Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 272 Kill the Liao dog and gain fame

Chapter 272 Kill the Liao dog and gain fame
If Zhao Guangmei heard the name Tian Qinzuo at this time, she would definitely slap her thigh with hatred: How could she forget about him?
In fact, in the early Song Dynasty, it was still a bit controversial whether Pan Mei could be called the most powerful in the world. This controversy was about Tian Qinzuo, because in the original history, this person had a feat: leading three thousand Song troops to chase Sixty thousand Khitan cavalry chopped them down.

Three thousand to sixty thousand is basically the highest glory of the war against Liao since the Five Dynasties. And it also ended in the Song Dynasty. Because the Song Dynasty was getting more and more stretched, there must be no one who can compare. It represents the pinnacle of the combat effectiveness of the entire Song Dynasty Forbidden Army. To be honest To be honest, it is a pity that this person failed to occupy a place in the Northern Song Dynasty when his star was dim.

Because he was born as a chamberlain.

Not necessarily a eunuch, but definitely a minister whom Zhao Kuangyin trusted, not a general. In the early Song Dynasty, it was an old tradition for the supervisors to take the lead in the charge. If the generals were slightly weaker, they would have to retreat to the second line, and the supervisors would do all the work. Very normal thing.

Otherwise, just with the merits of these three thousand to sixty thousand, we would still have to have a defensive envoy, or even be deployed by one side.

However, at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the experience and lessons learned from the late Tang Dynasty were learned and the eunuchs were suppressed. Therefore, their achievements were held up high and put down gently. Especially people like the eunuchs were the most particular about being the emperor and the eunuchs in one dynasty. Yes, the more merit a person like him had after Zhao Kuangyin's death, the more Zhao Er could not tolerate him. In the end, he was executed in a daze, and no one interceded for him.

In this time and space, the Later Han Dynasty had already disappeared at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and relations with the Liao Dynasty had also eased. In addition, after the establishment of the Commercial Bank, the system of supervising the army was greatly changed. At least the internal servants no longer sent people, so there has been nothing to do with him. Son, when the inner court established the West Factory and the Inner Factory, he was naturally used.

On the surface, he is the head of a trading firm that does business in Shangjing, and even sells intelligence and smuggles gunpowder. In fact, he is the head of Xichang's Shangjing office. There are hundreds of people in the firm, all spies of Xichang.

As for smuggling gunpowder and the like, isn't this a mission requirement? By the way, you can earn some mission funds. This is what almost all intelligence agencies at home and abroad have done in ancient and modern times. Some of them really count on the superiors to allocate funds for development.

The Liao Kingdom had no doubts about him, but this action was too sudden. Although Tian Qinzuo noticed it immediately with his cleverness and sensitivity, this invasion of the Song Dynasty was really normal. The situation is so different that it would be too late to send information.

Therefore, at the critical moment, he could only pretend to be a leader, saying that he had a way to lead these Liao troops into Guanzhong, and then adapt accordingly.

Then he kept deceiving: Should Chang'an be robbed and robbed before breaking it into pieces?Where is Chang'an? Jingzhao Mansion. King Qin Zhao Guangmei had been the governor of Jingzhao Mansion for many years before. It was also the center of the entire western Song Dynasty and the capital of the Tang Dynasty. It had great political significance and was also rich there. It's prosperous, the girls are beautiful, and the people have money. The most important thing is that I have internal agents in Chang'an, so I can't take anything away from me.

Even if you want to break it into pieces, you have to destroy Chang'an first. This opportunity is rare. By the time the Song army reacts, it will be too late. There are only a thousand defenders there now, so you must seize this opportunity.

Then, he really succeeded in fooling these Khitan soldiers.

In fact, if these Khitan soldiers had a little understanding of the internal system of the Song Dynasty court, they would know that Chang'an had already declined by the early Song Dynasty. The reason why Jingzhao was still a palace was that its symbolic significance was far greater than its actual significance.

For so many years, the Western Command Center has actually been in Fengxiang.

Moreover, after so many years of recovering Hexi and going south to destroy Shu, there is no war here anymore. It is not like the capital city in the Tang Dynasty. The canal is not accessible, the economic environment is not good, agricultural production is not good, and even due to the diversion of the river water, , dry, dry, in fact Chang'an City has lost the conditions to become a big city again.

Because its water supply cannot be guaranteed.

There is really only one name left.

But the problem is that the Khitans don’t know these things.

The Liao Dynasty succeeded the Tang system, and most of the systems were directly inherited from the Tang Dynasty. Everyone knows that Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Although the Tang Dynasty has perished, it was only 50 years ago after all. This myth is still Yes, besides, didn’t the Song Dynasty also recognize this place as Xijing of the Song Dynasty?

To put it another way, the Liao Kingdom also had Xijing. Isn’t this equivalent to Xijing and Datong in Daliao?
Thinking about it this way, this battle is worth fighting.

"Generals, I will take my men into the city to prepare first. Tonight, you will take advantage of the darkness to attack the city. I will take my men to control the west gate. If we cooperate internally and externally, we will be able to take down the city of Chang'an in one go."

These Liao troops did not suspect him. They were all suicide squads, and they were all immersed in the fantasy of conquering Chang'an and having fun. In fact, regardless of whether there were internal agents or not, and whether they could defeat Chang'an or not, since they entered Guanzhong, their mission It's already more than half done.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if we can't defeat them and we can't win quickly, then we can scatter in all directions and burn, kill, and loot in other areas according to the original plan.

The Song Dynasty had no troops in the Guanzhong area. With this alone, they were invincible.

Of course, even though Chang'an City was in ruins, Tian Qinzuo still led these Liao troops here. Of course, there was a reason.

First of all, it's because a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although Chang'an's population is not large anymore, the city wall is still tall enough, the city area is large enough, and even the basic city defense facilities are still usable. of.

The second, more important point is: this was the earliest gunpowder factory established here when Zhao Dezhao established the Gunpowder Department.

The factory is still in operation to this day, and making saltpeter and dispensing gunpowder are still one of the few serious jobs in Chang'an City, and they are the core assets of the company.

In other words, there is a large amount of black powder in the city, and a large number of commercial bank employees, and most of these commercial bank employees are family members of the Forbidden Army and veterans.


At this time, Tian Qinzuo returned to the Liao army and said that everything had been settled. The defenders in the city had fallen asleep and his men were ready and could seize the door at any time. The leader of the Liao army was overjoyed. , immediately ordered the entire army to eat dried meat and attack Chang'an.

A group of Khitan cavalry shouted and rushed forward. Chang'an's outer city defenses had been in disrepair and were ineffective. Even the moat had long been dried up and filled up. There was no one to defend it at night. Liu soon asked them to rush in. Under the parapet, although they were all cavalry, they were actually not without means of siege. The Eastern and Western Liao Kingdom was not rich and advanced in terms of explosives, but it was not that they did not have them.

Facing the closed city gate, these Khitan soldiers howled and began to bury explosives and explode them. Soon, serious riots began to break out in the city. Tian Qinzuo was so excited that he shouted: "My people, My people, Master Jun, my people have taken action. Don’t forget to promise me when it’s done. I want to be a high official, and I want to be a high official of the Privy Council!”

"Hahaha, if things come true, you will be rich and powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the city gate of Chang'an City slowly opened. A group of Liao soldiers rushed forward in the dark, lit torches, and shouted, galloping on the wide and long Suzaku Avenue.

This is the Suzaku Avenue, long and wide, with no end in sight.

This city is so big!

It is larger than Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing.

Then these Khitan cavalry rushed, rushed, until they rushed to the palace gate of the inner city.

"Huh? Isn't the door to the inner city open?" "The inner city is the former Datang Palace, right? Is it that the Han spy can only open the outer city but not the inner city?"

"Alright? What about the Han people? Are they falling behind?"

"It's strange, we have all entered the city, why is Chang'an City still so quiet."

"No! This may be a trap. Turn around quickly and see if the outer city gate is still open."

The soldiers were startled and quickly turned their horses around, only to see that the city gate had already been closed firmly. Tian Qinzuo had already changed into full armor, holding a sword, and stood on the top of the city laughing: "Rat, you have fallen into my trap of catching a turtle in a urn! Let go!"

With a brush, arrows rained down, mixed with many ignited explosive packets, grenades, gunpowder jars and other messy things. The rumble caused the Khitan cavalry to flip over.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw quickly."

These Khitan soldiers were so angry that their teeth itched, and they instinctively ran away to hide their edge. However, they realized after running for a while: No, even if they ran, where could they go?
Chang'an has two cities, the inner and outer. The so-called inner city is actually the palace city of the Tang Dynasty. It was destroyed several times in the late Tang Dynasty, but the foundation is actually still there. Of course, residential buildings have already been built inside. The biggest problem in Chang'an City at that time was the lack of water, so people lived along the water. The areas without water were abandoned and abandoned.

But in essence, Chang'an City was a large city that could originally house 150 million people plus a Tang Imperial Palace that was not much smaller than the current main city of Kaifeng City. However, now it only houses a little more than 10 people.

These more than [-] people only need to be mobilized a little to move the residents living in the outer city, especially the old, weak, women and children, to live in the inner city, and then close the palace gates of the inner city and create a large outer city. Isn't it just a huge urn with only men and weapons left?

It is true that there are only more than 1000 soldiers in Chang'an City, but the prefect's Yamen servants, the workers of the Gunpowder Department, and the young and strong people who voluntarily stayed in the city to work hard can make up a total of 8000 or [-] people. There is no problem, although it may not be possible. These Liao Kingdom's Pishi army are elite, but they are not short of gunpowder.

On average, each person has at least seven or eight kilograms of gunpowder in his hand.

What's more, this is actually a street battle, and the Liao army's cavalry advantage cannot be used at all, but local workers like them are familiar with the terrain.

Blast these bastards like you to death!
At the beginning, these Khitan soldiers were still calm, but they were in vain. They could not advance or retreat in the unfamiliar city of Chang'an. The outer city of Nuoda was full of buildings and architectural debris that may have been broken down, but there was nothing. People, if I met people occasionally, I would still throw explosives at them, and after throwing them, there would be no trace of those who wandered into the alley, so I couldn't catch up with them. Some narrow alleys made it impossible to ride a horse at all.

It won't be long before the man goes crazy.

In fact, their best way to deal with it now is to find a spacious place to form a formation to protect themselves until dawn. After dawn, they can see things clearly, and the Song Army's geographical advantage will not be so great.

And to be honest, Chang'an City has been abandoned for many years. If you search carefully at the outer wall during the day, you will probably be able to find a gap and run out. In such a big city, Tian Qinzuo doesn't have many people, so it is impossible. Take care of every detail.

However, the fear of being caught in an urn, and Tian Qinzuo's plan to use the entire outer city of Chang'an as a urn to kick them, made them really stupid. They began to ride crazily all over the city, roaring, and even throwing away their precious grenades. littering.

As a result, not a single Song army, no, not a single Song person was seen.

Then, as soon as they stopped to rest for a while, the Song people appeared out of nowhere and gave them a meal.

It didn't kill anyone, but it drove them crazy.

In Chang'an City, the only place where cavalry like them can really gallop forward is Zhuque Street.

Even the streets that can really be crossed by horseback are only the main road of 108 squares. Horses cannot ride on the side streets. The people of Song Dynasty hid in these side streets.

"Come out! Come out! If you have the ability, come out and fight me to the death!"

Naturally, no one came out to talk to them.

"Damn it, hit the inner city!!"

Then, the forty or so defenders in the inner city condescendingly threw packets of explosives and blew them up.

"Change the door!"

There are 12 outer city gates in Chang'an City, and only three of the inner city gates can be hit, making a total of fifteen gates. In panic, these cavalrymen did not recharge their batteries and wait for daybreak, but rushed toward the distance rashly. Wherever there is fire, try the city gates one by one, hoping to break through which gate.

But how easy is it?

There are no more than 100 people guarding the gates of any city, but the basic city defense of Chang'an City is high and large. Those who are condescending only need to burn the stairs to the upper city, and they will have inexhaustible gunpowder to throw down. Although they are The Liao Kingdom was an elite, but they were also out-and-out field troops. They didn't have many explosive packs in their hands. In panic, they used them all quickly without any plan. How could they still break the city?
They tried one by one and found that each of the fifteen city gates was definitely well-defended. When they gave up, it was almost dawn. They had been struggling all night, and they were really exhausted.

Fear has turned into despair.

"Brothers, kill the horses. We have lost this battle. We are caught in the Song thieves' treacherous plot and we are certain to die. Kill the horses. We will have a good meal and go into the alleys to fight with the Song people. Kill one of them and kill them. Two make one, we Khitan elites will never surrender!"

"Okay! Prepare some torches. Even if we can't survive, we can't make things easier for the Song people. We can set fire to the city of Chang'an."

"Yes, set fire to the city, set fire to the city."

All the Khitan cavalry were filled with righteous indignation and were already determined to die. Then they killed their horses and started a fire, intending to fight with these Song people.

Unfortunately, for the Song army, after confirming that the Khitan soldiers had killed the horses, Tian Qinzuo laughed loudly and ordered everyone to assemble. Before the horse meat of the Khitan soldiers had even been cooked, he took pictures of the neat formation. , and slowly pressed forward.

"Grandson, you are riding on a horse, but I am still afraid of you. If you dare to fight on foot, I am your ancestor. Brothers, kill the Liao dog and gain fame~"

(End of this chapter)

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