Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 239 West Factory

Chapter 239 West Factory
Sure enough, in less than two days, the arrested people were all released one after another.

Because Yang Ye made a big fuss this time by arresting people, Kaifeng was in chaos, and it seriously affected the normal order of Kaifeng City. He had no choice but to impeach Kuku at the Yushitai.

This concept of a society under the rule of law was proposed by Zhao Guangmei, and it is indeed necessary to abide by it.

"Those civil servants are starting again."

Saying that, Zhao Guangmei also sighed helplessly. Who asked him to become the governor of Kaifeng now?

In the past, he had almost no actual duties in the court system. Although his power was not small, he had always been outside the bureaucracy. Now that he had succeeded his second brother in the Kaifeng Mansion, he had integrated himself into the system.

Because of his special status, he can do whatever he wants outside the system. For example, if these censors write letters to criticize him, he has always ignored them and cannot hurt them, but that is no longer possible. All the officials in Kaifeng Mansion are civil servants. For people within the system, it is impossible for Yushitai to ignore Kaifeng Mansion's actions.

With so many people under his command, he is not afraid of Yushitai, but he is afraid of those people under his command.

But it forced him to play within the rules of the political game.

Looking at the Sky Rat kneeling in front of him and pretending to be obedient, Zhao Guangmei was also very angry and said: "Why are you still posing with me like this at this time? Isn't it just here to complain? The one who sets the fire is called Big Bear, but There are people behind him supporting him, isn't it just to let me understand your difficulties? As for acting like a frustrated little daughter-in-law? It's not that I don't believe you."

"Yes, thank you Your Highness."

In fact, it was really difficult for the Sky Rat. He really let him investigate the matter of the civil servant group's involvement in the Yizimen election.

If he hadn't come to report, Zhao Guangmei might not have known what was going on.

He really didn't expect that those guys who always claimed to be aloof would suddenly put down their airs and get involved with these...these people they regarded as disgusting.

"Is my second brother involved in this matter?"

"Ah, this... I don't know, I really don't know."

There was no way he could get involved in this kind of topic.

After Zhao Guangyi was transferred to Luoyang, he and Zhao Guangmei obviously reconciled. The slight political differences were essentially a double act and did not affect the respect between brothers and sisters.

Zhao Guangmei didn't make it difficult for him. After thinking about it for a moment, he sighed: "Since the battlefield is in Kaifeng Mansion, it would be nonsense to say that the little influence left by my second brother is useless, at least the few original officials of Kaifeng Mansion. , I must personally get involved, as for the second brother... haha."

It can only be said that Zhao Guangyi was involved in this matter due to Schrödinger, but even if he was involved, he would definitely pretend to be uninvolved and would not end up personally. If he was not involved, he must at least know that his subordinates were there. Why did you choose to turn a blind eye?

In fact, given his political stance, he can only turn a blind eye.

The civil servants are so crazy that they don't hesitate to cooperate with terrorists in order to undermine the New Deal. It's obviously a bit of a desperate move.

Zhao Guangyi himself is the real leader of the civil service group, so he can't just pretend to be confused.

"I know about this. Go back to Yang Ye and ask him to cooperate with you. No matter what, nothing can happen to Kaifeng City. Kaifeng's prosperity and stability are crucial. If you need any support, just tell Yang Ye directly."

"Understood, then...does Your Highness have any plan to deal with these civil servants?"

"Response? How to respond? What can we respond to? They are all hiding in the dark, but fortunately the capital has not been moved yet. There are more than [-] forbidden troops stationed in Beijing. No matter how chaotic it is down there, there will always be a day. It’s impossible to turn it over, do you understand what I mean?”

"Yes, yes, I understand, I understand."

This means that if the Yizi Sect is really in chaos, they will directly send the imperial army to encircle and suppress them in the name of storming the palace, rebelling, etc.

Public security incidents require evidence and punishment, and they must be restrained and not accuse innocent people unjustly. However, if it is a rebellion incident, it means that the wrongdoer has been killed and not spared. Only one address is needed to uproot the entire Yizimen.

This may indeed be what those civil servant groups want, but there is no doubt that this is definitely not what the Sky Squirrel wants. If it gets to that point, killing his whole family is not enough. I am afraid that at least he will end up with the Yi tribe.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel waves of sadness and helplessness: The new political parties and the civil service group were fighting, but they used their Yizimen as a battlefield. I'm afraid no matter how they passed this level, they would inevitably shed a layer of their skin.

If you are not careful, your whole family will die.

Sure enough, it was right to retire as soon as possible. Jianghu food is really not that delicious.

"It's a matter of Jianghu, Jianghu. I will definitely give you the support I need as much as possible, but mainly you have to rely on yourselves. I can't let the old camp of the trading company get involved in your selection of the sect leader, right? The successor you chose is called Black Panther?"


"I'm free tonight and I'll be in Fan Lou. You ask him to come see me."




Zhao Kuangyin, who had just practiced polo for more than half an hour, got off the horse, took the cold towel from the eunuch's hand and wiped his face, then picked up a popsicle and ate it.

"The official style is still as good as before. He is invincible and his heroic appearance on the court is admirable."

Zhao Kuangyin himself had a secret in his mind and said: "That's nonsense. Half of the goals were scored by me. I'm so brave. Is this playing football? I don't know what my level is? Polo needs to be played." If you want to play well, you first need to be thin enough. In the past few years since I became an official, I have gained dozens of pounds. Even if I am a sweaty horse, I will not be able to run fast. If I lose my flexibility, how can I play ball? ? I play basketball just for fun. If I really play against the Khitans, if they are at this level, I'm afraid they will be beaten seven to one again."

While nibbling, he said:

"How much does one popsicle cost?"

Wang Jien said carefully: "Uh... it's... 120 Wen."

"It's expensive, it's too expensive. I heard that outside the palace, the best popsicles only cost more than [-] cents each. You can get them for as cheap as seven or eight cents."

"Uh... that slave, check it out?" Wang Jien couldn't even control it.

Things in the palace must be much more expensive than outside, isn't it normal?How can you pretend to be confused at this time?
Of course, this is undoubtedly Wang Jien's request. Who asked him to be in charge of the West Factory now?

Xichang's duty is to fight against corruption, not to flatter him. Zhao Kuangyin does not need Wang Jien to take care of him now.

Of course, things like purchasing popsicles, where all the procedures are legal, but the purchase is much more expensive than the ones from outside, are really difficult for Wang Jien.

After all, this is not a country ruled by law, and sometimes he really doesn't have a good grasp of the rules.

"Forget it, there is no need to check. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. There is no need to make a fuss. You are also from the palace, so there is no need to be too harsh on other people in the palace. Just don't go too far. But at least you You have to be aware of it.”

"Yes, that's what you said, official."

"It's rare to come back and watch me play. If something happens, just tell me."

"Yes, the villain has received a tip, saying that Kaifeng seems to be a little uneasy recently. There is a group called Yizimen... It seems that there is a transition between the old and the new recently, and there seems to be some chaos."

"Ah, Yizimen, I know. The third child told me that it was a helpless compromise. Why, has it been too much lately?"

"It's indeed a bit excessive. Those thieves even dared to set fire to Fan Tower. His Highness King Qin was furious about this and indeed went to war. However, the main culprit has not been caught until now. They were all released, saying it was... the pressure from the Yushitai."

Zhao Kuangyin finished eating the popsicle and wiped his mouth, but he didn't take it seriously and said: "I know about this matter. The Yushitai also acts according to the rules, so there is no problem. During this period, in fact, not only Kaifeng, but also various prefectures The government has reported it, saying that the public security problem is very serious. Is this a drawback of the New Deal? There is no solution."

"Yes, but after investigation by the servant, I am afraid that this matter... is not as simple as it seems. I am afraid that there is a game between our court involved behind the scenes. This..."

Zhao Kuangyin did not get furious, but was unusually calm and said: "What's going on? It's normal. I would have guessed it if you didn't come to me."

"Yes, yes, the officials are wise and powerful. Naturally, these things cannot be hidden from your majesty. But since it involves courtiers, and it was only at this time that we realized that this small Yizi Sect is so important. Kaifeng The prosperity and stability of the country, and even the success or failure of the New Deal, are all tied to them."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned and said: "This is a bit exaggerated. How can they be so capable? There are still [-] imperial troops stationed in Beijing in Kaifeng."

"You are right, official, but the problem is that after we move the capital in the future, we will not be able to keep these [-] forbidden troops. Moreover, all the state capitals in the world are developing rapidly and are trying to implement new policies. Sooner or later, they will Everyone will have their own righteousness sect. At present, our imperial court still does not have enough control over this type of organization. His Highness has always been a very confident person, so he is too lazy to take care of these dirty things. , Of course, these small things really shouldn’t delay His Highness’s major events. I believe that His Highness can handle it easily no matter what happens, but I’m afraid that in the future, other state capitals will not have His Highness’ ability.”

Zhao Kuangyin finally understood what this guy wanted to say and said, "So, you want to get involved?"


"How are you going to get involved?"

Wang Jien was overjoyed and said quickly: "This slave plans to join the army. The market has arranged a large number of people to join this Yi Zi Sect or similar organizations, transforming into people from all walks of life to act as spies and collect information on weekdays. Each one can support himself, and if he is activated at critical moments, he might be useful. Besides, whether it is the West Factory's anti-corruption campaign, or the supervision of hundreds of officials, trading houses, or the East Factory, sometimes this kind of information obtained from the market may not be as good as Then the Yushitai came at a bad time, what if I can be of help to His Highness?"

After saying that, he knelt down carefully on the ground and secretly looked at Zhao Kuangyin's expression.

This is a kind of test by Wang Jien. His West Factory actually has one responsibility, which is to supervise and help Cao Bin's East Factory and Zhao Guangmei's business. But this responsibility is actually quite embarrassing now. Zhao Guangmei He and Cao Bin are both too strong, and there really aren't many people available to him.

Those who have retired from the military, or those with a clean family background, are all prejudiced against their department. Those who can join the Dongchang will definitely join the Dongchang, and those who can join the trading firm will also join the trading firm, while the talents in the palace will If he was working with the inner factory, how could he possibly steal people from the Queen?

Those who can use it are actually some people in the market, who have three religions and nine streams. Many of them are really from the Yizi sect.

This time, during the change of the Yizi Sect, Zhao Guangmei and the civil servants directly used the Yizi Sect as a battlefield, but he immediately saw the opportunity.

I definitely don’t have the qualifications to be a chess player, so can I get out of the chessboard and at least be an assistant?
Due to the disaster of eunuchs in the late Tang Dynasty, it was too difficult for eunuchs to grasp some power in their hands. This was his test of Zhao Kuangyin.

Because this task belongs to supervision, it is actually very necessary, and neither the East Factory nor the Nei Factory are really suitable.

Seeing that Zhao Kuangyin had been pondering for a long time, he nodded and said: "Okay, then this time, you will help a bunch of old boys. Let's see how you perform this time."

"Yes, thank you for your trust. Don't worry, I will definitely get the job done this time."

After saying that, he stepped back in small steps, turned around, his face was as happy as a flower.

'Haha, our family really has to thank you civil servants this time. Let's make a fuss, make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better. '

When he returned to the official office, he ordered: "How is the black panther selected by the Sky Rat now? I want to invite him to have dinner with us tonight. Xiaoping, please make an appointment with him for me."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoping didn't even move and said: "Master Governor, our spies said that His Highness King Qin has surpassed the Black Panther today. I'm afraid it won't be convenient for you to make an appointment with him today."

When Wang Jien heard this, he was not surprised at all that Xiaoping knew the Black Panther's whereabouts so well. He just sneered lightly and said, "It's a pity. After all, our actions are still one step slower than His Highness, but this His Highness, who has so many things to do every day, actually has to bother himself to deal with such a small matter. This is the sin of us slaves."

"You said so."

"That rotten ghost...who is that rotten ghost? Hahaha, I remember, he is one of ours?"


"Deputy sect leader of Yizi Sect, since Black Panther has something to do at night, please ask him to come over."

"Yes, servant girl will do it now."

"Wait a minute, that big bear who is always causing trouble, doesn't he have any of our people under his command?"

"There is one, nicknamed Damu."

"Call them together. Also, I'd like to thank you for your trouble. Didn't I say that Kaifeng Mansion caught a man who committed arson in Fan Tower and wanted to interrogate him severely? Show your hand and kill him."


(End of this chapter)

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