Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 34 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales

Chapter 34 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales
Zhao Kuangyin didn't take this matter seriously at all. He just thought it was because of Zhao Guangmei's young mind. He didn't know the heights of the world. How could it be so easy to pass the Jinshi examination?

How many of us, Junyan Hanchuang, have studied hard for ten years but dare not say that they will definitely pass the exam? You, a kid, just touches your upper lip to your lower lip and says you have passed the exam?
Isn't this funny?

Seeing Zhao Guangmei jumping away happily, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but smile and sigh: "This third child is still a child after all."

The eunuch serving on the side heard the words and said: "The three kings are really smart, but with this kind of character, they are really too anxious. Now that the country has just been founded, he is not as good as the weak crown, so he is so anxious to seize power."

Zhao Kuangyin paused when he heard this and was about to hit the bird. He turned around and looked at the eunuch who was speaking in surprise. There was no smile on his dark face with Chinese characters, showing no anger or authority.

"What do you mean by that?"

When the eunuch heard this, he quickly bowed down and said, "Slave, this slave has no meaning. I am just following your orders... to continue my work."

"Are you picking up the fight? Do you mean what you said?"

"Slave...Slave is really taking over."

"My third brother is just a young man with a young mind. Since he has real abilities, he is anxious to show them off. In fact, he has a sincere heart. Why do you think he is trying to seize power? Who made you do this? Are you talking? Is there someone behind you?"

"No, no, really not. It's the slave who is being smart and made random guesses about the official family. The slave, the slave should be beaten, the slave should be beaten, the slave should be beaten."

As he said that, he slapped his mouth from left to right until his cheeks bulged up like a pig's head.

He knew that Zhao Kuangyin had always been kind and kind to the people around him, and he rarely killed people. As long as he beat him a little, Zhao Kuangyin would be reluctant to punish him again.

"How brave! You evil slave, you must have taken advantage of others to slander me here. Do you still want to get away with it? Come here, capture him and torture him in prison. You must interrogate him. If there is someone behind the scenes, if you don't want to tell me, I will beat him to death!"

The eunuchs were all dumbfounded. They never thought that they just said the wrong thing, and how could they be so cruel?

He wanted to kowtow and beg for mercy again, but there was no way to let him go. Upon seeing this, the other eunuchs had already knocked him to the ground and dragged him away.

As the saying goes, dragons have scales that make them angry when touched. Zhao Kuangyin is usually very talkative, and he rarely blames the people around him. He is so soft-hearted that sometimes he doesn't look like a king with a military background, but like a compassionate monk. .

However, there is one thing that cannot be touched, and that is his family. The same is true in history. Throughout the middle and early stages of Zhao Kuangyin's era, anyone dared to advise him to be wary of Zhao Er, or that the strategy of the third prince was too weird. Ministers often end up badly.

Not to mention a little eunuch, how about Zhang Qiong?That was his confidant and beloved general who had saved Zhao Kuangyin's life on the battlefield before. After the military reform, he succeeded Zhao Guangyi as the first palace capital Yuhou.

However, just because he took over Zhao Guangyi's team, he was not very scheming and would not behave with his tail between his legs, and he was disrespectful to Zhao Guangyi for saving Zhao Kuangyin's life. Wasn't he beaten to death in the end?Still in front of Zhao Kuangyin.

On the contrary, if you scold him personally, as long as what you say is reasonable and well-founded, he may really not care. Sometimes he may even turn against you and scold you, and he will apologize to you afterwards.

Zhao Guangyi was essentially a scholar. How could he be so capable of covering the sky with one hand and wielding power? To put it bluntly, it was Zhao Kuangyin who got used to it. Later, when Zhao Dezhao grew up and made trouble to move the capital, he woke up. It was already too late.It was precisely because Zhao Guangmei knew that Zhao Kuangyin had such a personality that she really would not doubt herself, so she was so unscrupulous. She said what she wanted directly and never beat around the bush.

Besides, he is still a child after all. Although being young has many inconveniences, it naturally also has advantages. No matter what reckless or inappropriate things he does, everyone will treat him as a child and laugh and pass it by. Zhao Kuangyin How can a person with this kind of temper think too much.

As a child, even if everyone in the world knows that you are reckless and reckless, that is not a problem. On the contrary, if people think that you are rich, then you are really careless.

I am a high-ranking nobleman and a young talent. I am protected by my brother who is the founding emperor and the queen mother who loves her youngest son. I am also protected by the prestige of forcing Han Tong to surrender and regaining the Northern Han Dynasty. What do I need from the city government?
It's so good now. If you take the Jinshi exam, you can be a military governor. This is so worry-free.

Although he was rushing to catch up, Zhao Guangmei was really not too frightened. It was just an imperial examination. When he went home that night, he started studying hard behind closed doors, even teaching Zhang Ling'er medical knowledge. He was perfunctory and ordered someone to catch some live frogs for him to cut and play with, then ignored her.

In the early Song Dynasty, the imperial examination system of the Taizu Dynasty was not as good as that of the Taizong Dynasty. The number of people admitted to the imperial examination was very small. There were almost only a few who were missing, usually only about twenty.

The redundant officials in the Song Dynasty only started in the Taizong Dynasty, that is, Zhao Er. After Zhao Er, he wanted to admit hundreds of people in each subject.

To put it bluntly, redundant officials are the easiest way for an emperor with an unstable foundation to seize power. If I throw in [-] people for a job that originally required twenty people, wouldn’t everyone’s power be diluted tenfold? ?Who else can threaten my status as a powerful minister?
Wu Zetian did the same thing back then. After doing it, the Tang Dynasty had diarrhea. This kind of thing has always been easy to say but difficult to say. The bureaucracy has only heard of adding people, never heard of laying off people, that is, layoffs. Those laid off are also people who actually work.

However, although the number of people admitted to the imperial examination in the Taizu Dynasty was small, it had the advantage of being pragmatic. If you were to take the Ming Jing exam, you would just memorize it by rote. If you were to take the Jinshi exam, you would have three subjects, one for poetry, one for policy, and one for theory. As for the scriptures, in fact, the imperial court did not pay attention to this stuff at all.

Poems and poems are poems and poems. For time-travelers, as long as they pass the high school Chinese language but fail to return everything to the teacher, there is no reason why they cannot pass the exam.

Yike Ce actually refers to the key to political affairs, and it actually refers to giving advice and suggestions to the court. For a time traveler like me, this thing is simply free.

One subject, this thing is an argumentative essay, is similar to the essay for the civil service examination in later generations. Zhao Guangmei also tried to pass the civil service exam in his previous life, but failed. In the end, after his girlfriend passed the exam, she killed her lover.

But it is estimated that at the level of the Northern Song Dynasty, he should be able to test this thing easily.

Finally, the most challenging thing for Zhao Guangmei is to stick to the classics. But in the early Song Dynasty, no one really cared about this. The so-called half of the Analects governs the world. Basically, if you memorize the Analects, it will not be difficult to pass the scriptures. , the Analects accounts for ten of the fifteen questions on the Sutra, which is enough for a passing grade. Even if you can't memorize it, it won't be a big problem. As long as the theory of policy and theory is well written, the court will also want it.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Kuangyin was a military general after all, and he had publicly said that there was no one who could use such words. The civil and military ministers of the entire dynasty had similar thoughts, and they all believed that strategy was what truly governed the country and brought peace to the world.

Hey, you dare to look down on me and say that I am not as good as my second brother in martial arts?I'll give you a Jinshi exam and slap you in the face hard to see what else you can say.

 The imperial examinations in the early Tang, Song, and even early Ming dynasties were all about practicality, but later they slowly evolved into useless studies. There was nothing that could be done about it, because the rulers found that if the examinations tested useful studies, poor students would never be able to do so. There will be no chance of success. If you, a child from an ordinary landowner's family, take the policy theory exam, you will be exhausted and fail to pass the exam for a child from the prime minister's family. Then the imperial examination will become an alternative nine-level Zhongzheng system, so naturally the more you take the test, the more useless it will be. .

  Chinese people value fairness more than efficiency. In fact, the same goes for the college entrance examination in modern society. If the college entrance examination really tested useful things, there would be no small town in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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