Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 261 The New Official Family of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 261 The New Official Family of the Song Dynasty
"Old Xue, come on, this is a solution that our Kaifeng government and commercial banks have come up with to deal with the problem of repatriating slaves in the country. Come on, take a look."

Xue Juzheng looked confused. He instinctively took the thick stack of books and asked, "What does this have to do with me? Why do you want to show me this?"

"My brother is retiring. He said he doesn't want to be the emperor anymore. The three of us discussed it and we all think it would be better for you to be the emperor."


Xue Juzheng, who was drinking tea, sprayed a sip of water directly on Zhao Guangmei's face.

Zhao Guangmei calmly took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped it dry.

"Aren't you happy, Lao Xue? You will be called to Your Majesty in two days."

Xue Juzheng's whole body was numb. It took him a long time to react and said, "What happened?"

"Nothing happened. It's just that my brother is not willing to be the emperor, and my second brother is not willing to be the emperor. You know what I said. I am still too young now. Come on, what the hell am I? I am only in my early twenties. This is not an example. Moreover, for the sake of the future of our Zhao and Song Dynasties, I am indeed not prepared to be the emperor. So the only ones left who can be the emperor are you and Zhao Pu. After discussing it, the three of us agreed that it would be better for you than Zhao Pu."

Xue Juzheng was so frightened that he jumped up and shouted: "Fuck you, in thousands of years of history, I have never seen such nonsense in your family. Whoever wants to be the emperor can be the emperor. Anyway, I don't deserve it."

After saying that, he quickly ran back to his home with his official robe in hand. He closed the door tightly and saw no one.

Zhao Guangyi would feel hot on his butt even if he sat in this position, let alone an outsider like him?Besides, what a smart person he is. After thinking about it for a while, he will understand that the reason why he has to take this position is precisely because the old Zhao family, or Zhao Kuangyin, does not want to delegate power.

After all, Xue Juzheng was a scholar. He used to work in the Ministry of Justice in the previous dynasty. After the founding of the Song Dynasty, he had been working in the Ministry of Husbandry and the Third Division, managing money, but he had never touched the military power or served in the Privy Council. He doesn't even understand the top and bottom ranks of the Forbidden Army.

Zhao Pu, on the other hand, was Zhao Kuangyin's personal staff. However, at the most critical moment in history, Zhao Kuangyin did not hesitate to go into battle personally. He once ordered that if he died, the entire army would be handed over to Zhao Pu, and he would not dare to hand it over to Zhao Guangyi. .

In addition, although Zhao Pu is now nominally the prime minister of the Political Affairs Hall, his influence is actually still in the Privy Council.

If Xue Juzheng goes up, Zhao Kuangyin can still rely on Zhao Pu to control the army. No matter how licentious and unethical he is, the emperor, the world belongs to him. On the contrary, if Zhao Pu goes up, the army will inevitably run the risk of falling out of control, although it is not possible. Big, but it does exist, and in fact Zhao Kuangyin has no one in his hands who can check and balance Zhao Pu.

The current privy envoys are his children's in-laws.

So I am a bullshit emperor?
The military power is still in the hands of the Supreme Emperor Zhao Kuangyin, the political power is in the hands of Zhao Guangyi, and all other powers are in the hands of the executive deputy emperor Zhao Guangmei. Are you, the three brothers of the Zhao family, playing tricks on me?

"Oh~, it should be a test."

First, it is to tell the people of the world that their old Zhao family indeed has the sages of Yao and Shun.

Secondly, isn't it just to see if this is possible, to get someone not named Zhao to be the emperor in one step, to see what will happen to the court, and to see if it will affect their control of the country.

If Na Te Niang's experiment fails or is not satisfactory, wouldn't it be possible to kick him down again at any time?

If this was kicked off, would he still be alive?
Of course, it was not his turn to refuse. Zhao Guangmei came to him specifically to inform him so that he could be mentally prepared.

On the other side in Luoyang, Zhao Kuangyin resigned from the position of emperor willfully, ignored the mess in Luoyang, and went to Kaifeng to drink with old friends.

Instead, Zhao Guangmei stayed in Luoyang and read his huge pile of preliminary draft opinions on how to deal with the alien slave problem, which was as thick as a book.

Then all the civil and military officials in the court didn't even look at it.

Zhao Guangyi wrote a memorial, a thin two-page paper, and believed that each minister at the court meeting should be equipped with a sofa and a small table, so that it would be more convenient when working.

Then, there was no one who objected.

All the ministers in the court actually had clear ideas about the three brothers of the Zhao family. Naturally, they understood Xue Juzheng's situation very well. Then, everyone tacitly understood it and no one took the initiative to invite him.

At this time, no one said anything about a country not being able to live without a king for a day.

Zhao Guangyi directly began to discuss some major matters as Ping Zhangshi, a subordinate of Zhongshu, and then quickly passed them. For example, after the sofa issue was approved, all the sofas were in place in just two days, and all the officials began to sit and work.

Zhao Guangyi once again began to organize the Ministry of Rites to revise the "Li". This was completely done without even a fig leaf. What etiquette is the root of the country and what the Six Classics are. Even his mother Zhao Guangmei, a New Confucian, did not dare to be so radical, but Zhao Guangyi did.

Moreover, this time, among the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, there was no one who stood up to defend this etiquette.

Moreover, such a big matter, even in Zhao Guangmei's opinion, will affect Chinese civilization for more than 1000 years in the future, and is related to the shaping of the nation. These civil servants took less than two days to handle it.

The core point is this: if etiquette is not given to common people, it should not be given to officials.

Anyway, from now on, when these ministers meet the emperor, they no longer need to give a big salute, even on special occasions.

Even Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Guangmei changed their real names and called them Zhao Kuangyi and Zhao Kuangmei. From now on, there will no longer be any taboos. Even yellow, dragon, etc. are no longer exclusive to the emperor. What about glazed tiles? Ah, the wardrobe, the pomp, all cancelled.

Some people even suggested that we should just do it in one step. When we go to court in the future, we ministers should sit and work, and officials should stand and work. After all, the emperor should not be a king and father, but a public servant.

Of course, this article was rejected. After all, we can’t go too far.

This move was so big and the behavior was so radical that even Zhao Guangmei, oh no, now it's time to call her Zhao Kuangmei, was dumbfounded and a little frightened.

He could understand that the second brother wanted to seize the opportunity to seize the leadership of the court. In fact, after the retirement of the eldest brother, he, the second brother, became a very important part. He also had to suppress Zhao Pu to control the court.


Thousands of years of imperial power, just stepped on?

The reactions of these ministers were much more radical than he imagined.So much so that he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

What the Song Dynasty wanted was not a centralized monarch, not a virtual monarch!Zhao Guangmei herself never thought of denying Xue Juzheng power.

As for business matters, the court has not discussed any business matters in the past few days.

Xue Juzheng was still making trouble. He closed the door for a few days. He heard that the ministers were making a fuss about adding sofas and abolishing the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. What was even more annoying was that Shen Yilun came back and started to take over the position of Third Secretary-General openly. Location.

Moreover, the three chief ministers were very happy, but they were so happy that they sent his old leader to sit in the frying pan, which was not interesting at all.

It's inexplicable why he, the Prime Minister of Finance, is no longer there?

Then I am no longer the Prime Minister of Finance, so why should I close the door?Can't I just leave?

A letter of resignation was handed over by the trustee. Old Xue packed his things and was about to return to his hometown.

Then, they were blocked back by Yang Xin and his troops.

It is said that when they came back from the blockade, the straight soldiers couldn't help laughing all day long, and the corners of their mouths never stopped turning up.

Anyway, whether it is establishing the crown prince or abdicating the throne, this kind of thing has nothing to do with warriors like them from beginning to end. No matter how they argue, it is a matter for civil servants. Even Zhao Pu is a serious civil servant and not a general. He does not care about the differences between the courtiers. No matter how serious it is, no one has even thought about letting Wu Ren take this position.

Zhao Kuangyin himself is the last martial artist to achieve this ninth-five-year supreme position. There will be no successors in the future, because now the entire Forbidden Army is completely awakened, and the internal military education has been very successful, and it is foreseeable that No one has the ability to stop them from stopping such education.

The relationship between the trading house and the Forbidden Army is that you are among us and you are among us. Although not every soldier has equity in his hands, everyone's interests are indeed the same. Everyone knows that only if the trading house is good can they be good. , changing dynasties will not do them any good. If any officer dares to rebel because of his personal ambitions, he will definitely be caught and quartered by his own soldiers.

Grassroots soldiers are the biggest resistance against the military government coming to power.

Similarly, everyone also understands that no matter who becomes the emperor, it is impossible to affect the interests of the trading company. The power of the trading company is still in the hands of the Zhao family. Everyone currently believes in the Zhao family and even has an almost blind personal worship of Zhao Guangmei. , naturally understand very well that in fact, whoever comes to power as the emperor has nothing to do with them.

So these soldiers have a fucking fun mentality.

How can we have fun if you, Xue Juzheng, leave?
As for Zhao Kuangyin's retirement, everyone actually supports it. After all, the first people to develop people's wisdom are soldiers. Of course, soldiers must be loyal, but in fact, collective life will inevitably produce collective thinking. Modernization around the world is driven by the military of various countries. .

All over the world, it is the military who promote social change, but the whole world is unwilling to admit it, especially at this juncture when the citizen economy has just emerged and gradually replaced the traditional small-scale peasant economy, but the public's thinking has not yet changed.

Soldiers must be the first group to come into contact with advanced ideas and realize the origin of society. They are also the group with the highest quality, the richest knowledge, and the broadest insight of their generation.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were naturally no exception.

In particular, Zhao Guangmei sometimes introduced some modern political science viewpoints to the military officers, and especially emphasized the difference between the civil economy and the traditional feudal economy.

What's more, these soldiers really think about why they have been changing emperors since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.

After thinking about it, everyone has already figured it out: that is, with the development and growth of the civil economy, the more urban population there is and the stronger the imperial army is, the more antagonistic the relationship between everyone and the traditional king will be. The traditional king We have a fundamental relationship with them as enemies.

Because they, these full-time soldiers who developed with the gradual rise of the civil economy, naturally represent the interests of the civil class, and the civil class is actually a natural rebel for King Kazama.

One generation, two generations, maybe you can suppress them through personal prestige. From the second generation to the third generation, everyone will definitely overthrow you, because your rule comes from the death of father and son, and has not been recognized by the military. .

Why do the citizens who represent the civil class recognize your father's death and your son's succession?

Zhao Kuangyin is naturally no exception to these soldiers.

It's just that his personal prestige is too high, and everyone has always thought that his crown prince is Zhao Guangmei. Of course, there is no problem, but it doesn't mean that everyone can't understand what is going on.

It made everyone feel embarrassed.

In addition, Zhao Guangmei's binding of the trading company and the imperial army was so rigid that these sub-armies were actually already imperialist armies. Imperialist armies can be absolutely loyal to a certain emperor, but it is impossible to be loyal to the feudal imperial power. .

This is an essential difference.

To be honest, whether the kings after Zhao Kuangyin can gain the loyalty of the army is probably a question mark. Of course, it is not a necessary condition for him to become an emperor.

Xue Juzheng was almost pushed down on the dragon chair by Yang Xin and others.

Zhao Pu wanted to take the lead in saluting him and ordered someone to bring him the imperial seal. Xue Juzheng was so angry that he stood up and cursed Zhao Pu.

The people from the Forbidden Army were also causing trouble. They organized themselves spontaneously and shouted to Xue Juzheng to pay homage to the officials, and they were happy while shouting.

Zhao Guangmei also glared seriously at the commander in front who was most happy and cursed: "Be serious, support the new king."

When Xue Juzheng saw this, he gave Zhao Guangmei a look of despair.

Shen Yilun also suppressed a smile and took the report from the Third Division and reported to Xue Juzheng seriously: "Guan family, this is this year's report from the Third Division. Please take a look at it. Since this year, the number of newly planted crops has The growth is very good. The yields of peanuts, rubber, potatoes, corn and other crops introduced from the Americas are amazing. Sansi believes that they should be promoted on a large scale starting next year. In addition, His Royal Highness King Lu reported this year that the nitric acid production in the southwest is , this year exceeded [-] kilograms for the first time. If it is used as fertilizer, there will be no hungry people in the Song Dynasty. However, the price of food has become cheaper and cheaper because of this. We all believe that the three divisions should coordinate the trading houses. We will promote feed mills on a large scale so that everyone in the Song Dynasty can eat meat in the future."

Xue Juzheng said with a pained face: "Didn't I take the lead in drafting this plan?"

"But you are an official now. Do you want to approve this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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