Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 266: Destroying a Country by Talking and Laughing

Chapter 266: Destroying a Country by Talking and Laughing

"Currently, these trains and railways are still in the experimental stage. The first one must be built between Kaifeng and Luoyang. In other words, it has nothing to do with you for the time being. You still have time to think about it."

"But after this railway is built, the next step is to build five railways from Kaifeng to Taiyuan, Kaifeng to Damingfu, Kaifeng to Xiazhou, Dunhuang, and Chengdu in one go. There is no upper limit on the budget. You know, Damingfu and Damingfu Once the two railways in Taiyuan are opened to traffic, the Liao Kingdom will be completely exposed to the military front of the Song Dynasty. Next, we will build Xiongzhou and Yunzhou. By that time, if you don't surrender, we will Just fight."

Xiao Chuo said with a cold face: "The Khitans are not afraid of war. Although the railway is magical, it is not omnipotent. Nowadays, we Khitans are not completely without explosives. We can send rangers to infiltrate the Song Dynasty, and constantly If you want to destroy Daliao by blowing up the railway, it won't be that easy."

"Using death squads to fight guerrillas behind enemy lines? I admit that Liao is a big country and a formidable opponent, but you know this will not be of much use."

"There will be many people in the Song Dynasty who are opposed to attacking the Liao Kingdom. The current relationship between Song and Liao is very complicated."

"Of course, this is also the reason why my eldest brother is eager to build a navy. Economic interests can be given up even if he bites the bullet, but the food and clothing of the three 10,000+ forbidden troops is definitely a big problem, so I have a supplementary plan."

"You said."

"Or I will give you a loan of one billion yuan. This money will be used to build the Daliao Railway. Your Liao Commercial Bank will be responsible for the construction. Is your steel production enough to cover the railway tracks? If not, we can simply help you. Build a steel plant.”

Xiao Chuo was so angry that he said: "Why should we borrow money to help your Song army build a railway? We have horses and cavalry! We don't need railways. Only you Song army without horses need railways. Help you build a good railway. Is it to make it easier for you to invade us?"

Zhao Guangmei said: "If you agree, the Great Song Commercial Bank can merge with the Great Liao Commercial Bank. All of you nobles who currently have shares in the Liao Commercial Bank can exchange them for the shares of the Great Song Commercial Bank and become shareholders of the Great Song Commercial Bank. I can guarantee you that the Shulu Department will become the largest shareholder in the business company besides the Zhao family, and I will officially marry you. From then on, the Zhao family and the Xiao family will be married for generations and will always be relatives."

"Second, if the Song and Liao Dynasties can be connected by railway, it will inevitably generate huge business benefits. What's more, I am giving you a loan. It is a business with no profit and huge profit for you. If the transportation cost can be greatly reduced, we What is needed can be better exchanged. For example, a railway can be built from Xiongzhou to Jizhou, or even a railway can be built directly from Jizhou to Shangjing. How much economic benefit can be generated by building a railway from Jizhou to Shangjing? The whole process, from the railway From the planning to the construction, I, the Song Dynasty, did not participate at all, and all the benefits belong to you, the nobles of the Liao Kingdom."

"Well, just these two items. Of course we can discuss the specific details. There is nothing we can't discuss. You also know the situation in the Song Dynasty now. To be honest, Lao Xue said that he would be the emperor for at most five years. The next term Emperor, if the second brother still refuses to do it, the eldest brother and I will have a headache. If you are willing, it is not impossible to let your father be the emperor of the Song Dynasty for two years."

Xiao Chuo sneered: "I really promised you. No matter how much benefit the railway can bring to Daliao, I am afraid that when the railway is completed, Daliao will have to surrender even if we don't want to. Are you not calling us traitors?"

"Yes, it is betrayal of the country, Xiao Chuo, how many years have you all been traitors to the country? Is it now that you figured it out?"

" are shameless!"

"Think clearly, you are still betraying the country now because I still want to spend money to buy it. When I don't want to spend money to buy it, I will reach out and grab it. The Sixteenth State of Yanyun is an indivisible territory of the Song Dynasty. It is simply impossible to give up the last link in inheriting the legal tradition of the Han and Tang Dynasties."

"The reason why the Song Dynasty cannot make the Northern Expedition is actually due to too many internal obstacles. However, all obstacles can be disintegrated with the emergence of the railway. In terms of economic interests, the railway is the biggest economic benefit. You agree to build the railway. Of course, we are friends of the Song Dynasty. We can put aside our hatred and make money together, but if you refuse to build the railway, then you will not let us make money. As for the food and clothing of the 30 forbidden troops, with the railway, the problem is actually no longer Is it too late to become a railway soldier?"

Xiao Chuo: "..."

Zhao Guangmei finally hugged Xiao Chuo gently and said: "The general trend of the world is that after long separation, it must be reunited. For the people of Liao Kingdom, I, the Song Dynasty, will recover Yanyun. After all, we treat them as compatriots. There will be better days waiting for them." They, for you Khitan nobles, if you exchange the shares of the Liao Commercial Bank for the shares of the Great Song Commercial Bank, you will not lose at all, and you will even make a profit, what's wrong with this?"

"We all have yellow skin, black hair, and dark eyes. Which of your nobles in the Liao Kingdom can't speak Chinese? Once unified, we are all one family. You are still nobles in the Song Dynasty. After all, you understand us In the Song Dynasty, in the Song Dynasty, is there a more noble status than the shareholders of a trading company? The reason why Old Xue is still the emperor is just to join the trading company after retirement? "

He really didn't say this to deceive. The Liao Kingdom originally played one country, two systems in the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures. The grassroots governance and even the top-level buildings were originally Han officials. The four major surnames of the Yanyun Han people really had real power.

If this place can be recovered peacefully, there is no need for the Song Dynasty to rewash the middle and lower levels. Even if it is replaced, it must be a slow process to ensure the peace and stability of the Sixteenth State of Yanyun.

As for the area outside Yanyun, which is the territory of the Khitan people, even if it is taken over, it is unlikely that Han people will be directly sent to manage it. If this leads to ethnic hatred, you want to rule a group of horse-riding sheep herders on the grassland. The nomads who are all soldiers, isn't that just nonsense? They must still rely on the original Khitan nobles, and the Shulu Department is the top priority.

The Liao Kingdom could do things like one country, two systems, and the Song Dynasty could also do it, using barbarians to control barbarians.

"This is my sincerity. I can guarantee that if you join the Song Dynasty, your life will be better than before. The first-phase Liao Railway loan can be implemented in Liao in as little as half a month."

“How can we trust your guarantee and not burn bridges?”

"Firstly, we need you to help us manage Liao Tu. Secondly, you merged into the trading bank first and became shareholders of the trading bank. You know, the current trading bank is the root of the Song Dynasty. No one can touch the shareholders of the trading bank. Move the shareholders of the trading bank. , is to subvert the Song Dynasty, and is to threaten the survival of our Zhao family."

After thinking about it, Xiao Chuo could only sigh and said that she would go back to Liao Kingdom and discuss it in person with the other shareholders of Liao Kingdom Commercial Bank.

Zhao Guangmei expressed that he welcomed Liao shareholders to come to Kaifeng to negotiate with him at any time.

As long as we can achieve peaceful reunification, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

Of course, for Zhao Guangmei, regaining Yanyun can be said to be just a convenience. The reason why he rushed to launch it on an immature train was mainly to deal with his biological eldest brother.

He doesn't mind sharing power with Zhao Kuangyin, let alone sharing money, but it is true that the two have different political ideas. If he wants to play with sea power, he can play with land power. If he builds ships, he can build railways. This also complements each other.

Colonialism is by no means a good economic model. Once it becomes top-heavy, it can easily lead to internal hollowing out or even deindustrialization, and that's the end of it.

Human beings have always risen in suffering, lost in wealth, and perished in luxury. All nations throughout the ages cannot escape this truth, without exception.

With the railway, the cost of land power expansion and the cost of governance will be greatly reduced. By expanding the core area on land, the Han Confucian culture can really be used to assimilate foreign races.

Just get rid of those annoying religions.


After leaving the Engineering Academy, he immediately met with the Shiwei envoy and said that the Song Dynasty had eliminated a batch of armor, weapons, crossbows, and some pedal-operated fletching machines, and asked them if they wanted to buy them.

Shiwei's envoy said how much it would cost and we might not have it, but Zhao Guangmei said he could get a loan if nothing happened.Then a military supply contract worth 6000 million guan was signed, and the commercial bank generously gave them dozens of tons of compressed biscuits. Through border trade, the things were transported to Yunzhou. After arriving in Yunzhou, merchants from the Liao Kingdom would naturally be in charge. The second half of the transportation ensures that things will flow into the Ugu tribes unimpeded.

After that, for more than half a month, Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Kuangyin never met each other although they were both in Kaifeng.

Under Zhao Guangmei's traditional strategy of doing what you do, and I do what I do, the business firm was actually gradually dividing into two factions.

The construction of the entire navy is in full swing, especially the shipyards in Quanzhou and Guangzhou. They can't finish the orders and have to increase them. Zhao Kuangyin is no less skillful than Zhao Guangmei. He borrowed one billion yuan from commercial banks in one go. All major coastal states have special shipyards to train their navy.

And they also accept reservations, whether it is a warship or a merchant ship, the commercial bank is now accepting reservations, and they also provide low-interest loans. Of course, you will definitely not be able to get such a loan without a relevant background.

Moreover, he summoned representatives of the Semu Chamber of Commerce for many days in a row and further made certain compromises with them, such as allowing them to participate in the imperial examination, setting up a separate subject related to maritime trade, and establishing corresponding official positions.

In fact, this is really not the business of the business, but Zhao Kuangyin, since he brought it up, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty still regarded him as the emperor. Zhongshu's subordinates dared to refute Xue Juzheng, but they did not dare to reject him.

On the contrary, it conflicts with many of Zhao Guangmei's ideas, because after Zhao Guangmei took out the railway, he would inevitably further increase his support for the Guiyi Army while regaining Yanyun, and had even discussed that within 20 years Eliminate religion.

Letting Semu people be officials of the Song Dynasty will more or less affect the westward expansion strategy of the Guiyi Army.

But it's not a big deal.

In short, a new half-merchant, half-military organization headed by Zhao Kuangyin, based on the ocean and pioneering, is rapidly preparing for establishment. Its large-scale, bold and high-leverage made the entire Song Dynasty tremble.

Of course, in this way, the Southern Tang Dynasty was really an eyesore to Zhao Kuangyin.

He did not hesitate to write a letter to Li Chongjin personally: "Brother, can you do it? How many years have you been sent to the Southern Tang Dynasty? Is this it?"

To put it bluntly, he has no patience at all. If he doesn't hear the news of war with Southern Tang within two months, Long Yan will be furious.

Of course, the trading houses also had commercial interests in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and they were very large. This was the real reason why the Southern Tang Dynasty was able to survive.

After Li Chongjin received the letter, he was helpless. Finally, he thought about it and decided to stop being shameless. In fact, the entire Jinling City has been infiltrated for so many years.

That night, he wrote a letter to Lin Renzhao, inviting him to cross the river in white clothes, sneak into Jinling City, and directly lead his troops into the city to attack the palace and fight with Li Yu's close troops.

That night, most of the imperial troops in Jinling were transferred and disappeared. The entire city defense system was ineffective. The natural danger of the Yangtze River was a complete joke.

That night, flames shot into the sky, burning half of the city of Jinling to ashes. Almost no one in the entire Southern Tang harem was left, and almost everyone in the Li Tang royal family was executed.

Then Li Chongjin announced in a high profile that Lin Renzhao was a traitor to their Song Dynasty, and what he did had nothing to do with their Song Dynasty court. The Song Dynasty was a country of etiquette, how could he do such a cruel thing?Don’t worry, I, Da Song, will definitely help you take revenge!
Then, he took over Jinling Defense.

Then, Lin Renzhao was "betrayed" by his men and was captured and sent to Li Chongjin. Li Chongjin was not allowed to kill Lin Renzhao with tears.

But he didn't behead him in public either.

And everyone knows that Lin Renzhao disfigured himself after surrendering to the Song Dynasty, so the devil knows whether the person he killed was Lin Renzhao.

Then you can only treat him as someone who killed you. The steps are all given to you. How can you still not go down?

And Li Yu is dead. This country cannot live without a king for a day.

Then I, Lao Li, will be reluctant to do so and temporarily take over the Southern Tang court.

With Lin Renzhao almost dead, Liu Guangyi and Pan Mei led [-] forbidden troops from the south and the north respectively into Jinling City.

Does anyone disagree?

Dissatisfied, regional rebellion?The Forbidden Army is in rebellion?
Whoever makes trouble must be a bandit. As the sovereign state of your Southern Tang Dynasty, can we, the Song Dynasty, watch your Southern Tang Dynasty be harmed by bandits?Definitely not.

I, the Song Dynasty, must help you in the Southern Tang Dynasty to eliminate those who caused trouble.

Then he mobilized his troops and generals.

I have to say that Li Chongjin's stay in Jinling for so many years was really not in vain, and he really was not a Tu emperor for so many years in vain.

Once the dough is torn off, it can be described as devastating.

In less than a month, an entire country in the Southern Tang Dynasty was wiped out, and there was basically no resistance.

But it also made people all over the world realize that compradors can really buy a country with money.

From beginning to end, Li Yu didn't even have a chance to surrender.

The pressure was on the Liao Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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