Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 52 Zhao Guangmei’s intention

Chapter 52 Zhao Guangmei’s intention
As soon as Zhao Guangmei's words came out, the two people sitting with him and the person kneeling on the ground had only one feeling in their hearts: "Is His Highness crazy?"

A dignified prince, a state heir, doing business, this is nonsense enough, is he trying to make money?This is absolutely hilarious.

As for the two businesses he mentioned, they are really nonsense.

"Silk... building a pergola?"

Pergola is the most important means of enjoying the shade in this era. Generally, rich people also like to use silk to build it. It not only blocks the shade, but also allows the sun to shine down and scatter through the silk. It is colorful and beautiful, and it is elegant. .

Some literati usually like to gather under this kind of silk arbor to discuss poetry, or play some elegant things such as winding water bottles, and this kind of thing may really be called a place for peace and prosperity in ordinary times. It is commonplace, but in this world that has been in chaos for so many years, how many people in Kaifeng City still have such leisure?
Anyway, the Zhao family didn't have a silk pavilion when Zhao Kuangyin did inspections in front of the palace.

In short, this is something that is quite sentimental and elegant. It is usually used by wealthy businessmen, civil servants, students from well-to-do families, and so on. Although it is not used by rich and powerful people, it is used by the real top dignitaries. The family doesn't bother to build a pergola, but after all, this is not the normal consumption of ordinary people.

This thing is like the Forbidden Army...

What kind of brain can think of them together?
Yang Ye couldn't help but remind him: "Your Highness, we are leading three armies. What we need to build is a pavilion for 10 people to enjoy the shade. If this is made of silk..."

"What? Can't you get it? Didn't Shopkeeper Sun just say that he can get one hundred thousand horses?"


Pan Mei also said: "Isn't it... too wasteful?"

"Waste? The Forbidden Army is the foundation of our Song Dynasty. Our soldiers of the Song Dynasty fought bloody battles on the front line and killed the enemy bravely. Why, can't we just enjoy a shed made of silk in the summer? Look at the soldiers in the army now The arbors are all made of grass, and when you sit inside in the summer, there won’t be enough space to feed mosquitoes. Shouldn’t this be improved?”

Pan Mei and Yang Ye were both speechless for a moment, thinking, with this money, you can buy some big fat pigs and kill them to stew more pots of meat for them to eat, ensuring that they will be happier than enjoying the cool air.

In fact, Datoubing is not that particular about enjoying the cool air in the summer. In fact, most people are so hot that they take off their clothes and plunge into the Bian River to escape the heat.

"Your Highness, this is not just a matter of money. In fact, even if this silk pavilion is erected... people may not appreciate it. Wild boars cannot eat fine chaff. For your kindness, soldiers... You may not be able to understand it.”

In fact, during this period, the soldiers in Kaifeng City were really not poor people. Not only did they have military pay, but they also won almost all the battles they fought in these years. They had no military discipline, so they just grabbed whatever they could wherever they went. Besides, dynasties are changing so quickly now. In the past ten years, Guo Weifeng slaughtered Kaifeng and robbed them of a sum of money. Chai Rong succeeded to the throne and distributed a sum of money. They massacred Yangzhou and robbed a sum of money. Zhao Kuangyin wore a yellow robe and distributed another sum of money. On weekdays, everyone lived in the military camp. , food and clothing are also paid for by the court. As long as they save a little bit, they will never be poor.

To be honest, the big-headed soldiers these days are definitely much richer than most ordinary people outside. If they wanted to build a silk awning, they would have built it long ago.

Isn't this nonsense.

Zhao Guangmei gave them a blank look and did not explain to them. When he saw Sun Liancheng, he looked thoughtful and said with a smile: "Is there something interesting about the old Sun's product?"

Sun Liancheng said hesitantly: "Your Highness is talking to me about borrowing money or doing business. In business, there should naturally be frequent comings and goings. The pergola is said to be for enjoying the shade, but in fact it is also for gathering people. There is a saying in the business world: When wealth disperses, people gather together, and when people gather together, wealth comes, your highness, are you planning to... sell things in the arbor?"

After hearing this, Zhao Guangmei laughed loudly: "Look, he is a businessman after all. He has guessed it more or less, right? Why are you still kneeling? Get up, get up. From now on, we are all our own people. I am the only one who knows." You're not that big of an arrogant person, but I can't blame you for being so mean." After saying that, he stepped forward and pulled Sun Liancheng up, sitting next to him, and said, "Of course I don't plan to sell things in the arbor. However, recently, I plan to hold some entertainment activities in the pergola to enrich the lives of our Forbidden Army officers."

"The things played in Goulanwashe are too vulgar, and the things played in dance pavilions and song stands are too expensive. These are not suitable for the army. To say that the most suitable ones are storytelling, singing and opera, ditties and ballads, which are half vulgar and half elegant, and are close to the people. , but not vulgar and kitsch, is the right way in the world."

"In the past, most of the pergolas in the army were made of bamboo, wood, and grass. The shading effect was not necessarily good, but the effect of attracting mosquitoes was immediate. The soldiers would rather take a bath in the river than feed them under the pergola. If the mosquitoes could be replaced with silk, this pavilion would become a gathering place for military officers and their families. Wouldn’t this be equivalent to a temple fair every day?”

"When the soldiers were enjoying the cool weather, the rich would have a money market, and the poor would have a personal market, and then sell some peanuts and melon seeds for a big bowl of tea. This silk money might not be unearned. After all, when the summer is over, the silk can be harvested again. Are you coming back?"

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei turned around and said: "Old Yang, you are a surrendered general and have no foundation in the Forbidden Army. Many people have heard of you but few know you, and even fewer know you." After that, you will be responsible for organizing the daily performances. At the same time, you should pay attention to discovering, for example, are there any good opera singers among the soldiers? Is there anyone who speaks humorously and is suitable for storytelling and comedy? What programs should be performed every day? What do they like and what don’t they like?”

"All of these can be guided. We welcome versatile soldiers or military family members to participate, and it will also give them an extra income. I will give you an idea. When the time is right, you can definitely create a good voice as a front officer and a bodyguard. Does a show like The Comedian allow everyone to vote?"

"In a word, if you want to play, let the soldiers play together, and play with the soldiers. If you do this well, within a year, I guarantee that your name, Yang Ye, will not be forgotten by anyone in the Forbidden Army." I don’t know, no one knows, the foundation, isn’t it here? At least it can make up for your inherent shortcomings of not growing up in the Forbidden Army.”

"After this step is done, the next step can be educational and entertaining. There is no difference between soldiers and bandits without patriotic education. When I have time, I will write a few books for you myself. I will focus on controlling the content, especially When Liu Zhiyuan defeated Yelu Deguang, and when Yelu Abao kidnapped 20 Han people as slaves, and by the way, there was the Guiyi Army. These deeds must be well arranged, including cross talk, storytelling, and opera. Yes, and it will spread to Yanyun and Liao Kingdom. This is the main task my elder brother gave me."

Yang Ye suddenly understood after hearing this. He knew that this was giving him a chance and thanked him repeatedly.

"And Lao Pan, you are different from Lao Yang. At least you are also a member of the Forbidden Army. What you lack is fame and direct lineage. You are exactly the opposite of Lao Yang.

To put it bluntly, your background is not good enough. He is the general of Linzhou Prefecture after all, but you are really a grassroots person. Maybe in the eyes of many people, you were able to persuade Yuan Yan to surrender only because of your courage or even luck. Compared with No real merit in battle formation.

How to make up for it?After much thought, I think you should start with the next generation. "

"The next generation?"

"In the Forbidden Army camp, there are only 13 real soldiers, but there are more than 10,000 family members of the soldiers. You and I both grew up in the military camp. When I was six years old, I held real swords and guns with my friends. Let’s play a war game together, I believe you should be the same, children are actually the real subjects in the military camp.”

"The purpose of building the silk pavilion is not only to give the soldiers a place to relax and relax, but also to give the children a place to study. Of course, it cannot be compared with those formal schools, but bringing the children together will always make a difference. It’s of some use.”

"With my intervention, children of different sizes can be divided into different classes. They tell stories in the morning, play games in the afternoon, and have some time for studying in the middle. Isn't this a good thing?"

"Basically speaking, children can learn to read and write. Even in today's world where the military is strong and the literary is weak, even if the Jinshi is useless, literacy is always a useful thing, right? Most of these children will grow up You will still have to be a soldier in the future. Do you have to learn martial arts, military strategy, and formations? Occasionally intersperse a little Confucian loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. And if someone does not want to be a soldier in the future and does not have this ambition, workers, farmers, Do you want to learn craftsmanship, medicine, and other miscellaneous subjects that are enough to make a living?"

"We Chinese are the most willing to spend money on education, not to mention those soldiers of the Forbidden Army. They are not without money. I have also made specific regulations on this matter. Maybe not only can I earn back the silk money, but also Make some profit."

"Of course, the most important thing is that you are responsible for this matter. You are the common teacher of these children. You can teach them some real skills in your free time. In this way, within two years, you will be the most lacking reputation in the army. With one piece, it will naturally make up, even for those generals."

(End of this chapter)

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