Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 24: State-owned Virtuous Prince

Chapter 24: State-owned Virtuous Prince
After Yanmen Pass, looking at Liu Jiye who was kneeling below, Zhao Kuangmei couldn't help thinking, "Just see this man, why is he so handsome?"
He has two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Two different times and spaces gradually merged in Zhao Kuangmei's mind, and finally, they became the image of Liu Jiye kneeling on the ground in front of him.

When he actually saw the person, he was not as excited as he imagined. Instead, he unconsciously crossed his legs and looked at him with a condescending gaze.

"How do you call the people in the hall?"

"The guilty minister, Liu Jiye."

"Is your... surname still Liu?"

After asking, he shook his head and actually ignored him. He started pouring hot water into the celadon wine, and then sat on the cold wine to warm it up. He motioned for Shi Shouxin and Gao Huaide to drink with him, and then stopped talking. Ignore him.


After a little tangle, Liu Jiye finally appointed him and sighed: "I am the son of the Yang family in Linzhou. Since the Northern Han Dynasty has been destroyed, I should return to my true nature. Yang Jiye pays homage to the young master and the two commanders."

However, Zhao Kuangmei still said reluctantly: "The word successor is not good either. This word is left in the name, but whose career is it to inherit?"

"Yes, Yang Ye pays homage to the young master."

Hearing this, Zhao Kuangmei's original serious expression immediately burst into a bright smile. She helped him up with her own hands, let him sit next to her, and brought him a hot cup to pour him wine herself. .

"General Yang is loyal and courageous. He is admirable. He is more happy to win the general than to me to win the whole Hedong. My brother has always valued heroes and loved heroes. I think we will go back as soon as possible tomorrow. Jing, let me introduce you to my brother. He will be overjoyed to see you as such a hero. Come, come, drink, drink."

At this point, Zhao Kuangmei's trip to Hedong has finally come to a perfect end.

Now that the matter was done, Zhao Kuangmei couldn't stay for a day. Inexplicably, she became eager to return home. She really wanted to leave when she said she wanted to leave. The next day, she casually brought a hundred or so Forbidden Army guards with her. He led Yang Ye and left the large army.

Anyway, he couldn't get involved in the affairs of Hedong. With three generals, Li Jun, Shi Shouxin and Gao Huaide, he would only cause more trouble if he stayed here.

Shi Shouxin and Gao Huaide were still confused. They had no idea what they were going to do next. What was going on with Li Jun now? Zhao Kuangyin had no intention of coming back. Besides, since the Northern Han Dynasty fell, they were also afraid that Liao would take revenge. In order to invade the south, they naturally stayed in Luzhou City for the time being, waiting for instructions from the central government.

Speechless all the way.

After all, Zhao Kuangmei was still young, so she was not in a hurry when she returned, so she simply got a carriage to ride in. She stopped when she saw a post station along the way, and simply walked slowly while sightseeing. He was also pleased with himself, but in his mind he couldn't help but start fantasizing about what kind of official position his elder brother would make him after he returned to Beijing.

Because he walked slowly, the news spread faster than he walked. Less than halfway through the journey, the news of the Three Wise Kings' clever plan to determine Hedong had actually reached him, so that this Along the way, his pomp became more and more grand. As he passed by, he heard that the Three Wise Kings were coming. All officials, including civil and military officials, traders and pawns, all gathered around him to watch the excitement.

However, Zhao Kuangmei was still a bit crazy and thought it was quite fun, so she accepted all comers. Everywhere she went, she had to enthusiastically interact with the common people who came to see her, even shaking hands and saying hello.

This resulted in things that were already quite lively being made even more lively by him. He knew that the people who wanted to see him basically had a mentality similar to, ah, living, similar to how modern people see giant pandas. But he didn't care at all, and he even took a relatively open view of his own safety.

Who would have nothing to do to assassinate him?As for those petty thieves who are looking for money, can they still defeat Yang Ye?

Such a people-friendly attitude has somehow made him more popular, so that nonsense words such as polite corporal, courteous and polite are all applied to him.

Yang Ye himself was taciturn most of the time, just silently acting as a guard beside him. On this day, Zhao Kuangmei stopped at the inn again, and once again happily received the people who were watching this rare animal of his and shook hands with them one by one. , Yang Ye was holding a long gun and leaning on the carriage, still looking like someone owed him money.

But he saw his wife, Zheshi, sticking her head out of the carriage with her child in her arms, and asked: "Three virtuous kings, polite and virtuous corporal, love the people, this is the blessing of the country, why is my husband so unhappy? Could it be that he is disloyal to the Northern Han Dynasty in his heart?" Do you have any regrets and are unwilling to serve the Zhao family?"

Yang Ye thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't think about that anymore. Since my surname has been changed and my life has been retained, my eyes will eventually look forward, but... Madam, don't you think that the young master is a little frivolous?"

"After all, he is just a teenager. Isn't this normal? I think this is an act of being close to the people and loving the people."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Madam, don't you think it's inappropriate to call the Three Wise Kings? After all, the world today is still the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Besides... even if the Zhao family replaces Guo, he may not be crowned a prince. , besides, wouldn’t the title of a wise king be criticized? However, although the young master is very intelligent and courageous, he is happy with such an inappropriate title. Isn’t it frivolous? "

When Zhe heard this, he laughed softly and said, "My husband, although you know how to fight, you cannot see through the world's hearts."

"Am I wrong?"

"I, the prefect, like you to read history. However, what you said may not be inappropriate in the past dynasties, but it is completely wrong now. You also said that these three wise kings can be said to be wise and courageous. Young Yingjie, although he is young, is extremely smart. You can see it, Lord Fu, but can he really not see it?"

"Can you please give me some advice, madam?"

"Master Fu, why do the people support and love him so much that wherever he goes, there are people waiting for him at the inn, just asking to see him?"

Yang Ye smiled bitterly and said: "Of course it was because of his clever plan to stabilize the east of Hedong and save the people from the suffering of war. Especially because of this, the northwest frontier defense regained the important town of Taiyuan and occupied Yanmen Xiongguan. The threat of Khitan was greatly reduced. Under this influence , the life of the common people will be much easier. Alas~, the Northern Han Dynasty colluded with the Khitan to recognize the traitor as their father. Although they were able to survive and extend the country, they ultimately lost the hearts of the world."

"Does your husband only see this?" "This... you are saying that my vision is short-sighted? What did Madam see from this?"

"I only saw four words, people feel at ease."

"Is your heart at peace?"

"Since the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains has experienced five dynasties and twelve emperors, as well as other great and small kings in the world. The flow of Jiedu envoys has taken turns. The people have long been suffering from it. Every time the dynasty changes, even just the Jiedushi Wouldn't it be a catastrophe for the people if they replaced them without killing everyone?"

"However, on the day of Zhao Dianjian's mutiny in Chenqiao, it was said that Kaifeng City was not easy to rebel, and not one of the officials in the previous dynasty died. Even until now, Zhao Dianjian still has not taken the last step, but in After three requests and three resignations, there was no rebellion among the Jiedushi envoys from various places who held heavy troops. The only Li Jun has now proved that this is a plan for the Northern Han Dynasty. Husband, since the Five Dynasties and the Twelve Emperors, has there ever been such a thing in the world? thing?"

When Yang Ye heard this, he could only nod his head and said: "It is true, the Zhao brothers... although their loyalty has been compromised, they do have some merits."


Hearing this, Zhe couldn't help but sneer: "Does anyone in the world really think that the seven-year-old emperor has the ability to stabilize the world and wipe out the chaos of the 200 years since the middle Tang Dynasty? Without Zhao Dianjian, Will he be able to defend the country?"

Yang Ye was speechless.

"The market is not easy to destroy, the sword does not show blood, and the governor does not rebel. The Zhao brothers have actually set the precedent for the twelve emperors of the five dynasties since the end of the Tang Dynasty. The name of Zhao Dianjian's benevolence can be spread throughout the world, and the succession of imperial power can be achieved Xu Xuxuantu, what is even more commendable is that Zhao Dianjian is only thirty-four this year, and these three wise kings are not even as good as the weak crown. Isn't this the hope of ordering the world in chaos?"

"Husband, the people of the world have been suffering from chaos for too long. It has been too long. A seventy-year-old man can survive the chaos of the Six Dynasties. In history, the world has never been so chaotic. People in the world, whether they are poor or poor Wealth, whether humble or noble, is unbearable."

"I heard that on the day of the Chenqiao mutiny, it was the Three Sages King and his people who forced Han Tong to surrender. That's why today's request for three resignations was made. This time the chaos in Hedong was quelled, it was the Three Sages King himself who went there again. With Luzhou’s persuasion, a civil strife was eliminated and Hedong was even recovered.”

"Only when a country has a wise prince can there be hope for quelling chaos. The people may not have imagined so much, but out of instinct, they will spontaneously build momentum for the three wise kings. This is because they hope that in the future, the younger brother will be the father of the wise king. The king can borrow the country and truly rule the world with peace."

Hearing this, Yang Ye suddenly realized, and then nodded in agreement.

The world is already too fragile, so fragile that it can no longer withstand the slightest turmoil.

In fact, this can be seen from the names of people in the world. In this era, almost half of the men's names have the words "Yan", "Yan", "Ji" in their names. People all over the world no longer care about the names that they attach great importance to. Almost all of them are randomly chosen. For example, Murong Yanzhao, the first soldier of the new generation, actually had the character Hualong, and no one asked him to change it.

At the same time, everyone in the world can clearly see that whether the troubled times can be stabilized does not actually depend on Zhao Kuangyin. After all, it is not that there were no wise kings in the Five Dynasties. Li Siyuan, Liu Zhiyuan, and Chai Rong were all wise and powerful kings of the generation. But after their death, this Isn’t the world still in chaos?The key to stabilizing the world lies in the prince behind Zhao Kuangyin.

Perhaps, it is really instinct. The people of the world have really reached the limit of their tolerance for the chaos in the world. As long as there is a little glimmer of peace, they can't help but give everything they have to firmly grasp it.

"Husband, you always talk about loyalty. However, in my opinion, there are small loyalties and great loyalties. There are small righteousnesses and great righteousness. Loyalty to the king of one family and one surname is small loyalty. However, being loyal to The way of heaven can assist the saint to truly stabilize the world and establish peace. This is the true righteousness and the true aspiration of the people."

"With the wisdom of the Three Wise Kings, we can naturally understand this. Isn't the reason why it is so high-profile just to fulfill this popularity and this mission?"

Yang Ye was thoughtful when he heard the words. He looked at Zhao Kuangmei's cheerful smile and the excited expressions of the people watching. Countless thoughts, big and small, couldn't help but come to his mind. Looking back on his past 28 years, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Sad.

"The world... wants peace, the people's hearts... want peace."

But suddenly, he stood up and shouted very loudly from behind: "Young Master!"

Zhao Kuangmei turned around in surprise: "What's the matter?"

"May I ask if the ambition in your heart can bring peace to the people?"

Zhao Kuangmei didn't know how crazy Yang Ye was inexplicably. In fact, it was not easy for him to answer these words. As a younger brother, anything he said was inappropriate.

As soon as Yang Ye said this, countless people who were noisy suddenly became quiet. Countless pairs of eyes full of expectancy stared at him, as if they were waiting for the one they expected. s answer.

For a moment, Zhao Kuangmei felt that her body was pressed down by something and became heavy.

"I... don't dare to say what will happen in the future, but if you want to ask me about my ambitions, today, I would like to swear here that in this life, I should set my mind for the heaven and the earth, I should set my destiny for the living people, and I should go to the holy place. We should carry on our unique knowledge and create peace for all generations."

Hearing this, Yang Ye felt as excited as if his body had been struck by lightning. He couldn't help but murmured and repeated: "To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to carry on the unique knowledge of the saints, and to create peace for all generations?"

But I saw a bright light suddenly blooming in his eyes, and he knelt down again solemnly: "Young Master has such an ambition and career, I am willing to go through fire and water for you, and I will never regret it."

 There is only one update today, because this chapter is [-] words long, and it is not possible to publish many new books in the new issue. I will update it when it is on the shelves.Thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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