Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 205 Don't Compassion Command Soldiers?

Chapter 205 Don't Compassion Command Soldiers?

As soon as the news of Yu Jia's personal expedition came out, the Song Dynasty was naturally excited. For so many years, the two brothers have instilled national hatred and performed the history of the Five Dynasties. Especially now that everyone is exchanging military achievements for shares, they have long wanted to Have sex with the Khitans.

There has always been an unwritten rule within the Song Army, that is, only the military exploits against the Khitans are the real military exploits, and every one of them counts. As for the Hou Shu, Southern Tang, and Southern Han, they are just adding to the ante and bullying the old man. What does it mean to be weak, sick, and disabled?

What's more, this is a personal expedition by the imperial commander, and the King of Qin is actually accompanying him, as if he is going all-or-nothing. Who doesn't want to show off?To be honest, since both the officials and the King of Qin have come out with the army, even if Kaifeng City is stolen by the Liao army, it will not be a big deal. The Song Dynasty will still be the same Song Dynasty. No.

It was the first time for many recruits to participate in such a large-scale war of [-] people. Well... In fact, this was the first large-scale war since the founding of the Song Dynasty.

Previously, they destroyed three countries in one go, but in fact, none of them had more than [-] troops. Moreover, the border troops used more and the forbidden troops used less. In other words, all the country-destroying battles fought by the Song Army since the founding of the country did not use military forces. The main force, the Song Dynasty has always had one and only one opponent, and that is the Khitan.

As a de facto new recruit, Zhao Guangmei was naturally very nervous, especially since the eldest brother actually asked him to march independently and handed over all the Tielin Army, Tiger Wing Army, Dragon Guard, Tianwu Army, and Carved Face Army to him. If the commander wants him to lead the marching army, Zhao Guangmei will not be able to control it directly.

Four armies and eight compartments!The nearly [-]-strong Forbidden Army, plus the Carved Face Army, were all given to him as a new recruit. He was not even given a camp deployment or a military supervisor.

Of course, it is nonsense to send him a military supervisor. During this expedition, no one gave Zhao Guangmei a chance to reform the supervisory system of the Song Dynasty.

He has to know it too!
To be honest, he thought that this time he would simply accompany Zhao Kuangyin in the military expedition, listening, watching and learning like a little staff officer. How could he have thought that he would be leading the way alone? See what Zhao Kuangyin meant. After defeating Fengxiang, he had to divide his forces with him.

There is quite a feeling of being alone and helpless, considering that he did not even have a serious personal army before.

Then this situation didn't bother him for long. When the trading company heard that His Highness King Qin was going to the battlefield and was leading the army independently, a bunch of shareholders started to use their remaining energy.

So although he has no personal soldiers now, his staff team is extremely large and luxurious, including: Shi Shouxin, Zhang Lingduo, Wang Shenqi, Bai Chongzan, Wu Xingde, and so on.

To put it bluntly, they are all shareholders of the trading company. All of them have been military governors and veterans of many years of military campaigns. Even when they heard that he was going to go on an expedition, even Fu Yanqing and Li Jun tried to retire with him and re-employ him, and stay with him. He served as a staff officer. Zhao Guangmei was really afraid that the two old men, Wang Suijun, would accidentally die on the road, so she refused to agree to anything.

Moreover, the two veteran generals and a few who were not able to come due to physical inconvenience. Although they did not come, the old troops were all recruited by him. They were all their former personal guards, and now they have all been assigned to the trading company. Each of the branches below has set up supervisory posts and even management posts. When they heard that they were going to fight the Khitans and serve as soldiers for the King of Qin, everyone was extremely enthusiastic. No one asked for pay at all. They brought their own rations, armor, weapons and horses. He was asked to report, and with just one breath, the size of Zhao Guangmei's personal guards reached more than 2000 people!

Moreover, there are almost no fake ones, and the quality is frighteningly high. To put it bluntly, if you compete with Zhao Kuangyin's Yulong Squad in terms of quality, you will win nine out of ten times.

Although they all retired with the generals, most of them are actually in their prime. After all, Shi Shouxin is only in his early thirties this year, and his father-in-law is only over 40. He cannot be called an old man in any case.

Zhao Kuangyin also asked him, would it affect the operation of the business bank if so many middle-level positions were taken out to serve as your personal soldiers?Zhao Guangmei had no choice but to answer truthfully. Without these bosses dictating things in the business bank, the efficiency would almost double, and it might even be possible to turn a profit.

Zhao Kuangyin was speechless.

At least [-]% of the reason why internal corruption in commercial banks was repeatedly banned, which made Cao Bin feel so worried, was their fault, but this was a problem that even Zhao Guangmei couldn't solve.

He is a novice who knows almost nothing, and he has almost twenty staff members who know everything and more than 2000 personal guards who are loyal to him, but he himself hardly knows any of them. The commander is not familiar with him at all, and even the middle-level There were nearly [-] troops that officials could not fully recognize.

In addition, there are still some people who voluntarily want to follow Zhao Guangmei. The old and new armies directly under the trading company are half of them children of high-ranking cadres and half of them are retired soldiers. In total, there are nearly 2000 people who are willing to listen to his orders and are loyal. Those who voluntarily become The supervisory team, the combat team, and the gendarmerie are all better than personal guards. I don’t know why they are so willing to go to the battlefield?
With this strange combination, even he didn't know whether he should have confidence or not.

No, even before they left the border, those directly affiliated to the trading houses had captured seventy or eighty carved-faced soldiers who did not abide by military discipline.

That is to say, they are prisoners, also known as "hero-killing soldiers". To put it bluntly, they are all death squads. They are all serious criminals with carved faces like Lin Chong and Song Jiang. All these people do on the battlefield. The job of a death squad is to fight the hardest battles with the worst equipment. If one out of ten people can come back alive, it is an eye-opener for God.

Forget about military discipline for such an evil boy with a carved face. According to the rules of the Five Dynasties, soldiers who kill heroes must be arrogant for three days before going on an expedition. Usually, they are allowed or acquiesced to rape women. Sometimes the general will even lead them to find , I will kick down the door of whose daughter is beautiful.

After all, a person is about to die, why can't he let others indulge in some indulgence before he dies?Historically, this matter was stopped only in the middle and later stages of Zhao Kuangyin's reign, but in fact it was not stopped completely.

As a result, this matter naturally became the first test Zhao Guangmei faced during his march.

Because Zhao Guangmei also found that there was nothing he could do against these heroic warriors.

behead?You are not afraid of others even if you behead your head. You would not be able to survive in the first place. You will die sooner or later. This is true, the people are not afraid of death.

Give money?What's the point of asking for money? I only have half of my body left to enjoy and enjoy myself before I die.

Can you do it without them?In fact, it's not possible. The quality of the imperial guards in the early Song Dynasty was too high. They all grew up in military camps. It would be no problem to pick one out and let him become a general in other dynasties. Everyone can know the formation diagrams and landscape diagrams. , don’t fool anyone.

In some positions, there is a near-death risk. Everyone can see it. There are also decoy soldiers and rear-end soldiers. You can't fool anyone. Everyone is hiding. It's really impossible not to fill the hole with these special cannon fodder.

So Zhao Guangmei looked at the twenty people in front of her who were caught for raping women, but all of them looked indifferent, and even felt that this was what they deserved. She was extremely embarrassed for a moment.

"Your Highness, the official has asked you to take care of these scum. This is a test for you." Shi Shouxin said from the side.

"I fucking know." As he said that, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but put her fingers in her hair.

Zhao Kuangyin's intention of asking him to take care of this matter is very simple, and it is not difficult to guess. To put it bluntly, Zhao Guangmei is a bit of an idealist, in other words, he is too kind.

Although he also understands that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, but he has always insisted that corruption must be countered. Among all the talents around him, Cao Bin has always been the only one. This first good general of the Song Dynasty who cannot fight is better than the original one. The Northern Song Dynasty received more attention in history.

In short, although he always keeps saying that he is not a good person and always talks about being kind but not capable of fighting, in fact, he is really a good person overall.

But the problem is that a good man cannot be a good emperor.

Although he always said the words "ci does not command soldiers", he didn't really understand the meaning of these four words. No, he was assigned to lead the warriors who killed the heroes.

What was tested was not only his level and method of handling things, but also his understanding of the four words "kindness but not control of soldiers".

Historically, Zhao Kuangyin only started to intervene in the matter of beheading military soldiers in the middle period of his reign. When interrogating, Zhao Kuangyin also said, oh my, is there such a terrible thing in this world?I don't even know.

This is pure bullshit. He is not an ordinary emperor who was raised in the hands of a woman in the palace. He grew up in a military camp and worked step by step from an ordinary soldier to a first-class soldier and then wore a yellow robe. Even this kind of five-generation emperor If you don’t know the traditional hidden rules, who will believe them?
When Zhao Kuangyin became emperor, he actually did a lot of such extremely hypocritical things.

But his own humanity is actually benevolence and righteousness, not fake.

After all, how many ordinary people can understand the meaning of these four words: kindness does not control soldiers?
After all, the Forbidden Army of the Northern Song Dynasty was a feudal army. If the commander dared to assign fatal tasks to the soldiers, the soldiers would actually mutiny on the spot. This was something he had no choice about.

So Zhao Kuangyin wanted to see if Zhao Guangmei had any way. If not, learning hypocrisy in such a painful way would not be a kind of growth for a prince.

Then, that was it, Zhao Guangmei was so worried that she started pulling her hair out.

Still Shi Shouxin said: "It's not that there is no solution to this matter. Just pretend you don't know and just hand them over to me and get me some money. I'll go and solve the matter."

"伱? How do you solve it?"

"Not far ahead is Jingzhao Mansion. I will take them to Jingzhao Mansion to find some beautiful girls. After a few nights of reveling and enjoying life, I think the resentment in their hearts will be relieved. This way , although I spent some money, at least I didn’t ruin my beloved, and besides, that promiscuous woman is at least much more sexy than my beloved.”

When everyone heard this, they all nodded. They all felt that this strategy was the best solution to get the best of both worlds. Money, the last thing they lacked was money. Problems that money could solve were actually not problems for Zhao Guangmei. At worst, I'll give you some more.

Unexpectedly, after Zhao Guangmei thought about it for a long time, he shook his head and said: "This strategy is inappropriate. There are more than [-] soldiers in this army. Even if there are two envoys, you will find at least [-] Fengchen women for them. But Where did you go to find so many prostitutes? Are you familiar with them in Jingzhao Mansion? How many prostitutes are there in Jingzhao Mansion? Furthermore, when did prostitutes become a legal matter?"

"This...Actually, you can go to the local officials..." Halfway through, seeing Zhao Guangmei's expression change and his eyes becoming sharp, Shi Shouxin simply spread his hands and said nothing.

But if you have the eyesight, you can see it.

"In the Song Dynasty, people were not allowed to engage in pornographic activities. Dance pavilions and song stands were for singing and dancing. Brothels and houses were just a sideshow. You said it was a fig leaf, but at least the number of people was strictly limited. Those who could afford it were After all, there are not many, and the women in these industries cannot be trafficked. As for secret prostitution, there is no way to control it, and there is no need to control it, but after all, it is the women who have cut off their livelihoods who voluntarily do it. I dare not say anything else. At least there is absolutely no such thing as large-scale abduction and trafficking of women, or forcing girls into prostitution, or opening private brothels, at least no one in big cities has the guts."

"You said that you are looking for prostitutes, but you are just looking for prostitutes. But how can you find 2000 prostitutes at once? If you rely on local civil servants, not to mention whether there are [-] prostitutes in Jingzhao Mansion, the local civil servants Can you find these two thousand prostitutes in one day? Can they still be called prostitutes?"

"You are a shareholder of a commercial bank, your eldest brother's sworn brother, and you are still using my name behind you. What can they do? Will you force good girls to become prostitutes? Delegate things that should be done by rebel soldiers to civilian officials? That way I feel comfortable. ?What kind of court is this? What do you want the people to think? It’s better to let those scum use their own strength. Besides, I am still Jingzhao Yin. Although, I have never been to Jingzhao Mansion. That’s it.”

"Yes, Your Highness, you are right. I am ashamed."

Seeing that Zhao Guangmei seemed really angry, Shi Shouxin couldn't help but accuse him again and again, and hid behind him silently.

In fact, Zhao Guangmei's attitude towards pornography has always been that of being a prostitute, and she even intentionally indulged in it. However, due to the strict investigation of the organization, even the Sky Rat did not touch the most basic pornographic business of "horseman" in Kaifeng. Not to mention opening a brothel. The entire city of Kaifeng has a population of 300 million, and there are more than 1 prostitutes, but no brothel seems to dare to open. This thing is his bottom line. Even the bartenders in Fanlou are really What's more, the money from the show is split [-]-[-] with the restaurant, and the money from selling the body goes into the girl's own pocket. The restaurant doesn't ask at all, and there are some who don't charge for it or even rebate it.

Shi Shouxin and others are actually very familiar with him, and naturally they clearly understand where Zhao Guangmei's bottom line is, but... right now, there is really no other way.

Just like in previous years, just find a general to lead them to the village to find the flower girl, and then kill the general for lax control after the battle?Your Highness is even more incapable of doing this.

Compassion does not command soldiers.

The truth is here. If they don't agree with it, then they really have no choice.

After a while, Zhao Guangmei sighed and said: "There are few things in this world that have the best of both worlds. Of course I understand the principle of kindness and not fighting. But to put it bluntly, in my opinion, no matter how difficult the problem is in this world, , it is impossible to have no solution, it is just a matter of the price. Difficulty is for sure. Some things are too difficult, and you can find ways to get over them. However, some things must be done no matter how difficult they are, and they must never be ignored. It's easy to go around and simply choose an easy road, and it's easy for the people to suffer, but I can't afford the infamy."

After that, Zhao Guangmei simply stood up and ordered: "Cao Bin will take a hundred old soldiers to protect him and follow me to their camp. I want to go and meet them in person. These so-called evil young men with carved faces, in addition, Those 20 or so women who couldn't bear to remove the sharp silver were all chopped up by me."

(End of this chapter)

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