Chapter 78

In less than a day, Zhao Guangmei's "high opinion" spread throughout the entire Forbidden Army camp.

The quality of soldiers in military camps in this era is still much higher than that of ordinary people. Even the literacy rate is very good. So much so that with the deliberate spread and explanation of caring people, most of them can actually learn it. I can understand what Zhao Guangmei said.

Finally, after passing it on, it was condensed into two sentences:
First, the reason why soldiers have continued to rebel and rebel since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties is because warlords and monarchs have not established a system that can effectively protect the interests of soldiers. As a class group representing advanced productive forces, we can only obtain it through primitive court rewards. The benefits they should have received in the first place, so they would rebel at every turn and earn rewards by changing generals and emperors.

Second, it turns out that the citizen class they represent and the landlord class represented by the civil servants are incompatible with each other. Those sour scholars and the so-called collapse of rituals and music actually still hope to rebuild the landlord society. , allowing them to endure the exploitation of the landlord class and achieve national stability through exploitation.

I bother!

No wonder they are opposed to His Highness the King of Qin’s establishment of a trading company. These scholars are really bad!
His Highness King Qin is different. It is said that he wants to build a trading company to amass the world's wealth. However, the Zhao and Song royal families only share [-]% of the shares, and the remaining [-]% is to be divided among us.

Your Highness, you can tell at a glance that he is a wise king. He looks like Yao, Shun, and Yutang. Whoever dares to oppose His Highness is a traitor, and he is a great traitor!
The soldiers of the Five Dynasties were usually arrogant and domineering, but now every one of them was filled with indignation because of this incident. They also understood that they were incompatible with the civil service group. How could they still be polite to them? ?
Now that Wang Yansheng is dead, won't the other Forbidden Army knock on the door in the middle of the night?

Let's ask around and find out who has scolded His Highness the most harshly before and who is most opposed to His Highness's establishment of a trading company. We will go to your house for tea every night from now on.

While drinking tea, I asked you, what the hell is competing with the people for profit?Do I count as a citizen?I am licking blood with the tip of my knife and defending my country. Why should I not be regarded as a citizen?
Suddenly, the gate of Zhang Ai's house was full of people coming and going at night. When the inspection camp heard that their house had been robbed, they enthusiastically went to their house to catch the thief. The whole family was not allowed to sleep at night, and the old man was so angry that he fell ill in bed.

It was Zhao Kuangyin who severely reprimanded him, and even Zhao Guangmei specially prepared generous gifts to visit Zhang's house and apologized to him in person. This was the only way to keep the peace of this family.

Then, those voices that originally criticized Zhao Guangmei disappeared almost overnight. When these civil servants faced Zhao Kuangyin, they argued one by one, as if they were all hard-core, dared to die to remonstrate, and were not afraid of death for justice. The same thing, but when these ruthless soldiers took out their knives, they turned out to be more well-behaved than rabbits. Even Zhang Ai, who was born as a duck, stopped and did not even dare to leave the house because of illness. .

For a time, Zhao Guangmei's prestige in the Forbidden Army skyrocketed, and Zhao Kuangyin, the eldest brother, and his second son were suddenly blown away by their popularity.

Of course, many people among the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty really hated him for his immortality. They dared not say anything openly, but secretly they called him a Jie and Zhou and cursed him for a good death.

Civil servants are not stupid, on the contrary, they are very smart. What Zhao Guangmei means now is not to compete with the people for profit at all. It is clearly to risk the disapproval of the world, establish a political system that has never been imagined by previous generations, and establish a commercial bank. It’s just the first step, what about the second step?

Since we want to suppress the landlord class, will the next step be to abolish the imperial examination?What is this if not an enemy of life and death?
In fact, even Zhao Kuangyin was shaken by Zhao Guangmei's move. He felt as if he was being roasted on a fire. At the same time, he also realized that not only had his 14-year-old brother grown up, but his wings had also grown. Gradually it got hard.

Although he took advantage of the situation to force him out of this open class, he also followed the trend and made his political purpose clear in this way. He was clearly forcing himself to recognize him. Among the various reforms he had previously envisioned for the Forbidden Army, Law, it is impossible to spare Zhao Guangmei.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Guangmei now at least has the qualifications to compete with Zhao Pu for the prime ministership, and Zhao Kuangyin can see that he is persistent in his New Deal.

When you grow up, you really grow up. Not only do you have your own political ideals, you also have the determination and means to realize your political ideals.

Of course, it is getting harder and harder to manage.

Hey, he is indeed my biological brother.

In fact, the feudal dynasty was essentially just that. In essence, the Northern Song Dynasty was able to end the troubled times of the Five Dynasties by suppressing the imperial army and restoring the landlord economy to a certain extent. A small number of landlords then passed the imperial examination and entered the court to control state power. , the imperial court spared no effort to elevate their status, which was manifested in the emphasis on civility over military affairs in the court, because the Forbidden Army was essentially an emerging social class, and the contradiction between civility and military affairs was ultimately between the old class and the new class. Contradiction, this is not a question of who takes more bites and who takes less bites, but a life-and-death struggle.

And after the Meng Yuan came to dominate the world and smashed everything to pieces, what the monarchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties actually did was to completely suppress and even eradicate the emerging classes, completely restore the landlord economy, and drag the society back to before the Tang Dynasty. Just in exchange for stability in the world.

If we do not consider the issue of ethnic differences, is there really any difference between the Manchu Eight Banners and the Guanzhong Fubing?

Ma Sheng once said that advanced productive forces will inevitably replace backward ones. This must be because Ma Sheng does not understand domestic history. In fact, strong political suppression, religious suppression of Neo-Confucianism, and the abnormal pursuit of "literary spirit" but suppressing the social atmosphere of merchants have all The already developed productive class can be forced back, allowing the economy and society to maintain long-term stability in a pool of stagnant water.

Zhao Guangmei has seen this kind of history once. Before he time traveled, the landlord economy was recovering. If the landlord economy was still recovering after he time traveled, wouldn't his time travel be in vain?
The reactions of the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were naturally within his expectations, but what surprised him a little was that Xue Juzheng, as a civil servant who had passed the imperial examination, actually reported Zhao Guangmei's lectures and some of them in just three days. I usually taught him knowledge intentionally or unintentionally, compiled it into a volume, added some of my own understanding, and found some far-fetched annotations from the Six Classics, explained it out, and published it.

In Xue Juzheng's words, the three departments are financial officials. Most of the grassroots officials originally came from arithmetic. What they learned and used are originally different from other administrative officials. Economics is something that cannot be ignored. , no way, no, at the same time, he also actively contacted, and then urged Zhao Guangmei, the deputy envoy of the Third Division, to continue giving the second lesson to the officials of the Third Division.

Then all the artillery fire from the civil servants of the dynasty was poured out on Xue Juzheng, calling him a traitor in private, and even labeling Xue Juzheng and the others of the Third Division as a party of the King of Qin.

This group of people don't dare to do anything to Zhao Guangmei now, and they don't even dare to scold him openly, but they still have the courage to scold Xue Juzheng, and they are very bold!

Just when everyone in the civil and military dynasty was shocked by Zhao Guangmei's outrageous remarks, and the public opinion field was in chaos, Zhao Guangmei didn't care at all about these talkative things, and was still fully cooperating with Xue Juzheng Under the rule of law, the establishment of trading houses in the Third Division was promoted. Soon, something called the Rules and Regulations of the Royal Trading Company of the Song Dynasty had been approved by Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Pu and began to spread among the Forbidden Army and even throughout Kaifeng Mansion.There were even shogunate officials from the Prince of Qin's Palace holding pamphlets and giving lectures in various camps of the Forbidden Army.

"The initial investment capital of the Royal Commercial Bank of the Song Dynasty is 200 million guan. This amount will be deposited in the military camp of the Dianqian Division, and the bank's treasury will be established. It will be independent of the Three Divisions and will not be subject to court inspection. The Dianqian Banzhi will be assigned to guard it. .”

"Second, [-]% of the shares in the trading company are exclusively owned by the Zhao royal family, and the remaining [-]% belong to veterans and retired generals in the military."

"Third, for any major matters that the commercial bank spends more than [-] yuan in future operations, notices must be posted in each camp of the Forbidden Army so that all the Forbidden Army will know where the money is spent. At the end of each year, a financial inventory will be conducted and financial reports will be issued. The whole army welcomes questions."

"Fourth, an inspection team is formed from veterans to be responsible for supervising and verifying the accounts of commercial banks. If the inspection team finds that shareholders or officials are corrupt, perverting the law, and lining their own pockets, they need to have sufficient evidence. The corrupt officials can be executed first and then punished. The subsequent trial will not be restricted by the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Personnel, but if the accusation is later proven to be false, the murderer will have to pay with his family's life."

"Fifth, all major matters of a commercial bank must be announced to the public. A shareholders' meeting can be convened when necessary. The principle of minority submission is implemented. Even the three provinces and six ministries, and even the emperor and the monarch, are not allowed to violate the decision of the shareholders' meeting. The treasurer of a commercial bank shall be elected by all shareholders. Not restricted by imperial power or prime ministerial power.”

"Sixth, the profits earned by the commercial bank are divided into three parts, one share goes to the Privy Council, one share goes to welfare, and one share goes to shareholders."

"Seventh, for clerks and workers employed by commercial firms, priority will be given to family members of soldiers of the imperial army and widows of nobles killed in battle."

After the articles of association came out, the world was in an uproar, especially the fifth article, which actually placed the power of the shareholders' meeting above the power of the monarch!This is simply braving the disapproval of the world. He actually dares to criticize the official!

Of course, Zhao Song accounts for a full [-]% of the shareholder structure, and the other [-]% represent the Forbidden Army. If one day it really happens that the other [-]% oppose these [-]%, it will basically be equivalent to all the Forbidden Army twisting into one rope. If they want to rebel, then they surnamed Zhao will be more dignified if they take the initiative.

Zhao Kuangyin understands this truth, not to mention the majority. These days, even if only a small half of the imperial army is dissatisfied with the emperor, the emperor is almost over.

The tooth soldier class is the real master of the world, and there is nothing wrong with this statement.

However, the thing is like this, clearly stating this thing, and listing it in the charter, blatantly placing the personal will of the monarch under the will of the collective forbidden army, I have to say that this is very difficult for people of this era. Still shocking.

The civil servants were still wailing, exclaiming that the rituals and music had collapsed, the etiquette and laws would be in chaos, and the country would be ruined. However, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army were overjoyed and very happy. There was even a bastard who praised Zhao Kuangyin in public. , sensible.

It sounds bad, but in fact, that's what it's all about.

As long as the imperial court can protect the interests of us soldiers, who is willing to change the emperor if nothing happens?Everyone betrays the emperor and chases generals, after all, isn't it all for the reward?

Now the bounty is divided into dividends, and a set of long-term regulations are established to discuss with everyone. Everyone must support such an emperor to the death!It’s not that everyone doesn’t understand the principle of fishing from the marsh, but you didn’t let us fish before, so when you’re hungry, don’t you have to drain the marsh?

As long as this business can really sustain itself, even if the official family of Zhao Song is replaced by a six or seven-year-old baby one day, everyone will be willing to let him be the emperor, and don't let the little baby be the shopkeeper. That’s it.

Of course, the premise is that this business firm can indeed make enough money.

As a result, it was much easier for Zhao Kuangyin to release his military power over a glass of wine than in the original history. At the banquet, after crying and expressing his worries about them wearing yellow robes, Shi Shouxin and others Just like in history, people knelt down and kowtowed, begging for a way out. Zhao Kuangyin changed the subject and said:

"You guys know that the third child has set up a trading company. The first phase of investment alone is more than 1000 million yuan. Damn it, how can he be so rich? It's almost as much as the imperial court's annual income."

"He plans to distribute [-]% of the shares to the soldiers, and I naturally agree with it. However, as the saying goes, it is better to distribute it to others than to you. When we say that we are now in-laws for generations, you are all considered as such. We are members of the old Zhao family, if you ask me, why don’t I give you some more.”

"You step down from your current position, stop leading troops, and go to Lao San's place to do something... Director, isn't my brother your brother? Go and help me look after him and run the business well. If you earn more money, you can share it with the widows and children of the old brothers. If you share the money, buy a mansion, and raise more singing and dancing concubines, wouldn't you be happy and happy? We brothers share the world!"

Upon hearing this, all the officers and soldiers accepted the order happily.

A few days later, Zhao Kuangyin followed the same pattern and called in a number of local military governors to repeat the same trick. He took back all their military power and replaced them with confident cronies.

Then all these people were kicked to Zhao Guangmei.

Then this group of people blocked the door of Zhao Guangmei's house.

(End of this chapter)

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