Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 93 Sighing and sighing

Chapter 93 Sighing and sighing

To be honest, Zhao Guangmei never thought that Zhao Guangyi would be her opponent.

Even though he has been very nervous recently, and the civil service group seems to be manipulating public opinion and forcing himself into a situation where he is almost unable to advance or retreat, Zhao Guangmei has always felt that the reason why this group of civil servants can influence him is definitely Zhao Kuangyin's tacit approval. result.

He wants to play with balance.

Then play it.

In a verbal spat, I would definitely not be able to defeat my second brother. How high is his moral high ground? The civil servants behind him are all professionals.

So Zhao Guangmei's first step was to bring Zhao Dezhao here.

The second step is to drag Wang Jixun into the water and find a higher moral high ground for himself.

At this time, the situation was completely chaotic. The problem of cannibalism was no longer Li Chuyun's problem alone, nor was it even a problem between him and Wang Jixun. There was no one else in the Forbidden Army who was similar to this big devil. Who believes it?

Isn't it just lighting a fire? If you light it, I will light it too.

Two straight punches directly stunned Zhao Kuangyin. In fact, he couldn't beat him anymore, because the credit for the gunpowder was given to Zhao Dezhao, and Zhao Dezhao did it himself. No matter how you explain it, Zhao Dezhao must also explain it. I don’t know, this incident became so big out of nowhere, and it was so big that it shattered the sky.

For such a big matter, it was useless to rely on those civil servants to talk about it. It was already beyond the capabilities of Zhao Guangyi and those civil servants, so that Zhao Kuangyin had to rely on Zhao Guangmei when he turned around.

Of course, if this thing is done, Zhao Kuangyin will undoubtedly be very, very unhappy, but so what?He was not a well-behaved and obedient yes-man before. Now, he represents the trading house, the trading house represents the military household, the military household represents the imperial army, and the imperial army is the real master of the country who holds the sword.

Shouldn't you still be a little tempered?

Lifting the fig leaf of family ties, this actually can't be regarded as a small warning to Zhao Kuangyin from the business bank.

Civil servants should do their job well and refrain from dictating the military, especially the commercial houses. They should emphasize literature but not restrain military force. This was the bottom line Zhao Guangmei drew to Zhao Kuangyin on behalf of the Forbidden Army.

He didn't bother to fight Zhao Guangyi at all. If he wanted to fight, he would just fight at the root.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhao Kuangyin really can't deal with him. Putting aside the element of family affection, if Zhao Kuangyin really wants to deal with him, he must still have to accept it, but as of now, he is indeed not a cat or a dog. Dealing with him, even if he is not his biological brother, the government will not be without turmoil, so it is definitely not worth it.

In the Five Dynasties, no matter how small the matters concerning the Imperial Guard were, they were still major matters and no matter how cautious you were, while the matters concerning civil servants were no matter how big they were, they were still minor matters. I believe Zhao Kuangyin could still understand this basic truth.

The emperor and the ministers were always at odds with each other, and Zhao Guangmei just didn't bother to hide it. She always kept everything out in the open.

When he returned that day, Zhao Guangmei used the influence of the trading company directly to mobilize the top and bottom of the imperial army and began to sign a joint petition. The memorial to impeach Wang Jixun was piled up on Zhao Kuangyin's desk like snowflakes.

At the same time, Zhao Guangmei asked the trading bank to take the lead in conducting a large-scale screening of the Forbidden Army, and even established a military court exclusively within the army. The trading bank was responsible for the establishment of the money, and a committee composed of veterans and veterans was specifically responsible for supervising the middle and lower ranks of the Forbidden Army. Irregularities committed by high-ranking officials.

Moreover, Zhao Guangmei is still building momentum in the army, saying that if this matter cannot be done, the imperial court will definitely send civilian officials to take care of us. It is better for me to take care of it than for civilian officials to take care of us. After all, the trading houses are all our own people. We, the imperial army, have the ability to do it ourselves. Prove innocence.

Zhao Kuangyin directly called Zhao Guangyi over and handed Zhao Guangmei's book to him: "Our third brother is so awesome now that he dares to force me to marry him. Look, do you still have any tricks?"

Zhao Guangyi was stunned. What could he do?I can only keep my mouth shut and say nothing.

"What do you think about Wang Jixun? After all, he is the Queen's biological brother. Can you give him a way to survive?"

Zhao Guangyi was also aggrieved, but he could only say: "Brother, if you care about family ties and save his life, that is your kindness. No matter how dissatisfied the people of the world are, it is hard to violate the king's orders. No one can say anything, but if you ask I...I can only say that if this person is not killed, the people will not be angry." As he said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

'Shouldn't this be my word? Shouldn't this be the third brother's word? '

Originally, this was his plan to use Li Chuyun's incident to use against Zhao Guangmei. Because Zhao Guangmei was forced to take advantage of Li Chuyun's incident to expand his attack area and squeeze the power of the trading company, he could only endure it. , because Zhao Guangmei would never dare to go against him on this matter.

But why did Li Chuyun become Wang Jixun?

It was obvious that Zhao Guangmei wanted to use Wang Jixun's incident to expand the power of the trading company, but from Zhao Guangyi's standpoint... he could only hold his nose and support it.

Civil servants are playing a game of moral kidnapping. They have no power to tie the chicken and they all rely on their mouths. Especially after the Li Chuyun incident came out, it is unacceptable for everyone to engage in public opinion. The results are now popping up. Here comes Wang Jixun, whose behavior is ten times, a hundred times more excessive than Li Chuyun's.

Could it be that these civil servants could go back on their word and put Wang Jixun down gently?
Zhao Guangmei never fought with him from beginning to end, but he felt like he was hit by a heavy hammer.

This is my trick!

How come you are treating others the way they are treated?

Zhao Kuangyin said again: "If I want to leave it to you to clean up the Forbidden Army, is that okay?"

"I...can't fix it. If you ask me for my opinion on this matter, I, I can only agree with the third brother. If Li Chuyun and Wang Jixun are not killed, the people will not be angry. As for the purge of the Forbidden Army, no one can do it except the merchants." No, and no one can fix the business except the third brother."

Just kidding, after all, this was still the early Song Dynasty. Only military officials had always bullied civil servants, and it was really not their turn for civilian officials to bully military officials.

If we only deal with Li Chuyun alone, then of course there is no problem. In fact, Li Chuyun is not a real warrior. Like Zhao Pu, he is a personal minister of Zhao Kuangyin and has no foundation in the army at all. However, Wang Jixun is General, and purge the entire Forbidden Army...

It can't be fixed, it really can't be fixed.

As for that, he had finally managed to guide the general trend before, forcing Zhao Guangmei to place the trading company under the third division, and also took the opportunity to transfer Xue Juzheng, who had always followed Zhao Guangmei.

As a result, they were stunned and got another Gunpowder Division.

This Gunpowder Department is obviously modeled after the Salt and Iron Department.

What's more, the person in charge of the Gunpowder Department is actually Zhao Dezhao?Behind Zhao Dezhao is Queen Mother Du?

Zhao Kuangyin sighed.


Zhao Guangyi also sighed.

"None of you brothers can make me worry. First it's my personal minister, and then it's my brother-in-law, hey~"


(End of this chapter)

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