Chapter 185

The city of Chengdu seemed to be recovering from a serious illness. It was like an enthusiastic and unrestrained girl, waving to everyone who passed by. It was so lively and prosperous that even the outside of the city gate was filled with vendors setting up stalls to sell things.

There were many people coming and going, but no one checked their place of origin or the directions. It was clear that the war was not over yet, but Quan Shixiong was stunned to see the feeling of singing and dancing in peace.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little angry: Are my rebels being taken so seriously?Not even a basic defense?
The entourage beside him also said: "This King of Qin is a little too arrogant. If we enter the city in white, and 800 people secretly sneak in, and then suddenly burst out, how will he deal with it?"

After saying this, Quanshi Xiong thought about it for a moment and then said: "No, if you really do this, then you are playing into the hands of His Highness King Qin."

"What does that mean?"

"Even if 800 people enter the city, what's the use? There are [-] Song Imperial Guards stationed in Chengdu. They don't rely on the city walls. Even in field battles, we are no match for these elite Imperial Guards."

"But we can send out spies to do damage."

"Haha, this King of Qin doesn't want us to cause sabotage. What he is fighting for with me now is people's hearts. If we cause sabotage, even if some people die during the battle, he will not hesitate to put the shit basin on me. On the head of the people who died, and then gave the people who died this time a glorious burial, making it known to everyone, and finally paid a huge price to compensate the families of the people who died and were injured, so as to gain the reputation of being a virtuous and benevolent person. In this way, I became I am a bandit, not to mention that I will lose the hearts of the people of Shu, and I am afraid that most of my brothers will abandon me."

"Ah, so that's it. Damn it, His Highness King Qin is so despicable."

But even he himself didn't realize that when he mentioned Zhao Guangmei now, he actually used honorifics.

Even now everyone in the rebels uses honorifics when referring to Zhao Guangmei.

Quan Shixiong felt a little bitter in his heart, but said calmly: "Let's go in and take a look."

"Ah! Look, my king, there are people hanging on the tower."


Quan Shixiong had already seen a large circle of dried corpses hanging on the walls of Chengdu City, but this seemed to him to be normal.

After all, this is wartime.

However, after walking in, Quan Shixiong couldn't help being stunned, because there was a large wooden board hanging on each corpse, with the cause of death and identity of each of them written in large characters.

The one facing the city gate reads: "The barbarian general Mi Guangxu robbed all the heroes' families as slaves, destroyed the peace, oppressed the compatriots in Sichuan and Shu, and sentenced him to death to serve as a warning to others."

The soldiers around him were illiterate. Seeing Quan Shixiong staring blankly at the corpse, he couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, what is written on it, and who is it, hey? Your Majesty, why are you crying?"

"He is... Mi Guangxu, my family... my family..."

After thinking about it for a while, I finally sighed and forget it.

"His Royal Highness King Qin is indeed courageous."

Then I thought about it, but couldn't help but ask a fruit seller on the roadside, "Boss, there are so many corpses hanging on the city wall. Who are they? Why do I think there is a Song Army?"

The boss smiled boldly and said: "What do you mean there are still Song troops? These are all Song troops! You came here too late and didn't see it. If you had come a few days earlier, even Wang Quanbin would be hanging there."

Quan Shixiong looked responsible and said: "Wang Quanbin, the coach of the expedition to Shu, was really hung up for public display?"

"Yes, our Highness said, merit or demerit, the person was chopped down to give an explanation to the people of Sichuan and Sichuan. However, after being shown to the public, the body was sent back to Kaifeng. He wanted to be entitled to the Ancestral Temple, and his son succeeded him as the king of the county. Jue, I also gave the stock to the company. It is said that their family is now the non-imperial shareholder with the largest shareholding in the company besides King Fu Wei."

"King Qin... he even killed the Commander-in-Chief."

"More than just the Commander-in-Chief of Killing, Deputy Privy Councilor Wang Renfan, well, from that position, he jumped off the city wall and fell to his death. He thought he committed suicide out of fear of crime, and after all, he was a civil servant from the Privy Council, so there was no difficulty for him. His body was not displayed to the public."

Quan Shixiong couldn't help but ask: "Are Wang Quanbin and Wang Rengan actually dead? Then...Cui Yanjin, now he..."

"You also know General Cui? Hey, this General Cui is a fierce general of our Song Dynasty. Within two days, he personally led his people to repair the plank road into Shu under a hail of bullets. It is no exaggeration to say that this manpower can carry Ding, bravely championing the three armies, His Highness the King of Qin personally praised him, this man is as brave as King Xiang! He is truly the most powerful general in the world!"

Hearing this, Quan Shixiong's mouth twitched and his heart felt uncomfortable.

It is normal for the Song Army to brag about itself. The so-called King Xiang is the most powerful in the world. This prefix is ​​actually very normal in recent years. Almost every generation of generals has to pick a few of them to brag about, such as the previous ones. Shi Yanchao, Zhou Dewei, Wang Yanzhang, and Li Cunxiao have all boasted like this, but in fact it is nothing. In the eyes of a veteran with strong qualifications like Quan Shixiong, this title is purely to fool the young.

As for generals, the more they are praised for their fierceness, the sooner they will die. The above-mentioned Xiang Wangzhiyong all died very early, but the real generals will never boast about their fierceness, such as Li Siyuan, Fu Cunshen, Fu Yanqing, and Zhao Kuangyin, the current official of the Song Dynasty.

If we really want to talk about fierceness, when he was a general, Zhao Kuangyin was much more fierce than his contemporary Shi Yanchao. But when Zhao Kuangyin was mentioned, everyone's first reaction was benevolence, but it was righteousness. Otherwise, how could he be an emperor?

But the question is, shouldn’t you be from Shu?

Why is it that we have the Song Dynasty in the left mouth and the Song Dynasty in the right mouth?

Even if the Song Dynasty really produced a powerful general comparable to Xiang Yu, why are you so proud?
After thinking about it, Quan Shixiong couldn't help but said: "But I heard that the war is not over yet, and the King of Xingshu will have a decisive battle with the Song army. Well... I heard that he will go to Mianyang. If Mianyang is If they are defeated, these Song troops in Shu will have no way to enter the sky, and they may really be trapped to death?"

Unexpectedly, the hawker said: "Quan Shixiong? Impossible, how could he defeat the Song Dynasty soldiers? If they take ten thousand steps back, if they really take Mianzhu, I will risk my life and fight with these rebels!" "

"Fighting with...the rebels? Are you, aren't you from Shu? Or are you from Song? No, your accent is indeed from Shu."

Unexpectedly, the small businessman said: "Aren't the Song people and the Shu people all descendants of Yan and Huang, children of China? Your Highness said that the rise and fall of dynasties is determined by carnivores. What are we, the common people of Guizhou, getting involved in? Now we are The land of Shu has returned to the Song Dynasty, and these days are much better than before."

The tooth soldier on the side couldn't help but became furious and cursed: "You, how can you think like this? Do you still have any sense of courtesy and integrity? We are the country of Shu and the people of Shu."

"Yes, but hasn't Meng Chang, the Emperor of Shu, surrendered already? The kings of Shu have already surrendered, but that Quan Shixiong didn't surrender, and brags about being a loyal minister and filial son? Bah, I think that man is just for himself. The big rebel leader is ambitious, regardless of the safety of our people in Sichuan and Shu, and is full of undesirable thoughts. He clearly wants to establish himself as a king, separatist power, and continue to exploit our people's wealth and wealth like Meng Chang did."

" fart!"

Ya Bing was so angry that he even pulled out his weapon, but was pushed back by Quan Shixiong's big hand.

"I see, thank you very much, little brother."

When the merchant saw this, he was not angry, but said: "Are you two from other places? I know that the Song Army did many wrong things due to military discipline issues when they entered Shu. This is the fault of His Highness King Lian Qin." You have also admitted it, and you are also here to receive the five-string compensation, right?"


"Will you pay five guans per ding to compensate the Song army for the losses they caused to us Sichuan people after they entered Shu?"

"Isn't that the settlement allowance given by the recruiter?"

"What kind of job do you want to find? What kind of home do you want to settle in? If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, don't go. How can such a smart person like His Highness the King of Qin keep letting us people take advantage of him? It's obviously intentional. Who can't see it? Ah, hey~, His Highness the King of Qin really loves his people like a son."

All the heroes and tooth soldiers were silent.

The merchant also patted him on the shoulder and said: "I don't know how much you suffered when the Song army entered Shu, and how much hatred you made with them. I can't advise you to look away, magnanimity, but As humans, since we are still alive, we must look forward."

"Look, ahead, there is the city of Chengdu. Why don't you go in and take a look?"

"Thank you, I do intend to take a look forward."

Then, he led the tooth soldiers into the city. Even though his men were filled with indignation, he just smiled and said nothing.

Then as soon as he entered the city, he saw a very majestic man sweeping the floor with a huge broom, but behind him it seemed like someone was serving him, with hot tea ready at any time and a hot towel to wipe his sweat.

"Your Majesty, do you know this sweeper?"

"It's a one-time relationship, isn't this Cui Yanjin?"


After inquiring, I found out that although Cui Yanjin did not die like Wang Quanbin and Wang Rengan, the King of Qin had sent Cao Bin to lead people to rummage through Cui Yanjin's family property, and found out that the property worth [-] to [-] yuan was confiscated. , also held a public trial of Cui Yanjin in Chengdu, and welcomed the people of Chengdu to come forward and point out Cui Yanjin's mistakes, such as burning, killing, looting, etc., euphemistically calling it resignation.

Of course, the final result must be that no one identified him. After all, he was the commander of the Infantry Guards and one of the three commanders of the Song Dynasty. There is no reason to do the burning, killing and looting personally, right?In the end, he could only be sentenced to the crime of lax control of his subordinates.

Then he was punished to sweep the streets of Chengdu for three months to atone for the sins of the people of Chengdu.

To be honest, this punishment is really unnecessary. At this time, you can see who is the true confidant. Cui Yanjin is Zhao Kuangyin’s confidant and one of Zhao Song’s own. This so-called punishment is actually pure What a show, it actually did more good than harm to Cui Yanjin himself. This matter will be a good talk in the history books.

But with so many people in Chengdu, Cui Yanjin can be seen sweeping the streets every day when he comes in and out, and he is specially asked to perform while sweeping the streets. The people who come and go are asking: Who is this? , oh~ turns out to be Cui Yanjin, the third commander in chief of the Song Army, who is known as the most powerful in the world.

"The King of Qin in the Great Song Dynasty, his ability to win people's hearts is really astonishing. He is more than a hundred times better than Meng Chang."

Shaking his head, Quan Shixiong watched his former rival sweep the streets like he was humiliated. He didn't feel the slightest bit of pleasure in his heart. Instead, he became more and more upset as he watched, so he continued to walk forward.Then, before taking two steps, it was obvious that a group of Song soldiers who looked like party members were seen on the street. They actually threw away their swords and helped an old man build a house. After asking people, they found out that this man was actually a close aide of Yang Ye, the rookie general of Song Dynasty. Ya soldiers, and Yang Ye and the soldiers he led have recently been responding to the call for military and civilian fishery conditions put forward by His Highness the King of Qin, and they must help the people in the city within their capabilities.

It is said that I have to write reports every day, and if I don't write well, I will be punished.

Because Yang Ye has now succeeded Wang Quanbin, especially the Shatuo Corps under him, these personal soldiers and confidants of Yang Ye are naturally the future mid-level officers of this regiment. Whether this good man does good things well will directly affect his future. Affecting everyone's distribution, coupled with the iron law that what goes well must be what goes down, the biggest problem in Chengdu Mansion at the moment is that there are too many warm-hearted Song soldiers, and there are not enough widows and widowers who need help.

It is said that an old lady was helped by eight party soldiers on the road eight times in one day.

"Come on, come on, if you are the one is starting, if you are the one is starting, go look, I won't be able to find the place for a while."

"You Are the One?"

Quan Shixiong looked at the city in bewilderment as many people in the city ran to one place, and he followed them in a daze, and then his eyes were opened.

The original Houshu Palace was surprisingly demolished by Zhao Guangmei and turned into a park. Quan Shixiong asked. In the future, this park will be owned by all Chengdu citizens. As long as they pay five cents, they can go for a walk in it.

After Quan Shixiong paid the money and went in, he discovered that there was actually a program inside. In this garden, a blind date program called If You Are the One was actually being performed everywhere. Every place had three floors inside and three floors outside.

Squeeze in and take a look, boy, this is so exciting.

"Hello, 24 female guests, my name is Wei Ergou, from Shatuo. I...I haven't married yet, but I have already bought a house in Kaifeng with a loan. After I go back this time, I will be a member of the Imperial Guard in Beijing, and I will be a bodyguard. The ace of the company is the elite crane-controlling army. I like to listen to operas and sing operas. I, I will sing you an empty city strategy."

Then, this guy actually sang like this.

All Shixiong were dumbfounded.

"What is this for? And...where do these women come from?"

The crowd watching the excitement laughed and said: "Are these women beautiful? They are all Meng Chang's harem beauties. Meng Chang, why do you think he married so many women by himself? All the good-looking girls in Chengdu are inferior to us." He went to the palace, and His Highness said that even if it is to be distributed to the soldiers, the choices of these poor people must be fully respected. No, this is what we have done. The meritorious soldiers in the Forbidden Army must also show their talents and sincerity. These are the requirements. The girls liked it and nodded, and then they were taken away."

"You mean, these women were all palace servants in the past?"

"Yes, they are all poor people. Thank you for waiting for His Highness to come and liberate our Sichuan and Shu. Otherwise, this life will be ruined."

Quan Shixiong: “…………”

After thinking about it for a moment, Quan Shixiong figured out the brilliance of it.

This is Chengdu, the original capital of Hou Shu. When he rebelled, all the people in Sichuan and Shu missed the Meng family, and he also used the banner of returning power to Meng.

But now, when the Chengdu people are walking in the original imperial garden of Meng Chang, watching Meng Chang's harem beauties and soldiers of the Song army dating and getting married, how can they still have any respect for the Hou Shu regime? ?
On the contrary, there was a hint of hatred.

Almost all the people here call Meng Chang by his first name.

Zhao Guangmei said directly that the reason why these harem beauties were not removed was because the imperial palace in Kaifeng was much smaller than that in Chengdu and could not accommodate so many women.

The subtext is naturally: "Look, this place is so big, so good, and so beautiful. It was all made by Meng Chang who shaved off your people's wealth and anointing." '

'I heard that Meng Chang's chamber pots were all inlaid with seven treasures. Zhao Kuangyin was dumbfounded and asked him, why did you make this thing so beautiful? Do you have the money to burn it? '

'You see, the Shu Kingdom is just a small country. It actually built a palace bigger than the Song Dynasty and collected so many beautiful girls. He took all the beautiful girls away. After so many years, no matter who has a beautiful girl, , a little bit pretty, but she was taken away by Meng Chang. There are three thousand beauties in the harem. This three thousand is not necessarily an adjective. '

Quan Shixiong guessed that these women might not necessarily all be from the Hou Shu Palace. Even if they were all, they might be mixed with a large number of ordinary women in the future.

This shows how debauched Meng Chang is.

It makes Sichuan and Sichuan men very angry, especially those who cannot marry a wife.

After all, Hou Shu has not had any large-scale foreign wars for more than [-] years. There are really not many widows, but there are really many bachelors.

And in this way, it seems that Song Jun suddenly changed from a vicious look to a cute one.

After all, it is indeed quite silly to see them singing and dancing in pursuit of the girl they love, some boxing and some reading poetry.

The beauty of this move lies in the word "begging". In essence, it is still the distribution of spoils, but in front of everyone, the choice is given to the female guest, and the feeling of robbing the girl is reversed in an instant. Now, every couple holding hands can receive warm applause and sincere blessings from the people of Chengdu. They all sincerely think that they are both talented and beautiful.

Isn't it better for a girl to marry a Imperial Guard of the Song Dynasty and go back to Kaifeng to live a good life than to be trapped in a deep palace and wait for her beauty to grow old?
As for Meng Chang, you can say that he is unattractive, but at least you have to admit his vision. His harem, even the minor maids, are indeed beautiful women. The number one pervert in the Five Generations is really not in vain. .

Moreover, these women have been trained in the palace, and most of them can indeed be said to be well-educated and sensible. With these four words, they are much better than the ordinary women from the common people in Guizhou. This is not good for these ordinary big-head soldiers. It is definitely a benefit, and being able to marry such a wife is definitely a good thing for them.

Even Quan Shixiong discovered that the proportion of Shatuo soldiers among these imperial soldiers was obviously too high. This was clearly a way to please those Shatuo soldiers.

Besides, the Shatuo people, after all, have been the masters of the world for so many years. The Later Tang, Later Jin, and Later Han Dynasties were all Shatuo people's political power. Starting from Guo Wei, it actually only took 13 years for the Han people to regain the country. The Shatuo people were very powerful. big.

If there were no ethnic conflicts, that would be damning. If not, it would be impossible for Wang Quanbin not to be reused in the Zhou Dynasty for ten years. Zhao Kuangyin's expedition to Shu with Wang Quanbin as commander was originally a signal to the Shatuo people, and Zhao Guangmei Playing such a song, allowing these Shatuo people to marry Han women can also completely break the last intra-ethnic marriage of these Shatuo people. If this happens for another thirty to fifty years, there may really be no Shatuo people in the world. .

This is a lot of carvings.

His mastery of skills is evident in every aspect. Compared with His Highness the King of Qin, Meng Chang is indeed not even worthy of carrying shoes.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here"

After that, Quan Shixiong led his tooth soldiers and left the Shu Palace Garden, and went to the market for a walk.

But I saw that the market had become extremely lively. It was so dilapidated a month ago, but now it has a feeling of feasting and feasting. Although I didn't see the dancing pavilion and singing stage, the Goulan tile houses were better than Several more were opened in the past, as well as teahouses, wine shops, and restaurants. Many, many new ones have been opened. It seems that everyone's business is very good.

The issuance of five-guan yuan vouchers per person has quickly restored the purchasing power of Chengdu, and even all people around Chengdu, and has also quickly restored Chengdu's vitality.

There are countless unseen things coming from all over the world, especially the novel canned fruits, which actually use a lot of sugar water, but the price is not expensive. Even Quan Shixiong couldn't help but buy another after eating one. the second.

Although there is no dance pavilion and singing stage, there are many storytellers and opera singers in restaurants and on the streets. Unlike people in the Central Plains who like to listen to the history of the Five Dynasties, the people in the Shu area still prefer to listen to the history of the Three Kingdoms, especially the history of the Three Kingdoms. The newly compiled Romance of the Three Kingdoms under the guidance of King Qin made the people of Shu applaud and praise it.

It is said that the original weaving workshops in Chengdu have now restarted, and their production scale is even larger than before. His Highness the King of Qin personally went to each workshop to inspect the projects, and transferred countless skilled craftsmen from the head office of Kaifeng Commercial Bank to inspect the weaving. The machine has been improved.

Of course, the most profitable myth in Chengdu now is saltpeter. The common people who are ambitious and familiar with the mountain roads have become the lead party of the Song army. They wish they could go into the mountains to find saltpeter for the Song army all day long without eating.

He, Quan Shixiong, was originally from Chengdu. He was born and raised here, and his family is here. But when he came back this time, the changes here made him stunned and almost felt dizzy.

It wasn't until I was tired from shopping that I found a wine shop I was familiar with before, sat down to have a drink, and chatted with the waiter. The shopkeeper was surprised to recognize him and said: "You are... you are... General Quan? Are you?" came back?"

"Ah, back."

"Let's go! Let's go! There are many regular customers in this wine shop, and they will recognize you without a doubt! If you don't leave, maybe the Song Army will come soon."

Quan Shixiong smiled and said: "Brother, I have been drinking your wine for more than 20 years. Why do you feel that your wine is now cheaper?"

"Thanks to Your Highness, the transaction tax, salt and iron tax, and wine tax have been abolished in Chengdu. That's why the wine can be so cheap."

Quan Shixiong said: "Brother, do you admire His Highness very much?"

"This... hey~"

"Do you think your life as a Song citizen is better now than when you were a Shu citizen?"

"Of course, who is Meng Chang? How can he be compared with His Highness? Your Highness has only been in Chengdu for more than a month, but our lives have already been turned upside down. I used to hear that Prime Minister Zhuge governed Shu, and I heard that under his rule, everyone in Shu was well clothed and well fed. The world has changed in just a few years. I thought this was too exaggerated. But now that I have seen His Highness’ methods, I know that this is the court that our people should be loyal to. General Quan, I say no. To put it bluntly, a man like Meng Chang is not worthy of your allegiance or death, he is not a good king, he even has seven gems on his urinal."

Quan Shixiong couldn't help but smile. Why didn't His Highness the King of Qin finish grabbing Meng Chang's urinal when it turned black? Is it already known to the whole world?
But he said: "I am not loyal to anyone, but the Song army killed my entire family and kidnapped my wife and daughter. What would you do if you were me?"

"Ah this...this...I am just a wine shop owner, I don't know about this."

"Haha, how about I give you some credit for our acquaintance?"


"Go and tell King Qin that all our troops are waiting for you here."

 medium cup

(End of this chapter)

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