Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 279 The Big Wedding

Chapter 279 The Big Wedding
"What the hell, my second brother escaped in a donkey cart again?"

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were surprised, wondering why he said it again.

He was quite calm, but Zhao Kuangyin was so angry that his nose was crooked. He couldn't help but pointed at the battle report and cursed: "Leading a mob of 30 people to stroll on the grassland, what does he want to do? He thinks the war is What? I, the Zhao family, have been serving as generals for many generations, how come there is such a useless person who doesn’t know how to fight?"

Zhao Kuangyin was so angry that his liver hurt.

After saying that, he solemnly told Zhao Guangmei: "The way of war is to value the essence rather than the number. Don't believe in Han Xin's advice that more soldiers are better. There is no such thing as more soldiers in this world. Even with our Song Dynasty, Elites can command one hundred thousand soldiers on one battlefield, which is the limit. Beyond this number, the more soldiers there are, the lower the combat effectiveness will be."

In fact, what Zhao Kuangyin said must be a bit absolute. It can probably be understood that with Zhao Kuangyin's ability, he can command at most [-] soldiers, but more than one hundred thousand soldiers will not be enough, and these [-] soldiers must be elites like the Forbidden Army in the early Song Dynasty. , it even has to be trained by him.

These days, there are no radio communications, electronic atlases, GPS or Beidou, and no resistance feedback system on the front line. It is indeed incredible to be able to command one hundred thousand soldiers through personal soldiers sending messages and signaling orders via flags.

As for Zhao Guangyi, he actually managed to recruit 30 people, a mob of 30 people. He went to the grassland to install B and happened to encounter the main force of the Liao army. He didn't know what he was thinking.

He would rather take only Li Hanchao's 28 Song troops and leave the remaining [-].

"But...escaping in a donkey cart? How did he escape the Khitan cavalry in a donkey cart? What kind of donkey is this?"

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but smile and said: "He really has a destiny with the donkey cart. It's not surprising that he escaped alive. Brother Yelu Xiu probably didn't chase him at all."

To put it bluntly, Brother Yeluxiu will most likely vote for Song Dynasty after all. Naturally, it is impossible to really kill Zhao Guangyi. It would be a blood feud. I guess it is just a pretense of chasing him.

Knowing that Zhao Guangyi was fine, Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Kuangyin felt relieved. After discussing it, they both felt that the matter was too sudden. Even if they wanted to save it, there was probably only a limit to what they could do.

The only option was to issue an urgent edict to Li Hanchao, ordering him to atone for his crimes and reorganize his defense. Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures could ignore it and quickly return to the south of Waqiao Pass, making sure that the three towns in Guannan were safe.

If the people are there but the town is destroyed, then you can surrender to Liao.

At the same time, both of them also agreed that the top priority right now is to get Zhao Guangmei to marry Xiao Chuo as soon as possible, and big things must be put in the back burner. As long as there are no problems with the wedding, it is unlikely that anything will happen in the Sixteenth State of Yanyun. question.

The border and even the Imperial Guards stationed in Beijing are not to make major moves for the time being. Preparations for the battle are still being made first. This small accident cannot mess up the imperial court's strategic plan. Rushing to send troops has always been a taboo for military strategists.

Of course, people must still be appeased. Now Zhao Guangmei understands more and more why it is said that small intellectuals are wary of power and big intellectuals are wary of the people.

The whole city of Kaifeng was clamoring for blood for blood, tooth for tooth. Parades and other matters that had been suppressed with great difficulty had returned again. They were all clamoring that the Khitans must be given some color and that the Imperial Guard stationed in Beijing must send troops immediately.

There were even some daring common people who dared to rush to the door of the front office of the palace, scolding them for being too timid to take action.

Who prevented the Song Dynasty from being punished for his words? I heard that it was Yang Ye who stood up and scolded the guy for half an hour. Later, the Kaifeng Mansion couldn't stand it anymore and arrested him for disrupting military aircraft. stand up.

Yang Ye even asked him about this matter, but he spat him back.

This incident is just an accident outside of strategy. A big country must have strategic determination, and the determined grand strategy cannot be changed easily.

In a major matter such as war and diplomacy, if a ruler is coerced by public opinion and listens to the people, he will have to fight and lose repeatedly.

Ordinary people know nothing about strategy and military affairs.

Coincidentally, Xiao Siwen, the father-in-law, also came all the way. Anyway, Zhao Guangmei has no position in the court now, so Xue Juzheng is left to take care of these matters.

He warmly entertained Xiao Siwen, and personally convened a shareholders' meeting, issued additional shares to him, discussed with a group of shareholders how to divide Yanyun's various interests, issued a prospectus, and began to prepare for the Yanyun development, and even prepared for the western region. Great development.

The place in Shangjing was indeed very good, with abundant water and grass, suitable for farming and animal husbandry, and Zhao Guangmei knew very well that there were a large number of coal and iron mines there.

Although there is a lack of high-low potential difference, now that steam engines have come out, in fact, the technical difficulty of coal-fired generators is no longer there, and the technological difficulties will be solved sooner or later.

To put it bluntly, this is a matter of energy efficiency and environmental pollution. At most, the electricity price will be a little more expensive. In this era, it doesn’t matter whether the electricity price is expensive or not. Having it is more important than anything else.

To put it bluntly, the reason why we dare not engage in coal-fired power generation is to a large extent that we are letting the Khitans go.

It is extremely uncomfortable to play with water and electricity now, and it is extremely uncomfortable to play with the Liao Kingdom. The Song Dynasty opened it up and let them steal technology, but it will be useless if they steal it. Otherwise, if that thing comes out, the core area of ​​the Liao Kingdom will be rich in coal and iron. They can learn from it. If not, it might really lead to complications.

After the Liao Kingdom is gone, this thing can be taken out. If nothing else happens, the economy of the Song Dynasty will flourish rapidly because of this, and the second wave of industrial revolution is almost here.

Once the technology of coal-fired generators matures, Shangjing is really suitable for some military industry, industry, and animal husbandry, and it can develop into a big city.

Zhao Kuangyin also intervened and led his people to pass through Jizhou Prefecture at the shareholders' meeting. He also planned to completely destroy North Korea and build a naval base for the Song Dynasty here.

The location is actually quite advantageous when connected to the sea.

Of course, when the various measures of Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Kuangyin spread to the people, they naturally caused huge anger.

This is already a national war, and our 30 army has been defeated miserably. Although these 30 people are not serious Song Dynasty Forbidden Army, we still don’t know how many casualties there are among these 30 people.

With added fuel and jealousy, this has almost become a national shame.

At this critical moment, Zhao Da and Zhao San, the two real masters of the Song Dynasty, one is busy grabbing territory in the trading house, the other is busy getting married, busy issuing additional shares, to put it bluntly, both are busy calculating the money. .

Is that little money more important than the hatred of the country and the family?

You two really retired and became businessmen!
Your second son is so desperate that he can’t be fucked to death!

How can this be so?

This anger was directed at both of them.


Xue Juzheng abdicated! !

The power must be returned to the Zhao family! ! !
10,000+ people took to the streets again, setting off a huge wave from bottom to top.

Ordinary people are short-sighted and direct.

First, they did not dare to directly oppose the Zhao family, and it was impossible to oppose the Zhao family, so they used Xue Juzheng as a punching bag to vent their anger.Secondly, the people believed that as long as Xue Juzheng was forced to abdicate, wouldn't it be time for someone from the Zhao family to come back and become the emperor?
Regardless of whether it is Zhao Da or Zhao San, whoever becomes emperor will definitely be better than Xue Juzheng.

He must have led the imperial army to sweep the holes in Liting.

It was not just ordinary people who were marching, workers from major factories, some even holding stock certificates from trading companies, and even many soldiers from the Forbidden Army also joined in.

Xue Juzheng was so aggrieved. He had already suppressed him once before, but he didn't expect to come at him again this time.

He also has a temper. Can I still let you control me?
Then he left a letter of resignation for his subordinates and just... resigned.

Don’t you all want me to abdicate?Then I will abdicate.

Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei couldn't persuade him anymore. Why don't you wait until this matter is over?

People don't, nothing can be said to stop it, and nothing the emperor says is appropriate.

He even stopped engaging in the previous agricultural reform.

Zhao Kuangyin asked Zhao Guangmei, "Why don't you be the emperor?" Zhao Guangmei asked Zhao Kuangyin, "A country cannot live without a king for a day. Your resignation as emperor is not normal. You should go back."

Neither of them wants to be the emperor, and then... no one will sit on the throne.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if no one becomes the emperor. Small things will be discussed and handled by the subordinates. For big things, go to Zhao Kuangyin and let him make the decision. Anyway, this is a special situation. In fact, whether the country has this emperor or not, there is no problem at all. .

Then everyone soon discovered that there seemed to be no difference whether there was an emperor or not.

Isn't the emperor a necessity for the country?

Anyway, the specific implementation of government affairs is the prime minister, and the prime minister is originally selected by the commercial bank. Even if there are no such great prestige people like Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei in the commercial bank in the future, everyone can still vote based on their own interests and the understanding of the courtiers.

Those who can really sit on the table at the shareholders' meeting of a commercial bank, no matter how the scale is expanded, will not exceed 100 people. In fact, they can be regarded as the ruling class of the Song Dynasty. Most of the stocks are still in the hands of the Zhao family. There will definitely be The basic political consciousness cannot be the same as that of ordinary people outside.

The more they thought about it, the more reliable it seemed to Zhao Pu and others.

Therefore, the subordinate ministers he led only visited the two brothers twice after Xue Juzheng resigned. On the third day, they quickly stopped mentioning the matter of choosing an emperor.

After all, if he mentions it again, if these two brothers are determined not to do it, they might push him down.

Sitting in that position is indeed a bit too uncomfortable.

If it's empty, just leave it empty. Anyway, with Zhao Da and Zhao San here, nothing will happen to it no matter how long it takes.

Zhao Guangmei also thinks this is good. He doesn't like the prime minister-cabinet system. In his heart, he still hopes that the court will have an emperor. After all, if there is an emperor, there will be the first responsible person, and in this way, the business will be able to figure out who will be the emperor. It would save a lot of trouble. Without the emperor, everyone would have to form the entire cabinet of the province.

That would be a waste of a lot of energy, which would be troublesome.

But try it, he doesn't know what kind of political system is suitable for the Song Dynasty. There is nothing wrong with trying more while he and his eldest brother are alive and in good health.

And those people who made trouble and said that Xue Juzheng should abdicate were also stupid now.

After all, they didn't have knives in their hands, and what they relied on for daring to go out for the parade was the rule of the Song Dynasty not to kill those who wrote letters, and everyone felt that Xue Juzheng was easier to bully.

But isn’t this too easy to bully? !

Really quit?
Is it that simple to take away an emperor?The puppet emperor is also an emperor.

What?Zhao Da and Zhao San still haven't come back?
There is no emperor in the Song Dynasty now?

Then, this bunch of thugs will be gone.

The wedding day of Zhao Guangmei and Xiao Chuo finally arrived, and it was mostly formal.

After millions of dollars were poured down, the city of Kaifeng was even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

After all, this is Zhao Guangmei, who is a god in the hearts of the people in Kaifeng. As for whether it is unreasonable to marry another daughter-in-law when she already has a wife, naturally no one cares.

It is said that the etiquette was decided by the Duke of Zhou, so why can the Duke of Zhou decide that our Highness the King of Qin cannot change it?Could it be that our King of Qin is not as good as Duke Zhou?
Duke Zhou is not even worthy of carrying your Highness the King of Qin’s shoes!

At least that's what the people of Kaifeng think.

Although everyone was still dissatisfied with him marrying a Khitan, this was the King of Qin after all. No matter how much dissatisfaction they had, they were suppressed and replaced with only blessings.

Besides, this wedding cost several millions. Apart from the silk lanterns and all the grand arrangements, which cost hundreds of thousands, the rest was not all used to provide flowing mats for the whole city. Do the people eat delicious food?

Cannibalism is the shortest way to go. After all, His Highness the King of Qin has confiscated the money, at least no one will really have any thoughts about the Princess of Qin.

The whole wedding was naturally filled with red flags, huge crowds of people, loud gongs and drums, and firecrackers blasting. The scene was extremely spectacular, and there were even three armies clearing the way, and hundreds of officials greeted them respectfully.

However, Zhao Guangmei has seen many of these scenes, and because the wedding was too grand, it felt like a political mission and lost the feeling of getting married.

As for after being sent to the bridal chamber, the two old couples, both of whom had grown-up children, could hold hands and feel a sense of pure friendship. Naturally, they didn't bother to take off their clothes, but simply talked about government affairs.

"Second brother suffered a disastrous defeat in Youzhou. Did it have a big impact?"

"It's big when you say it's big, but it's small when you say it's funny. If it's big, then he's looking down on him. How many regular troops are there among his 30 people? Almost none of the troops of the Song Dynasty were injured. Yelvxiu I can probably guess what both my brother and my second brother are thinking. Second brother, this is a bit arrogant. In fact, this defeat is not without its benefits. At least the Jurchens can be more honest."

"It is impossible to say that it has no impact. This battle has more or less exposed the weaknesses of the Song Army. With Yelvxian's great victory, his prestige will inevitably increase. It is difficult to say whether there will be a wall. Cao Cao has to think about other things, especially Brother Yelvxiu, I hope he is not confused."

"In short, it is definitely impossible to take over the entire Liao Kingdom without a fight now. After Yan Yun can take it back, if Yelu Xian has other ideas, I am afraid this battle will still have to be fought."

(End of this chapter)

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