Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 216 Impeachment, conflict, murder

Chapter 216 Impeachment, conflict, murder

Even if Zhao Guangmei didn't listen to the so-called three-chapter agreement, he could almost know what was going on, and even make a rough guess.

It is nothing more than control level, control influence, and control scale.

For example, people above the prefect level will not be investigated, no pursuit will be made after three years, no investigation will be carried out if the capital officials are implicated, and so on.

In fact, this is quite a normal political demand. Anti-corruption targets a small number of bad apples. The purpose is to prevent the entire system from degenerating and eventually collapsing the entire system.

There is no reason why a special girl would uproot the entire system just because of anti-corruption, right?If this official is so miserable, who would be willing to give him a job for their Da Song?
However, this time, Zhao Guangmei was obviously really stimulated. She didn't even bother to listen to Zhao Guangyi's persuasion, but insisted on going her own way, going her own way to the end, closing the door and letting Cao Bin go.

The national treasury is full, banknotes have just been issued, there is at least a lot of credit limit, the army is loyal, and the people are at home. If we don’t clean up the civilian clique now, when will we wait?

The good thing about the founder of a country is this. As long as the money bag and gun barrel are in his own hands, it really doesn't matter.Zhu Yuanzhang's killing of tens of thousands of people did not delay the Ming Dynasty's reign.

The reason why the Song Dynasty suffered a bad fate was because Zhao Kuangyin, the founder of the country, killed too few people!
But Zhao Guangyi choked so hard that he finally had to say bitterly: "Third brother, if you insist on having your own way, then don't blame your second brother and me. I have to go against you again this time, even against me." So cruel."


Politics requires a balance. Currently, the representative of the civil service group stands opposite Zhao Guangmei. This is Zhao Guangyi's political stance. The Song Dynasty also needs Zhao Guangyi to balance Zhao Guangmei, and even Zhao Guangmei himself will be happy to see it happen.

No matter how much they fight, they are still brothers from the same mother. It is better than those civil servants pushing out an outsider on their own, or even working together to rebel.

This time Zhao Guangmei's attack range was too large. Naturally, Zhao Guangyi was completely confused and didn't understand what was going on and was pushed to the forefront. He was so confused that he had to fight Zhao Guangmei.

Even Zhao Guangyi knew very well that this might really be the last battle between him and Zhao Guangmei.

If the civil servants in the world are really reshuffled because of this, or even replaced by Zhao Guangmei's people, it is hard to say whether the world will be in chaos. Zhao Guangyi and even the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty will really have nothing to say in the future.

As a result, Zhao Guangyi could only wave his sleeves and walk away after saying half a sentence.

The next day, Zhao Kuangyin ordered Zhao Guangmei to take the lead in a strict investigation of the criminal case. Officials from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and other criminal officials wrote letters and complained collectively, saying that they were waiting for discussion of the crime. They had obviously been prepared for it.

Even the Yushitai was in a state of turmoil and became silent on this matter. For such a big thing, she actually said nothing. Although she was at work, she was like a walking zombie. However, she was a rare clear and turbid woman. Mixed up.

It was clear that he wanted to give Zhao Guangmei and even Zhao Kuangyin a show of strength.

This is actually a big deal. To achieve this, Zhao Guangmei, a member of the civil service group, was clearly trying to make further progress, and finally fought back out of tolerance.

Although local officials have not explicitly written objections, your butcher knives are all gathering up and aiming at people's necks. Will people really willingly wait for death?If they really wrote a letter to defend themselves, even if it was just sophistry, it would not be serious. At least it meant that those local officials were still trying to save their lives through legal and compliant methods within the system.

But now that no one has reacted, it clearly means that everyone believes that Zhao Guangmei will not give them a way to survive. They have simply given up legal means and gone straight to the death net.

Another day later, a Kaifeng Prefecture official named Song Qi took the initiative to write to the court, accusing the King of Qin Zhao Guangmei of his evil deeds and impeaching him for betraying his official position, colluding with foreign bandits, and treason!

Zhao Guangmei laughed out loud when she heard about this.

It's not that outrageous. After all, Zhao Guangmei is the emperor's younger brother and the crown prince of the country, nothing more. Where did Litong's betrayal come from?
Am I selling myself?

It goes without saying that this refers to nothing more than those matters related to the cooperation between Song and Liao. After all, if Zhao Guangmei had done these things in the Ming Dynasty, he might have been knocked down as a traitor just for mentioning them, let alone doing them. On the ground.

As the saying goes, as long as I am left-wing, everyone else will be right, and as long as I am right-wing, everyone else will be left. Zhao Guangmei never expected that this set of politically correct tactics would one day catch on to her.

And I have to say that the second brother was such a good choice that Zhao Guangmei was not even able to deal with him.

Because this Song Qi is from Yiyan!

When Shi Jingtang ceded the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, there was a group of people who would rather die than be slaves to the country. They chose to run away from the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, abandoning their families and careers. They would rather be beggars in the plains than become the powerful men of Yanyun.

This Song Qi is such a person.

Objectively speaking, such people are really rare, because there is a saying that the Liao people are generally good to the Han people. On the contrary, the people in the Central Plains are in dire straits due to endless wars and other reasons. Even in Chai Rong's era, Chai Rong's Yingming Shenwu was also founded on the premise of imposing heavy taxes on the people in Hebei to maintain military supplies. Many people would drag their families and families to go to Yanyun to become slaves of the country.

In any era, rebels are worthy of respect.

In other words, given his identity, when he mentioned this matter, he naturally stood for absolute political correctness.Zhao Guangmei also had to admit that he was a noble person. His position must be that Song and Liao were not independent, and the king's industry was not partisan. It was useless to tell him about national strategy. It was right to go in the direction of the scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty.

In front of this noble superior, he conspired with Xiao Siwen, released the Emperor of Liao, and even gave interest-free loans to Liao to help Liao build roads. These actions were... he seemed to be a bit of a traitor.
This is not to clean up yourself, it is purely to disgust yourself!

How did this person become an official in Kaifeng Prefecture?
Could it be that the second brother specially recruited him just to make him feel sick?
And since Zhao Guangmei had no move or move against Song Qi, under this banner of absolute political correctness, all the officials naturally followed suit and soon aimed their guns at Xiao Chuo. and her child Xiao Feng.

Well, Xiao Chuo's child's surname was Xiao. Although the whole world knew that he was Zhao Guangmei's son, they had to give the child's surname Xiao, and they had to say that the child was a Khitan. Zhao Guangmei also had a big quarrel with her over this.

Then he asked whether he had any blood moves, and finally sighed and said, OK, if you say your surname is Xiao, let it be Xiao, and then gave him the name Xiao Feng, which can be regarded as repaying some expectations for him.

As for whether this child will become a bridge of communication and friendship between Song and Liao in the future, or whether he will be blocked from both sides and killed by his political stance like the Xiao Feng in his impression, then... we can only see the current situation at that time. .

This poor kid has such a fate.

But Zhao Guangmei originally thought that this child would have to be 20 years old before encountering the first hurdle in life. Unexpectedly, this child was just one month old and was taken care of.

Within a few days, all the quarrels and quarrels in the court were directed at Xiao Chuo and the child.

In fact, they shouldn't go too far with Xiao Chuo. His identity and the court's overall strategy for Liao were laid out there, so that most of the artillery fire was really directed at the child who had just turned one month old.

Everyone knew that Xiao Feng was his son, but there were indeed many courtiers who were trying to prove the innocence of the King of Qin, asking Xiao Chuo to find a father for the child quickly, or simply send him back to the Liao Kingdom, or even advocate killing the child. of.

Then he pretended that it was for the benefit of His Highness the King of Qin, and that he wanted to draw a clear line between His Highness the King of Qin and even the Royal Commercial Bank of the Song Dynasty and the Commercial Bank of the Liao Kingdom.

I heard that many "ignorant people" had surrounded the Liao embassy, ​​shouting slogans for the Khitans to get out of the Song Dynasty and sabotaging national policies. Some even shouted to kill the bastards.

I can’t tell whether these “ignorant masses” are really stupid or really bad.

But Zhao Guangmei, who didn't want to pay attention to them, finally broke through.

That girl Xiao Chuo can really do anything. What if she really takes the child back in anger, or even finds a man to marry and find a stepfather for the child? What will happen?
After hearing the news, Zhao Guangmei quickly rode a fast horse and took her bodyguard to the Liao Embassy in person.

What Zhao Guangmei didn't know was that Xiao Chuo had already shocked these so-called "patriotic masses" before he received the news.

A female prostitute actually came out while nursing her child, and stood on a high platform in a majestic manner, overlooking the people.

Then with a wave of his hand, two hundred Liao soldiers rushed out, half of them guarding her, and the other half simply moved in reverse to surround the troublemaker.He didn't even bother to explain to these unruly people, and directly ordered: "This place is the embassy, ​​and it is regarded as the territory of Daliao. Anyone who dares to attack the envoy will be regarded as provoking Daliao and will be killed without mercy! Everyone, please say whatever you want. What, I am happy to give birth to a child out of wedlock, but I am a barbarian, so the humiliation of you being a slut will not befall me."

After saying that, he looked at them with a sneer.

Some wise man suddenly shouted: "This is the Song Dynasty. If you don't believe it, he really dares to kill people! Khitan barbarians, get out of Kaifeng!"

As he said that, he suddenly punched the Khitan soldier next to him in the face.

Of course, this group of people did not have weapons, and they didn't even pick up rocks. Essentially, they were just here to cause trouble and disgust Zhao Guangmei.

But Xiao Chuo was seen coaxing the child and yelling: "I, the warrior of Daliao, don't dare to kill people in my own territory?"

Then, the knife was raised and the head of the troublemaker fell to the ground.

"She...she really dares to kill people!"

"Fight them!"

"Yes, fight with them!"

"This is Kaifeng! Why do the Khitans kill people in Kaifeng?"

"My defeated general, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

Some smart people shouted slogans and silently withdrew from the crowd. However, there were still some people who may have been smart, but they were so enthusiastic that they actually beat those Liao soldiers with their bare hands.

Will the Liao soldiers spoil you?

In just a few moments, the long street was stained with blood, and a total of 18 Song people were killed before finally killing these troublemakers.

Then the patrol battalion arrived.

The scene turned into a confrontation between the two counties of Song and Liao.

At this moment, the soldiers in the patrol camp were also stunned.

After all, anti-Liao sentiment is still very high in the military camp. No matter who takes the blame, the Khitan people dare to kill people of the Song Dynasty in broad daylight in Kaifeng. As soldiers, they are really It's hard not to get angry.

But on the other side, they are actually not stupid. They all know that these people are drunkards who are not interested in drinking. They are here for His Highness the King of Qin, and they represent the civil servant group behind them.

As a soldier, wouldn't it be stupid to help the civil service group deal with His Highness the King of Qin and the Royal Commercial Bank?
As a result, these patrol battalions were immediately stagnant. It seemed impossible to withdraw like this, but it seemed impossible to take action against these Liao troops.

We are really in a dilemma, we can neither advance nor retreat.

He could only bite the bullet and said: "The people of the Song Dynasty did do something wrong in this incident. However, after all, they did not carry weapons and were unarmed. Why did the Liao envoys kill people? In any case, these 18 lives of the Song people were still alive. Please give me an explanation, Liao Envoy."

I really said it bravely, but the subtext is that I hope Xiao Chuo can push out a few murderers and hold a public trial. To put it bluntly, it is just a kick in the pants. There are too many such things in politics. It is a trouble that cannot be solved. , as long as a few more departments are involved and everyone kicks the ball around, the ball will be gone.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chuo didn't follow the routine at all. He held the child in one hand and breastfed him, and pulled out a scimitar with the other hand. Without saying a word, he cut off one of his fingers with a click and threw it out.

"Whoever kills must pay with his life. However, as an envoy of Liao, I shoulder the responsibility of the diplomatic relations between the two countries and dare not take death lightly. We, Daliao, have always had the tradition of replacing life with our hands. I will keep these fingers with you first, and I will give you the right to do so." my life."



This is what Zhao Guangmei saw after arriving.

But he couldn't help but yell: "What's wrong with the women in your Shulu Department? Why do you like to cut off your own hands so much! Why the hell are you going to cut off other people's hands!"

As he spoke, he turned over and dismounted, and quickly stepped forward to pick up the finger, not caring about the quarrel with her beforehand.

"Are you sick? Do you think you are Shuluping?"

Seeing Zhao Guangmei coming, everyone in the patrol camp suddenly felt their heads grow heavy. They all knelt on the ground with a wry smile, knowing that today's job was a complete failure.

Xiao Chuo sneered and said, "This is the matter of our Liao Kingdom and has nothing to do with King Qin, so I won't worry about it."

Obviously, he was still angry with Zhao Guangmei.

"You are farting here, and you and I don't care. How can I care about the child? This is my son."

After saying that, he stepped forward, snatched the child and held it in his arms, saying: "This is my eldest son. Who the hell wants to touch my son? This son is my gift to the Liao Kingdom. His surname is Xiao, and he is a Khitan." Yes, I’m so happy, what’s wrong?”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and they were speechless for a moment.

In fact, everyone in the world knew that this was his son, but they were just pretending not to know.

One is a descendant of the Liao Dynasty, the other is the crown prince of the Song Dynasty, and has a son out of wedlock. The most important thing is that his surname is Xiao and he is a Khitan. How can he admit this?Now that you've admitted it, why don't you go to the palace and the palace?

On the side, Xiao Chuo was obviously stunned. He stared blankly at Zhao Guangmei, who was holding the child in front of him, but he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he said angrily: "Can you speak? I have never heard of giving a child as a gift."

"Give it to me if you want. I still want his surname to be Zhao."

"Bah! I never heard that you can get something back if you give it away."

But he whispered: "The so-called collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country among the charges that Song Qi impeached you is purely to disgust you and divert your attention. If my prediction is correct, the four words "selling one's official position and conferring a title" are really used against you. Although you have never done anything like this, can you guarantee that there is no such thing in the business?"

"Well, I know, thanks."

But Xiao Chuo suddenly showed an extremely enthusiastic smile on his face, and said to the people below who were all watching the excitement as if they were stupid: "I am happy today. For the sake of friendship between Song and Liao, anyone who orders horses from my business today, [-]% off sale!”

Then, the Liao trading house was surrounded again throughout the next day.

As for the eighteen people who died in vain, no one cares about them anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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