Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 201 The Nightless City of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 201 The Nightless City of the Song Dynasty (8k)

"The Khitans are coming out!! The Khitans are coming out on floats!!"

"Long live!! Long live the Song Dynasty, long live the official family, long live the King of Qin!!"

Almost instantly, the people in the whole street were excited. In the palace, countless palace people were also excited and jumped up and down. In a short time, Nuo Da's Kaifeng, 300 million People are excited.

Although it was actually Xiao Siwen who sat on the float, and Xiao Siwen actually did not represent the entire Daliao, Yelu Yanmu, the son of Yelu Wuzhi, had a dark face and looked like he wanted to kill someone, and he had no intention of getting on the float. the meaning of.

But how can ordinary people tell so many apart?
Although these Khitan people are quite reserved, none of them sing or dance, and they don't go around giving out gifts or advertising like Yang Chongxun. They can be said to be the least interesting among the floats that came with them, but they are not at all interesting. There is no doubt that at this moment, they are the brightest boys in Kaifeng.

Many people went crazy when they saw this scene, and yelled at the top of their lungs like crazy. Some gentlemen even took off their clothes without any fuss, and even ran naked on the street, and then were immediately held down by the citizens on the side. Don't let them embarrass Da Song again.

You know, it was only more than ten years ago that Yelu Deguang took over Kaifeng.

The Liao people have always looked down upon the Central Plains dynasty. During the Liang, Tang, Jin, Han and Zhou dynasties, in fact, every dynasty suffered losses at the hands of the Liao Kingdom. The move of 80 people to control the strings and go south was really scary. Even Chai Rong, Although the three states in Guannan were recovered through the Northern Expedition, anyone who knew anything could actually see that he actually took advantage of the increasingly fierce internal conflicts in the Liao Kingdom at that time, and from beginning to end, the Zhou army never really fought against the main force of the Liao army.

The people of Song Dynasty were actually afraid of Liao Kingdom.

As a result, in just a few years, not only had Taiyuan been recovered and Dangxiang surrendered, but the Khitan people had also begun to parade on floats!
In this achievement alone, the Zhao brothers have far surpassed the kings of the Five Dynasties.

Of course, the civil and military officials could see further than the ordinary people. After Zhao Kuangyin was overjoyed, he pretended to be hypocritical and said: "How come it was only Xiao Siwen who got on the bus? Why didn't the son of Yelu House Zhi? superior."

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said to the side: "Xiao Siwen, I'm afraid I can't represent the Liao Kingdom, but brother, this is indeed a great opportunity for us. The differences within the Liao Kingdom have been made clear. Although Yelujing He’s not exactly a fool, but I’m afraid… haha.”

Zhao Kuangyin also nodded, "Yes, it's rare that this generation of Daliao queen is not named Xiao."

It is impossible to directly deceive the Xiao family into treason. They are shareholders of the Liao Kingdom. I have never heard of shareholders changing jobs, but it is obvious that the Xiao family's current attitude is contrary to Yelujing's. Taking this opportunity to kick the Liao Kingdom several times would be a shame for Yelujing, the Sleeping King.

At this moment, the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty wished the Liao Emperor a long life from the bottom of their hearts.

On the other side, Xiao Siwen was sitting on the float, listening to the overwhelming cheers of the people along the street. For a moment, he felt extremely melancholy, and his heart was extremely complicated, which was not what it felt like.

But he really had no choice. The situation was stronger than the people. He thought he could see things more clearly than Yelu House. Apart from anything else, the city of Kaifeng, which had a population of 300 million, gave him the same shock. Someone hit his Tianling Cap hard with a hammer.

He is also engaged in urbanization and building Youzhou City, but as a result of the construction, Youzhou City has not even reached 100 million people. He is very aware of the gap. 300 million people in the city To live, you have to find work to feed these 300 million mouths. How much can the handicraft industry that can feed 300 million people produce once it is fully converted to military use?
The more in-depth contact with the Song State, the more he understood that the Song State's national power was prosperous and powerful, and it was getting bigger year by year. He asked himself, once Song and Liao went to war, as long as Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei were not confused, they would not be stupid. In a decisive battle with the Liao cavalry on the plains, if they relied on strategic depth, a denser population, and more developed industries, the Liao country would actually have no chance of winning.

At least until his business develops as well as the Song Dynasty, there is no chance.

To be honest, even if they wanted to complete their victory in one battle, they actually had no chance of winning. Although Kaifeng was undefeated, he knew that Kaifeng could not resist a crossbow. If this big city with a population of 300 million were to be held by real people, A crossbow was too exhausting for them to defeat the Liao Kingdom.

The situation where the North is strong and the South is weak is probably coming to an end.

Moreover, the domestic politics of the Liao Kingdom are indeed unstable at the moment. Although this mission is not for the purpose of claiming vassalage, it does have the intention of being submissive and seeking peace. It depends on whether the Song State can accept it. If not, it depends on Will Yelujing issue a mobilization order? Xiao Siwen has a hunch that once Yelujing does issue a mobilization order, it is very likely that the Song army will beat the people's brains into dog brains before the Song army can fight.

Anyway, Xiao Siwen had thought about it. If a mobilization order was to be issued, he would definitely obey and disobey it. He would chat with the envoys from the Bohai Kingdom later. If there was a mobilization order, he would let them rebel, use up his energy, and then turn around. He saves his tribe members from death, and their Bohai country can take the opportunity to regain their independence, a win-win situation.

After all, Yelujing's queen was not named Xiao, but a Han Chinese named Guo. He wanted to skip the Xiao family, directly manage the Han people, and directly gain the allegiance of the Han people. This was actually stepping on Xiao Siwen's bottom line, and Xiao Siwen did not hold any serious official position in Liao at this time.

To put it bluntly, I just don’t want to take the Xiao family to play together.

To be honest, it is difficult to say whether Chai Rong did it on purpose when he was able to regain the three states in Guannan so easily, and why Xiao Siwen was so useless.

Even the queen's surname is Xiao, why should I fight for the success of your Yelu family?
The political logic of the Liao Kingdom is completely different from that of the Central Plains Dynasty. If you look at the politics of the Liao Kingdom from the political perspective of the Central Plains, you will become more and more confused. It is not who holds what official position that will have what kind of strength. On the contrary, You must have such strength before you can get any official position.

Yelujing wanted to break this rule. Everyone could see clearly. To be honest, this was not wrong. He was indeed not as incompetent as the Song Dynasty people said. The title of "Sleeping King" really smeared the family.

Not only Xiao Siwen, but also almost all the powerful nobles in the Liao Kingdom were targeted by Yelujing. He wanted to take over all the power in the world and become a true emperor of the Liao Dynasty who would stick to his word and follow the law.

This is definitely not an act of ignorance, right... Anyway, the people of Song Dynasty are very happy, and they like this wise lord.

So at this time, Xiao Siwen naturally had to find a way out for himself and the Xiao family. This is why even though the west is already at war, the east, especially the relationship between Youzhou and the Song Dynasty, is getting stronger and stronger. .

The Liao Kingdom in Yelujing's era was not a tightly integrated whole. It was actually Xiao Chuo who really crushed the Liao Kingdom into a mess.

Therefore, Xiao Siwen wanted to do too much during this trip, and no matter what happened in the west, he personally did not particularly want to fight with the Song army, so naturally he did not hesitate to lose a little face to show favor to the Song Dynasty.

Even after thinking about it, I felt that it was not good to just sit in the car and not move. It seemed too cold and cold. In fact, he should not have this status.

It is definitely impossible to sing and dance, but learn to memorize Tang poetry like the Dangxiang people... It seems inappropriate. It is hard to say whether Linzhou, Fuzhou and Song Dynasty are the same family, but the sixteen states of Yanyun are really all the same. It's a family.

So after thinking about it, Xiao Siwen simply stood on the float and waved to the people. At the same time, he ordered the soldiers to shout: "Youzhou porcelain is as white as jade, Youzhou salt is as fine as sand, and Youzhou horses have strong endurance." .”

Good guy, it’s actually advertised.

Even someone as good at business as Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but be shocked by Xiao Siwen's move.

Thinking about it carefully, what he said is actually quite appropriate. He not only kept his posture extremely low, but also diluted the political factors with commercial factors. After all, are you selling something? Being polite and low-profile is acceptable, even Invisibly, some people might think that the Youzhou porcelain, salt, and horses were tribute from the Liao State to the Song State.

Although even Zhao Guangmei dare not think of such a beautiful thing, some people in Kaifeng will definitely be willing to think so. When the time comes, they will have to promote the sales of these three things to greatly increase the urbanization of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures. Let’s contribute to construction and new policy reforms.

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but sigh: "This can be regarded as being able to bend and stretch. It's not about losing face. Xiao Siwen, fighting may not be bullshit, but he is a great talent. Third brother, if you get along well with this person, you can trade with Liao." Give some benefits appropriately."

"Brother, I understand. It's a pity that Yelu Yanmu still didn't get on the bandwagon after all. He can't let go of his face. The war in the northwest may still require a real war to determine the winner."

"Oh, am I afraid of war? Is Song Dynasty afraid of war? It is good if he is willing to bow his head. If he is not willing, I can just stretch my muscles."

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, thinking that the amount of information in this sentence was a bit large.

"Come on, third brother, we two brothers will go down to pick up the guests."

After saying that, Zhao Kuangyin hugged Zhao Guangmei and went downstairs.

After a moment, trumpets sounded, drums rumbled, and the huge palace door finally slowly opened. Zhao Kuangyin and the envoys simply set up tables, chairs, and benches by the Jinshui River, and held a dinner party. Thousands of palace people began to shuttle , the music and dancers also began to take their places, and the largest state banquet since the founding of the Song Dynasty finally began.

The only fly in the ointment was that the imperial palace in Kaifeng was really deficient. The reason why the banquet was held in the garden was because Zhao Kuangyin could not find a palace so big that could host such a large-scale banquet.

This photo of the Kaifeng Imperial Palace is more than twenty times smaller than the Daming Palace during the Tang Dynasty!
Even though the Song Dynasty now has cement and even steel bars, there is not enough land, and Zhao Guangmei's great ability cannot build a palace as big as that of the Tang Dynasty, so he can only deal with it this way.

This dilapidated palace is far inferior to the palace of Liao Kingdom.

Of course, although there was not enough space, it did not prevent Zhao Guangmei from using other methods to give these envoys a bit of a shock to the Song Dynasty.

As soon as they stepped into the garden, all the foreign envoys couldn't help but were stunned. Not only were colorful ribbons tied everywhere in the palace, but there were also obvious warm breezes blowing. Even though they were outdoors, they were completely... No need to wear a jacket, otherwise it will feel very hot.

Where does this hot air come from?Why is it so symmetrical?
Although the envoys were puzzled, they took off their coats one after another and handed them to their respective palace attendants to sit down.

After the float parade ended, the sky gradually became dark, and it was almost time for the banquet. It was natural to start eating directly. At least except for the Liao Envoy, there would definitely be no one who had no sense and insisted on talking about business at this time. , the rest is just the word "eat".

According to the general process, everyone wants to come, Zhao Kuangyin will set up the score at this time, everyone will say some auspicious words, eat something, and satisfy the vanity of the Song Dynasty and Wanguo coming to court. After dark, everyone should go back to the posthouse to rest, and it’s business. , we will talk about it tomorrow.

As a result, everyone was stunned after sitting down, but they saw that there was a small box in front of each seat on the table. According to the palace people, it was a gift for the distinguished guests.

This gift is actually one for each person, not one for each family. Not only the main table sitting in the front, but also the entourage sitting in the back.

When I opened it, everyone was stunned.

Inside the box were crystal-clear, completely transparent items with different colors, all kinds of gadgets and small ornaments. The material looked like jade but not jade, like porcelain but not porcelain. Even though they were here, they were all nobles. For a moment, I was stunned by the dazzling brilliance of this gadget.

"What kind of treasure is this? Everyone has this...such a treasure?"

Moreover, the shapes of the utensils are different. From the Uighur side, according to their different beliefs, they mostly send Buddha statues and bright Buddha statues of various shapes. From the Dangxiang people, they mostly send various horses and wild wolves with different expressions. The eagles of the Jurchens and Bohai people, the wolves of the Donggu people, and the statues of Confucius of the Guiyi Army are all lifelike, with different colors, and are extremely smooth to the touch, making people unable to put them down.

"This... what is this and how is it made? Why... are there so many?"

Xiao Siwen touched the huge green cow statue in his hand with a dull look on his face. The Khitan people regarded the cow as a totem. He had played with not only a hundred but also eighty cow things, including jade, gold, silver, wood, and even coral. I have played with all the onyx ones, but none of them can compare with the thing in my hand.

If there was only one of this thing and it was given to herself, Xiao Siwen would be extremely happy and pass it down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

But if this thing could be made into a thousand pieces, one for each person, and each one was so lifelike, then it would be different. This thing would definitely not be a treasure, but would make him feel scary.

The first reaction was: It’s over, Youzhou porcelain may not be easy to sell in the future.

Soon, this suspicion was confirmed. After a while, the palace people were carrying large transparent bottles filled with blood-red wine and placed them on their tables one by one. They also took out strange-shaped cups, wine bottles and wine glasses. , is actually as transparent as crystal, and the wine contained in it seems to be glowing with the color of gems.

Seeing this, Xiao Siwen closed his eyes slightly, with a look of pain on his face. He was in a daze, and he couldn't stand up.

"Xiao Xiang, are you okay?" "It's okay. Come on, give me a sip of this wine."

As he said that, regardless of whether the etiquette was appropriate or not, he quickly poured himself a glass, drank it in one gulp, closed his eyes and tasted it for a long time, and then said nothing.

Not far away, Dangxiang Sanhuobao was still shouting loudly and deliberately: "Old Li, Old Li, look at this wine, this is our wine, this is our Dangxiang's wine, hey, look at this wine The color and luster make it look like the best Linzhou wine."

"Bah! You should have some shame. Who doesn't know from the northwest that the best place for wine is our Yinzhou? What kind of wine is there in Linzhou? Dogs won't even eat Linzhou grapes. This must be our Yinzhou The wine, well, it smells delicious, Yinzhou wine, the best wine.”

"You're the one farting, this is Linzhou wine."

Then, the two people, who had a normal relationship and even had a feud, actually started pushing and shoving in the palace, and the quarrel became louder and louder. It looked like they were about to fight. Zhe Deke hurriedly saw this. He stood in the middle, and occasionally shouted: "Stop fighting over this, okay? Maybe it's the wine from our prefecture?"

But after all, he wanted to save face, so he didn't shout loudly, and all the limelight was stolen by Yang and Li.

Then he left an impression on these envoys: this wine comes from Linzhou or Yinzhou, and Linzhou and Yinzhou produce good wine.

After Xiao Siwen tasted it, he ignored these three living treasures and instead ordered his attendants: "Go, grab a bottle of wine from the attendants behind and give it to me to try."

After a while, after drinking, he said, "Go to the Jurchens' table, get the wine from their entourage, and give it to me to drink."

After a while, after drinking, he sighed again and said: "Go to the Khotan table and bring me a bottle of wine from their entourage."

When Yelu Yanmu saw this, he couldn't help scolding him angrily in a low voice: "What are you doing? Even if you like drinking this wine, there is no need to do this, right? Can you not embarrass me, Daliao?"

Xiao Siwen sighed deeply and said with a wry smile: "Third Young Master, don't you feel scared?"

"Fear? What am I afraid of?"

"The luminous cup of grape wine. The Han people have had the habit of drinking wine as early as the Han Dynasty. However, the price of this cup has always been extremely expensive. Even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, out of Guanzhong, even in a prosperous place like Luoyang, I think It is not easy to drink a glass of fine wine. It is not an exaggeration to say that the price is more than a thousand catties. Unless you are a noble prince, you cannot drink it."

Yelu Yanmu sneered: "So what? Today, envoys from all countries have arrived. I heard that the Wu and Yue countries are willing to offer their country to surrender. Naturally, the Song people will not hesitate to spend money."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Siwen shook his head and said: "However, this thing is not a good thing in the Western Regions. Although I dare not say that everyone can afford it, at least a well-off family can consume it without worries. Do you know why? ?”

Yelu Yanmu frowned and said, "What does this have to do with you and me? Why do you say this?"

"Because the grapes are fermented into wine, the shelf life is extremely short. Normally, it will not exceed ten days at most before they become sour. It cannot be transported from the Western Regions to the Central Plains. Therefore, if the Central Plains people want to take a sip of authentic Western Region wine, The wine must be cooled down with ice cubes from time to time. It is usually transported in dozens of batches. It is a big deal to have a bucket that can be drunk, and it cannot be stored at all. It has to be delivered to the nobles' houses for enjoyment on the same day."

"So, the luminous cup of grape wine is not about the value of the wine itself, but the grapes produced in Liangzhou, so the wine is also produced. Therefore, in frontier places such as Liangzhou, the wine is only available to dignitaries. Become a regular drink.”

Yelu Yanmu frowned and said, "What exactly are you trying to explain?"

"With so many people drinking wine together, no matter how much the Song Dynasty attaches great importance to this banquet, it is impossible to transport wine from the northwest to the Central Plains and let so many people drink it at the same time using traditional methods. Unless, this The shelf life of wine has become longer, which requires a large amount of sugar to be added to the grapes when making wine. However, sugar is often impure. Adding it to wine will cause the wine to be mixed with odors, which will cause the wine to lose its flavor. If it’s inferior, the wine won’t taste good.”

"I've drunk a lot of this wine. It's dry, refreshing, and must be very good, with no impurities. This means that this wine must be made from sugar, and it's made from top quality sugar without any peculiar smell!"

"Sugar has been eaten occasionally by rich families since ancient times. It is a top-quality sugar cube that does not contain any impurities and has no peculiar smell. It has been the best thing in all dynasties. Young Master, you are the prime minister's son, but this kind of sugar, How many have you seen and how many have you eaten?"


"Song people are no longer satisfied with eating such sugar, but use it to make wine on a large scale. I tasted it specially and found that my entourage drank the same wine as us. Even the entourage of the Khotan envoy, and You and I drink the same thing. Look at the Jiedushi envoys of the three parties, they do not hesitate to show this ugly posture, but they also want to promote this wine. I am afraid that this wine is enough for large-scale mass production. This shows that the Song people The sugar making technology is extremely superb, it is pure, and the quantity is large, I am afraid that everyone can afford it."


Yelu Yanmu was also shocked when he heard this. You must know that sugar was an extremely important strategic material in ancient times. He was also extremely envious for a while, but he still said stubbornly:

"So what? It's just something for extravagant enjoyment. The people of Song Dynasty put all their energy on such extravagant enjoyment. Their soldiers will definitely lose their will. What's the use of fighting against our two countries? Wait for it someday. When Daliao comes to Kaifeng again, aren’t all these good things ours?”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Siwen shook his head again and said: "It's not that simple. The sugar-making technology is so advanced. The benefits of this are too great. This is the power of the handicraft industry. Not all sharp weapons have to be used to kill the enemy on the battlefield. In addition, this Transparent as ice, as porcelain as jade, these two things are probably better than a hundred thousand soldiers. Not to mention, only with this sugar can we have this wine. Do you think this party will fight against the three states in the future? Song, do you dare to rebel against Song? Once these three continents become dependent on Song Tang, these three military envoys will probably withdraw and be replaced by prefects."

After he finished speaking, he heard someone applauding him not far away. When he turned around, he found that it was Li Yixing.

This is also an old friend.

"Xiao Xianggong is Xiao Xianggong after all. You can analyze so many knowledge from this little wine. I admire you. I admire you. But you are almost right. This candy from Song Dynasty can be sold to us for fifty Wen Yijin is made of top quality snow-white sugar and rock sugar. As for how such high-quality sugar is made, I don’t know. By the way, Mr. Yelu, have you ever heard of something called compressed biscuits?”

"Humph, of course I've heard of it, what's wrong?"

He got angry when he talked about this thing. Ever since the Song Army had this thing, the mobility of its cavalry far exceeded common sense. His father was stunned to lose his temper by Zhang Qiong and Dang Xiang's cavalry on the battlefield in the west. Puzzled.

The Liao people couldn't beat the Song people when they were playing cavalry. This is really annoying to mention.

"The most important raw material for that compressed biscuit is sugar. Only with sugar can there be compressed biscuits. Third Young Master, don't underestimate this sugar. Once this thing comes up, the national power of the Song Dynasty will be greatly improved. As for this transparent This thing... I have a feeling that this thing will be more powerful than sugar."

"What, Li Jieshuai, are you here to show off your power?"

Unexpectedly, when Li Yixing heard this, he suddenly burst into laughter, then took out an invitation from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Siwen. He said with a smile: "I heard that Mr. Xiao also attaches great importance to trading companies in Youzhou. We are close neighbors who founded the Liao Kingdom Trading Company. Trading between us is much more convenient than your direct trade with Kaifeng. There must be many opportunities for cooperation. As for this wine, can you buy it directly from us? I wonder if you are free tomorrow, could I invite you to come?"

Seeing this, Xiao Siwen smiled and took the invitation from Li Yixing, and said with a smile: "Easy to say, easy to say."

After that, more and more people came to deliver invitations to Xiao Siwen. Obviously, these envoys came to Kaifeng for a rare trip and happened to run into Xiao Siwen. They all hoped to have a chance to chat with Xiao Siwen. Even the envoys from the Bohai Kingdom did not exception.

How mature have you two become, why are you still joining in the fun?

Then Yelu Yanmu realized in bewilderment that all these greeting cards and invitations were actually sent to Xiao Siwen.

Not one was sent to myself.

That’s not right, I am the envoy of Daliao!

Xiao Siwen has finished class. His father, Yelu Wuzhi, is the real prime minister of the Liao Kingdom. Under one person, he can handle all important military and political affairs.

Did you worship the wrong person?
Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sound of bells and drums playing more and more urgently. Brothers Zhao Kuangyin, Zhao Guangyi, and Zhao Guangmei finally changed their clothes and walked slowly into the garden.

Among all the ministers, except for Yelu Yanmu and Xiao Siwen who were still sitting firmly behind the table, the rest of them stood up sensibly, bowed with great salutes, and called the saint, long live the saint.

The Central Plains Dynasty, the good thing is that it is like this. If you kneel down, you can't miss two taels of meat, and you can get more rewards. Therefore, it is like this regardless of whether it is related to the Song Dynasty or not.

Yelu Yanmu just snorted, his nasal voice full of sourness, and the eyes of those who looked at Jurchen, Bohai, and Ugu were about to burst into flames.

"Everyone, get up. Today, we won't talk about state affairs, but just have fun with the banquet. Everyone who has come from afar, please eat and drink well. By the way, are you satisfied with the gifts that my third brother has prepared for you?"

Naturally, everyone said they were satisfied.

Zhao Guangmei explained with a smile: "This object, called glass, is our national treasure of the Song Dynasty. You can't find it outside the Song Dynasty. Even I took nearly five years of trial production before firing it. I just gave it to you." Everyone, please express your feelings."

After saying that, Li Yixing, who was more familiar with the Song Dynasty and more courageous, said: "Of course we are extremely satisfied with your highness's gift, but your highness, the sky is getting dark now, why don't you light the lamp? Besides, I Why didn’t you see the lampstand? The sun will set soon, wouldn’t it be necessary to eat in the dark?”

"Yes, Your Highness, we feel right now... we feel a little unclear."

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei smiled, looked at the sky, and said: "That's right, it's time. Since you think it's dark, let me, the Great Song Dynasty, hold the light for you."

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei stretched out her hand and patted it gently, but no one came to hold the lamp. Instead, one after another workers blew out all the lights in the hall, making the entire garden even darker.

Everyone still didn't know why, but they saw a firework explode in the sky. Not long after, very suddenly, the entire garden suddenly lit up. Colorful and dazzling lights were on the bridge in the garden. The corridors, walls, and even the roofs lit up one after another, and it was as bright as day in an instant.

All the foreign guests were dumbfounded and had no idea what was going on.

Li Yixing raised his voice, pointed at Fan Tower high up and shouted: "Fan Tower! The whole building of Fan Tower is lit up!"

Some people couldn't help but climb up to take a look, but they fell down with a loud sound.

"Kaifeng...Kaifeng...all...the whole of Kaifeng is lit up, as bright as day, as bright as day! The lights, the lights are on on the road."

Everyone ignored the etiquette and restraint and climbed to a high place to take a look. They saw that the whole of Kaifeng was like a fairyland. Countless lights were on. The lights of thousands of houses were actually on the road, on the houses, and even on the signboards. Then, bursts of Waves of cheers came from outside the palace and from the streets, roaring into the palace and into their ears.

At this moment, the entire Kaifeng, with 300 million people, was boiling over this.

Seeing this, Zhao Guangmei introduced with a smile: "Everyone, welcome to Kaifeng, the city that never sleeps. The Song Dynasty is honored to witness with you. From this moment on, the era of electricity, the sun, the moon, the stars, day and night, are all controlled by me, the Song Dynasty." Master, if I want it to be bright this day, he must keep it bright."

With a snap, the chopsticks in Xiao Siwen's hand fell to the ground, and his whole body felt as if he was missing.

(End of this chapter)

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