Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 223 Iron barrels

Chapter 223 Iron barrels
"The so-called agricultural subsidies are subsidies for agricultural products that are encouraged to be grown based on the actual agricultural production conditions of each prefecture and county. For example, Deng County has flat terrain, abundant water resources, and existing dams. In fact, it is very It is suitable for planting rice with unified water release and transplanting. By the way, you can also raise fish and crabs in the rice fields. It only takes half a day to take the waterway from Deng County to Kaifeng. Neither fish nor crabs will die, but it is precisely because this place is too close to Kaifeng. , most of the local farmers have moved into the city, causing the land to be almost idle, isn’t this a pity?”

"In the final analysis, the economy is actually not that complicated to say the least. What is the reason why the economic development of the Song Dynasty in the past two years has been like a raging fire cooking oil? In two words, it is just printing money. Whether it is the court or the private sector, through loans A large amount of banknotes came out, and banknotes are of no cost to the court."

"This is actually called releasing water. If the released water falls into the hands of the rich, the rich will open factories. Part of the water will flow back to the hands of the court to become land income and taxes, and part of the water will flow to the hands of the people and become the people's income. The court will then Through engineering construction, the recovered water is released again to form a virtuous circle, and the economy of the Song Dynasty will naturally prosper."

"Of course, there must be something that can withstand the water released by the court, that is, urban construction, electricity, cement and other workshops and various large and small businesses."

"But since water is being released, some people will inevitably receive more water, and some people will receive less water. Those who cannot receive water can easily become the price of development, such as farmers. In this wave of economic development, the price is actually the highest. The most expensive ones are the homesteaders, because the increase in assets has nothing to do with them. Although the price of food has increased, the majority of the money will not fall on them."

"For the refugees, they don't have land, so they can go to the city to work. Even if they stay in the countryside and work for the landlords, as far as I know, the landlords now don't dare to charge more than [-]% of the land rent as before. Generally speaking, prices are only [-]% to [-]% off, and even around Kaifeng, prices are [-]% off. No matter how much prices rise, at least people will grow their own rations, and they will be finished if they don’t sell them. With land rents and taxes reduced, it’s impossible to starve to death. , the quality of life will definitely be better than before.”

"As for the big landowners, at least the big landowners around the capital are now cooperating with the trading houses as long as they are still alive. Some of them simply pledge their land to the money and go to the city to do business. No matter how hard it is, they can still buy and sell big with the trading houses. There is a certain degree of success. The bargaining power, as long as you are not too stupid, you can still get some from this flood."

"So, the price has been borne by small landowners and farmers. As the houses in the city become more and more expensive, the houses they left in the village gradually become less valuable in comparison, and they cannot even be sold. It’s really worthless to go out, not to mention that the current selling price of cultivated land is [-]% off compared to two years ago. You must know that this is still [-]% off more than twice the inflation. If I can’t compensate them, I will , so ashamed."

When Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi heard this, they looked at each other. Zhao Kuangyin even pointed to his temple and gave Zhao Guangyi a look that said: Didn't the third child have his brain kicked by a donkey?

After all, normally speaking, unless the people really can't survive and there is a risk of rebellion, why should the court give money to the people?Homeowners, aren’t they still a property owner?
Seeing this, Zhao Guangmei also sighed and said: "Those things I just said are reasons written in history books and newspapers for posterity and the world to see. Doesn't this show that we in the Song Dynasty did things benevolently and righteously?"

The two of them nodded with satisfaction, thinking that at least the third brother was not stupid.

"The imperial court relies on printing money to release money. It is destined that it is difficult for this money to flow into agricultural production. This is also the simplest and most basic scissor gap between industry and agriculture. If things go on like this, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. While releasing money, the poor will become poorer. And there is no protection for the people at the bottom. This is a naked robbery of the poor by the rich.

In any case, at least within a few decades, the urban population will not be larger than the rural population. If the rural people don't even have a little money, how will they consume and buy things?It won't be long before they can't afford anything except food rations. Who will sell the things produced in the city then?No one can sell goods to the poor. If the people have no money, Kaifeng Prefecture's production capacity will soon be overcapacity. "

After all, this is the Song Dynasty, and there is no way to use foreign trade to stimulate the economy. The volume of foreign trade transactions is too small to be able to do so. If the gap between the rich and the poor is ignored, economic crises will follow within ten years.

Therefore, when money should be distributed, money must be distributed. Once the people have money, they will consume it without anyone's guidance. Otherwise, the money will be concentrated in the hands of people closer to the water pipes, and sooner or later something will happen.

Of course, for the Song Dynasty, at least there was no need to worry about the wealthy people taking the water and splashing it abroad. There was no place abroad for them to celebrate the Water Splashing Festival.

Taking a step back and asking who dares to go abroad to celebrate the Water Splashing Festival, Zhao Guangmei can kill his whole family to vent his anger. No one can care whether it is legal or not.

"Furthermore, there are already a lot of abandoned villages around Kaifeng, and it will definitely become more and more serious in the future. If things go on like this, sooner or later it will affect the food security of our Song Dynasty. Farming is the foundation of the country, so some places may It’s true that the court needs to send some money before the people are willing to farm, and that’s the second reason.”

"Of course, these two items are actually not the most important. At least within ten years, these two items will not be considered a crisis. The third issue is the court's control over the grassroots. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the court's most important The basic and most important administrative unit has always been the county. Now that agricultural taxes are no longer collected and the authority of the county government is reduced, the court is actually quite out of control over the grassroots rural areas, which is actually very dangerous."

"The original county government existed for the purpose of collecting money. In order to collect money, there were many county officials. Under layers of corruption, it was easy for the people to be overburdened, land to be annexed, and the officials to force the people to rebel. Waiting for questions, but it is true that all dynasties have been able to barely control the countryside because of this. When they cannot control it, the dynasty will almost reach the middle and late stages."

"Since we in the Song Dynasty are not short of money now, why not just do the opposite? Collecting money can control the grassroots, and giving money can also be done. A county government, and a hundred subordinate officials collecting money may not be enough, but if To distribute money, three or five subordinates should be enough. Only by providing some water to the countryside can the countryside prosper. Therefore, I suggest that based on the land and farming population, for every acre of land, as long as the land is cultivated, a subsidy of two A hundred cents is equivalent to five acres of land. An ordinary small landowner with a hundred acres of land, as long as the land grows food, it will be an additional income of twenty cents a year. Well... it can be considered a small supplement. Right? Even if you are a refugee or a sharecropper, there is a high probability that you will get a bit of a wage increase when you work on a regular basis."

"As for the imperial court, it can make a thorough statistics of the country's existing cultivated land area, yield per mu, planting distribution, population, etc. It is also more convenient to mobilize, and naturally there is no need to worry about the emergence of someone who dominates the countryside. The bandits are heroes. Only when the imperial court truly understands the countryside can it better mobilize forces and formulate more appropriate political and economic plans."

Zhao Kuangyin heard this, although he still frowned, he nodded and said: "What you said does make sense, and no matter what, it is also a good thing, and it can rebuild the county government of the imperial court, but... But I am afraid of this Once the example is opened, the gap cannot be closed. Since you have given it this year, do you want to give it next year? The commercial bank has made a lot of money this year. That is because of the joint-stock reform. Will the commercial bank still make so much money next year? "

Zhao Guangmei said confidently: "This has to be said, the fourth benefit of this strategy."

"And the fourth?"

Zhao Guangmei said proudly: "Let's take Deng County as an example. Although the commercial banks here also occupy a large amount of land, they can't make up for it after all. The commercial banks have formulated a policy of unified purchase and sales, not to mention that there will still be people who secretly buy and sell to break my monopoly. How can the trading house itself have so many people to collect grain? In the end, those landlords still need to cooperate with me, and all the benefits will be earned by them."

To put it bluntly, it is the model of Asan in modern society. In fact, Asan wanted to imitate the Japanese state in implementing unified purchasing, but in the end, it was set at the lowest purchase price. As a result, the court not only made no profit but also suffered a lot of losses, and the farmers also There are no benefits, but the landlord class is extremely rich.

"However, with this financial subsidy, the trading companies can completely let them release water, plant rice, and harvest rice together in the county. They will not be allowed to grow anything other than rice. In this way, the trading companies can only monopolize the rice in this county. It's enough to collect it once, and you know how much you can collect, at least it won't be corrupted too much."

"In this way, if it can be promoted nationwide, starting next year, wherever rice is grown, wheat is grown, cotton is grown, and beans are grown, all will be under the control of our business. We will provide subsidies for planting, and will also be responsible for unified purchasing and marketing. Who wouldn't be willing to cooperate? As long as a strict plan is formulated, not only can the efficiency of agricultural planting be maximized, but the efficiency of harvesting and sales can also be completely controlled by the commercial bank. The commercial bank can also fully and rationally dispatch agricultural resources. As for starting some township enterprises or something, brother, if I could completely control the agricultural production of the entire Song Dynasty, wouldn't I be able to make as much money as I want? No matter how much money I spend, I can make it back as a cost. Ah." To put it bluntly, this is not a matter of money. If agriculture can be completely held in his hands, the life and death of the people across the country will actually be in his hands. For this purpose, no matter how much money is spent, it is worth it. ah.

This is the difference between the Japanese model and the Third Brother model. In fact, even if the court did not have this windfall, the commercial bank would still plan to do this with a loan.

"In this way, commercial banks can make a lot of profits through monopoly, farmers can get subsidies, elder brothers and the court can get the reputation of benevolence, and villagers who have more money can also consume products from factories in the city, and factories have to pay for the products they sell. The imperial court pays taxes, this is really Qin Shihuang eating Sichuan peppercorns, making him numb!!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Kuangyin finally came to a realization.

Let me tell you, when did our third brother ever make a loss-making business?

The two of them didn't understand this aspect of the matter, but they had [-]% trust in Zhao Guangmei. Since Zhao Guangmei said that sending money to the lower levels had these benefits, they believed that there must be.

But I really didn't expect that there are so many ways to this economic way.

It's obviously a matter of spending money, but you can still make money!
This third brother is really so smart, he is simply the reincarnation of the God of Wealth.

After deliberation, Zhao Kuangyin decided that although the merchants and the court would cook in one pot, they would still eat in separate pots. The money would still be paid by the court.

At present, the registered area of ​​cultivated land in the Song Dynasty is less than 3000 million acres. If some hidden fields can be registered, he estimates that it should be [-] million acres. If all the cultivated land is cultivated according to the requirements of the commercial bank, a subsidy of [-] per mu will be provided. Wenqian is nothing more than [-] million yuan.

After doing this calculation, Zhao Kuangyin himself was stunned.

It turns out that 3000 million yuan is enough to handle such a big thing, and this 3000 million yuan is not a pressure at all for the court.

Moreover, Zhao Kuangyin is not stupid. He naturally understands that as the court continues to release money, the money will become richer and richer in the future. Ten years later, these 3000 million may no longer count as money, but the benefits of distributing money downwards are It can be sustained through huge inertia.

Although the imperial court has tried its best to send gold, silver, copper and other precious metals to banknotes as reserves for many years, but... it is of no use. In the past two years, banknotes have completely let themselves go, and metals The currency cannot be anchored at all, and even the reserves of the national treasury are actually getting smaller and smaller year by year.

Because the purity of copper is still slightly insufficient at present, although external wires and so on have been replaced with copper wires, thin silver wires or even thin gold wires are still used to produce the coils of motors.

There's nothing more to say, just do it.

The imperial edict was given to Duanwen Palace, and all the prime ministers were shocked for a while. The next day, the incident was reported in the imperial newspaper and then spread to all state capitals. Within half a month, it was known to all women and children, and everyone in the world knew about it. When I first heard the news, I couldn't believe it. It was impossible.

However, what the Di newspaper said was conclusive, and although the Song Dynasty was founded not long ago, its reputation among the people was really good, so that most ordinary people could not help but be suspicious of it. Zhao Guangmei had long expected this situation, and was afraid of it. Some daring subordinates or big landowners, Li Zheng and others would hide the news and steal the news. They even arranged special official newspaper readers to visit the villages day and night, read newspapers and publicize policies.

As summer came to an end, starting from the Huainan area, some three-crop areas began to be cultivated, and when the imperial subsidies were actually distributed, the entire Song Dynasty fell into a sea of ​​joy.

With thousands of years of history, people have always paid taxes and paid royal grain for farming. This is the first time I heard that people were paid for farming.

Why prosperous?

Although the war is not far away and the country is still divided, at this moment, who can say that the newly opened Song Dynasty is not a prosperous age?
According to reports from the Jinan Prefecture, the portraits, wooden statues, and bronze statues of Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei are all sold out. Even the Buddha statues are not finished. Among the people, there is already a faint trend of deification.

At this moment, anyone with a sane mind can see that the Song Dynasty has become so impregnable that it has won the hearts and minds of the people. All the monsters and monsters are nothing but chickens and dogs in the face of this 3000 million yuan subsidy, and they are vulnerable.

In such a grand and prosperous era, even if there are still some flaws, who would care?
Cao Bin, just care.

Just when the world was like a raging fire cooking oil, and the world of Zhao and Song Dynasty was flourishing, Cao Bin once again rode his horse and rushed towards Chanzhou with his entourage.

What even Zhao Guangmei didn't know was that Cao Bin went to Chanzhou eight times in two months!

(End of this chapter)

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