Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 248 Chapter 2 Chapter 50 Oh my God, there is an unexpected gain

Chapter 248 Chapter [-] Oh my God, there is an unexpected gain

In the imperial garden, the brothers Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Kuangyin drove away the waiter and strolled around. Zhao Guangmei took out an intelligence briefing from her sleeve and handed it to Zhao Kuangyin:

"Brother, it has been confirmed that at present, at least 100 elite members of the Leshi Army are pretending to be a caravan and entering the city one after another."

"Pishi Army?"

Zhao Kuangyin took a look at the information and couldn't help but rub his eyebrows, feeling more and more serious about the matter.

At present, the Song Dynasty is fighting on two fronts. A total of 20 troops have been mobilized from the southwest and southeast. Although most of them are Xiang troops, and most of the Xiang troops are definitely not needed and they have to fight, but they have indeed mobilized a real army of 20 troops.

In addition, during the construction of Luoyang, part of the Forbidden Army has already passed by. Kaifeng is indeed the weakest defense at present. At this time, the Pishi Army actually appeared in the city, which is really hard not to make people feel nervous.

"Is the news accurate? Why do you still do this kind of thing? Isn't this the job of the West Factory?"

Zhao Guangmei shrugged and said, "I didn't bother to check. The news came directly from the Liao Kingdom. Nowadays, the merchants from the Liao Kingdom...what should I say? In fact, most of them listen to me more now." , However, I can only confirm that they are definitely here, but I don’t know what they are here for.”

"100 people...can't make any big waves."

"That's not necessarily true. The Liao Kingdom must have sent many spies to Kaifeng over the years. Now that Kaifeng is opening up, this is inevitable. With the increase in trade between the two countries, there will definitely be one among you and one among us. We have you, but we have always been too lazy to take care of these spies, who usually only inquire about information, or secretly learn techniques, and we have never sent out the leather army. Since these leather armies have come, they must have brought them with them. When the mission comes, all the Liao spies from Kaifeng may be gathered together to work together, so I don’t know how many people there will be.”

There was still a big difference between the Pishi Army of this period and the Pishi Army of the middle and late Liao Dynasties. They basically imitated the military system of the Tang Dynasty and were almost equivalent to the Northern Army of the Tang Dynasty.

Considering that the relationship between the Shulu tribe and the Song Dynasty has become increasingly ambiguous, these people sent here must be from the Khitan tribe, and most likely they are from the Diela tribe, which can basically be equated to the children of the nobles.

Sending more than 100 aristocratic children to Kaifeng to do things secretly must be a big deal.

"What do you think? What do you think they are here for?"

Zhao Guangmei looked as usual and said: "It's possible. At the very least, they are here to destroy the stability and unity of our Song Dynasty, and they must destroy the trade between Song and Liao. At the most serious level, they might be here to carry out assassinations. , a coup or something like that.”

"Can you find the person?"

"It's difficult. Kaifeng City is so big, it's a mixed bag. Even I don't know how many people there are in Kaifeng City now, but it's at least 300 million. The household registration and temporary residence permit checks are not strict, and to be honest, it's not difficult to make fake ones. Although there are not many Liao people among them, there must be one hundred and eighty thousand. Although they are all Yanyun Han people, who knows who these Yanyun Han people are loyal to? If more than 100 people want to hide among these 300 million people, It’s difficult to cause destruction in the city and still have people to respond and help. It’s too difficult.”

"Then what do you think they'll do?"

"The best result is also the result of destruction. No matter how fast Kaifeng is built, the main buildings in the city are still made of wood, which is easy to ignite. There are also wires. The internal and external insulation of Kaifeng's wires are currently made of silk. and cardboard are very easy to destroy. As long as the insulation is destroyed, many people can be electrocuted. Even the river embankment is possible. Kaifeng's terrain is generally low. If they can get gunpowder to blow up the river embankment, they can also It’s going to be very troublesome.”

Zhao Kuangyin frowned: "Is this still good?"

"This is the best result. I'm actually more afraid of them carrying out assassinations."

"Kill who?"

"They will kill anyone who does business with the Song Dynasty, especially people from Shiwei. They even kill people who pretend to be Song people and kill Shulu people. They kill Han people in the sixteen states of Yanyun. Think about it, they will kill our Song Dynasty officials." What's the use? Just kill one and we'll replace him. The Song Dynasty lacks everything but officials. Besides, it's not easy to kill officials. But if they kill businessmen, it would be too easy for them. Well, if we are more ruthless, they will kill anyone who does business with Daliao, that’s not impossible.”

Zhao Kuangyin frowned: "Are the internal conflicts in the Liao Kingdom this far?"

"That's really the case. According to the information I have now, many people in the Liao Kingdom are already very anxious. If I were Yelvxian, my top priority now would not be the Shiwei rebellion, but to destroy the Song-Liao trade no matter what."

"Did the Liao Kingdom benefit from the Song-Liao trade?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "How could the Liao Kingdom not benefit? But the benefits of the Liao Kingdom are not his, Yelujing's. Originally, he was planning to marry with the Shulu Ministry to check and balance the quality of Yelu's house and balance the internal politics of the Liao Kingdom. But now that the Shulu Department and our Song Dynasty are getting closer and closer, the trend of the two sides swinging has actually become more and more obvious, even the Dila Department, haha."

"Oh? Could it be that even Die Labu started to kiss Song Dynasty?"

"Some of the nobles of the Diela tribe are close to the Song Dynasty. As long as they establish contact with the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty will lend them loans, help them build factories, buy horses, wool products, dairy products, and even products that have always been used as Liao salt, the real foundation of the Liao Kingdom, was imported in large quantities. In fact, brother, do you think we are really short of salt in the Song Dynasty? Is the salt in the Liao Kingdom really better than the salt in the Song Dynasty? If I slightly improve the salt-making process, we can make it The salt of our Song Dynasty is much better than that of the Liao Kingdom."

"So now, for a nobleman from the Liao Kingdom, we help him open a factory. The materials he wants to buy can be purchased directly from the Song Dynasty, and the things he produces can be sold directly to the Song Dynasty. Doesn't this mean he is independent? The people within the territory, and even the surrounding herdsmen, had to go through him to sell horses and wool to the Song Dynasty in exchange for money. The money in exchange had to be on his side before they could be exchanged for the Song Dynasty's goods. The interest rate difference in the middle could Let them spend and enjoy themselves wantonly, then tell me, are they the pillars of the Liao Kingdom, or the foreign ministers of the Song Dynasty? The pillars of his own family are about to collapse, how can he not be anxious, in fact... Yelu House and the The relationship with the trading company is also very good now. As far as I know, their family bought a large piece of land in Yingchuan and built a large horse farm, which seems to have a palace."

"Yelu House Hostage? This is leaving a way out for future generations. No wonder Yelv Xian is worried, especially since Yelu Jing is still in our hands. His throne... Haha, it seems not very stable. , but how to deal with it?”

"Yes, it is very troublesome. This kind of method similar to a terrorist attack is the most difficult to guard against. The trust between Song and Liao is hard-won. The hatred of the country and the family. Once they succeed, they want to return to what they are now. That would be too difficult, so I plan to let them change their goals."

"Change the target?"

“The bait has been set, now it’s up to them to see if they bite the hook.”

"What bait."

"You and me."


"If you don't want them to set fire and cause damage, then you have to give them a bigger target. Aren't you always on patrol incognito? Let's make a surprise attack next week and go to the power plant over there in the new city to inspect it?"

Zhao Kuangyin was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and said, "You are brave enough."

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "The Khitans have the guts to come to Kaifeng to cause trouble. If they say that no one cooperates with them internally and externally, I will definitely not believe it. I don't know how many people in the court hate my new policy. I facilitated the Song-Liao trade. He even had a child with Xiao Chuo. If the Khitans did any big things, such as burning Kaifeng or something like that, it might not be a bad thing for them. The two countries of Song and Liao wanted to stop Song and Liao. Yelvxian is not the only one who trades, there are also many on our end, so why not do it in one step?"

Then, Zhao Guangmei said half of what she said and left the other half alone, and fell silent.

What is left unsaid is actually very clear. If these domestic officials, especially civil servants, want to rebel, they have only one way, and that is to find ways to kill Zhao Kuangyin.

It would be better if Zhao Guangmei could also die together, so that Zhao Guangyi could take the position justifiably. Zhao Guangyi has always valued civilian officials, and his qualifications in the military are very shallow. Even if he continues to implement the New Deal, he will definitely be appropriate Support civil servants to suppress commercial houses and ban the army.

If there are still people in the court who don't give up, this is the only way they have left. To put it bluntly, Zhao Guangmei wants to use herself as bait to fish out these people and give the Khitans another target.

For the Khitan people, if there was a chance to kill Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei, it would be a waste of time.

Kill two birds with one stone.Of course, Zhao Guangmei released the Barb Wolf, but it was hard to say whether he would be able to hook it in the end.

So this matter was decided that day, and then, this matter was accidentally passed on by someone who was interested. The big leader at the power plant learned through the "secret channel" that the official and His Highness had recently They might come to inspect the work, and then work hard to make corrections and clean it up, cleaning the floor almost as if it had been licked by a tongue.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei suddenly made an impromptu decision to go to the power plant to inspect the work together. Because it was a "spur-of-the-moment decision," the two of them only ordered Yang Xin to lead a front-line team of less than a hundred people.

In the factory, the rumbling machines kept buzzing, and the entire process of the entire factory was impeccable.

Zhao Kuangyin fully affirmed the workshop management work of the factory and pointed out: Power generation is the real top priority of Kaifeng City. It is related to the 300 million people in Kaifeng and even the strength of the Song Dynasty. It must not be careless, but at the same time , we must also take into account production safety, and especially implement the job security of workers, etc., etc. are all nonsense.

Then, the rebels came and killed them.

Moreover, there seems to be an internal response within the factory, and they took the initiative to let the thieves come over.

Everyone else in the factory was in a panic, and there was chaos for a while. Someone shouted: "Protect the official family and His Highness."

The factory workers and security teams began to line up.

This kind of factory, which is related to the lifeblood of the country and even the city, and is an emerging technology, must be [-]% controlled by a commercial bank. Among the biological sons, nine out of ten workers who can work in this factory are all military dependents, and these days, all military dependents are [-]% They all grew up in military camps.

Kaifeng City cannot help but use weapons, and the security team will also organize members to conduct training in their spare time. Therefore, once the battle is launched, it is really impressive. I guess even if it is not comparable to the regular Forbidden Army, it is better than the ordinary border troops. I'm afraid the army is still stronger.

Instead, Yang Xin reprimanded them loudly, not letting them get close and asking them to defend themselves from the outside.

Of course, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei were very calm. Everything was as they expected. In fact, the shareholders of the trading bank had already received the news in advance. As soon as they took action, they would immediately lead the independent troops of the trading bank to the front. Come to the rescue, and then kill all the leather warriors who are causing trouble on the outside.

Then I waited and waited, and then I heard the shouting of killing outside. I kept shouting, but the shouting didn't stop for a long time.


"No, according to the original plan, Shi Shouxin and the others should have just assembled now. Did they gather in advance? Or did they fly over?"

Zhao Guangmei also had a strange look on her face: "Isn't it a little strange to hear the killing cry?"


Zhao Kuangyin also listened carefully.

"It seems a little strange. Why do you feel... why are so many people speaking nonsense?"

"It seems like there was an accident."


The two brothers quickly stepped forward to check under the protection of Yang Xin.

Then I saw a river of blood at the entrance of the factory. A group of gangsters were almost dead after killing themselves.

Then, they saw Xiao Chuo, although his hair was disheveled, but he was wearing armor. After they came out, he saw the two of them kneeling on the ground holding a long bloody knife and said: "The foreign ministers are late in coming to rescue me. I hope the officials of the Song Dynasty will atone for their sins."

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't even fix it.

I couldn't help but turn around and ask Zhao Guangmei: "Did you arrange it?"

Zhao Guangmei was also confused: "I didn't."

He looked at Xiao Chuo's bloody knife again: "Did you kill someone yourself?"

"Well, kill him, and ask the officials and His Highness to atone for their sins. These people... these people... are all rebels from our Liao Kingdom. They conspired to sneak into Kaifeng in order to sow discord between Song and Liao. The foreign minister also unintentionally After learning about this incident, I had no time to report it to the Song Dynasty court, so the Liao soldiers who led the embassy rushed to rescue him."

Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Kuangyin looked at each other.

Oops, did you get an unexpected bonus?
It was also at this time that Shi Shouxin finally came with his people in person and shouted: "Help~, help~, you rebels, all the plans have been known to my officials for a long time, this is a plan to invite you to the urn. , Why don’t you vote quickly... Uh... what’s going on?”

Xiao Chuo was also stunned for a moment.

"Please...please enter the urn?"

Then, his face became particularly ugly.

Zhao Guangmei quickly stepped forward and took the knife from his hand, saying: "Girls, do you let your subordinates do such rough work as killing people? It's so dangerous. If I hurt you, I will feel bad."

"Did you know that the Khitan was going to assassinate you? No, this news... was this a trap set by you?"

"Is this... um."


When Xiao Chuo heard this, he let out a long sigh: "Liao Kingdom, I'm afraid it's going to end."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, baby, there is still me. I will always be your warm and strong harbor."

"Go away!"

Xiao Chuo was so angry that he threw the knife away and ran away crying.

I don't know if he is really crying or fake crying.

(End of this chapter)

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