Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 221 The stones in the latrine are smelly and hard

Chapter 221 The stones in the latrine are smelly and hard

When Cao Bin said this at the reception banquet, he was simply trying to force him into the palace. Unfortunately, Zhao Guangmei could only remain silent and could not respond at all.

Du Shenzhao was his uncle. Not to mention that it was impossible for him to criticize his uncle. Considering the situation in the Song Dynasty and Zhao Kuangyin's filial piety, it was impossible to blame his uncle for such a trivial matter.

Besides, their uncle doesn't have much ability. He uses his status all day long to act arrogant, but fortunately he doesn't cause trouble. Giving him the title of magistrate is to put it bluntly, let him go and become a local emperor. In fact, It is completely different from Wang Jixun's important position, which is entrusted with the important responsibilities of the three yamen. It is essentially a kind of filial piety, which allows him to enjoy the common people in the house. At the same time, he is happy to leave the capital without so many rules.

There is really no need for this person to be corrupt, or even if he is corrupt, he will definitely not take advantage of the people. How many high-ranking officials in Beijing want to visit this uncle have not been able to find a way, and he has no need to offend the common people. money.

However, there must still be some people who live a lavish and corrupt life without taking care of government affairs. If there is something like robbing civilian girls and bullying good people, that is also possible, but there is a high probability that he will not be able to find out about judicial corruption. body, because he doesn't care about any government affairs at all.

People become magistrates here to enjoy peace and happiness, not to serve as public servants of the people.

Therefore, the real actual manager of this government should be the judge Yao Shu. In fact, if you really want to investigate, you can bypass Du Shenzhao. In other words, no matter what problems Du Shenzhao has, it is also a normal idea to blame them all on Yao Shu.

But the problem is that Yao Shu can't be easily touched. He is Zhao Guangyi's man, and he is not an ordinary member of the Qi King's party. This person was once the official of the Kaifeng Mansion. Zhao Guangyi's confidant is his right-hand man.

When people go to work as judges, they go there for gold. After working all over the world and gaining so-called local experience, they can return to Kaifeng at any time and continue to work for Zhao Guangyi, and they must be appointed as ministers with real power in the Sixth Ministry. If you touch him, that's it. Falling out with Zhao Guangyi.

Although the two brothers have always had political differences, in fact, the scale of their struggle has always been different, and it has never involved such an intimate area. It seems that if Zhao Guangyi reaches out to Sun Liancheng, he will definitely not be able to stand it. .

He and Zhao Guangyi seemed to be in tit-for-tat, but in fact they were working together tacitly. It was really not worth it to fall out for a little Yao Shu, and Yao Shu didn't do anything heinous. Judge, even if you have committed any sins, it is not a big deal.

So, eat the food.

Do whatever you want, it's just a Chanzhou Prefecture. For the sake of my uncle and my second brother, I just don't care.

Seeing this, Cao Bin was obviously a little disappointed. Throughout the so-called reception banquet, he, the protagonist, was obviously a little unhappy, which also left a big stain on this massive anti-corruption campaign.

After a while, Sun Liancheng came over and toasted: "Brother Cao has a noble character, and I always admire him. But today's incident, as a friend, I can't help but want to remind you, are you too reckless? This errand is not for you." It's going well, if you relax a little bit, you'll be able to feel more at ease, otherwise, you're still going to be pissed to death?"

As he said that, he took out wine and poured it into Cao Bin's glass, and said: "Have you heard that the queen and the prince are going to set up the west factory and the inner factory. In all dynasties, I am afraid that there will never be any more anti-corruption than our Song Dynasty." Things are managed so strictly, which may seem like a bad thing to you, but is actually a great good thing. At this time, it will be detrimental to you to cause extraneous matters."

The establishment of the West Factory and the Inner Factory seems to be to divide Cao Bin's authority, but in fact, the decentralization of power still depends on who divides it. The eunuchs and women in the harem are completely different from the court officials. , so in fact, no matter what happens in the future, the courtiers will have no way to talk to the inner court. They can only go to Cao Bin. After all, the inner court has limited manpower. It is okay to reluctantly exercise the power of supervision, but it is impossible to do things. , and can only rely on Cao Bin.

Cao Bin didn't have the time to think about this matter, but said: "Every official in the court knows the quality of my uncle. However, Chanzhou is an important town after all. The official family, if your highness wants to be filial to your uncle, you can take care of him." In Kaifeng or Luoyang, if he is given a mansion, beautiful maids, gold, silver and jewels, even if he sings and dances every night, it is just a family matter of Zhao and Du. It has nothing to do with the court or the people. Anyway, the court and the merchants are rich now. This If the money comes from the dividends of the trading company, it is even more natural. Even if he throws gold leaves into the river for fun, no one in the world can control him, but why should he be allowed to go out to be a prefect? ​​Officials I am filial to Your Highness, but why should the people of Chanzhou be held accountable?"

Sun Liancheng frowned and said, "That's a bit too much, isn't it? It's not like Uncle Guo was ruthless in Chanzhou, and it's not like the officials and His Highness didn't know the actual situation, so he sent Yao Shu to be the judge."

Unexpectedly, Cao Bin shook his head and said: "According to Dongchang's investigation, Chanzhou is at least the state with the most serious corruption and law-breaking problems among the two capitals. Uncle Guo did not embezzle money from Chanzhou. I believe it, but Chanzhou What about the officials at the top and lower levels? How can these people still be polite when they plunder the people's fat and anointed people because they have the uncle above their heads? Even if they do everything they can, they still firmly believe that they have the uncle above their heads to protect them, and they are not greedy for money. , but all the officials became greedy because of him, and the people died because of greed, isn't this a sin?"

Sun Liancheng was frightened and had to say quickly: " Cao, please keep your voice down, don't let His Highness hear it again. I beg you, today is a great day, please don't It made His Highness angry."

"If we can depose Yao Shu, we will naturally be able to warn everyone in the Chanzhou Prefecture. Unfortunately... ah~, I won't give up. It's just that Your Highness, there is still some disagreement this time, which leads to You can’t compete for all the credit.”

Sun Liancheng said quickly: "Drink, drink, brother, you really dare to say anything. How many ounces of wine did you drink like this? Yao Shu was the former official of Kaifeng Mansion, can he move?" It’s not a big deal.”

You know, Sun Liancheng's current position is also promoted by Kaifeng Mansion, and if nothing unexpected happens, Zhao Guangyi will be the Yin of Henan Province in a while and will be fully responsible for the specific construction work of Luoyang. His close assistants in Kaifeng All will be taken away, and the position of Kaifeng Prefecture Yin will fall on Zhao Guangmei's head.

And Zhao Guangmei is so busy on weekdays and has so many real big things to deal with, wouldn't the general affairs of Kaifeng Mansion still have to fall on him? To put it bluntly, his tomorrow is Yao Shu's yesterday, no matter which way you look at it. , Yao Shu is similar to him.

Originally, this movement was coming to an end, but if a major case against Yao Shu were really launched at this time, who knows if it would involve Shi Xizai, Song Qi and others, then these two brothers would probably die. Li Dou, if you are in the first grade of junior high school, and others will be in the fifteenth grade, then they will definitely do it themselves.

So he hurriedly said: "Brother Cao, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. That's enough. Besides, when this matter is over, let's talk to His Highness and find a way to transfer Uncle Guo and Yao Shu before we go. It is not impossible to deal with the corruption and abuse of law issues in Chanzhou. I know that Brother Cao, you are upright, honest and self-responsible. Both the officials and His Highness have great trust in you. But after all, you are in the officialdom. You can't just ignore the world's wisdom, right?"

Upon hearing this, Cao Bin glanced at Sun Liancheng with disdain, and whispered while drinking: "Brother Sun, as the saying goes, you are not afraid of the shadow when you are upright. You must have something evil in your heart." "You... don't be messy. Say, what can I do?"

"That's good. You defend Yao Shu so much. I thought you were colluding with him when you were an official in Kaifeng Prefecture. If one day I really find out that you are involved in corruption and fraud, I will definitely investigate and arrest you. Even your Highness can't stop you."


Sun Liancheng could be said to have a hot face but a cold butt. He couldn't help but feel a little angry for a while, but he still took a deep breath and said: "You know, people like me and Yao Shu, who follow the two highnesses respectively, have a bright future. There is no reason to embezzle people's wealth or national funds and cause trouble for His Highness. Besides, I used to be the largest silk merchant in Kaifeng City, so how could I be greedy for money?"

Cao Bin nodded upon hearing this, indicating that he recognized his statement.

"However, when you are an official, you have to do things, and to do things, you have to use people. No one is a god. Who can guarantee that the people under his command are clean? Besides, if they are just clean, what is the use? In this world, there is no one who is both honest and capable. Of course officials are the best, but how many such people are there? One who is greedy and capable, or one who is honest but does no good. Which one do you think is more useful? As long as you do things, it is inevitable that the hands and feet of the people below will be unclean. , it’s inevitable that there will be mud spots splashing on the trouser legs, don’t you think so?”

In fact, this has become a fixed excuse for corrupt officials. Almost every corrupt official will use this excuse when he falls into the court. Cao Bin has listened to similar arguments since he worked in Dongchang. He didn't even look at Sun Liancheng, nor did he bother to argue with him about this.

Besides, he couldn't tell the difference between getting into the water himself and having his trousers splashed with mud.

Seeing that Cao Bin didn't reply, Sun Liancheng angrily ignored him and lowered his head to eat. However, while eating, he still couldn't help but raised his head and said:
"I know your intentions are good, but after all, you are not in a real military position now. You have to take into account the overall situation when doing things. What is the overall situation? The implementation of the New Deal is the real overall situation of our Song Dynasty, and it is the top priority of His Highness."

"Chanzhou is an important town and an important transit point for the trade between Song and Liao. Goods are transported here by water. To the west, you can go to Taiyuan and even communicate with Dangxiang people. To the north, you can enter Hebei. Even merchants from the Liao Kingdom are here. People gather here, and what about Kaifeng? Yao Shu has been an official in Kaifeng for many years, do you still want to go to Kaifeng to investigate?"

"Let's just talk about Kaifeng Mansion. In fact, everyone knows that there must be filth and evil in it. Do you know how much money a mere petty official in Kaifeng Mansion has to deal with every day? You don't know, under the New Deal, , do you know how much cement, steel, and red bricks are burned in Kaifeng every day, how many new companies are established every day, and how many new urban residents are added? You don’t know anything, but you only know how to fight against corruption. If everyone is arrested, who will do the work? What about the New Deal? You made King Qi anxious because of this matter, and King Qi will come back with revenge. By then, let alone the New Deal, nothing will be done. You... how much do you think about it? Can one floor be used? This is where the overall situation comes first!"

What he said was just to make it clear that he was related to Yao Shu, and that the corruption at the lower levels of Kaifeng Mansion was all related to Yao Shu.

In fact, it is already clear that Cao Bin's investigation of Yao Shu will inevitably lead to Zhao Guangyi and his family being dissatisfied with him. His current position is also a promotion official in Kaifeng Mansion, and everyone in the Kaifeng Mansion will definitely make him uncomfortable.

And if Yao Shu was really punished and abandoned his official position, then in all likelihood, Sun Liancheng was also inseparable from it, and he would also be punished.

When Cao Bin heard this, he really shook the wine in the goblet and whispered to him: "Have you read The Journey to the West of the Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Of course, His Highness personally participated in the guidance of the current version."

"In Journey to the West, all the fairies without backgrounds were killed, while all the fairies with backgrounds were picked up."


"Yao Shu and Uncle Guo, in my opinion, are the kind of monsters with backgrounds. If it were normal, maybe I wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to this Chanzhou matter and then take a closer look at it, but now it's a movement , it’s Saofeng, some things in Chanzhou have gone too far and cannot be hidden. What will the people in the world think? They will think that our Song Dynasty is the same as the Tang Dynasty , people all over the world will think that they were arrested and punished because they had no background rather than because they did something wrong. The New Deal is important, but the success or failure of the New Deal never depends on what it can accomplish at the moment. If it cannot be swept away at the beginning Qing Huanyu, as you said, even intentionally covers up evil and indulges corruption. Can such a new policy be sustainable? Isn't this movement just a joke? Evil is evil, there is no difference between big and small. I work for a commercial bank, it's Exercising the power of supervision for thousands of shareholders who have shares in the company must not be tolerated."

After saying that, Cao Bin lowered his head to eat and ignored him.

He specifically mentioned that he exercised the power of supervision on behalf of shareholders, which means that his East Factory is not within the imperial system and is only responsible to shareholders. The members work from the bottom up. So it is useless for you to tell me that the overall situation is the most important thing. .

It even further clarified that he would continue to target Chanzhou, Yao Shu, and even Guojiu. In principle, Cao Bin's autonomy was not given by Zhao Guangmei. If he insisted on doing it, even Zhao Guangmei would Nothing can be stopped.

Sun Liancheng was upset. Although it was not a quarrel, he already resented Cao Bin's empty talk and high-profile behavior. He immediately started eating. No more words were spoken.

In the distance, although it was impossible for Zhao Guangmei to hear what the two of them were talking about, he could make a guess based on their expressions. When he saw that both of them were crying and starting to eat, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, knowing that his This pair of right and left hands have broken down.

Feeling bad.

(End of this chapter)

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