Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 203 Why does this King of Qin look like a traitor to Song Dynasty?

Chapter 203 Why does this King of Qin look like a traitor to Song Dynasty?

Electric lights, cement, glass, sugar.

These four can be said to be the top black technologies of the Song Dynasty. Any one of them learned by the Khitan can make their national power rise to a big level.

When Xiao Siwen thought about it, Zhao Guangmei would definitely guard against this kind of technology, just like gunpowder, not letting the Liao Kingdom get its hands on it. Of course, he would definitely try his best to send spies to steal the technology.

But he never expected that Zhao Guangmei not only agreed, but also agreed so simply.

"You...are not going to say something so outrageous about using the Sixteenth State of Yanyun as a dowry?"

"Of course not, just one request, you let Xiao Chuo take the child back to Kaifeng, even if you let her continue to manage the Kaifeng branch of your Liao Guo Commercial Bank?"

Xiao Siwen frowned and said: "It is impossible for me to marry my daughter to you. It is too unreasonable. It is impossible for your generals from the Song Dynasty to marry the Liao Kingdom, right?"

"That's what I said. I didn't say I wanted to get married. Isn't this... making friends?"

"Ah...then I'll wait if you say so. Your Highness...are you so willing?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled, and then nodded quickly, indicating that he was willing to give up, but he was willing to give up.

Again, the national conditions of the Liao and Song countries are different, not to mention that technology is useless by blockade. This kind of principle is very simple, and the scale of the project is very large. It is too easy for the Liao to learn the technology. , spend [-] yuan and throw it in front of the relevant engineers, at least three out of ten people are willing to follow him, and this simple technology can be reproduced by one or two engineers. In fact, Handerang has already proved this pass.

To put it bluntly, the Song Dynasty was also in its infancy and had no barriers at all.

But the most important thing is that this thing may not be a good thing for the Liao Kingdom. Xiao Siwen doesn't want to learn it, and Zhao Guangmei is eager to take the initiative to teach him.

First of all, it is rare for a queen of this generation not to have the surname Xiao. This is also the only one in the history of Khitan. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop. It would be a waste of resources not to take the opportunity to stir up internal relations in the Liao Kingdom. Moreover, this Xiao Siwen, Even the entire Shulu Department was really suitable to be the comprador of the Song Dynasty.

Secondly, the Song Dynasty was really not afraid of the Liao Kingdom's industrialization, and even wished them to engage in industry. Even excluding themselves as a time traveler, in terms of resources, population, social structure, and geographical conditions, the Liao Kingdom was incomparable to the Song Kingdom.

What really caused headaches for the Liao Kingdom was his mobilization order. It was the powerful landlords in the Yanyun area who had already surrendered to the Liao Kingdom. They issued an edict to control a million strings, but these million strings did not need to be maintained at ordinary times. There is no burden. Even at this period, the people of Yanyun have almost surrendered. It is also a clarion call for a hundred thousand soldiers. It is terrible.

However, all of this actually relies on the support of the landlord class, and it must also be supported by the big landlord class, or the leaders of various ministries.

To put it bluntly, this mobilization order is sent to the landlord, and the landlord then mobilizes his own tenants and tenants. As a price, the Liao State must give the landlord or chief an official status, or a corresponding political status, etc. of.

These are all the remaining tricks played by the Han people in the Han and Tang Dynasties, but Zhao Guangmei also has to admit that as long as the internal officials are clean and honest, don't mess with the imperial examinations and cut off the advancement of military meritorious landowners, and there are no vested interests above to block others. This system is really good at fighting, and the heroes of the Han and Tang dynasties were all created this way.

As for the Liao Kingdom, it is quite clear in this regard at present, and there are many opportunities for upward growth.

In other words, landlords, chiefs, especially powerful landlords with swords, armors, soldiers and horses at home, are the cornerstone of the Liao Kingdom. At least so far, they are still the progressive force of the Liao Kingdom.

However, in order to develop industry, urbanization must be carried out, and urbanization will inevitably go against these people. Zhao Guangmei's New Deal in the Song Dynasty caused a bloody storm, and urbanization in the Liao Dynasty was nothing but a moth as far as he knew. In fact, there are more than the Song Dynasty.

Once they are allowed to use big things like electricity, glass, and cement, it will probably be a life-and-death conflict. If the urban economy wants to develop greatly, the prerequisite is that the landlord economy will go bankrupt and the landlord class will go bankrupt. What is the foundation of the cloud?Urban economy?The urban economy is subject to raw materials and markets.

Besides, the more developed the citizen economy is, the more unreliable the compulsory soldiers will be. Everyone will hide when the military service is called for, and it will no longer be possible for all the people to become soldiers. In this way, the most terrifying system of farming and warfare in the Liao Kingdom, this kind of picking up the knife is putting down the soldiers. Weapons are bound to be unable to sustain the people's martial virtues.Because the work in the factory cannot stop, expedition?What should I do if my job is gone after I come back?
In countries with a military conscription system in modern society, conscription is for military pay.

And if the Liao Kingdom wanted to maintain a full-time imperial army, that would be great. Would the Song Dynasty be more afraid of the Liao Kingdom than this?

Third, by developing urban economy and engaging in trade with the Song Dynasty, Youyun's Han status will definitely be further improved, and even the Khitan people will be further Hanized, and the conflicts between the North and the South within the Liao Kingdom will definitely worsen.

The reason why there was the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty was not because Hebei supported Guanzhong and shouldered two-thirds of the national finance and taxation. However, the court was still full of Guanzhong people, and the special mother lived in luxury all day long, so that the wealthy people of Guanzhong lived in peace and quiet. Are the soldiers in Hebei marching forward with heavy burdens?

If the Liao Kingdom wanted to industrialize, its internal conflicts would inevitably be much greater than those of the Tang Dynasty during the Anshi Rebellion, and Xiao Siwen's power was far beyond what An Lushan could compare to.

In short, the purpose of the Song Dynasty was to take advantage of the God-given opportunity that the queen of Yelujing's dynasty was not named Xiao, and try every means to train Xiao Siwen to become the Anlu Mountain of the Liao Dynasty.

It is nothing more than a question of what costs it will cost to achieve this goal.

I was worried that a rash donation of large sums would arouse the vigilance of the Liao Kingdom, but I didn't have a good excuse, so this is what happened.

Of course, the dignitaries of the Liao Kingdom and Xiao Siwen may not have been able to understand these truths afterwards, but in fact it was useless to understand them. Didn’t the late Qing court know that the Westernization Movement would lead to the collapse of the dynasty?
Naturally, Xiao Siwen was flattered, and Zhao Guangmei really went to those factories to get him, without any intention of hiding anything.

"Actually, the Hebei area is not suitable for using this mixed cement for construction. Although the mixed cement is strong enough and has excellent corrosion resistance, it is not frost-resistant. The winter in Hebei is too cold, and it may freeze and crack. Come on, if you can wait later, I can teach you how to make a new type of cement, which is frost-resistant, but the cost will increase a lot, and it is not corrosion-resistant. You can produce that, and then we can exchange ideas. In the future, we We need cement in the northern regions, especially places like Xiazhou, Fuzhou, and Linzhou, and we can definitely buy it from you."

"In addition, because this power plant is hydroelectric, it must have a big river and a height difference. To be honest, I think the conditions in Jizhou are actually better than those in Youzhou. If I were you, I would work on both sides, Youzhou and Jizhou will develop together, and Jizhou has maritime transportation advantages. In the future, we will complete the last piece of the puzzle of the shipbuilding industry, and it will be convenient to communicate with each other. We can also use this as a basis to contact Goryeo, Japan and other places."

"As for sugar production, I don't really recommend that you do it. In fact, I want to move the sugar production in Kaifeng. Our north is not the main sugar cane producing area. Of course, if you want to learn, I will definitely do it." I’m happy to teach, but I suggest that you’d better learn how to make salt and use your strengths to avoid your weaknesses.”

"Finally, Uncle Xiao, let me tell you the truth, you won't be able to remember much of these technologies just by telling you this. Later, you will still have to recruit our engineers. Isn't it very laborious?

Why don't you just send some outstanding young people and skilled workers to study abroad in Kaifeng? Kaifeng has now established a new independent university on the basis of the military academy. It is at the same level as Taixue. You can continue to study higher up. Okay, I am still a doctor recognized by the court. I will go there to give lectures every few days. You can let them learn.

As for technical equipment, don't try to make it yourself. Just tell me what equipment you want and I'll sell it to you. I'll also send engineers to your place for installation and guidance. "

Xiao Siwen was confused.

"You...are you spending a lot of money? What's the conspiracy of your Song Dynasty? It can't be to tease the girl, your highness, we are all powerful people, you want to say that you are deceived by the affair of your children , I have to believe it." "Of course, there are attached conditions."

"You said."

"First, I hope that at least the Yanyun area and the Liao Kingdom can maintain friendship with the Song Dynasty. If Yelujing wants to mobilize for a decisive battle with the Song Dynasty in the northwest, I hope Uncle Xiao can shirk one or two."

"This is natural. What Youyun wants now is development. Once a large-scale war breaks out, all previous developments will be in vain."

"Second, I agree to encourage the exchanges of businessmen from the two countries and further relax restrictions on people-to-people exchanges. Simply put, it is visa-free and tax-free. Of course, we will definitely send spies to you, and I believe you will definitely send us Side faction, let’s cooperate and compete at the same time.”

Xiao Siwen thought for a while and said: "This matter can be discussed. It is definitely not possible to be completely tax-free and without border inspections, but it is necessary to provide convenience as much as possible. It is better to establish a free trade in Xiongzhou without How about a market where taxes are collected?”

Zhao Guangmei thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to Zhuozhou. At the same time, you must allow merchants from the Song Dynasty to invest in Zhuozhou."

Xiao Siwen frowned when he heard this, always feeling that if he agreed to this, he would not be able to control Zhuozhou in the future.

After all, the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun are all areas dominated by Han people. The Song people are developing here, and they may be developing, and there will be no problems for them, the Khitans.

Seeing his hesitation, Zhao Guangmei immediately said: "Uncle Xiao, Xiao Chuo's matter... I'm sorry. Although it is impossible for the bright matchmaker to marry due to his status, I still have to have the proper representation and the proper betrothal gift. It is even more necessary.”

"How to say?"

"I'll give you an interest-free loan. Consider it my betrothal gift."

"Interest-free loan? Sui... Sui coins."

"That's not possible. If I dare to give it to you, I have to dare to accept it. My eldest brother is still in charge of this Song Dynasty. He will definitely not be able to do such a thing that humiliates the country and loses power. Besides, if I do such a thing for a woman, I We also have to be wary of the history pen as sharp as a knife, so we have to take a roundabout way."

"This loan is to temporarily borrow your money and you have to pay it back, but don't worry. Look, this is my plan. This year, I will lend you 100 million yuan first. Next year, you will pay me back 100 million yuan, and I will lend you again. 200 million guan, you will pay me back 200 million guan the year after tomorrow, and I will lend you another 400 million guan.”

Xiao Siwen was stunned: "Then...then what are you trying to do? And you...don't want to regain the Yanyun Sixteenth Prefecture?"

"No more, what are you accepting? We are all a family. What's the difference between the Yanyun Sixteen States in your hands and mine? As long as we, Song and Liao, will always be a family, this is also the case in the Yanyun Sixteen States. What difference does it make in whose hands it is? Uncle Xiao, trust me."

Xiao Siwen: "......"

I believe you as a ghost!You little brat is so mean.

There must be a conspiracy.

But where is this conspiracy?
"Uncle Xiao, I know that the biggest problem for you in the Liao Kingdom to implement the New Deal is the issue of initial funds. You don't have so much money. To be honest, the reason why I can run this business so smoothly is because of the annexation It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, my son-in-law has it!”

"But we have to agree that this money must be earmarked for special purposes and must be spent on the New Deal. In this way, my son-in-law can have an account in the Song Dynasty, and it must be placed in my Da Song Dynasty money bank. In one year, I will first assist you in building a cement factory. With cement, construction projects will be much more convenient, and it will be easier to build city defenses."

Xiao Siwen: "......"

There is a sense of déjà vu that the person in front of me has become a traitor and wants to betray the country for glory.

But... isn't he the crown prince of the Song Dynasty?
"In addition, my son-in-law will give you another big gift. I and the craftsmen worked out a wool spinning machine a few days ago, but my country in the Song Dynasty does not produce sheep. I originally planned to give it to Li Yixing and others so that they can Those who are engaged in textile work in Xiazhou, now that I think about it, let them get down to weaving cotton, come Uncle Xiao, I will take you to see the equipment."

"In addition, transportation is the lifeline of trade. As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, build roads first. After your cement factory is built, I plan to build a spacious cement road between Song and Liao. The road is built from Youzhou to Kaifeng. You are responsible for building half of the Liao Kingdom. With the loan I gave you, only if the road is built smoothly can commerce and trade develop."

Xiao Siwen: "......"

Is my girl so charming?
Is this simply betraying the country?
You must know that Kaifeng City is inherently undefendable. If we build a road again, are we afraid that our Daliao cavalry will not move quickly enough when we go south?

Although the road is two-way, how many cavalry can the Song army use?Even if they take over the northwest, one hundred thousand cavalry would be enough to hold up the sky, right?Besides, the biggest problem of the Song Army was not the lack of horses but the lack of place to raise horses. The horses of the Forbidden Army's cavalry all ate grain.

Is this...not loving the country but loving the beauty?
The child Xiao Chuo gave birth to this time has really made a great contribution to the country, and it has made a great contribution.

But I understand the problem with my own daughter. She is not Su Daji either.

"Oh, Uncle Xiao, father-in-law! I have said this with all my sincerity, why do you still hesitate? We in the Song Dynasty really have no obsession with Yanyun Sixteen States anymore. We What we want now is to think about the West, the Western Regions, and regain the Silk Road, so we also need your strong support, father-in-law."

"Ah this..."

He had no objections to the Song Dynasty taking over the Western Regions. The Xiao family had no interests at all in the west, and the Liao Kingdom did not control the Silk Road. The west was now ruled by the Green Sect, and it was very chaotic. It was really To fight all the way there, the size and strength over there may not be inferior to theirs in the Liao Kingdom.

After thinking about it, I feel that these things are beneficial to Daliao. Although I instinctively feel that there is a pit in it, I really can't figure out where the pit is.

I was also afraid that this might be Zhao Guangmei's impulsiveness. She suddenly heard that she had a child, so she was confused for a moment. She would change her mind after thinking about it tomorrow. She was worried that if she missed this village, there would be no such store.

"Okay, I agreed. You... are very sincere. I hope the friendship between Song and Liao will last forever in the future."

"Yes, friendship lasts forever, friendship lasts forever."

(End of this chapter)

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