Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 89: Everyone has taken action, we have to fight back

Chapter 89: Everyone has taken action, we have to fight back

Sure enough, in less than a day, Zhao Kuangyin called him into the palace.

"What do you think about Li Chuyun?"

Zhao Guangmei sighed and said: "How else can we look at it? Not killing him is not enough to make the people angry, not killing him is not enough to strengthen the military's morale, he must die."

"But...he is my personal minister after all."

"Brother, you are good at everything, but you are too emotional. He must die. If you can't do it, I will kill him for you. But if you do it, you can still give him dignity. After all, he is also a meritorious person. His son can inherit his title, and at least he can get a good burial. If I take action, he will definitely die without his body, and his ashes will have to be spread. And you can’t stop me. I won’t kill him. Want to rebel."


Zhao Kuangyin sighed, feeling extremely depressed, and then the two brothers sat together in mourning and sighed.

It can only be the group of people from Zhao Kuangyin's Guide Mansion. The level of others except Zhao Pu is simply too special to describe. If he had a little more brains, he wouldn't have done such a thing. come.

Cannibalism is rampant in the world. Originally, Zhao Guangmei was on the same side as him. He could have argued that all this was for victory and fighting. Even if the methods were a little more intense, at least the result was good. Although he ate more than a dozen An individual, but thousands of people may have died as a result. War, after all, is killing. Killing with a knife and killing with the digestive system are not both killings.

The effect is indeed very good!The rats in Hunan were immediately frightened into surrender.It must have happened before, but the battle between Jinghu and Jinghu took place in forty days. This feat is indeed enough to go down in history. Even if it cannot be offset, it can at least save one's life.

But he absolutely shouldn't, but he still made Murong Yanzhao angry to death. For this, he must pay for Murong Yanzhao's life.

Murong Yanzhao was in a semi-retired state, and he was only leading the expedition in name only. In fact, it was Li Chuyun who made the decision, but you can't treat him with even basic superficial respect.

Zhao Guangmei's interests are tied to those retired veterans. Murong Yanzhao is a director of the company and the largest individual shareholder besides the Zhao family. How can you, Li Chuyun, bully the shareholders of my company?
Unless Zhao Kuangyin kills him, Zhao Guangmei must find a way to kill Li Chuyun. Even if he sends an assassin to assassinate him, he must die.

Otherwise, did these retired generals take the shares of the commercial bank just for dividends?
As long as any one of the civil servants and military generals didn't want to kill him, Li Chuyun could survive, but he happened to offend them all. Zhao Guangyi represented the civil servants, and Zhao Guangmei represented the military generals. They wanted to kill him. If he didn't die, who would die?
But after all, Li Chuyun was the deputy director of the Chenqiao Mutiny and Zhao Kuangyin's confidant. Among all the foreign ministers, his status in Zhao Kuangyin's heart was second only to Zhao Pu. For a moment, he couldn't help but wiped away his tears and said:
"But in the end, he did it out of a public spirit and to quickly pacify Hunan, so...that's why he did such a heinous thing. He was also afraid...afraid that things would change later, afraid that both Southern Tang and Hou Shu would come to intervene, afraid ...There will be some extraneous problems, that's why he is so anxious, and things may not go well, but his intentions are not bad."

Zhao Guangmei could only say: "Brother, you are now the emperor. Sometimes, you should be more decisive in killing. I also know that Li Chuyun is loyal and actually has merit, but he really must die. If you feel sorry for him, you can let his son inherit his title and train him well, and I can even absorb him into the trading company."

Zhao Kuangyin added: "But these civil servants this time clearly want to use Li Chuyun's incident to involve the entire Forbidden Army. On the surface, they are coming for Li Chuyun, but in fact, they are coming for you, Zhang Qiong, and the trading company. And...your second brother is now willing to be used as a leader by the civil servants."

Obviously, Zhao Kuangyin was just soft-hearted and not stupid. He saw this clearly in the court.

When Zhao Guangmei heard this, she lowered her head and muttered: "Second brother, he is so uninteresting. Really, I drank with him two days ago. I thought he supported me, but in the end, he turned against me."

Zhao Kuangyin said: "In the court, balance is important. If you have martial arts, you must also have civil servants. Zhao Pu still needs to be stable in the Privy Council, so he can't count on it. Naturally, those civil servants can only count on your second brother. , In fact, I also support your second brother in doing this. I know you have ambitions, but the court needs a balance between civil and military affairs, and yin and yang complement each other. To put it bluntly, there must be someone to check and balance you."

Zhao Guangmei pouted: "You are quite honest."

"Didn't you learn this from you?"

Zhao Guangmei had nothing to say.

He could only say: "Of course I know what the second brother and those civil servants are planning, but this time, they are indeed being reasonable. Li Chuyun must die, but I want to save Zhang Qiong."

Saying that, Zhao Guangmei looked at Zhao Kuangyin and said: "If you want to end the troubled times and dominate the world, it is not enough to be able to fight. Li Cunxu can also fight, but won't he still be unable to hold on after defeating him? If this continues, Zhao Kuangyin will become Li Cunxu." , it’s not okay to fight like this and win and lose the support of the people.”

"We in the Song Dynasty have no shortage of generals who can fight, but they are too short of generals who can control the army. Of course it is a good thing for the army to be able to fight, but at the very least, they have to be human beings and not always do things that are worse than animals. Right? During this expedition to Jinghu, I only knew of the atrocities, including but not limited to killing people for fun, insulting women, killing good people and taking merit, and burning down houses. To be honest, if it was just robbery and rape, I would have tolerated them. , at least this is considered a normal demand, what does it mean now?"

"Our army in the Song Dynasty must at least be human. It can't be inferior to the Khitan and Liao dogs, right?! If Li Chuyun doesn't die, it won't be enough to maintain military discipline. In the future, we will have to attack the Southern Tang and Hou Shu. If Li Chuyun doesn't die, we will definitely be In this way, you don’t want these wealthy places in the south of the Yangtze River to turn into a hell on earth, right?”

"Hey~" Zhao Kuangyin felt uncomfortable.


Zhao Guangmei also felt uncomfortable.

From his position, it was really embarrassing. Even though he knew that his good second brother and the civil servants had dug a hole for him, he had to jump into it. This was a great first move for them to catch.

"Brother, from the perspective of improving military discipline, my second brother and I and the civil servants all have the same idea. Military discipline must be improved, and I also think that the Confucian principles of benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trust are indeed There are also merits. You can conquer the world immediately, but you can't rule the world immediately. But big brother, if you blow this unhealthy trend to the tax administration and commercial banks, I'm afraid this is someone deliberately setting the pace. You have to distinguish it."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned and said: "What are they wrong about? The Forbidden Army has a trading house, and the trading house is so profitable, you can support them, why do you need the court? Doesn't this make them more domineering?"

"Brother, if the imperial army can listen to the trading houses, wouldn't it be a good thing? Don't the trading houses belong to the court? Why should the trading houses and the court be separated? Am I not listening to you?"

Zhao Kuangyin muttered: "You are indeed quite disobedient."


"In short, brother, the military discipline of the Forbidden Army should indeed be restrained, but I don't think it is necessary to restrain the trading houses. On the contrary, only when the trading houses have enough money can they have enough restraint on the Forbidden Army, which will make the court better. to control the Imperial Guard."

Zhao Kuangyin thought for a while and said: "Your second brother proposed that the trading company should be merged into the Third Division this year, and the Third Division will become the Fourth Division. What do you think?"

Zhao Guangmei knew she had no choice, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

After thinking for a while, he added: "There was a man named Cao Bin in the former clan. He should be serving as a military supervisor in other places now, right? This man is a good general. Please help me call him back and hand him over. I, I want to use him to improve military discipline in the way of a trading company."

"Cao Bin? I know Cao Bin. When did you meet him?"

"I just heard it said."

"But Cao Bin doesn't know how to fight."

Zhao Kuangyin was very surprised. He was actually quite familiar with Cao Bin. This guy was a civil servant. Although he later transferred to military service, when it came to fighting, the Song Dynasty could not get his turn.

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said, "Yes, this Cao Bin really doesn't know how to fight, but I heard that he is serious and rigid, but fair in dealing with things. Although he doesn't know how to fight, maybe he can manage military discipline well."

Zhao Kuangyin pondered: "His character...hey, maybe he's really good."

"We in the Song Dynasty have no shortage of generals who can fight. Our imperial army in the Song Dynasty is invincible. To put it bluntly, the general who leads the army is just a puppet. He can still win if he should win, but he can control the animal nature of the soldiers and make them behave as individuals. , maybe it really is Cao Bin."

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei turned around and left, getting into her carriage.

"Your Highness, are you going back home?"

"No, go to Zhang Qiong's house. I want to visit him again."

"Still going to his house?"

"Go, why don't you go? They've already made a move, so I have to take the move and fight back. I hope he can learn practical skills this time."

(End of this chapter)

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