this world who are only obedient to your superiors? However, it is really rare to be able to always be righteous to your subordinates. In this matter, you Done right.”

"It's all my fault that my third brother didn't explain this to me in advance. It's all a misunderstanding. Come on, get up first. Look at you, after all these years, you're still wearing plain clothes like this. To be honest, I'm going to court Regardless of whether you are civil or military, if you want to be upright, honest and self-sufficient, I am afraid that no one can surpass you. How are things going at home?"

"It's all good that the officials are thinking of me."

"In this case, the fault is mine. You have done something good. I will give you two hundred pieces of brocade and one hundred pieces of money. You can also make a few clothes. Don't treat yourself badly. Go ahead and tell the army. This Great Song Dynasty is not the Great Song Dynasty of me alone, and this world is not the world of my Zhao family. I, the Great Song Dynasty, swear to share the world with Ya Bing, and this is definitely not a lie."

When Cao Bin heard this, he immediately became moved and burst into tears: "Guan family, for treating me so kindly, I... I really can't repay you. I, I, I... thank you, Guan family. "

In this way, a small case was turned into a political show by Zhao Kuangyin.

Anyway, Zhao Guangmei, Zhao Kuangyin, and even Cao Bin all gained great reputation in the army through this small incident, but Zhao Guangyi was the only one who was unlucky.

When Zhao Guangmei led Cao Bin back to the trading house, almost everyone in the entire Forbidden Army was rejoicing. That night, even Fan Lou sold more drinks than usual.

Song and Yabing share the world!
Zhao Guangmei has said this a long time ago, but it has never been as loud as today.

Cao Bin was really released and received a reward. The votes of the soldiers really had more rights than the official decree!

We military households also have rights, not just during dynasty changes, we also have rights in peacetime!
Long live the official family! !
Zhao Guangmei also drank too much that night because she was too happy. Thanks to Cao Bin's amazing assist today, the political ideal he planned has finally come to light. The Song Dynasty finally took this crucial step. At least, from now on, this will not be a purely authoritarian feudal dynasty.Of course, it is sheer nonsense to say that this is a war. The power has always been in the hands of the soldiers and has nothing to do with the common people and merchants outside. To put it bluntly, it is whoever has the sword in his hand who can talk. It is an insult to Panzi.

Even he himself didn't know what kind of deformed monster this trading company would eventually develop into if it continued to develop like this.

But to be honest, it is a bit too early to hinder the celebration at this time. In fact, the eldest brother is just talking about being nice, but in the final analysis, he and Cao Bin have done a nice job, and it is a bit done. This meant that the eldest brother had to simply go along with the situation. In essence, he was still not used to the suppression of his monarchy.

In fact, he has not stopped supporting the decentralization of commercial banks, but his methods of rectifying the imperial army have not stopped.

Just a few days later, Zhao Kuangyin ordered that the garrison system began to be implemented in the Forbidden Army.That is to say, the imperial guards stationed in Beijing and the border guards are rotated once a year for training.

This was done nominally for training purposes, but everyone understood that the current Song Dynasty actually had no shortage of actual combat, and there was no need for exercises. Zhao Kuangyin's main purpose was still to prevent the soldiers from knowing the generals and the generals from knowing the soldiers.

The underlying reason is to disintegrate the relationships and bonds between the tooth soldiers and military households. After all, if it is just to separate the soldiers and generals, there is actually no need to toss the soldiers. It will save trouble to toss the generals.

Every rotation is undoubtedly a reshuffle for Ya Bing, leaving the original familiar environment and constantly disrupting stable interpersonal relationships. As a result, Ya Bing's ability to connect will naturally be greatly reduced. .

Zhao Guangmei agreed with both hands and feet, and then immediately announced that he would open a branch of the commercial bank to the border troops, and that the forbidden troops stationed at the border would enjoy the same benefits as the forbidden troops stationed in Beijing.

If the original bond is broken, it will be broken. The trading firm is willing to be everyone's new bond.

A few days later, Zhao Kuangyin, who was constantly suffering losses, came up with a new idea, that is, when the military pay and rice grains were distributed every month, he asked the Imperial Guards in the west of the city to go to the east of the city to collect grain money, and the Imperial Guards in the west of the city to go to the east of the city to collect grains. Money and food.

Then on this day, he would stand on the highest point of the city with a jade ax and watch these soldiers who were as tired as bastards carrying at least sixty kilograms of food and food on foot for dozens of kilometers. The soldiers were strictly prohibited from hiring people or cars. , euphemistically called training the soldiers' physique.

Of course, in reality, this is actually equivalent to the fact that the Hujie Army has to go to the Longjie Army to get their salary, and the Japanese Army has to go to the Gongsheng Army to get their salary. Over the years, it would be strange if there were less bullshit and ruinous things here. It’s over.

He is dividing the Forbidden Army, and even strengthening the mountain consciousness of the Forbidden Army intentionally or unintentionally.

Then Zhao Guangmei said that brother did a good job and did the right thing, but he should be more careful and not let these soldiers connect in private. If you want to connect in series, the commercial bank should help you connect.

Then he announced that on every pay day, the trading bank would take out a sum of money and deposit it in each army. It is called public money and belongs to the entire forbidden army. As for how to spend the money, the trading bank will send people to choose Representatives are voted on by everyone.

Anyway, the commercial bank has money, with a quota of 500 million, and there will be plenty left after building the nursing home.

For a moment, it was not clear whether the two brothers were cooperating with each other or at odds.

(End of this chapter)

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