Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 29 Simple and crude methods

Chapter 29 Simple and crude methods

A dead horse should be treated as a living doctor. Although Zhao Kuangyin himself did not have much hope in this matter, he was trying to save his mother after all. Even if there was only one ten thousandth chance, he would naturally give full support.

However, his mouth was really indebted. Zhang Lingduo soon found out about it, and then Zhang Lingduo told his daughter, and then his fiancée came to the door. , Unless you say you are here to help, you can’t even drive her away.

It's a beautiful name, since it's to save my mother-in-law, I, as a daughter-in-law, naturally have to fulfill my filial piety.

But it should be said that the little girl is very clever. The key is that her hands are small enough, so that she can open a smaller wound for the pig and let her put her hand in to sterilize it.

You know, there are no serious anesthetics these days. Zhao Kuangmei just mixed some cannabis water that the eunuchs drank when purifying themselves and mixed it with wine and fed it to the pigs. Therefore, the pigs often struggled and screamed when their stomachs opened. The psychological burden is actually huge.

However, this Ling'er is really a strange woman. She is not afraid at all. She can even knock a pig out with a stick at the right time. Her psychological quality is extremely good. Later, she also took care of the sewing work.

With her joining, those pigs finally survived after more than 40 died, and the survival rate for at least ten days became higher and higher.

It's a pity that this little girl is covered in blood every time she finishes her work. Her temperament is like a horror movie, and a bit like Sun Erniang. When she thinks that this is her future, no, not even the future, she will soon become My own daughter-in-law, Zhao Kuangmei, really doesn’t think this little loli is cute.

I couldn't even help but have nightmares at night.

The little girl herself didn't think there was anything wrong with her image at all, and Zhao Kuangmei could clearly feel that she was addicted to working. Whenever she saw the pig alive, she was even more excited than him.

"It turns out that pigs can actually survive with stitches after being disemboweled. So, my dear, tell me, if a human being is disemboweled, can he survive too?"

"This is called surgery. As long as it is disinfected, it is indeed possible to survive. In fact, um... castration, you know, is the castration of eunuchs in the palace. This is actually a kind of surgery."

"Then, what if, I mean, if a person is hit by a hammer, the outside is fine, but the internal organs are bleeding, we just need to disembowel him, and then use gauze or something like that to stop the bleeding. If the skin and flesh are sewn back, wouldn't this person not have to die?"

"Theoretically it is possible, but in reality it will be more complicated. If the organs of the human body are broken, the person will get sick. Cut off the broken parts. If the person is still alive, the disease will naturally be cured after he recovers. This is surgery. Of course, with the current medical conditions, it is already extremely difficult to perform surgery with just anesthesia and disinfection. Unless it is really impossible and a dead horse is used as a live doctor, otherwise, as soon as the belly is opened, , whether he can survive in the end is left to fate, haha, let’s operate on the pig first.”

Zhang Ling'er's eyes were particularly bright, and she said seriously: "Brother Mei, did you get all this knowledge from books? What kind of book is this? Can you read it to me?"

"Well... I read it in my second brother's room. I threw it away after I finished it. I don't know where I put it, and I don't know if I can find it again."

"Oh, then, you must look for it when you get home. If you find it, show it to me, okay?"

"Well, if I find it, I'll show it to you."

Zhang Linger nodded happily after hearing this, and then continued to devote herself to the operation on the pig.

Maybe it was because Zhao Kuangyin was so lucky that the pig he saw after arriving that day actually lived for eight more days without dying.

In eight days, the pancreas should be ready for use.

However, this was only the first step in the experiment. He only knew that the earliest insulin in modern times was extracted from this pancreas, but he didn't know how to mention it. He could only use his simple biological knowledge to even do it. While cooking, I fumbled through some nutrition knowledge.

For medicine, alcohol must be used, so Zhao Kuangmei bought high-strength alcohol and steamed it over and over again with a distiller used to steam perfume (perfume already existed in the Song Dynasty, and the one passed over from Arabia was called rose water), and finally got a Although the pile does not meet the alcohol standard, it is at least over [-] degrees of spirits.

After thinking about it, he seemed to have heard someone say that acid must be used for bioextraction, and milder methods would use a large amount of oxalic acid.

He didn't know much about what oxalic acid was, but he was a cook in his previous life. He knew that spinach contained a lot of oxalic acid and that it could be removed by blanching.Then he obtained dozens of kilograms of spinach and began to squeeze and filter the juice. By repeatedly filtering and adding water to stew, he obtained... concentrated semi-solid spinach juice.

It doesn't matter whether it's pure or not, what's important is that this stuff should be harmless to the human body... well, it should be usable just fine.

After repeated attempts and wasting more than a dozen pancreas, Zhao Kuangmei finally figured out an extraction method, although he didn't know whether such a primitive and crude method was useful.

First, the pancreas is chopped thoroughly, then put into concentrated spinach juice and high alcohol, and centrifuged for two hours.

Then filter the residue with gauze

Then add alcohol and concentrated spinach juice again, stir wildly, and filter out the residue again.

Repeat this until the solution in the cup is almost clean, and a layer of transparent liquid like mucous membrane will appear on the upper layer of the solution.

This layer of transparent liquid must contain insulin!

Of course, in addition to insulin, there must be other impurities here. In modern society, dogs would not use them. However, Zhao Kuangmei analyzed it with superficial knowledge and found that there are only a few raw materials here, alcohol, spinach juice, pancreas, There is no way that these three manufactured things are poisonous, right?
At least it must contain the active ingredient of insulin, right?
If there are more impurities and the purity is lower, wouldn't it be enough to increase the dosage?

Is it a feudal society? In addition, Zhao Kuangmei has always been very courageous. On the same day, his new drug entered the clinical human trial stage. He had a death row prisoner, a hollow silver needle was inserted, and it was directly inserted into the death row prisoner's umbilicus. He poured the medicine in and promised to commute his sentence as long as he didn't die.

And then the prisoner died.

His face was red when he died.

Could it be that concentrated spinach juice poisoned people?Is this thing poisonous?

The assistant on the side looked at the corpse for a long time and analyzed: "The way he died...why does it look like he died of drinking."

"Oh~, then I understand, it should be alcohol poisoning, so I need to give more."

His crude insulin did not remove ethanol. The key is that he did not know how to remove it. It is estimated that the alcohol content in it is stronger than the insulin content. It is directly injected into the human body without being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and decomposed by liver function. Alcohol intake is equivalent to drinking alcohol directly. Ten to twenty times.

So Shengsheng drunk the prisoner to death.

Then he changed the prisoner.

After trying it bit by bit for seven or eight days, he finally found the maximum dose of his homemade insulin that could be injected into people, which was about [-] ml. After being injected, the prisoner would only feel tipsy, almost. There is no other impact, at most it will be fine after a little sleep.

"Huh~, finally, I've finished a section."

"Is it ready?"

"I don't know. Let's try it on a few more people. I don't know if it will work. But at least, this thing can't kill anyone. Let me just say, it's just wine and spinach. At most, it has no effect. How is it possible? There are dead people.”

 The original insulin was made using a similar method. I checked the paper specifically.Not talking nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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