Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 197 9 Deaths and 1 Life?

Chapter 197 Nine Deaths?
Facts have proved that Cao Yuanzhong is still a political figure in essence.

The reason why he believes in Buddhism is because most people in Guazhou and Shazhou believe in Buddhism, and the ethnic composition there is too mixed, with no dominant ethnic group. It is true that such a religion is needed to serve as the largest foundation of society.

However, today is different from the past. The Song Dynasty is too powerful, rich and generous. Gui Yijun can actually use the Song Dynasty as his base. Even he has become a shareholder of the trading company. Then, what do they want us to believe? Let’s just believe it.

Anyway, they are pretty much the same thing.

It can only be said that gods, gods and ghosts tend to become more instrumental and politicized as they reach higher levels. It is said that even Zhao Dezhao is now holding a Buddhist scripture and walking around major temples all day long, looking pious. The posture of wanting to take refuge in my Buddha is extremely great.

But in fact, everyone who knows him knows that this dynamite maniac believes in Buddha, and he just wants to fight Dali!

In the same way, if the Mingjiao thing is really exported back, and he is the leader of the Mingjiao religion, it will actually be of great benefit to the Guiyi army to turn against the guests and rule the Uighurs. After all, the Uighurs were once able to compete with the Tang Dynasty and Tubo. He is one of the top three heroes in the world.

Even the envoys of the Uighur embassy did not have much resistance to this. After all, they had long recognized those who were in power as heroes, and now the Manichaeism of their Ganzhou Uighurs was indeed being cannibalized.

The predicament they are facing right now is this: either they will be used as dogs by the Liao people and eventually be annexed by the Shazhou Uighurs, or they will be used as dogs by the Song people and eventually be annexed by the Guiyi Army.

It's almost the same.

If they are annexed by the Shazhou Uighurs, they will also have to convert to Buddhism. But if they are annexed by the Guiyi Army, they can convert to Mingjiao?
Although there is a big difference between Mingjiao and Manichaeism, does Mingjiao still evolve from Manichaeism? It is similar to the relationship between the Persian General Altar and Guangmingding. Although everyone does not know each other, in the end it is still the same A family.

If Mingjiao can really be established in the northwest, it might actually be a good thing. Judging from the ambitions of the Song Dynasty, it is impossible for them not to want to reopen the Silk Road. If they can have the help of the Song Dynasty, maybe they can Through this Mingjiao narrative, what about developing westward and eventually unifying the Uighurs?

I heard that many Uighur compatriots in the west have converted, and the cannibals are already aggressive in the west.

Then, Zhao Guangmei wrote a letter inviting the Ganzhou Uighurs and even the Shazhou Uighurs to send representatives to discuss the rewriting of the Mingjiao doctrine. After thinking about it for a while, he even brought Lu Mengzheng in, and finally thought about it again , and invited Fan Zhi out again.

"Give me a complete one, with Confucianism as the backbone, and the characteristics of Song Dynasty Mingjiao."

Fan Zhi said with a confused look on his face: "But Zi is speechless and is in chaos..."

"Confucius? How many armies did he have?"

Then, this group of non-believers, devoid of awe, and almost atheists got together and started to create a new religion that combined the three religions of Confucianism, Fire, and Buddhism.

As for those high-level officials within the Mingjiao, those who should be killed and those who should be retained, Zhao Guangmei, in order to show respect, has handed them all over to Cao Yuanzhong for disposal, and made it clear that the Guiyi Army must be from the Song Dynasty in the northwest. Even the most important starting point in the Western Region.

Letting go of one end, the other end is not idle either. The Beggar Clan and the Yizimen fought and even used firearms. It is not a trivial matter no matter how you look at it. This means that Zhao Dezhao is not in the capital, otherwise just one of these four people would use gunpowder. Words, this matter must set off a huge case.

The Yizi Sect was able to obtain a large amount of gunpowder, but what about the Khitan people?
Who knows whether the Yizi Sect sold a large amount of gunpowder to Khitan?

What can't a group of gangsters accomplish?

Of course, the Beggar Gang needs to be dealt with, but this matter has become a big deal now. Zhao Guangmei has skipped Kaifeng Mansion and directly mobilized the patrol camp, and even submitted a letter to formally establish Kaifeng's armed forces.

Anyone who belongs to the Beggar Clan should be arrested and killed as long as there is conclusive evidence. There is no such thing as evidence. This is not a society governed by the rule of law. Even if you kill the wrong person, you will kill the wrong person. I just walked through it. In the troubled times of the Five Dynasties, there was no need to pay so much attention.

At the same time, a large-scale crackdown was carried out across Kaifeng. All subordinate officials and bureaucrats from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and even the East Factory had to work overtime and be on call around the clock. People were welcome to report, and the East Factory was even expanded.

Not only beggars, petty thefts, and even bullies could be punished. They would all be stabbed and sent to Hunan to open up wasteland and become thieves and army soldiers. They would not be merciful to the people of the Yizimen.

As for those behaviors such as collecting protection fees, and even the behavior of coming to your doorstep to collect protection fees, Zhao Guangmei simply supported the Shang family to kill people, killing first and then interrogating.

Kaifeng's new regulations stipulate that all stores should be equipped with crossbows, and each manufacturer must form its own factory guard army to implement the no-compromise law. If you encounter anyone who buys for zero yuan, if the warning is invalid, you can kill them on the spot, as long as they are on their own territory. , the killing was not a public servant, not guilty.

The ministers were naturally very critical of this. Zhao Guangmei said that there were nearly 20 full-time soldiers stationed in Beijing around Kaifeng, not counting the veterans. If this scale could be overthrown by civilian armed forces, , then what will happen if our Song Dynasty gains and loses the people's support?
What is needed is a man with strong military ethics. Zhao Guangmei has been thinking about this for several years. Every time he thinks of the millions of cavalry that the Liao Kingdom can mobilize at any time without spending a penny, Zhao Guangmei drools with envy.

Of course, the main body of the Yizi Sect is still there. Some ministers in the DPRK hoped to take this opportunity to clear out all the scumbags and bring peace to Kaifeng. However, Zhao Guangmei refused forcefully and almost used his own political reputation as a guarantee. Saved the Skyward Rat.

Kaifeng is inseparable from the car and boat shop, and Kaifeng is inseparable. This person is indeed very important to the development of Kaifeng. If there is any security incident, at least he will not be unable to find him.

Of course, those who engage in prostitution under the Yizimen, and those who set up gambling through the hooks and tiles, should be killed. Zhao Guangmei's attitude is that as long as you don't engage in pornographic gambling, we will treat you as legal.

Kaifeng City's public security reform is in full swing.

On the other side, Zhao Kuangyin's relationship with his wife also plummeted visibly.

On the day she returned from Daguangming Temple, Queen Wang was furious. The next day, she asked to talk to Zhao Kuangyin, but Zhao Kuangyin naturally ignored her.

Queen Wang was very angry and had a stomachache from the anger that day.

The next day, she was still very angry and her stomach hurt even more.

On the third day, my stomach still hurt.

This is so damn sick.

Someone was sent to find Zhao Kuangyin. Zhao Kuangyin thought she was pretending to be sick and was still angry with him and ignored her.

This Queen Wang also had a strong temper. Seeing that Zhao Kuangyin ignored her, she simply carried it on her own. She thought to herself, if a person only has a stomachache, can it still hurt someone to death?
Like this, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

"The official family, the queen...she can't do it anymore."


After thinking about it, Zhao Kuangyin finally took a look and saw that Queen Wang was already pale and rolling on the bed in pain, and she was as thin as skin and bones.

Zhao Kuangyin, who had been married for many years, was startled at this moment and quickly ordered the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat her. The result was: "In the official family, the queen's abdomen is heavy and strong, and it hurts when she suppresses it. She urinates frequently and feels like being drenched. She has fever all the time, spontaneous sweating, and she gets sick again." Cold, this is... this is... lumbrical process, also called... intestinal carbuncle."

Zhao Kuangyin cursed angrily: "I can't understand what you are saying, so just tell me how to cure it." "This... minister, I can prescribe a prescription and give it a try, but..."

Zhao Kuangyin stared at him eagerly, so scared that he didn't dare to say anything.

It was Queen Wang who endured the pain and cursed: "But what the hell is your mother, can't you just say it more freely? As a doctor, how can you treat diseases if you speak so hesitantly? Just tell me straight away, can I still live, even if I am dead? , and it has nothing to do with you.”

"This... back to the queen, if the intestinal carbuncle disease is... if it is discovered in time, the intestinal carbuncle disease can be cured without any harm. However, the queen has already entered the lungs, and if you apply the decoction again, I am afraid it will be... difficult. You have the power to save yourself."

"What did you say?!" Zhao Kuangyin picked up the imperial doctor again.

"Officials!" Queen Wang shouted loudly while lying on the hospital bed: "Can you be considered a hero if you vent your anger on others?"


Zhao Kuangyin's eyes turned red at this moment, and tears began to fall.

He stepped forward and held Queen Wang's hand: "You blame me, you all blame me. I hurt you. Queen, I...I hurt you."

"Ha, ha, hahahahahaha" Queen Wang kept laughing and said: "God's will, this is God's will. It seems that I am not worthy of being your queen after all. It is God who wants to accept me."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Kuangyin burst into tears.

There is no doubt that Queen Wang is definitely not a good wife. However, at this time, countless pictures flashed through Zhao Kuangyin's mind, but they were all about the good side of his wife.

Especially before he became the emperor, or even before he was inspected in front of the palace, the two of them were so loving and respectful to each other.

Why is it that now that they are emperor and empress, their relationship has become so estranged?

When I think about it again, the imperial doctor said that this disease can be cured when it doesn't occur urgently, I feel like my heart is twisting in a knife. I just feel that all this is his fault, but all the bad things about the queen have been almost forgotten. .

"Treat the Queen carefully and treat her well. If she is cured, I will give you a lot of rewards. If she can't be cured... alas~, my dear, I must do my best to treat her."


Intestinal carbuncle is a common disease. In fact, even if you are not a doctor, many people do not understand this disease. When there is no emergency, you can use Dahuang Mudan Decoction to treat it. Although it may not cure the root cause, it can at least treat the symptoms. Continued Life is always possible, but if there is an emergency, it will be too difficult.

All kinds of news came to Zhao Kuangyin, and it was almost certain that his queen had narrowly escaped death. He was suddenly sad and in great pain. Not only did he attend the court meeting, but he also went to Xiangguo Temple to pray for the queen in person.

"Buddha, Buddha, the queen has always believed in you. What happened today is also caused by you. Please protect me from the Buddha and make sure the queen survives this disaster. The believer Zhao Kuangyin will worship you devoutly. If you are unwilling to help my queen, My disciple has no choice but to tear down your Buddha statue, smash your temple, and use explosives to blow up your damn place. Chai Rong can destroy it, so why can’t I destroy it?"

All eminent monks from Daxiangguo Temple: "..."

Zhao Kuangyin did not return to the palace, and simply stayed in Daxiangguo Temple to pray for the queen. What stood out was his sincerity.

"Guanjia, Guanjia, Guanjia, please return to the palace quickly. King Qin, His Highness the King of Qin has entered the palace. He said he has a way to save the queen!"


Zhao Kuangyin was so happy that he glanced at the Buddha statue before leaving and muttered: "I believe you are useless, not as good as my third brother."

All the eminent monks: “…………”


When Zhao Guangmei arrived, the entire palace was now filled with an atmosphere of sadness and silence. The palace people even walked with their heads down. The maids and eunuchs did not dare to speak unless necessary, and no one dared to joke.

"How is sister-in-law? What does the imperial doctor say? Let me go and see sister-in-law."

But Zhao Defang suddenly stood up and shouted at Zhao Guangmei: "I hate you. It's all because of you that my mother became seriously ill. It was you who harmed my mother!"

It was Empress Dowager Du who slapped the second grandson on the face.

"Someone, take the second prince away."

"No~, I won't leave, I won't leave~."

"Take it away!!"

Then, Zhao Defang was taken away.

Empress Dowager Du asked again: "Are you sure about this matter?"

"This symptom, I call it acute appendicitis, is that there is something growing out of the intestines. All you have to do is disembowel it, cut it off, and sew up the belly, and it will be fine. You have to let Ling'er do this. Ling'er will do it. My son has had some surgeries over the years, but they are still mainly for women giving birth or trauma to limbs. This..."

Zhang Ling'er smiled bitterly and said: "Don't say [-]%, I don't even dare to say nonsense even if I'm [-]% sure."

Zhao Guangmei said hurriedly: "But at least there is still [-]%. If we don't do this surgery, we will really have a narrow escape."

Seeing this, Empress Dowager Du looked at Zhao Guangmei very seriously and said bluntly: "If you don't come forward in this matter, her death will naturally have nothing to do with you. To you, her death of being seriously ill is not a problem." It's a good thing, but if I die by your hands, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it clearly."

Zhao Guangmei smiled bitterly: "Of course I know this, but mother, this is my sister-in-law after all, and my family after all. Don't you always teach us that family is the most important thing?"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Du held Zhao Guangmei's hand firmly: "Okay, okay, very good, you go ahead and put her to death. It's just that her life is not good. I'll explain it to your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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