Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 289 The cannon of the times is roaring

Chapter 289 The cannon of the times is roaring
"Your Majesty, this is a letter from King Qin of the Song Dynasty. It was specially sent by a messenger. Look..."

"Show me."

In the military tent, Yelvxian also looked depressed. The beard on his face and chin had grown out and spread irregularly. With his messy hairstyle, he almost looked like a savage. The two black men The circles under his eyes were as heavy as ghosts.

He was so worried that he couldn't let it go no matter what, so that he couldn't sleep or eat well for several days in a row. The huge pressure made him feel a little dazed.

In fact, for so many days, and the loss of Linhuang Mansion, he completely cut off large-scale supply sources. Recently, they have actually been out of food. The soldiers eat all the dry food and dried meat they brought with them, but Sooner or later these things will be eaten.

The current situation is due to the Shiwei people's mentality of dragging their families and living on the grassland. There is no problem of consumption. They are already farming and grazing. Yelv Xiezhen's side is not a big problem. His soldiers are Mainly local people, they are actually grazing and fighting at the same time. Although it is difficult, they can still get through it.

Besides, they still have the support of Da Song Dynasty.

Not to mention the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty, the logistical supplies were terrifying. Although there were not many supplies from Linhuang Mansion after heading west, there were also fewer people from the Song Dynasty, and a large number of party members were mobilized instead.

The Dangxiang people also brought their own food and grass, and after entering the country, businessmen from Lin and Fuzhou began to transport things in an endless stream, even more than the merchants who went to Linhuangfu to transport things before.

In fact, there are quite a lot of businessmen among the Dangxiang people. They actually serve as a bridge between nomadic herding and farming. Although the train is not yet connected, there are really many Dangxiang people in the Horse Racing Gang.

They were the only ones who were almost out of food. The soldiers who had no food could not help but rob their fellow villagers. The Khitans and the Khitans had already started to kill each other.

Of course, they also robbed the Song Army's supplies several times. What's a bit shameful is that after the Song Army knew that they seemed to be running out of food, they even specially transported several trucks of compressed biscuits, hard yeast cakes, and even There was a cart of canned fish and meat, which was deliberately brought to them to rob. After putting the things down, they ran away without protecting them.

It was quite uncomfortable for them to eat it.

Who are you looking down on so much?

Of course, the situation is stronger than the people. In fact, they know very clearly that there are not many choices they can make.

"Your Majesty, what did King Qin say?"

Before Yelvxian could open the letter, all the courtiers around him couldn't help but tilt their heads to read it.

After seeing it, Yelvxian smiled bitterly and said: "There is nothing to say, I still want to persuade you to surrender, but the conditions he offered this time are good, and he is much more sincere than before."

"What sincerity?"

"I was asked to surrender my imperial title, and allowed me to call myself Khan. He also said that he would like to let us graze the areas north of Linhuang Mansion, west of Bohai State, and even further west and north, but we must take good care of the Jurchens."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion. Some people actually looked a little excited and wanted to urge Yelvxian to agree quickly.

"This King of Qin of the Great Song Dynasty is a man who really talks about benevolence. Your Majesty, in fact, as far as our current situation is concerned, even if the Song army is wasted, it can kill us. The place that Zhao Guangmei gave him now , not small."

"Hey~, I know. You allow me to think about it again. I also want to see how he will deal with Shi Wei."

It should be said that Zhao Guangmei's sincerity this time is much more than last time. To put it bluntly, as long as you, Yelvxian, are willing to abdicate the throne and stay away from me, I can actually ignore you.

In fact, if we talk about this carefully, it is not impossible to temporarily allow him to be the leader of the country. Isn't it just to pay some tribute every year? The Song Dynasty also has a reward system.

Zhao Guangmei's big wave of his hand really gave them a large area, which was a cold spot, not along the coast. Although the grassland was not fertile, it was enough to support themselves.

Zhao Guangmei even wrote later that if they were willing to expand their territory and fight further north, he could even provide support.

In fact, this so-called bitter cold place, a place where ancient people were not even willing to go to graze their cattle, isn't this the three eastern provinces of later generations?That's a big granary.

Besides, there is really no way out if you go further north. Didn’t the Cossacks of Maozi’s time come all the way from Siberia? If you go further north, it’s just hunting, breeding, and fur production, which is actually a very good industry. Historically The Cossacks relied on their passion for fur to conquer the largest territory in the world.

Let’s circle it first and then talk about it. With the current development speed of the Song Dynasty, his son can definitely use his grandson even if he doesn’t need it.

Moreover, Zhao Guangmei also agreed to allow them to interact as they pleased with the original citizens of Liao, that is, their fellow Khitans.

Whether it's business or personnel circulation, as long as you get a temporary ID card, you can do whatever you want, and Song Dynasty will never stop you.

This basically guarantees that it will be difficult for them to become rich, but it is really no problem to maintain food and clothing.

Zhao Guangmei’s foreign policy has always been to live by herself and let others live.

As long as the economy develops, the small surrounding countries will sooner or later become ethnic minorities in his own home, so why bother to exterminate them all.

Especially the Khitan, even if he is allowed to take away more people, what can he do?

Some Khitan people have already merged into the Song Dynasty, so wouldn't it be the same old story of Yanyun all over again?

People here have money, development, and jobs. As long as everyone communicates, you Khitan people have the same culture and race, right? Even if you communicate and communicate, aren't you still from the Song Dynasty?

Now that the Sixteenth State of Yanyun is back, other places are not in a hurry. Anyway, one bite can't make a fat man, and just one Linhuang Mansion is enough for the Song Dynasty to digest for several years.

The Song Dynasty also lacked such pure grassland management experience and needed a process of exploration.

It doesn't matter if you wait a few years, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, maybe more. By then, the Khitans of the Song Dynasty and the Khitans of the Liao Dynasty will be as close as one family. The Northeast, especially Jilin and Liao, will This place has been almost developed by them, and the problem of giving birth to a girl that was a headache for Zhao Guangmei has been solved by them. Wouldn't it be good to annex them when the time comes?
Be patient when engaging in strategy.

What impressed Zhao Guangmei the most is that in modern society, because the vast majority of Western politicians have relatively short terms and must consider various reasons such as populism, they have only looked at immediate interests for decades and believed in them for decades. The wisdom of future generations is that they have steadily played themselves into a half-disabled person and been surpassed by Dongfang.

This mistake must not be repeated.

Of course, the main reason is because Shi Wei has gone too far this time.

It would really hurt Tianhe if millions of people really wanted to kill him. Zhao Guangmei didn't dare to push him too hard if he did this.

Again, he never considered the Khitans as enemies from beginning to end.

Not even half a day passed before Shiwei's envoy also arrived. The conditions proposed were the same. If the Song Dynasty betrayed his faith, he would be willing to defect to the Liao Dynasty. Everyone would use Linhuang Mansion as the boundary, and each person would share half of the grassland.It was as if he could defeat Yelu Xiezhen and Brother Yelvxiu together, and he could definitely defeat Zhao Guangmei.

"Your Majesty, what do you think...?"

"Whatever I think is useless. The key is how Zhao Guangmei wants to deal with Shi Wei. Now this Shi Wei is the mortal enemy of our Khitan people. Even if I follow his instructions and retreat to the north of the Bohai Kingdom, the Jurchens will still run in both directions. At that time, what if he lets people from Shiwei come to surround us? Even if I don’t consider my ancestors, I still have to see the attitude of the Song Dynasty. "


On the other side, Zhao Guangmei was still sitting in her carriage drinking tea with Xiao Chuo.

The whole army has been advancing all the way. By now, more than half a day has passed, and there are more and more Shiwei people outside the military formation.

Outside the carriage, Zhao Guangmei specially used a loud voice to shout: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin of the Song Dynasty wants to talk to the Lord of Shiwei, and he also invites the Lord of Shiwei to show up. My King of Qin has said that if you don't come to see him, he will come." Coming to see you!”

While shouting this, he pushed the troops forward unhurriedly.

In fact, the level given by Zhao Guangmei was really high. When he proposed conditions to Yelvxian, he said that he would at most recognize him as a khan. When they arrived at Shiwei, they all recognized them as the king.

To put it bluntly, this means supporting Shi Wei Jianguo.

However, this room Wei still refused to send someone to see him to talk to him.

As the Song army continued to advance, more and more Shiwei's cavalry gathered around them and circled them.

No one dared to just let them pass, but no one dared to take the lead in taking action against Song Jun.

The situation is developing too fast. Not to mention these ordinary soldiers, even many Shiweitou people are a little confused now. They don't quite understand whether this Song people are enemies, friends, or even masters.

Seeing more and more people from Shiwei gathered around from three levels outside, someone finally couldn't bear it any longer and asked provocatively: "May I ask His Majesty, King Qin of the Song Dynasty, to allow us Shiwei people to graze here?" What?"

A group of loud voices who had already made arrangements shouted in unison: "No."

Since it’s not allowed, what else is there to say?

Among the Shiwei people, the most indispensable thing was the tiger whistle. Soon, the real tiger men began to rush out to attack the Song army's formation.

The Song army did not panic. Yang Ye led a group of elite musketeers to shoot directly, killing them all before anyone could rush closer.

The people in Shiwei who circled around were all startled now, and they increasingly believed that Song Dynasty was the enemy. These people probably didn't have the word fear in their dictionary, so they rushed towards them from all directions with a roar.

Zhao Guangmei didn't even get off the carriage from beginning to end, and still drank tea calmly. Seeing this, Gao Huaide, as an advisor, directly ordered his tooth soldiers to start bombarding.

Boom boom, boom boom, boom~.

The Song Dynasty's military formation was really not that easy to attack. The heavy mortars in the military formation were all left in Linhuang Mansion, but the cannons were still brought out. Although there were only more than thirty of them, each one was very powerful.

The Dangxiang people did not have such high-end things as cannons, but as the most trustworthy foreign nation in the Song Dynasty and the first foreign armed force after the Han people, they actually had a lot of good things.

The Song Dynasty tailor-made a small cannon for them that can be mounted on a camel. Each cannon only costs about six pounds, but the advantage is that there are enough of them. After the fight, these camels are placed in the outer ring, and when the cannon needs to be fired, The camel kneeling on the ground is the cannon stand, and when fighting, thousands of cannons are fired.

This set of tactics is actually very similar to that of Junggar in the Qing Dynasty, and it can basically be said to be a model of the combination of nomads and firearms. For the party members, high-end goods such as nitrocellulose are not available for the time being, but black Gunpowder was available as much as they wanted, and the Song Dynasty no longer restricted them.

The combat effectiveness of these party soldiers was no longer inferior to that of Junggar in the Qing Dynasty.

Not to mention the Song Army's cannon. The power of this artillery is at least more than that of Napoleon. After the advent of nitrocellulose, the times have actually completely changed. It is equivalent to a big improvement over the firearms era. , regardless of the power, range, or loading speed of the artillery, there has been a huge leap forward.

This is the first time that this weapon has been used on the battlefield since its invention. In fact, most of the Song army did not know its specific power. After all, the Song army had not fought seriously for many years.

The people of Shiwei don't even know how powerful this thing is, and the people of Shiwei don't have any formations to speak of when fighting. It's just a matter of people squeezing people and horses squeezing horses. This is the favorite situation for cannons to shoot flatly.

With one shot, a whole row, at least two hundred meters in a straight line, of all the Shiwei soldiers were scattered with flesh and blood, shattered to pieces.

Although Dangxiang's camel cannon is not so powerful, it is always no problem to kill three or five enemies with one shot. This range is farther than that of a bow and arrow.

The Shiwei people who rushed forward in a swarm did not even raise a splash. In less than 3 minutes, before everyone had time to get close to the Song army's formation, countless people were injured, at least 8000 or [-] people were injured.

The gap of at least two faults in the weapons, and the ferociousness of the flat-firing cannon, appeared for the first time in the grassland, and also appeared in this world, making the entire battlefield, including the Shiwei people, and even the Song Army and Dangxiang Army who let go of killings, also confused. .

Even the person who fired the cannon had not expected such a speed of killing enemies.

Everyone was stunned.

Not long after, the Shiwei people, who were not afraid of death, finally dispersed with a roar, and no one dared to approach the Song Dynasty's military formation.

This is not a war at all, this is simply a matter of death!

When there was such a huge gap in weapons and equipment, even the most brave Shiwei people in history finally collapsed.

This is simply not an opponent that can be defeated with willpower.

Besides, the Song army was also known for its bravery.

"Your Highness, the enemy troops have dispersed. Should we pursue them?"

"Send an order to Gao Huaide and tell him not to pursue. The Shiwei people are not our enemies. Our purpose is just to talk to them, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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