Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 54 Angina Pectoris

Chapter 54 Angina Pectoris

Sun Liancheng acted quickly. He was a silk merchant and had silk in his warehouse. Moreover, he deliberately used his own business channels to obtain another hundred thousand pieces of silk on credit in just ten days.

He knew very well that the reason why His Highness the King of Qin used him as the secretary was probably because he was a silk seller. If this time it was tea instead of silk, then shopkeeper Li might be the one who served as the secretary.

In order to show his determination to burn everything, in less than ten days, after Sun Liancheng lent all the silk belongings, he sold his shop, warehouse, caravan, and even the ancestral home left to him by his father-in-law. It was sold, and all the money from the sale was "lent" to Zhao Guangmei.

In other words, this wealthy businessman who was once the leading businessman in Kaifeng City now has more money in his pocket than his face, and even owes a huge amount of foreign debt. Even his wife and children had to suffer a little and temporarily lived with relatives.

At the same time, a staff team that has networked the top business talents in Kaifeng City has been quietly formed. Under Sun Liancheng's introduction, Zhao Guangmei, the so-called business elite in half of the city, met, and everyone was interested in him. The thieves expressed their interest in soliciting, and they all imitated Sun Liancheng's example, and planned to work with him after selling off their property.

In troubled times, sometimes having money does not bring us any sense of security.

And this kind of recruitment of a large number of businessmen really made the civil and military officials of the court couldn't help but be confused. After all, Zhao Guangmei was the crown prince, and it seemed that there was a lot of hope for success in the fight for the crown prince. Almost every middle-level civil and military officer in the court could not help but be confused. The officials are gearing up and letting him choose at will.

What can you do with a bunch of businessmen?Is this to make money for myself?But don’t you want to fight for reserves?
Zhao Kuangyin was naturally curious, but he didn't care or ask. His third brother always did things unexpectedly, and he was really looking forward to seeing what kind of surprise this third brother would surprise him.

"The third child has hired a lot of merchants, but what has he done?"

"Ah this... this... King Qin..."


"The King of Qin, he recently took Yang Ye and Pan Mei to supervise the work in the name of direct bachelor of the Privy Council, and built... a tent for the He Controlling Army."

"Why are you so hesitant about setting up a pergola?"

"He's building an awning out of silk."


Zhao Kuangyin was furious when he heard this and cursed: "Did he take the wrong medicine? How much does it cost? Is there something wrong with Zhao Pu? Is this how military expenses are spent?"

You know, Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor, was extremely frugal, even to the point of being stingy. His wife wanted to get some gold to decorate his carriage. He angrily scolded her, and his daughter got a dress with peacock feathers. He scolded his daughter for not having any hobbies for wasting money except drinking, and her life was not necessarily better than that of rich people who were a little richer among the people.

There is nothing that can be done about it. In the few months since he took the throne, he first formulated a benevolent policy such as paying wages to river workers, and then planned to eliminate the Pi government, reduce some of the horse government in Hebei, and even planned to reduce the grain tax. Some.

In his opinion, the taxes of the later Zhou Dynasty were still a bit heavy. In the past few years when Chai Rong was emperor, the country had never stopped fighting in the north and south. Especially the burden on the people in Hebei has reached an outrageous level, and they are horse-drawn every year. Countless people have been driven bankrupt by political and political policies, and he thinks this is not good.

But on the one hand, he couldn't bear to continue exploiting the people, and on the other hand, he wanted to unify the world and complete Chai Rong's unfinished business, so he had to use foreign troops, and the use of troops cost money, not to mention that he also planned to redeem the military power of his old brothers. , I'm afraid it will be another big expense.

How can he still have money?

I have no choice but to pick it from my own home and advocate saving.

As a result, now, my own brother actually uses silk to build awnings for the soldiers.I'm not willing to ruin silk like this!
You have to know what happens in the military camp. The most fearful thing is not to worry about the lack of numbers but to worry about inequality. Today you build a silk tent for the crane-controlling army, and tomorrow you build a cloth tent for the Japanese army. Is this appropriate?If this were to build a tent for the entire 13-strong imperial army stationed in Beijing, more than half of his treasury would be emptied.

Isn't this a disease?

Wang Jien heard the words and said quickly: "It was not done by the Prime Minister. Now when he meets everyone, he says that he only gave His Highness four thousand guan. This money did not come from the Privy Council, but was raised by His Highness himself."

When Zhao Kuangyin heard this, his dark face improved slightly. If it wasn't the Privy Council's money, then at least it wasn't his money.

"It's still nonsense. Is that pergola controlling the crane army?"


"Well, I'll go and see for myself what the hell this third guy is doing."


The Controlling Crane Army is undoubtedly the army that their Zhao brothers are most familiar with, even above the Dianqian Division founded by Zhao Kuangyin himself, because his father, Zhao Hongyin, once served as the commander of the Controlling Crane Army. Like Zhao Guangmei, he is almost He grew up in the military camp of the Crane Control Army, and his father-in-law Zhang Lingduo also served as the commander of the Crane Control Army for a long time, otherwise he would not have had this marriage.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhao Guangmei chose the first silk pavilion in the Hekong Army. Here are his uncles and aunts, who politely call him His Highness, and some who are familiar with him simply call him Sanlang.

As soon as they heard that he was going to build a silk pavilion, the young and old men in the camp were naturally overjoyed. Among the military camps, they were the ones most lacking in organizational skills. Even if the soldiers each had their own patrol and training tasks, they were just idle For the family members who have nothing to do, the efficiency of their work is far beyond what people outside can compare with. It's just a shed, and how complicated it can be.

Therefore, by the time Zhao Kuangyin came to his senses and came to the Crane Control Army to check it out in person, the two large pergolas in the army had already been set up. Zhao Guangmei even used different colors of silk to match the colors. From a distance, the two pergolas looked like They are all red and green. One has the shape of a horse in green, and the other has the shape of a rooster in red, which looks particularly beautiful in the sun.

"He...he...hey~, the third child is still a child after all. What can he do with this idea? I understand that he wants to win over Ya Bing, but can he not have such money? Where’s Hua’s? Blame me, it’s all my fault, I was too indulgent towards him!”

As he spoke, Zhao Kuangyin stretched out his hand to cover his chest, truly feeling waves of angina pectoris.

When he was feeling uncomfortable, someone suddenly saw him when he was passing by, but he didn't look surprised. Instead, he said with a smile: "Hey? Official, you are here too. The show has already started for a long time."

Zhao Kuangyin himself grew up in a military camp, so he didn't have much airs in front of some elders.

"The show? Also? Who else is coming, the third child?"

"Didn't the official make an appointment with the Queen Mother to watch the show?"

"My mother is here too? Watch...the show?"

For a while, Zhao Kuangyin had some taste.

The third child is as smart as a ghost. Even if he spends money randomly, how can he really just build two awnings?

(End of this chapter)

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