Chapter 73

Three days later, Zhao Guangyi personally led the team and cooperated with Zhao Guangmei to surround the small courtyard, then broke into the door and raided the entire city. In one night, a total of more than [-] Houshu spies were arrested.

During the Five Dynasties and the early Song Dynasty, the household registration management in Kaifeng was so lax that it was basically better than nothing. In fact, normally these spies from Shu were not so easy to catch. Who would have thought that they would actually start fighting among themselves? ?

This gang of snakes, insects, rats, and ants actually killed the leader in charge, and then the scattered people took out the money and started selling it secretly.

No matter how much Nanqian falls, it can't possibly fall to one tael or five thousand Wen, right?There was something wrong with the price at first glance. In addition, Zhao Guangmei had long known that there were spies from Houshu in the city and had been ordering people to pay attention to these things, so he quickly caught a few mice.

Then after a little trial, these little mice picked up everything.

During this currency war, Hou Shu actually purchased a total of more than 400 million guan of Nanqian. Although more than half of it had been shipped back to Shu, more than 100 million was still retained in the end. Naturally, all of it was confiscated. .

Hou Shu was actually the only regime besides the Khitan that was openly hostile to the Song Dynasty, so there was no need to be polite or show any dignity towards them.

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but sigh, this Meng Chang is really a good person.

In this currency war, what they lost plus one yuan in compensation was, at least, at least 400 million yuan.

This is not all, because the influx of a large amount of Shu money has been cut off by Song Tie's money, which has caused an exchange rate difference. If nothing unexpected happens, Shu money will definitely depreciate greatly in the next few years, and the specific profits and losses caused by this cannot be specified. Go figure it out.

Good people, Meng Chang and Wang Zhaoyuan are simply the biggest allies of the Song Dynasty.

In this battle, from a national level, the Song Dynasty won a great victory.

Nanqian first fell, then rose and then fell again. Although it slowly rose back to a relatively reasonable price, the usage rate of Nanqian on the market is no longer what it used to be.

Because the most important thing about currency is not the value attached to the copper plate, but its stability. For a currency without stability, the price fluctuates like a roller coaster, and everyone really feels scared when using it.

The gap left by the Southern Tang Dynasty's withdrawal from circulation was largely filled by Song Qian, because everyone found that although Song Qian had some fluctuations in this war as a whole, most of this fluctuation seemed to be brought about by Nan Qian. , its own currency credit seems to be quite good.

What's more, there is so much iron money. Iron money is essentially free of seigniorage. Even if it is privately minted by private parties, the court sometimes doesn't bother to care about it, because iron is a real hard currency and its currency value is low. Where can it fall?You can't lose much by melting the money into a pot.

Therefore, although the imperial court did not prohibit the use of Nanqian among the people, the common people were unwilling to use it. Song Qian and Nanqian basically maintained a little more than 1:1, and the value of Song Qian was slightly greater than that of Nanqian.

In this way, the imperial court could purchase a large amount of Nanqian and melt it into Song Dynasty money, which would immediately eliminate all the obstacles to the currency circulation in the Song Dynasty.

As the deputy envoy of the Third Department who led all this, Zhao Guangmei's reputation has skyrocketed again. Whether among the people or the military, many people feel that Zhao Guangmei should not be a deputy envoy, but should be a serious one. Third Secretary, isn't this much better than those scholars who only know what they know all day long?
Besides, Zhao Guangmei is also a scholar, and he is still the number one scholar.

Zhao Kuangyin was so happy that his nose bubbled with joy. He also asked Zhao Guangmei's opinion seriously and asked him if he had any idea of ​​becoming the Third Secretary-General. If so, he would move Xue Juzheng to another place.

But Zhao Guangmei shook her head and refused after thinking about it.

There are too many things he wants to do, and becoming one of these three envoys will tie up his hands and feet and prevent him from being free.

The current deputy envoy is quite suitable for him. Xue Juzheng is not as strong as Zhao Pu, not to mention that he now treats himself as a disciple. Whenever he is free, he will pester himself to teach him the basic concepts of economics.

In this way, Xue Juzheng will definitely listen to him at critical times, and at ordinary times, he can stop managing the daily affairs of the Third Secretary and go about his own private affairs. This is great.

We don't care about the name of the finance minister.Zhao Kuangyin didn't force this, and fully respected Zhao Guangmei's opinion, and then started chatting with him about everything. After chatting for more than half an hour, Zhao Guangmei finally couldn't stand it anymore and asked: "Brother, do you have something? If something happens, just tell me."

"Well... Third brother, you must have made a lot of money this time."

"Yeah, you make a lot of money."

"How many exactly?"

"It's a lot anyway."

"How much is a lot?"

"You ask why you are so detailed."

"I'll ask."

"Just asking, I make a lot of money. Anyway, I must be richer than you now."

"How much is it? I can't steal your money."

"If you don't plan to rob, then why are you asking him? I don't know you yet? Brother, you have become the emperor, how can you still care about your brother's private money?"

"Several millions of private money? You, what do you want so much money for? We have just founded the Song Dynasty. You also know that the court is really poor. The smell of copper makes you unable to eat when you are hungry or drink when you are thirsty. What does a clan prince need money for? What does he need so much money for? Do you think it is a good thing for you to have so much money in your pocket? Listen to me, the water here is too deep. You are still young. You are sure Can’t stop.”

"So after all this fuss, you still want to steal my money?"

"It's not robbery, it's borrowing. I don't care if you can't borrow it. You want so much money and it's useless. It's different if you lend it to me. I want to use the money to do big things."

Zhao Guangmei pouted and said, "What big thing can you do? You just want to use the money to buy the military power of your old brothers."

Zhao Kuangyin was shocked: "You, you know? How did you know?"

"You guessed it, didn't I guess it a long time ago? You first asked Murong Yanzhao to go to Shannan, and then you asked Han Lingkun to go to Yangzhou. The two most difficult ones have been taken care of, and the rest will naturally take their turn. When we got to Gao Huaide, did Shi Shouxian trust them?"

During the currency war for more than half a year, Zhao Kuangyin was not idle. His reform of the Forbidden Army was now quite effective. Not only did he remove a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled people from the military camps, but he also removed them from the hands of military governors from various places. A large number of elites were mobilized to supplement the Forbidden Army for expansion, and a lot of sand was mixed into the army. Finally, the most difficult ones, Han Lingkun and Murong Yanzhao, were kicked out.

Next, it was naturally time to kick all his old buddies and brothers away, that is, to release the military power with a glass of wine!

Zhao Kuangyin was startled, but he now had a rough understanding of Zhao Guangmei's evil spirit, so he quickly accepted Zhao Guangmei's words and nodded:

"You are indeed smart. I think I have done things carefully enough, but you can see through every step I take. Fortunately, you are my biological brother. In this case, are you willing to lend me some money? I don’t want much, 180 million yuan is enough. Isn’t this difficult for you?”

Zhao Guangmei nodded and said: "It's indeed not much, 180 million is really just a small amount of money to me, but brother, I won't borrow this money."

(End of this chapter)

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