Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 245 Can the Military Supervisor also invite bids?

Chapter 245 Can the Military Supervisor also invite bids?
In fact, with Zhao Guangmei's prestige, I believe that all problems can be solved if he personally supervises the army, and he can even use this to gain some military merit and increase his personal prestige.

However, the Southern Tang Dynasty and Dali were just two small countries. Isn't it worthy of Zhao Guangmei, the majestic King of Qin, to personally supervise the army?The two countries are not strong, but they are really far away. No matter where they go, they come back and forth. No matter how smooth the war is, it will be half a year before he can return to Kaifeng, or even a year later with a high probability.

Your Highness the King of Qin’s time is so precious.

Give them a face.

But if you want to send a supervisory army, you have to face the problem that occurred during the previous expedition to Shu. That is, the supervision force sent by the Privy Council has become increasingly weak on the army, especially the expeditionary force. The soldiers are more willing to listen. of a trading house.

If the merchant bank sent a supervisory army, the Privy Council could almost merge with the merchant bank. This would be too much, and after Zhao Guangmei inherited the throne, he would never allow such an awesome department to exist in the Song Dynasty.

Originally, he did have some reforms. When he came back from Sichuan and Sichuan, he dismantled the trading company as soon as he had some free time. A very important consideration was the issue of the trading company and the supervisory army.

It's just that there have been too many things going on recently, and it's true that I haven't changed my mind a bit, so I forgot about this matter.

Therefore, the court soon made a decision on the reinforcements, but when it comes to supervising the army, the Privy Council, Zhao Pu and others are also a little confused now, so they still have no final decision.

First there was Li Chuyun, and then there was Wang Renhao. Their Privy Council had already lost two deputy privy envoys because they sent supervisory troops abroad!This girl is no small official!

This supervisor died much faster than the general, right?We, the Song Dynasty, can fight without any troops, but Te Niang’s useless privy deputy envoy.

Then the matter was not settled for a long time. Everyone in the Privy Council was pushing me and I was pushing you. No one really wanted to go.

The person responsible for supporting Zhao Dezhao in his campaign in Dali was still the Palace Chief, and after much deliberation, he still mobilized the feudal barbarian army led by Kang Yannumo from Shatuo as reinforcements. He still only served as the commander and the deputy's camp deployment, and at the same time ordered Zhao Dezhao to Deploying the camp capital for the southwest march, Cui Yanjin was also sent to lead the Japanese army to follow, and gathered soldiers and horses on the roads of Chengdu to gather a total of [-] imperial troops and border troops!

He is determined to ruin his 15-year-old son's political performance.

It can be said that Zhao Kuangyin put a lot of thought into the military arrangements of this route army. First of all, Cui Yanjin was the pioneer general who conquered Shu before, and was known as the most powerful in the Song Dynasty. He was Wang Quanbin's deputy during the previous expedition to Shu, just because he conquered Shu After a lot of trials and tribulations, he finally got it off aggrievedly and tidied him up.

But in fact, Lao Zhao has always been thinking about using him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to temporarily arrange for him to serve as a commander of a sensitive army like the Japanese Army. In fact, it is impossible not to use him, the most powerful general in the Song Dynasty, and burn and kill him. Looting was not a big deal in the values ​​of the army in the early Song Dynasty. The army was actually very emotional about this matter. They all thought that Zhao Guangmei was making a fuss out of a molehill and was a little too harsh on Cui Yanjin.

Just send him there, and let him get up wherever he falls. With him, there will be no shortage of vanguards in Zhao Dezhao's army.

In addition, the soldiers who were demoted to Shu have been reorganized and are now under the command of Xin Zhongfu. Xin Zhongfu used to be Guo Chong's deputy. He is a rare man with both civil and military skills. He does not steal the limelight, and his reputation and qualifications are not high. His experience It was enough, and there was no backstage, so it would be perfect for him to be Zhao Dezhao's assistant and give advice, or even simply take over the actual work.

The last one, Kang Yannum, is a veteran of Shatuo. He is actually similar in nature to Wang Quanbin, but much more junior. He is the deputy commander of the army and camp. As long as he has no tricks in his mind, he will definitely not seize power indiscriminately. In a political sense It means that the imperial court still attaches great importance to these remnants of the Shatuo people, and can also appease the Shatuo people left by Wang Quanbin to surrender. Militaryly, after all, these are old men who have been in the army for half their lives, and can guard the young generals such as Xin Zhongfu and Cui Yanjin.

Whether it is the Forbidden Army or the elite, it can be said to be almost perfect.

I heard that Chengdu has been very well constructed in recent years. If this battle can be fought well, the achievements of this young man, Zhao Dezhao, will probably catch up with Zhao Guangyi and surpass him to become the second heir to the Song Dynasty.

Who can say that he is young?

With this lineup, this strength, and this deployment situation, it would be difficult for him to lose.Dali was originally a small and weak country, so it was estimated that it could only rely on the strength of its terrain to deal with it.

But because of this, it is really worrying to decide who to send Zhao Dezhao as the supervisor.

He was originally one of the princes, the biological son of an official family, and he was a prisoner!Whoever serves as this supervisor will definitely be disliked by His Royal Highness Prince Lu. This job is so uncomfortable.

But without sending supervisory troops, both Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei felt a little uneasy. Zhao Dezhao might not be able to hold down those soldiers and contain their murderous intentions.

What if those border guards of the Forbidden Army also went on a killing spree in Dali, turning a table of good food into a pot of rotten soup like they did in Shu? At the very least, we have to find someone to take the blame for our eldest nephew. ?

The deployment of troops in the Southern Han Dynasty was far worse. Just like in history, they only asked Yin Chongke to lead a troop of more than [-] troops to support, and at the same time asked Wang Ming, the prefect of Tanzhou, to mobilize civilians and border troops to follow.

In fact, Yin Chongke should be the one who has the upper hand over Pan Mei in terms of qualifications, relationships and various aspects. Ordinarily, he should be the one who deploys everything.

But Pan Mei was playing too damn fast!

Although he did not have many soldiers under his command and was not the main force of the Forbidden Army at all, he was still able to use this defensive counterattack to produce an aggressive effect. The imperial court had just received the news of the invasion of the Southern Han Dynasty. After finishing the order, they received the second The second letter sent an urgent message that Hezhou had been captured.

The two places are far apart, and this so-called latest battle report is actually a battle report from more than ten days ago. Maybe Cao Bin is already attacking Fengzhou by this time.

Now let Yin Chongke serve as reinforcements to support him. Maybe when he arrives, Pan Mei will capture Liu Yuan alive. This is a waste of deployment, and the old general also wants to save face.

Give me the title of deputy commander, and hurry up first anyway. It would be too funny if you can't catch up, so Pan Mei, who was confused and not qualified enough, became the commander of the army and camp, commanding the soldiers of the ten states in the southeast. horse.

(This is also the case in history. Pan Mei and Wang Ming were stunned and wiped out the Southern Han Dynasty with civilians. When the Central Army arrived, they were only left with the job of cleaning the battlefield, and most of the so-called soldiers and horses from the Ten States were not used. )

The military strength is indeed not strong. Pan Mei does not have many regular troops at all, just more than 1 forbidden troops stationed abroad, and the rest are all civilians.

But this victory is really huge. In fact, since Hezhou has already been conquered, no matter who is sent there at this time, it will be a bit like taking the credit.

I don’t even know if the Song army was too strong or the Southern Han Dynasty was too weak. They fought all kinds of battles with gods.

But again, just because this battle was fought so smoothly, and most of the soldiers and horses in Pan Mei's hands were not the main force of the Song Dynasty, this issue of military discipline was a big problem.

Although Southern Han is a poor country, it is really rich.

Yes, he was poor and rich, because the core of Southern Han Dynasty was not agriculture but shipping. The shipping business was very good, so Liu Yun had countless overseas treasures in his treasury and made countless money through sea trade. The wealth of the local merchants and the large number of Arab merchants living here are all very rich.And they are all the kind who are really rich, not the kind like the merchants in Kaifeng who say they are rich but in fact all their money is exchanged for heavy assets in houses and places.

Money is touching.

Zhao Guangmei was not jealous of the gold, silver, jewelry and overseas goods, but she was really afraid that Pan Mei's soldiers would be stimulated by these treasures and do something outrageous.

In particular, Zhao Guangmei also wanted to develop maritime trade. He was also afraid that Pan Mei's soldiers would burn down the shipyards that specialized in building sea-going ships. He was also afraid that the valuable craftsmen in the shipyards and experienced sailors in maritime trade would be affected by the war. After the war, they could not be found, and they were even more afraid that the soldiers would become more murderous and kill the Arabs, so that they would not dare to do business in Song Dynasty again in a short time.

This supervisor is so important.

Anyway, Zhao Guangmei would rather he fight slower and cost more, and never want the Song army to do the burning, killing and looting again.

Therefore, the two armies and the supervisory army must be sent, and it will be impossible not to send them.

In a desperate situation, Zhao Guangmei had to enter the palace in a hurry and tell Zhao Kuangyin his immature little suggestion.


the next day,
Chu Zhaofu, who had just replaced Wang Renyi as deputy privy envoy and had not been able to sit still for a long time, this time he openly showed off and asked someone to take sick leave, saying that he was sick and refused to say anything. Went on a business trip.

He was so damn scared. If he got a job, he would most likely have to become a supervisor and follow the path that the two old leaders, Li Chuyun and Wang Renhao, walked.

During breakfast, his wife couldn't help complaining about him: "Now that the war is urgent, the Privy Council is the one used by the imperial court to mobilize troops. As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army and use it for a while. You are claiming to be sick at home at this time, so let the officials and the generals go." Colleague, what do you think of you? The official wants Long Yan to be furious. After all, you came here by licking blood from the edge of a knife. Why are you so cowardly now? "

Chu Zhaofu said angrily: "You are a woman who knows nothing. Do you think I am willing to be the deputy privy envoy? It would be better to withdraw me. I am an old man who was born as an official staff member. I am a member of the Guide Mansion. I am an official. I am a man who values ​​friendship. If I pretend to be ill now, even if he gets angry again, he will at most remove me from my post. In all likelihood, he will give me a post as magistrate or let me go down to become a prince. Wouldn't it be difficult? Sit on this iron plate?"

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh: "Am I scared? In our Song Dynasty, any position that has something to do with the military position has been rolled among the dead. I am not afraid of fighting the Khitan, but the soldiers and horses of our Song Dynasty are all Supervisor, do you know how difficult it is? This is not for humans!"

"The camps in the southwest are all occupied by the eldest prince. What am I going to do? What kind of army do I supervise? Over in the southeast, maybe the battle will be over by the time I arrive. Even if it is not over, they will have to chew through all the hard bones. It's over, who will blame you for supervising the army or not? What am I going to do? If you go back to the fucking burning, killing and looting, when King Qin's pissing temper comes up, won't I be dead? If you don't go, you won't say anything, the king of heaven I'm here. I also had an emergency today and couldn't get out of bed."

"Hey~, you...why are you like this?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm telling you, you just don't understand anything. The supervisor will treat whoever he likes. Go and serve me the meat porridge. Don't forget to put some soy sauce."

The old couple were eating breakfast, but their son Chu Yun rushed in carelessly, holding a newspaper in his hand and shouting: "Dad, dad, this time You must help me, dad."

Chu Zhaofu frowned: "Why are you in such a panic? What are you like?"

His mother asked anxiously: "Why are you back? Is it still early in the morning?"

This Chu Yun did not enter the officialdom at all. Instead, he was arranged by Chu Zhaofu to join a trading company and learn how to do business. Chu Zhaofu was famous for being greedy and stingy, but he did not dare to embezzle, so naturally Can we just let our children do business?

When he thought about it, being an official was not a good thing. He had become such a high-ranking official, and he was still worried about it every day. He was also not allowed to embezzle. Even now, he didn't even dare to spend the money awarded by officials for fear of being criticized. good.

He is over 40 years old, and he only has two concubines, because he can't afford to keep more. What's even more detestable is the housing price in Kaifeng, which makes him, the deputy minister, dizzy. If he spends money to buy it, he When his son got married, he had trouble buying a bigger house for his son.

Be a shitty official!
If my son goes into business and is supported by his connections, wouldn’t it mean that he could make a fortune even if he closes his eyes?
In the Song Dynasty, there was no rule that the children of officials were not allowed to do business.

Therefore, they no longer live together. Their son is now doing business with a commercial bank and has an apartment building in the new city. He may not come back once a month on weekdays.

"Dad! Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing in advance so that I could be prepared? I must seize such a big opportunity this time. Dad, you must help me this time. It is called to promote virtuous people and not avoid relatives, but it is not called to use power for personal gain."

"What a mess, what are you talking about?"

"Here, Privy Councilor, why are you still pretending to be confused with your son?"

"Privy Councilor's Office? What's going on?"

His mother said at the side: "Your father is a coward. He heard that there was a war in the south. He was afraid that the officials would ask him to serve as a supervisor. He hid in the house and did not dare to leave the house."

"Ah? Such a great thing, Dad..."

"Shut up and let me see what happened."

I saw the title in the newspaper: "The Privy Council's Regulations on the Tendering and Bidding of the Southeast Military and Horse Supervisory Supervisory Authority and the Southwest Military and Horse Supervisory Supervisory Supervisory Board".

Chu Zhaofu rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked again.

That's right, it's a tender.

He also understands the meaning of bidding. In recent years, the imperial court has conducted bidding frequently. He even heard that the entire Luoyang was done through bidding.

But... can the military and horse supervisors also invite bids?

Isn't this nonsense?

(End of this chapter)

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